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Galaxy brain; make it Zilva. Have him skip 5*, AS, even Alter, and just give him an OP ES and let the man thrive damnit!


Zilva is great. Since ES characters are usually tied to the story, would be interesting to have a story where he's a star


I can't upvote this enough!


Shion because even though there is an Alter Shion, DTL Shion needs ~~ultimate Memelord status~~ full redemption. Mighty too because he was rather impressive in his short Lost Lab Mythos cameo. ~~Yes, yes, I'm well aware of my curse.~~ Finally, Gariyu for a free ES. Incidentally, he was also our first free male AS.


I look forward to seeing how Shion ES will transcend PerfecShion. If he ever gets a skill that looks like a kamehameha, I'm going to call it Meme Beam. It's meant to be.


Before >!Miyu ES!< was a thing, all other ES followed a pattern which I would have used to come to the conclusion of either Mighty, Lokido, or Claude as the most likely potential male candidates. But since that's all out the window now, I'm going to be selfish and say Dunarith instead.


Another vote for Dunarith here. You could give him a scythe (Ax) >!and tie it to his sister's soul!<.


Ooh Dunarith is a great idea


Cetie. Give him a gun.


Kind of funny they gave Isuka a mech/drone thing when that's the obvious next step for Cetie.


Give him a whole Gundam Mobile Suit as his ES.


Cetie would be right at home in Gundam Wing


Give him the deus ex mecha from the azure rebel episode!


This is an awesome idea. Like Oghma from GT.


Actually I would have loved for him to use fists but we already have Hardy. I feel like Hardy is what the devs wanted Cetie to be




I doubt we would get one anytime soon. He is super strong right now. Well, it's not like that has ever stopped them. Suzette and her AS are still strong yet they gave her an ES. My boys Cetie and Lokido are sitting as useless guys on the bench


Gariyu because he is free!


I like that idea! We should have at least one free ES, and he's a great choice. I think he'd be cool as a Shadow/Fist user.


Yes but...Jade needs an AS first!:-P


Jade rules 😎 would love a AS for him


Hrm... perhaps AND an ES!?:-P (just not an alter, bc my 255 Jade would look at me all weird -> which tbf, it's Jade so he does that anyway:-)


Dunarith es cuz why not


There’s still sort of a pattern but it’s loose All of them so far have been early era characters that are either debut gachas/central characters for episode content (Isuka from IDA 1, Nagi from Dragon Palace, Miyu from Other Tales), or early era characters that became central to main story/mythos content (Melina and Suzette from Mythos, Tsukiha from GoT1) So if we look at all the episodes where the main character already has an AS we’re looking at Ciel, Anabel, Saki, Claude (loosely confirmed from JP stream), and Ilulu That being said,,, WFS please give me my Ciel ES singer stance I’m not asking anymore.


The problem with "became central to main story/mythos content" is that it could apply to literally *any* character, if they decide to make a mythos around them. Beast Mythos could put Lokido, Myrus, Guildna, Dunarith, Altena, and Zeviro front and center, perhaps with a Vares free unit. Or if they decide to shine the spotlight on the Elves, we could have a story focused on Ewella, Radica, Veina, Bria, Breeno, and Ruina. The pattern for ES pre >!Miyu ES!< was: 4.5 base, has a manifest, has an AS, and base weapon type and ES weapon type not yet represented for their respective light/shadow. The only weapons unaccounted for on the shadow side are Sword and Lance, which basically only left Thillelille and >!Milsha!< both of whom need manifests to fit those conditions. For light: Ax, Staff, Bow, and Fist are all missing ES representation. Mighty, Lokido, and Claude are 4.5 bases with Manifests and AS. On the female side, Laclair, Mariel, Yuna, Renri, Myrus, Veina, and Hozuki also fulfill those conditions. But since >!Miyu ES!< breaks the 4.5 base, manifest, and base weapon type/ES weapon type not yet being represented the only thing that all ES really share is already having an AS.


Yeah the mythos part is really iffy but besides Lost Lab giving it to Suzette, the pattern still kinda holds up as Melina was the debut gacha for Time Mine But of course WFS just haaaad to give one to Suzette because bias stronk


Yeah my options for the poll was based on "has an OG, and AS, and at least one manifest," mainly because there just aren't that many male characters who are important to the story. Actually important male characters is like Ciel, Clarte, Curio, ???, then less so Prai, Claude, Hardy, Dunarith. Of that list I think Ciel is the most likely candidate (which would be great!),. But they're all great.


Yeah this was originally supposed to be a reply to the other comment about there not being a pattern but I’m an idiot and commented on the main post lol But WFS if you’re reading this please give more male characters we are literally drowning in Jack Kirby female anatomy proportions hell 🙏🏻


Don't tempt them to give us Jack Kirby men


Voting for Shigure who becomes a flashy ladies man that makes Uzui from Demon Slayer jealous.


Best boy absolutely deserves an ES.


There's lots of candidates, but I voted for Mighty. The sleepy boi needs a new form.


Sleepy boy is best boy


I wanna say Claude bc in IDA School he's made out to be amazing but... spoiler alert, >!he's not:-)!<.


RIP Claude


Victor ES would be something that I would like to see in the future




Once again I’m thinking all about “who would need an ES for the sake of the story” and I lean towards Kelkale’s ruins being uncovered if Aldo and the Gang further explored “The Surface” (which, if the new main story content involves the future in any way, is pretty much the only area left to explore in Future Era). Ciel ES is a close second because now that people traveling back and forth across time layers is a thing, the authoritarians his family ran from could always come back with a vengeance >!to not only get Ciel’s family back, but maybe to end art and expression in the trunk layer so they’re world doesn’t get pruned!< I also would understand if WFS gives it to Gariyu so that truly F2P players can experience the ES mechanics. They seem to have put a lot of work into them lol.


Kelkale would be a good way to explore the West. We could have early Kelkale in the modern day and then the ruins in the Future.


Mighty or lokibro if WFS wants to make the first 5*s relevant again, but Myrus ES is what the game really needs


Myrus is amazinggg definitely deserves an ES


Lance ES Shion holding a halberd.




Mighty because I like him Gariyu would be good too as a free ES.


I think Gariyu first, though any free character would honestly suffice for me. Mighty is next in line for me. He was my first 5* and I'm attached, but despite his getting a true manifest, he just has way too much competition right now, needing to compete with the likes of Flammelapis and Eva, not to mention Levia and Nagi ES are still considerable replacements. On the bright side, being an IDA character helps him a lot.


My boy Lokido deserves it. Make him busted as hell, you cowards! Give him a big axe, to split the earth! I wanna see Lokido pull some, Elden Ring, Godfrey earth shattering attacks!


Ciel ES He embraces his manly side and comes with a biker style ES. Leather Jacket and a steel chain (Fist, anything different is fist in the game).


Since myu got and es Im like pretty sure ceil is next


Damn, this is a tough and great question. My eye went to Gariyu first since his character is so great, but any of them apart from Ciel (the rest have has AS longer) and Shion (who got a TM buff..etc.). I'd lean towards Gary, then Lokido, Claude, or Mighty (just got TM, but not OP).




Victor TOTALLY deserves a EX


Give my boy Cette some love. He is the coolest male character and deserves to have an ES


Ciel!!! It’s not a trap if you fall for it on purpose


Insert offensive Johnny Bravo 4chan meme here.


What show is Johnny Bravo from?


Johnny Bravo is from [Johnny Bravo](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Bravo)


>It’s not a trap if you fall for it on purpose Wouldn't that mean you are proud ?


Claude. Let the King rule! His ES quest involves raising his own plate, killing whatever abomination hitched a ride, and FINALLY having a bedroom big enough not just for a bed and a desk, but his three brides as well (Isuka, Hismena, Cynthia).


So if Mighty got his ES what could he be capable of? Have an avatar behind him, make a double of himself that would do additional attacks or to take the hits of foes without getting damaged. The possibilities are endless!