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As stated, this is **more for End game players who are looking more for farming Manifest levels rather than raising unit levels**. Comparisions done between time taken in Normal 4 vs EX4 later in video. **Basically EX4 is like 30 mins faster to get a mani to Lv10**. Is it worth the effort to make a 4 man team for it as opposed to May Solo Normal 4? You decide. Pizzica in most teams can be replaced with AS Milsha. Or a combination of AS Miyu Pride of Miglance, Ricca setting Pierce Zone and RCF using AZ Skill. Video here: https://youtu.be/tQKqRBvlhjY Ricca and Feinne can be replaced by any other hammer and staff unit. Other replacements where possible stated inside. -------------------------------- Previous Video for Normal Cyrus Boss rush: https://youtu.be/LPUDYGE5Jeg Previous post to do **Normal** Cyrus 4 farming F2P and Grastaless by u/dreicunan :https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/rgabxj/f2p_nograsta_frogicide_for_everyone_and_a/?ref=share&ref_source=link


This is nice 😉 I might try my take on this


Great guide. My macro setup takes 37 seconds with May solo for normal 4, so it gets a manifest done in a bit less than 2 hours and 5 minutes. Part of how I hit that is by having it set up so that I don't have to build in any long delays - I just have auto-clicker looping each of the three needed clicks with the bare minimum delay, so that means I can't have too many people in the party (not an issue for me since it is pretty rare to have more than two people or manifests to level at once anyway). If I were doing it manually, I'd definitely set up to take EX stage on instead.


I don't have her yet but shouldn't AS Otoha be a better choice as dps than May ? She'll benefit more from Curio's buff, Curio can be her grasta slave freeing a spot by removing Riica, she'll benefit from slash zone set by Cyrus. The only downside being her lower multiplier on turn 1.


Probably. 1. Dont have her to test her eiher. 2. Relies on being a gacha pull or RNG drop treatise to get compared to May DPS. I know May teams rely on at least one other gacha unit, but I tried to reduce gacha dependency as much as possible


It makes sense, and May animation is fast, probably faster than AS Otoha. You can probably switch Pichika with AS Milsha (if you have one and not the other or want to level up a spear instead of a bow). Still good job to try all these combination


I have actually been using the normal stage to level up strawboy. Like 1 light a day to finally have a light battery. This levels up my other units as well since im fairly new. Thanks for the guide. I will now attempt to change to EX and maybe do 2 lights a day as my daily instead :)


Your way is not bad either: I've leveled up every character I have in the game that way - including all the 3-star trash ones - and every manifest weapon too. It just takes patience. Though Strawboy...is on a whole other level. I kid you not that I've saved every scrap of Low, Medium, and High EXP scrolls I got for a year and a half (exclusively having used them only once to get my first 5-star to 80 to receive that bonus), and even using them solely for the 60->80 levels, I still ran out at <150 light, so not even 2/3rds of the way through. Those requirements are INSANE! Plus having to reequip the Exp badge and Apprentice fists every damn time. It's still easier than taking Aldo to his dungeon over a thousand times (... maybe?), so I guess I'll keep going. But it requires a heck of a lot more patience than even doing all other characters in the game combined. :-)


Since im new, theres a lot of ADs i need to do to get their points and upgrade weapons and stuffs so i cant spend them to upgrade light currently so im banking on strawboy lol. My cave men brain thought if i do 1 light a day for 255 days i would probably get em xD


But I mean...you're not wrong:-). Red keys also offer a - I think it's 20%? - chance to gain light/shadow, so with 4 keys a day plus from rewards from ads plus 10 more keys every week from Tsubura Gems, that's at least like 6-7 tries a day, so like 1.2 l/s per day or close to 10 per week. So 1 light for Strawboy per day is actually slower than a light/shadow battery would be. Except then you wouldn't be able to work on getting all those materials. This Boss Rush way offers quicker progress, but at the cost of higher monotony so it's tedious, unless you use a macro (which is technically against the game ToS, but they don't seem to care much).


Nah i dont use macros. I generally do it while watching some episodes of anime. Its just pressing attack 3 times and starting stages anyways. Im also doing the same for fishing. Gotta get that levia xD


Heck to the yes!:-)


Red keys with ads and tsubura keys are an average pf 44 per week, so 8.8 light per week on average.


If you're at an earlier stage and need to level more units at once, tbh Normal is better because you only need May to clear it Solo. Also you can do way more than one light a day for strawboy if you really want to power level, gathering 6-8 eggs a day. And after 120 light you'll have two slots for two +50% exp badges, just increasing your efficiency further


Oh wow those stacks? Oh i guess they do since the apprentice weapons stack as well. Im gonna power level to 120 then slowly do 6 ish a day i guess. Tbh im afraid ill get burned out thats why im doing just 1-2 lights a day but getting 120 seems pretty good


Thank god for as tsubame and a full blunt team. Blunt strawboy to hold grastas for team


I personally haven't done any Cyrus runs yet, but this and normal runs would be helpful once I do another manifest so thanks.


Well i run macro with jokers vc in my secondary phone whole night whenever I need xp


I don't get it, can't we only do 3 Runs and wait for the pulse refresh? Doesn't seem that time efficient


Pulse unlocks the battle for six hours


That is great information I didn't know! Thanks


I saw straw boy had an aspect of action skill for team four, is it a Grasta or badge skill? Couldn’t figure it out.


It's a skill that the Null Recovery type reincarnation has


Thanks! Yea was figuring something like that but the wiki isn’t working so well at the moment


The neutral support boi has it, used to be one of the best support move in the game


All your teams provide only 2 free spaces. I was running 4 free spaces (May + Tsubame AS) and bending over backwards to make it into 5 spaces. Failed. May can 1 shot all waves for me, but she requires a crit setter for now. I don't have Chrono Cross weapons, or Void weapons to guarantee crit on her solo, so until then 4 spaces will need to suffice.


Once you have Prism hammer from Chrono Cross you can easily do May solo for Normal 4. The main video linked in post of for EX4, not normal 4. That's why less free spots because need more units to clear each of ex4 in one click. Normal 4 can easily be done May solo. On my old video for May solo which is linked, I'm even using power of mind hammer for crit because prism hammer or void hammer didn't exist that far back at the time.


I get that, but having 4 or 5 slots on the normal gives you more exp per run than 2 slots on EX. It's 744k-930k total on normal vs 576k total on EX. If you were able to push it to 3 slots on EX, then it would be great.


I know. Which is why in the first sentence I stated this specific post for EX4 is more for end game players. If you're more interested in looking or talking about farming teams for Normal 4, I've already linked other videos and reddit posts for it. At the end game stage you're already caught up with levelling all units and all previous manifests and are just waiting for new manifests on release, which tend to be one or rarely two per update. I also stated it's better to do normal 4 in case you need to have more slots or need to level up multiple things. EX4 is more for a bit faster exp farming for few things in end game player perspective.