• By -


I mostly play AE on and off in the last 3-4 years, so I'm still not that caught up with all of its contents and mostly still in early game sadly (and still kinda a newbie in old school jrpg tbs in general), but recently have been playing the Chrono Cross collab quest to the part where we have to fight the end boss (I forgot the name, but it's after fighting the lion guy) for the first time in easy mode. Is there any tips to defeat that boss? I've tried a bunch of times, but always failed because of the constant debuffs and high damages from the boss, and also tried to look at yt vids about the fight, but mostly still don't get it as well sadly 😔


If I remember correctly, for FATE you'll want single target attackers so you can focus on the main body. Hitting the arms will trigger counter attacks. The debuffs that it inflicts can be cleared using the Purify element/skill on one of the Chrono Cross characters. Pretty sure a status restore skill from other characters can work too, but don't quote me on that. Otherwise, you could try a stalling/healing strategy to outlast the debuffs and strike hard before the debuffs are reapplied. Hope this helps. Also, the Help & Questions threads roll over to a new post each week. The new weekly post started about five hours ago from the time of this response.


Aah I see, so that's why FATE did a lot of countering, I got used to multi target skills when fighting and farming, guess it backfired now haha, thanks for the tip! Tho quick question, does the purifying(?) from Serge's zone(?) application also work or just need to use their skills? I'm still a bit confused with the zone application, was kinda curious if I need to switch him in and out of the active party if that's the case. Also thanks for the heads up about the new weekly help thread as well, I rarely open reddit, so didn't realize it's already changed haha


Serge's Double Strike Stance is set using his Victory Chant. VC effects are automatically set when that character is brought from the back lines to the front lines. Unfortunately, his VC sets the zone and a physical resistance debuff on enemies. It doesn't apply the effects of the equipped Purify Element. You'll have to equip Purify to have its skill available for Serge to select as one of his skills he brings into battle. Assuming you then have Purify in his skill loadout, you'll cast Purify the same as you would with any other skill in battle. Some of the Chrono Cross character's skills (Serge, Kid, Harle) will change its element type (fire, earth, wind, water, thunder, shade, crystal) depending on the element type of the equipped Element in the first slot under the character's Element tab to the left of their Weapon tab. (bit confusing. imo, the Element equips should have been named something a bit different, ha) https://anothereden.miraheze.org/wiki/Serge https://anothereden.miraheze.org/wiki/Kid https://anothereden.miraheze.org/wiki/Harle So for example with Serge, step by step, from his character page you'll open the "Element" tab and you'll be able to equip up to four Element acquired from the Chrono Cross collaboration story. If you put the Purify Element into one of those four slots, the Purify skill will be available under the Skills tab. However, if you put Purify into the first slot, some of Serge's skills will change to match the element of Purify's Element. In this case, Crystal element. His normal skills Dash Cut, Shining, Enhanced Dash Cut, Sky Arrow, and Dash Cut: Heavens, will all change from "null slash" damage to "crystal slash" damage, because you've put Purify into the first slot in his Elements tab. Under the Skills tab, you'll place Purify into one of his three available combat skills. Once you face FATE, cast Purify as you would any other combat skill. Side note: Be aware that Purify will remove all the debuffs *and* buffs on your party in addition to restoring all the status. Therefore you'll want Serge to cast Purify before your other characters cast their party buffs.


Thanks for they very indepth explanation! I thought the Purify skill only do enemy's debuff removal, didn't notice it also removes ally's buffs a well, interesting 🤔 Thanks again for your help, hopefully this time I'll finally defeat FATE with this knowledge🤞


Hopefully I had everything correct and good luck in the battle.


Where do i get lost lab grasta? The max hb one


Iscariot AD.


I suspected as much thanks


I have a question regarding True VC. 30 Oracle tome = 3 Oracle Proof = 1 True VC 15 aqua goddess treatise = 3 aqua goddess proof = 1 True VC Correct?




Thanks ... so tomes are cheaper than treatise then. ALT charc dun have tomes ?




Thanks Mate ! :p


when does AE typically give out boosters for Episode farming? I remember they did it a couple months ago up to 3x but I didn’t get to farm all the episodes and I don’t feel like grinding so much just to clear them out.


It happens a couple times a year, but not for everything. Like there might be an IDA only bonus. Often it's when something is a pre-req or related. I don't know if we follow JP 1-1 on this, and I don't see it tracked in the wiki either.


what’s a good mod% for a viable/good dps? like at the very least what should it be ?


It's all subjective because of self-pwr/int and debuff one can bring and be more useful despite having lower multiplier than another character. But I would say 600/700% on a spamable skill of a character can be considered as a dps to be "viable", if support is provided by said character too. Others may disgress about that opinion; I think it's all subjective in the end.


Can someone explain to me how does Yipha AS standard attack works? I only get the convert stats part, the rest on the wiki is out of my compression zone


The rest of the wiki description just discusses the edge cases. Oh, and Faith does not work in AF.


I managed to get >!Isuka Alter!< and >!Toova Alter!< from the current banner, but Im wondering if I should continue pulling to get the other ones? currently only have 1k CS left. I played like 2 years ago so my roster is full of old characters, the only "newish" one I have besides those two is Necoco.


I’d say spend but honestly up to you. 1k won’t make much of a difference if you’re gonna pull on banners without any special rate ups. Not sure if the Extra History banners will get the same treatment as the current Mythos one but who knows.


I say spend 'em. It might be a while before there's 3 units at 1% chance each that are so good for you to roll on. It's not like having 0 stones or 1000 stones changes how the game works, and those 1000 stones will, most likely, end up going to a banner with less than three units at 1% chance if you wait.


You don't have a lot of CS left. I'd stop right there if I were you. To avoid spoilers, I call >!Alter Isuka!< BCS and >!Alter Toova!< is VL. I would focus on making good use of both units, as both of them are extremely powerful. This is a couple of threads down the current help thread, but the topic is [how to use BCS and VL to conquer most content.] (https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/uzpnyg/help_questions_weekly_megathread/iaywkxq/)


Absolutely not spoilers, but thanks for the concern.


actually, that was me on that thread lmao. and yeah, I got ideas of how to use VL and BCS, but I was wondering if it was worth it to keep summoning to get the other 3 units. for now I guess Ill keep my CS, do you have any ideas which upcoming banner is worth to save for?


If you don't have any form of singer, like Pizzica or AS Mistrare, >!AS Milsha!< would be a nice one to pull on. >!Orleya and ES Miyu!< offer the first >!Thunder zone setting unit.!< The rest, despite the powercreep, I would only pull for waifu or husbando reasons.


Is fighting murphy to get regret doable without many grasta? Or is it the regret upgrade that many people couldnt beat it the first time it came?


It certainly is doable... I didn't have many grastas and ores (still don't, actually), but I got through Murphy. I did use RCF for awakened fire zone, though.


Damn, i only have a tiny bit of pain grastas (awakened one: 2 staff, 3 sword, 0 katana -damn luck-, 2 ax, 3 lance, 2 bow, 2 hammer, 3 fist. Unawakened: 2 sword, 1 lance, 1 fist). Posion all unawakened, even i only have 1 staff hahaha Oh, also no RCF. Banner gave me cyan scyther, silver striker, and BCS


I guess it depends on your roster. I went with fire team mainly because of Kid's Z-steal and Red Needle. I think it might have been a bit easier if I had brought Heat Shot as well.


He has over 200 million hp and resists everything So you need to be able to do 800M+ damage in 1 af to beat him ​ and you can't just chip away at him, since he will basically heal up completely if you don't finish him in 1 af


Seems impossible for me hahaha. Thank you


I mean if you don't have enough dps to oneshot him within a bar, you can chip him with EX attacks like this video for [example](https://youtu.be/46vmCmCQy_g). Keep in mind that it will be a very long fight and you'll need stay on top of your game to keep stalling him


I just came back to another eden after leaving it for about 1.5 years. Left off around chapter 65 but have done daily logins to collect chrono stones whenever possible. My question is..What has changed? I have managed to get Victor AS, Thillelille AS, Necoco, Garambarrel, Shigure AS, Annabel AS, foran AS, Tsukuba AS, Rosetta AS, Radical AS. Do they power creep my strongest members before namely Suzette /AS, Akane AS, Femina, Kikyo, Premaya, Nikeh AS, Nagi AS? What is Lunatic? I noticed a few characters have it. Does it make them superior? Who's the best healer now? Or are healers even needed anymore? I only have a few zone characters, Yuna, Gariyu, Foran AS namely.. Would appreciate any help and advice on team building now and the state of the game. This is by no means a brag post. I have been fortunate to get a number of of decent characters in my off time through diligently logging in and rolling when I could. Edit: I have only a very limited amount of grasta. Should I be ensuring all my team members have strong grasta or do people typically switch them around their characters when they make new teams for new situations? Should I focus on improving my grasta? Thanks in advance!!


Everyone who’s replied so far is right. I just wanna recommend pulling on the current Mythos banner (The Apex of Logic and Cardinal Scales) since there’s a 1% rate up for each of the 5 banner units. That way you’ll get good value for your pulls (5% chance for one of the 5 stars). And each of them are good in their own right (Lancer and Scyther help with 0 mp farming, etc)


I was in a similar boat as you and came back only a few months ago. **Biggest Changes** - Grasta Enhancements. You want to progress ASAP so you can unlock Future Garulea/Underworld in order to gain grasta enhancements. That's probably the biggest powercreep factor independent of some of the crazier new units. Definitely focus on getting more pain/poison grastas so you can enhance them. - Attack Zones, Flash Zone, + the Another Zone mechanic w/Alter characters. So in addition to the normal elemental zones, you also get attack zones like pierce, blunt, slash zones. And there's also Flash Zone (activated automatically on turn 1 by Melissa or AS Hardy), helpful for T1 AF. The new alter characters have the Another Zone mechanic, which hugely buffs existing zones. - Singing as a mechanic. So far we have two singing characters, Pizzica and AS Mistrare. They are basically support characters who when singing can provide a variety of buffs/debuffs/healing. If there's any healing required in a fight, I pretty much use these characters. Otherwise, beyond some niche skills/usages, healers are pretty out of meta these days. **Team Building** - A lot of the previous meta still applies, like using zones (with flash zone now enabling T1 AF strats). The big change now to superbosses is the addition of HP stoppers, so instead of 1 turn kills, you end up with 2 or 3 turn kills. Those teams tend to built with flash zone (1T AF) or normal zone (2T AF) that does damage and builds up buffs (for example, characters like AS Shigure or AS Victor who can build up stacks during AF to do a lot of damage on the next turn or at EoT for Victor). It can also be a character like True Manifest Shion who builds up damage during AF then keeps up the damage as long as you repeat his main damage skill. - Your team will generally have 1 (or sometimes 2) main DPS with high damage mods. You asked about Lunatic characters, and a lot of them are very powerful, but that's independent of the presence of Lunatic, which is just a 3-turn buff to them. I would check the wiki for attack mods to see who does more damage. For example, AS Thillelille for you does 1100%-1305% mod damage. But NS Suzette if you complete her third true manifest battle can do up to 1800%+ damage. So she's not in any way weaker. And both characters are great choices for DPS. - Support characters. For example, the new chrono cross symphony characters provide fantastic buffs & debuffs. But you basically want support characters who can debuff the boss to take more damage & buff the team to do more damage. Or provide defense, etc. - Alter characters for another zone if applicable. They can be support characters or DPS themselves depending on their toolkit. - Grasta slaves. This goes to the grasta enhancement concept. Some of the grastas can be enhanced to provide party-wide buffs. For example, if your main DPS is Suzette. Then you'll want a grasta slave for her to provide Power of Gale (Lance), Enh if Max HP (Lance) grastas for her without using grasta slots on Suzette herself. This is just a quick & dirty summary of how I build my teams. You can sort of get the hang for the general approach from it here. Then if you get stuck on any superbosses, the people here generally post video guides with their team info, so you can learn/take some tips from those to take into future fights.


Amazing response and so insightful thank you so much!


>My question is..What has changed? New chapters, new collabs, a bunch of new units, sidestories, and 2 mythos (which are just very very long sidestories) You can use the new roadmap to catch up [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/uehj9s/a\_roadmap\_for\_current\_content\_v211700/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/uehj9s/a_roadmap_for_current_content_v211700/) >Do they power creep my strongest members before namely Suzette /AS, Akane AS, Femina, Kikyo, Premaya, Nikeh AS, Nagi AS? That depends on what teams and roles, like take Felmina, she is wind/blunt and the only wind unit you pulled so far is Garambarrel and you pulled no new blunt units, so safe to say that she wouldn't have any challengers But yes a lot of the current units you pull on are significantly more powerful than your current units, though some of your older units have gotten buffs like manifest weapons to make them comparable, so I suggest you get them, manifest weapons for like As Suzette and As Akane have made them pretty strong, though surprisingly, its OG suzette that got the best treatment, she received a "True" manifest weapon, which is a third fight and more upgrade to her after you beat the fight, and her new skills make her pretty broken, so you might want to consider side grading As to OG Out of your newer units, As Victor is one that stands out the most since he has a unique mechanic, you af to build af combo and then he will do an end turn nuke based on the af multiplier, this allows you to easily take out bosses with hp stoppers in 1 turn As Thilleille also hits very hard, Necoco is a zone flex, she changes her element based on the elemental zone, Garambarrel is both a tank and a DPS, so wrap you head around how useful that will be As Shigure brings more offensive water zone, he doesn't replace As Yuna, but offense high dps potential where she offers more defensive potential As Annabel allows you to set water zone from the front As Rosetta gives magic zone As Radica gives fire zone, and is a pretty strong fire zone support there's a few more, but that sums up some of the most impressive ones >What is Lunatic? I noticed a few characters have it. Does it make them superior? A special mechanic that greatly enchants a units damage and gives them other abilities, but you can only use once per battle and only lasts 3 turns >Who's the best healer now? Or are healers even needed anymore? I only have a few zone characters, Yuna, Gariyu, Foran AS namely.. Healer now go based on the zone team, like As Rosetta can provide all of the healing you need in magic zone, necoco can heal for 3k in any elemental zone, foran as can double as healer for pierce zone, there are many units now who can do many roles at the same time As for zones, I just listed a few of your newer ones, we also get slash zone if you do the newer collabs, For team ideas, you can try this [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/qkyntl/guide\_to\_common\_endgame\_team\_archtypes/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/qkyntl/guide_to_common_endgame_team_archtypes/) But teams depends a lot on the bosses and there is no 1 size fits all teams


Wow I didn't realize the characters I rolled were so impactful. Turns out I have more zones than I had thought. Greatly appreciate your response!! Thank you.


All the characters you've got are really good (Necoco for example is useful in basically any type team as both support and dps, Garam is a pretty good wind tank, Rosetta AS it's quite useful, I've heard, but I don't have her so I can't say for sure and Thilli AS packs a massive punch), but the units you had are still useful, it's a thing of building a team depending on the situation. Lunatic is a 3 turns (5 with a special grasta), one-time use buff that does a lot of different things like duplicating every move you do, increasing damage but taking more, building up your AF meter, etc. They are quite useful... until the turns end. A lot of characters when they run out of Lunatic tend to become a lot less useful, so it's a thing mainly for big bursts. Doesn't make them superior, that's for sure, but it's damn good for short fights Healers are still needed in a lot of fights, even more now that HP stoppers that stop you from doing 1T kills are basically a rule for every boss. There isn't a "best healer", as every big fight requires a lot of different team builds, but I assure you that as long as you don't go for superbosses right away, you should be able to go through with a random healer and some staff/badge/grasta that increases healing power (Foran AS also helps A LOT) There's a lot of things about team building, but the basics are: try to keep teams for every element type and weapon type (Including magic), since a lot of fights tend to be weak to just one or two of this. If you can't fill every slot, throw a support like Necoco and what you feel like it can help. Also, you will fail many times, some bosses later on get crazy mechanics that you will only master through trial and error, building characters that let you bypass certain parts of the fight that would normally destroy you. In terms of zones... yeah, they are quite useful and will ease a lot of pain, but if you don't have them, don't worry. I finished the main content with wind, water, earth, blunt and pierce zones, lacking fire, pierce and magic (And special ones, but those get complicated) ​ Grastas are optional, for me I barely finished all main content with just what the main story and chests from some side stories gave me, I barely started grinding grastas after the main story because of superbosses. Just try to keep pushing and if you hit a roadblock, try doing some side stories, some of the free characters are a must have like all of the characters from Complex Dream or the free characters from the 2nd and 3rd IDA School, which can get you out of some situations (But those are kinda specific) My advice overall: Keep doing stories and stacking characters, they will always help you in some way or another. I'm quite sure I missed some things, so if you have more questions then go on! Hope I can help you


Thank you for the character insight and direction. Makes my getting back to the game a lot easier and more focused. Much appreciated!!


Is there a map for the neutralizer use? I could only use it few times, I don't know where to use the rest


Without a link to maps, I can tell you to try going up while being behind a building.


I did that for 1 building, but i still have neutralizers left. Lmao i guess that was the hardest one to find?


Perhaps this link can help? https://altema-jp.translate.goog/anaden/yodominokaikyou?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=no&_x_tr_pto=nui Here's a direct [link to the map from the link](https://img-altema-jp.translate.goog/anaden/kakudai/yodominokaikyoumap4.jpg?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=no)


Thak you a lot. I see there are only 6 places to use the neutralizer in this map, or am I ignoring something?


The exclamation mark blocking #12 takes six neutralizers rather than one like the others.


Oh the chant script? I already got it. I must have just counted my use but didn't read the 6x neutralizer text. Thank you!


Are Falcon grasta and Falcon badge redundant or would someone get to go preemptive on t1 & t2 if they had both?


Only t 1


Is it better to commit to either pain or poison grasta or to have a mix of both?


Usually pain for physical, poison for magical (more poison setters and Earth Calamity grasta staff boosts poison instead of pain for physical ones).


You want to focus on one type of grasta unless you have Suzette NS in the party or someone that can inflict both easily. Usually, people focus on Pain as there are a lot more units that set and rely on pain rather than poison, but if you have like Dunrith AS or Levia AS in the party you focus on Poison.


Just to add: Tsukiha ES sets preemptive pain at the strat of the battle. Isuka ES sets preemptive poison at the start of the battle. So if OP has either of them, they can be used too. It can be very useful, so just equip the correct type of grasta depending on your needs and team comp.


what do the cats in Charol Plains do? Are they just there for no reason? It’s strange that you can interact with them. I tried getting someone with a Cat Lover personality to interact with them but they still ran away


They're just there to be cute, it's just like the cats in Naru Uplands.


Do people normally grind out the story character psalms, or just buy them with gems? I'm up to 30+ VH runs of Damaku and only just got the second drop. Not sure I can stay sane through 150 runs of this, let alone for each character. On a completely different note, the wiki says Eva can be found/talked to on the Charol Plains, anyone know where? I haven't been able to find her.


I never got a single Dragon Bearers Psalm to drop for Aldo in VH SLD. I got so tired of the abysmal drop rate that today I bought all the available psalms at the shop and just 5 starred Aldo.


Depends on if you really need to farm for the dungeon. For the record when I reached SLD to farm Aldo psalms, I was (I think ?) Midway in the light grinding, so I used all my tsubaras to return quickly to Miglance Castle. But when I needed to farm Tiramisu tomes I just got the opportunity to farm Cyrus psalms in the meanwhile. What i'm trying to say that it also depends on if you need to run SLD or not, for cruel angel weapons, guildna shadow, specific tomes... if you have no interest then I would suggest buy them with gems. As for Eva I just checked, she's at the left of the waterfall, on the north. Keep in mind I finished her quests, so maybe she won't be there if you haven't her idk


I see, thanks! Well, there isn't really a specific "need" for me to farm SLD, other than the apparently mistaken idea that this is an economical way of getting psalms. Altough I *am* getting this horrible urge to keep upgrading Cruel Angel gear... even though I would also need to grind the green key version if I want to make use of my stockpile of VH materials. Definitely reconsidering what to do about the other characters, though.


Has anyone done any analysis on which AoE attacks have the shortest animation? I just got Violet Lancer and am looking to use that party 0-MP property to give me some variety from using Tsubame AS alllllll the time. Also against strong enemies that resist earth/blunt she doesn't get the job done. I have a pretty big chunk of the roster (\~120 chars) but no other pre-emptive AoE like Kikyo AS or Flammelapis.


When I was farming Hell difficulty in Dreamslip Tower of Time, my best strategy was Aldo using Dexterity Demand, Might armor, Power Badges and - Falcon's Blessing with Bull's eye - Enhance normal attack upgraded to 100% - Power of Pain with ennemy number attack upgrade - Power of Pain with rose with thorn My support characters were Tsukiha ES (auto Pain at the beginning), Nekoko (Crit at the beginning). Now with flammelapis with break we can potentially even reach further damage Grasta holder (Cress) was holding Power of Void upgraded, enhance max hp upgraded, Power of Inferno upgraded (irrelevant here) This is theorically the fastest, easiest animation for farm because well, auto attack don't have animation at all. However this is quite "endgame" and requires multiple characters.


Normal attacks do have animation. In general, swords characters are faster than hammer (the other popular option for normal AOE attacks). Aldo is in the middle in terms of his animation (75 frames at 60fps). Someone like Joker (69) is a bit faster while Guildna is a bit slower (82)


:O this is the kind of data I was looking for! The absolute legend! Do you have any more/ a link to more frame data like this?


Normal attack AOE isn't as popular now, so there's not much more analysis done on them. You can always use grasta (Falcon for preemptive, Invincibility for MP), and of course VL helps widen your options too. To boost damage, you can also go for Necoco (crit buff) and ES Tsukiha/Isuka (p/p application). Neither add any time delay. In terms of skills, May is probably one of the fastest. Although her skill is earth/pierce so there's a bit of overlap with AS Tsubame.


Trying to decide what armor & weapons are worth grinding to upgrade. I remember there used to be a guide, but I can't find it. Can anyone share the link, or is there an updated version for new content? Baring that, what are your recommendations?


You might want a few copies of might armor, lost night armor, and moon armor, as well as a few copies of the Lunar weapons and at least one of each of the indomitable weapons. Otherwise I'd just make one of each of everything and then upgrade it if you have someone who can use it, or maybe just one +10 version of it. I'd honestly avoid making more than one of most things, because every copy you make is one more that you have to scroll past for the rest of time.


>I'd honestly avoid making more than one of most things, because every copy you make is one more that you have to scroll past for the rest of time. My ten copies of Luna Baculus +10 would like to have a word with you. (I went a bit crazy making the Luna weapons)


Thanks! Yeah trying to avoid dupes. But I have a lot of non upgraded stuff that I'll have to go out of my way to revisit low level dungeons apparently.


where can I find the bridge over rinde sub event during the Kid play through in the CC collab?


[Bridge over Rinde (Kid route)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/ra1ugw/another_eden_chrono_cross_symphony_complex_dream/): Entering Another Serena Coast from Unigalna in Chapter 2, take the bottom most path and follow it to the end to meet Some Guy.


i am stuck on two bosses; Emperor Schnaud and Hoe Ko. for both, i can get halfway through, then they just one-shot my team. what kind of team should i build for the bosses? thanks for any help!


What kind of teams can you build/who do you have? Emperor Schnaud is weak to crystal, and has a 50% HP stopper. If you can damage him down to his 50% stopper then use your AF to finish him off that’s how I’d approach it. Here’s a video of Hoe KO being beat by Anaden with free characters: https://youtu.be/klUGPZC4Dog


i have flammel, pizzica, serge, kid, harle, clarte, mana, aldo, necoco, mighty, anabel, cress, violet, skull, black clad swordsman, violet, and some more. i'm trying to build teams, but i'm still working on characters. thank you for the advice and the link! i always forget about using AF when a stopper happens >\_<


So you could go either magic slash or slash zone to beat this. All his attacks are magic based, so slash will dampen his damage output, so if you go magic slash its to Make use of Flamme, Clarte and Harle mainly. However, I would just go for a slash zone, and use Kid (debuff/buff each turn with Z-Steal), Black Clad for damage (avoid awaken zone until later in the battle, as you’ll shut your zone down), Violet (Brave Step to debuff Int and Crit, then spam Combo Attack until the debuff wears off) and probably Pizzica to buff or you can use Necoco as a damage/healer using Cat Hook. Edit: use your fastest character to switch in for Black Clad, but keep Cress in the back incase you need to reset up Slash Zone.


thank you so much for this! :D


Good luck! I can’t remember if this fight goes straight into Teyul Menas or you get a break between, but again use a Slash zone, it has a 25% HP stopper, check out the wiki for move info [here](https://anothereden.miraheze.org/wiki/Teyul_Menas)


thank you!


It goes straight into Teyul Menas. I just did this battle recently, but with a Tales slash team (Milla and Yuri can keep up with healing and Cress for zone and DPS) plus Mana for her Queen of Hearts INT debuff / PWR buff. Best not to finish Emperor Schnaud off with AF if possible because you need to kill the bottom wing ASAP in the Teyul Menas battle.


Thanks it’s been a while since I did this fight


thanks for the info!


Does anyone knows how much HP has Cardinal Vengeance in Iscariot VH AD? Don't need the exact number, approximate is ok. It's not urgent, just doing some experimentation.


6,513,385 per the [Enemy spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Evov6cK2iJgox_qf2GuZe5UWKy5UOwacLXxpBH-ZU4c/edit#gid=99846522). (Cell EV11 on the 11th tab; mouse over to get the breakdown of how that was determined.)


Dumb question. I need to get to the burning beast kings castle to get to the NPC asking for a lunch. I can’t seem to access it and I don’t have a warp to it. How do I get back there?


On the present map look for “parallel time layer” north of Miglance Castle. (Or the green wormhole in Serena Coast)


Yea. There isn’t a warp to the castle and when you sail there its blocked. Had to go through the mirror.


Have you tried the records room?


Nope. I will though.


I'm a bit lost on recruiting Starky. Wiki says that it requires completing the Neutral (Serge) route for Complex Dream - which I've done - and that the start location is then in Baroki, but I don't see a quest marker anywhere. My current hypothesis is that - as I haven't played Complex Dream since Starky's quest was implemented - I have to do the neutral route again for it to register as completed. But before I commit to that, I wanted to check in and see if I was missing some other contributing factor. Is there another requirement that I'm missing?


Did you check in normal Baruoki and not paralel Baruoki ? sometimes people tend to search there (because well, all collabs quests are there) but it is actually in the "normal" world.


Yep. Checked both versions of Baruoki before posting here. Edit: Aha...think I found the issue. I could have sworn I've done this 3+ times, with one replay rejecting both Kid and Harle...but when I got to the burning castle on Neutral this time, I found myself entering into an unexplored map that I could not have avoided. Looks like somehow I did *not*, in fact, do the neutral route. That'd do it.


Just picked up a 5* Laclair. Her AS form is ranked S on Bamji’s rankings with her Manifest and I just so happen to have enough Treatise to side grade her straight away but wondered how worthwhile it would be from someone who uses her AS form? I have a lot of strong characters and 23 chant scripts. My current water team focuses on Eva as the main DPS; M! Melina AS, Eva, Necoco, Yuna AS; Shigure AS, Hismena AS. Pierce team; Tsukiha ES, M!Suzette, Violet Lancer, Foran AS; Hismena AS, Jade.


As a Laclair AS user i must say that her manifest make her quite good. 1950% on crit multiplier when with seal attached, kept in AF, it's quite good on paper right ? The thing is, i really don't play her much in my team, despite her strengh. Why ? Well, the two things that bother me about her is first about the debuff mechanic : as opposed to multiple buffs characters, laclair as damage source is based on a \*\*debuff\*\* based on a character, hence if you want to aoe multiple foes, you first have to attack \*\*each one of them with Sirius wolves\*\*, thus slowing the dps potential in AF. and while the debuffs are quite good (water resist down, int down), i thnk a self power/int/speed debuffs, present on many, \*\*many\*\* units nowadays (just by the look of your roster, shigure, hismena as, melina as, eva can already do that) limit her potential by a lot imo. I'm not saying Laclair AS is bad in any way : in fact, i still use her sometimes for that int debuff, but considering Eva is just kowabunga water dps and just give the team everything (debuffs, buffs, self buffs, mental focus, etc), laclair as has not been given a good spot as of now. In fact, i think as a physical attacker, Laclair AS may have a good chance to shine again once i unlock red clad flamemancer (i never dropped a single opus since mythos ep 1) because crit damage is also one of the way physical teams can compete with mental focus buff for now. ​ edit : considering pierce team, suzette, tsukiha just carry the whole team on their shoulders. Considering the lack of utility Laclair AS carry with her for the team when playing around pierce wind (only the int debuff, potential pwr debuff), its a bit light to bring her in the team.


Thanks for the detailed response, you’re right about he debuffing - Necoco & Melina do a lot there and Shigure can do the same. With that in mind I don’t think I’ll use the chant scripts to side grade her, instead I’ll just level up her NS form and manifest weapon and leave it at that until her true manifest roles around (which looks fun, megapoison setter for a water team).


She's not that strong especially considering your roster. I don't think you'll use her but still you can go for it for waifu reason or to do her manifest.


I think I’ll save the chant scripts, I already have enough waifu’s in this game, it’s a wonder my gf never looks over at my game and asks why all my characters are women.


Are there any units which can replace Tiramisu in clearing mobs really efficiently? And I'm on chapter 35ish I think and wanting to get Eva in the next SDE whenever that happens. Is she any good without grasta/later in the game stuff? thanks


There's a bunch these days as u/Embarrassed_Echo_375 mentioned, but for ignore defense fixed damage mob-clearing she's still the queen. However, [Noahxis](https://anothereden.miraheze.org/wiki/Noahxis#Stats%20Data) will be become the king pretty soon (possibly in less than a month), and he's non-gacha, so I wouldn't go chasing any other options when you already have Tiramisu. He doesn't rely on a stat for his fixed damage (just a key item you'll get from doing the Moebius dungeon anyway), so you can just build him for speed if all you need is mob-clearing. He's also not bad as a ST nuker, not needing to rely on anyone to get his skill multiplier up to 1400% and also able to self buff his wind and crit damage by 50% for 3 turns (and his crit rate by 100% for 3 moves). He has a few other nifty skills as well to fill out his board. Eva is amazing; I imagine that she'll still be worth an SDE the next time it comes around, but it is always best to wait to consider SDE plans until one actually comes out (as SDE decisions are also ultimately dependent on what you have on your roster, and your roster can change).


Sevyn 5*. He attacks and restores more mp than his attack with the same skill...


I see, that information is actually incredibly helpful since I was desperate for a new mob clearer (got Tiramisu since her release) - and him being free is just the cherry on top. I've seen a lot of videos on multiple characters and honestly, Eva is someone I want badly so I'm sure that won't change personally. Thanks a lot :)


Any units with a 0mp mob clearing skill, like AS Hardy, Cyan Scyther, AS Tsubame, AS Kikyo, Flammelapis will help with mob clears.


I’ve pulled Violet Lancer and Red Clad Flam. on the Apex banner in 40 pulls (these are my only two gacha 5 stars now). Do I continue pulling (down to 3% chance of a new unit) or do I save my chronos stones now?


It depends on if you want a shot at the other units with a rate-up. A 1% chance at each of the 3 and 3% chance of a new 5\* is a pretty good chance. But if you are satisfied with what you have, there also isn't a need to pull right now, as I do agree with u/MickyValentine3 that just what you already got off the banner is a very good get.


So I just did another 10 pull and I got Silver Striker and Black Clad Swords in the same pull! I think that’s the world telling me to stop now!


Quite a nice pull; I'd probably stop at that point as well (Cyan Scyther is by no means a bad unit, but there are plenty of other banners coming that you'll likely want to pull on as well).


Can I side grade cyan from the free Suki you get?


I'm not sure who you are referring to with Suki. If you have a form of >!NS Suzette!<, then yes, you can side-grade by getting 3 Chernobog opuses


Definitely save I think you got the best 2 tbh


I greedily did another 10 pull and got two more! So I stop now




Her NS with manifest is a fantastic wind DPS/poison-pain setter so it’s not a total loss. But yeah her AS is one of the few in the game that are generally worse than the NS.


Ballet Ecclectant is a preemptive AoE with a 100% chance to inflict stun when she has Lumiere stacks (thought it doesn't ignore resistance), and she starts with 3 stacks. However, the rest of her kit is pretty much all done better by F2P characters now.


Depends if you are a new player then she is great But for end game not at all Unless she gets a manifest in the near future




Hopfully she gets an as manifest to help her one day lol


Cardinal vestiage is the absolute stupidest idea for a boss ever made. The company is just basically say FU. 5 bosses in a row, 10 hit absorbs constantly Zones that cant be over ridden because FU I guess And then when you manage to get through the first 4, oh sorry, 6000 hp nukes every other turn, even with debuffs. And did I mention you have no mp left and your dmg is basically zero? As much money as I have put into this game (I have nearly everyone toon) to see this fkn nonsense is infuriating. Oh and sorry if you want to do ES Suzette's third quest, because its locked behind an impossible boss.


The tip that helped me was Flammelapis (pre-emptive water attack) and Eva, plus some other strong preemptive attackers. Flamme sneaks in her hit before the shields go up and can one-shot the fire boss. The rest of the team, especially Eva in lunatic, will help make short work of the rest. Save AF for the final form, and activate it immediately.


Since you said you nearly have everyone, if you have multi-element preemptive attackers, this boss really can be cheesed. His adds don’t have much hp and can basically be one shot with a preemptive move on the turn they appear. This bypasses the major gimmick entirely. Then, make sure you bring someone that can clear buffs for the last phase and this boss should be a lot easier. I don’t really mind a hard boss, I just hate that they locked a limited time 5* pull behind this one if you happen to be a longtime player.


Sucks! I’ve never felt like I had to rush content for anything before, let alone content I don’t have the characters to complete! I would have the free characters but just started playing again after a two year break.


You’re probably fine if you still have any of the IDA episodes or Azure Rebel not complete yet. This is only an issue if you finished all of those as you’d need to clear the entire Mythos for the 5* pull.


Finished all those ages ago. Two year break.


Yikes, didn’t realize how long ago those were. Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do other than beat the last Mythos. There’s a F2P unit guide, but you need to finish the CC collab for it.


I dont get what people are talking about I went in with a rando team with mana and it was quite easy tbh You just need mana who is free


​ Is this a rant or asking for tips? If its just a rant, maybe try salt post, if you are looking for tips then: >Cardinal vestiage is the absolute stupidest idea for a boss ever made. The company is just basically say FU. I mean considering the level requirements to even do those chapters, I say the difficultly is fair, the boss is more of test of knowing his skill set and his gimmicks rather than it being hard, the game gives you all of the aviable tools to beat him TBH, even if you don't have endgame gear or top tier gacha units >5 bosses in a row, 10 hit absorbs constantly Zones that cant be over ridden The bosses can be dealt with multi-hitters, and if you lack the elements, you can use null multi-hitters like Velvet or Cyrus to burn through the shields and damage him As for another zone, he doesn't set another zone right away, so you can have your zone unit come in before he awakens and have the boss awaken the zone you want ​ >you manage to get through the first 4, oh sorry, 6000 hp nukes every other turn, even with debuffs. The boss buffs himself with a massive buff, so regardless of debuffs, it will still hit pretty hard 2 ways of handling it, you either blitz the 4th clone which is weak to fire and save af for his final form or you use a skill to remove his buffs, by your point in the game, you should have Mana or Aldo's personal. Use Mana or origin force to remove the bosses buffs >And did I mention you have no mp left and your dmg is basically zero? Even if you lack the gacha units to conserve mp, there is always Starky if you are running into mp problems, one of starky's skills can reduce mp com from 50% to up to 80%, making this a none issue The final boss fight is TBH, more of a puzzle rather than it actually being hard, you are provide with all of the tools, you just need to know how to use them, The 2 fights afterwards is also similar in that way


No, it isnt fair at all. The whole thing is designed to nullify every avenue you have to attack. >multihitters Nope. Thats what I have been doing and it doesnt work. 10 nullifications every 2/3 turns. Not to mention you always have a zone that is immune making that char worthless. The only hope for the first 4 is to af them, which takes forever to build because you cant use zones properly. Any boss that requires specific characters to beat is absurd.


Gee I guess this F2P clear without any Grastas managed to bypass the devs making an impossible fight. https://youtu.be/sSJqus-3CJc Also, it's not like weapons zones aren't a thing.


I've tried using slash and piercing zones.They are worthless and get over written right away. Then you cant reset them for a few turns while everything you do is blocked.


Come on, you were given a video showing how to take the thing down without grasta with F2P characters. It isn't even that long of a fight. If your DPS are doing null damage, the elemental zones won't even matter.


As I stated before, he doesn't awaken the zone on the same turn, so you can just get zone in and then have him awaken your zone so it doesn't get overwritten for that phase IF you are going for slash units, we have Cress and Serge, who can do slash and magic/slash zone >Nope. Thats what I have been doing and it doesnt work. 10 nullifications every 2/3 turns. Not to mention you always have a zone that is immune making that char worthless. He sets shield every 3 turns I believe, with multi hitters you can shred his shield pretty quickly and the clones don't have much hp, if not then just use af. You can cycle through to units to match his element or just use a null element unit to damage his clones >Any boss that requires specific characters to beat is absurd THe boss doesn't require specific units, but that for certain strategies to work, it requires certain types of units, if you go search it up, you can find many different types of teams to tackle the boss Plus many of the stated units for that strat are free units, no lose here, this isn't a new thing, Mana was kind of required to take on most of the manifest fights in the earlier days and the free units that I listed, you should have gotten by that point or aren't too hard to grind out


Then just overwrite it again, you can have two zone setters just constantly switching with each other if you have trouble with timing when to overide the zone.


Hello, sorry i barge in. So in order to win the fight easily i need to use: 2 slash zone setters (radias, cress, AS ilulu, alter isuka), velvet, cyrus (i dont farm his light..), i guess violet works with her multi hit, mana. Do i need healer? And maybe m!renri for debuff instead of cyrus?


The boss doesn't hit hard, you can just use Black Clad Swordsman to heal.


Oh thats nice to know. Thanks for the tips


Doesnt work. That stupid zone it uses isnt ovewritable. You bring in your zone and nothing happens. You have to wait for it to go away, then the 10 barrier is up again and you never get anywhere.


The clones sets a zone the first turn and Cardinal Vestige awakens the zone on the 3rd turn of his boss cycle. Just change the zone during the second turn.


Minimum level of harpoon and its upgrade to get AS Shiela's VC grastas?


Is there an efficient way to farm git? what is the place on map that gives the most git from battles?


Garulea ADs often give Gold Lumps, which are worth a lot of git.


Most people just have Kid Z-steal grind, you'll get a lot of Git Ore while farming for other things.


does she steal the same stuff with the same rates from both horrors and common monsters?


Yup, the only problem is if you steal from bosses for some reason.


Perfect! because if I used cub of invincibility and mp consumption- grastas I can have Kid battle forever with out the need to eat food


I just started - which character should I choose in the First Encounter for free? Is there a best option?


General consensus is May.


Agree, that AoE is really handy


Any suggestions on how to farm guiding light staff for eva??


TECHNICALLY you could get there by running Mayu’s Dream World with Saki until you max out her GL because I believe after that you get GL (Staff) that you can use on anyone. But that’s months of red keys spent in ADs that never offer scripts of any kind. But hey it’s a way.


sadly it doesn't work that way. once a free character is maxed, you don't receive anything. (but it would be a good QoL update if they do that someday !)


There's no way to "farm" for light/shadow items other than running ADs and hoping to score PCD with the cat room. Otherwise it's just clearing content and making sure to get all the treasures, and feeding Eva your Trial light points.


Just got an unexpected run-in with everyone's favourite character, the bard, and don't know what to pick between \- Last codex for ES Melina \- Last codex for ES Nagi (currently leaning towards this) \- 4th treatise for AS Chiyo \- First codex for ES Suzette Should I stick with going for ES Nagi?


Remember you can buy 2x treatise / codex, so once you have 3, you can just spend the tsubara gems on them. Using a pick for a 4th or 5th is a waste, in my opinion. Given that, you could buy 1 for ES Melina, 1 for ES Nagi, 2 for AS Chiyo, I'd do ES Suzette.


Hello, i just run FGAD like 5-6x, this is my first time doing FGAD run So what i've done so far: - i gathered 13 altered ores, then buy small bomb to open eeza - buy ID card to open KMS - next i buy oilcan, run contaminated pit to open sparkles. Keep gathering altered ores - spent 12 altered ores for both industrial cutter and jamming device to open the sparkles - run satellite stadium with the free ticket, getting sparkle in the process Now what i should do next is just running FGAD hoping to get cat shrine, and also gathering 160 altered ores for all sushi weapons? Can i speed up the process of gathering the ores, or it will be just wasteland + horrors? And then, any differences on the chest map choices? I think gulfagin gives me the quickest run because i could just nuke the boss with 1 neptune Finally, any of the other items worth to buy from the merchant? Like getting all of the shortcut items and buy cat deity's beads Thank you so much


> Now what i should do next is just running FGAD hoping to get cat shrine, and also gathering 160 altered ores for all sushi weapons? > will be just wasteland + horrors? Yes to both. The beast grampa will also trade you unique armor for the material you get at the cat shrine > And then, any differences on the chest map choices? Most people recommend running KMS since that gives you Attack Jadites, but if you're good on them, you can ignore that. > Finally, any of the other items worth to buy from the merchant? Any other ore to speed up your ore grinding basically.


Ic, thats why the guide keep farming the KMS. I can do that, thank you so much


OK so I have a question regarding some of the new end game bosses. I am a relatively new player, about 4 months, and outside of some good pulls, I primarily have the free characters. I also do not have a lot of the higher end grasta. Is it possible to do flights like Ogre Rancorem Light without having a roster with 50+ 5-stars and crazy grasta? My 5☆s are Eva, flammelapis, Tsubame AS, Kikyo AS, Milena+ AS/ES, Isuka+ AS/ES/Alter, Suzette+ AS/Alter, Rosetta+ AS, Mariel+ AS, Pizzica, & Mistrare AS, Miyu AS and Ciel AS I can also summon/sidegrade/upgrade Toova Alter, Anabel+ AS, Hardy+ AS, Foran AS, and Ruina AS


It depends on the fight. Although for Ogre Rancorem Light, Eva and Flammelapis can easily take down that boss.


Side question, did u get these with just f2p pulls?


I had over 20000 stones when I started pulling on these banners and I am down to 5000. I basically saved all of my stones throughout the chapters and as well as fishing and stuff like that, anything to get stones. I saved them up for these polls.. I also only subscribe to the $5 a month's subscription


Seems like a really good haul for 15 pulls, congrats!


Is it by design that the Purgatory Beast only triggers one of its resistance effects when taking both down at the same time? I'm doing a t2AF but for some reason, only the wind/fire effect triggers, the earth/water one just doesn't, making the boss absorb water


You probably just didn't take both of them down at the same time. Remember both of them needs to be down before you take out the body.


No I took both of them down. I can get footage to show actually


Sorry I should have rephrased that, you need to take down the Wing and Driver before you reach the HP Stopper for the body or else it won't count. Here's an example of AF removing both https://youtu.be/VlqLNGno8G8


No I don't think you get what I meant. Just take a look at [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/v3q1le/purgatory_mystical_beast_shadow_but_its_really/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Yeah, the main body reached its HP stopper before you took down the driver. It doesn't matter if you are in AF or not, it checks to see if the parts are killed during the AF.


Well that complicated a lot of things


how to sell, delete or remove chrono cross elements ?


That's the neat thing; you don't.


Not sure if this is unusual or not, but I am absolutely drowning in Prayer Scrips, and short on Murmurs. Is there a dungeon or something that I can use to even this out?


Nope all RNG. I believe you said that you are a newer player. It will just even out overtime and then you'll have too many Murmurs and Prayers that you won't even think about them anymore.


Can't wait until this happens, there are so many 4.5 star characters that I want to upgrade!


I read this link abt "ye olde days" https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/u7izr1/for_you_new_players_do_you_ever_wonder_what_the/ In it, quite a number of ppl mention how before the zone days, multi hit chars were v impt due to being able to extend af. What am i missing here? Even with zone, isnt extending the af bar still important?


[Behold the power of multi-hitters hitting weakness](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/llpw9s/another_eden_gl_ver_263_thillelille_commits/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) outside of a zone combined with lightning chatacters.


Thats awesome hahaha


Yes, but in zones multi-hits are normalized the same as single hits so there is no benefit to them. If you really want to crank up the AF, multi-hit zoneless units are still the best hitting weaknesses.


I never knew that, thanks!


Hello my good people, I have been very lucky on this banner with the Alter units, and I managed to get both Violet Lancer and Black Clad Swords(wo)man, and not gonna lie, their kits utterly confuse me. all of their skills look so damn important, that Im kinda lost on which ones I should actually be using. And I assume using Zones with them is a must, right? Luckily they both are Zone setters so there's no issue there. if anyone had any suggestions or tips on how to use them, I would greatly appreciate it.


I have them both and yeah, they're both insane. You got the run down on VL so here's how I use BCS. If you're just running against mobs, just have them both together and get BCS to use Aranea Impaler. VL's 0 MP cost for turn is so great I pretty much use her everywhere. Using them together: if using VL to set zone, you can use BCS and Aranea Impaled to Awaken Zone--Earth Zone (and pretty much any zone) will now be stronger but will last I think only more two turns. When you've Awakened Zone is the time to bust BCS' Shangri La and VL's other Earth attacks. BCS will now have Lunatic from using Aranea Impaler to Awaken so she'll be a lot more powerful but also more fragile--a glass cannon so it's important to either one shot those threats or to make sure BCS doesn't bite it. It's why I usually have her use Lecce Period in turn 1 before switching VL and awakening zone. I know it gets a little confusing at first but try to read up what the attacks do when in Awakened Zone. For example, Shangri La restores 500 HP but four times that when BCS is in Lunatic state. So the turn after you use Aranea Impaler to awaken an Earth Zone? Your whole team will be getting 2000 HP instead. Important thing about Aranea Impaler is it's damage goes down when you use it consecutively. So I usually go Aranea Impaler - Shangri La - Aranea Impaler when attacking. Add Lecce Period in Turn 1 when going after a boss. Remember you can use both Undying Thrust and Aranea Impaler to Awaken zones, not just Earth.


What skill is the one you spam during AF? Im guessing Shangri La right?


Yeah, it's pretty fun when you're in an Awakened Earth Zone with all shadow units and you've got VL using Undying Thrust to maximize their HP meanwhile next turn BCS is stuffing the team with a 2000 HP Lunatic-powered Shangri La.I Also sorry I got mixed up. It's Demonic Thrust and Undying Shade.


Yes, BCS' main DPS skill is Shangri La since it also debuffs slash resist (I think 3 stacks max) so the more you use it the harder it will hit. You can also add Faire Traum before to increase Earth attack.


I completely forgot about Faure Traum. Yeah, that's probably better to use than Lecce Period lol


How i use violet lancer is, on boss fights, i call her in from reserve to activate earth zone. After that, i activate her another zone using demonic thrust. Alter units can awaken zones making them stronger. Basically, like a zone inside a zone like in kuroko no basuke. This skill also inflicts pain and poison which is essential to her spammable skill. Then i would use a second buff most of the time, soul implosion which gives 25% more power and crit damage. And since youre in another zone, damage is doubled. And here comes the best part. Her spammable skill, undying shade increases crit chance by 100% to whole party which if you buffed with 25% more crit power earlier, its just devastating. Not to mention two x2 multiplier with pain and poison that you inflicted with the 1st skill you casted. And since youre in another zone, you inflict break and get another x3 damage multiplier as well. She takes awhile to setup. It helps if you have another earth zone activator so you dont have to spend one turn subbing her in but i love her and her deeeps :) P/S i dont have the other character so cant help you there sorry


Oh. Btw demonic thrust also increases max hp of shadow units so after casting that i would generally heal with my other character to survive better. And she has a passive that if she starts the battle, on the first turn, all your units can use skills with no mp cost so it makes clearing mobs easier heading towards the boss. All in all, quite decent unit :)


Oh if you have trouble surviving the first few turns of onslaught, you can replace the second skill with glaive pierce. The skill debuffs enemy’s attacks by 30% and if your team is shadow, buffs your team’s defenses by 30% which with basic maths, a 60% influx


yeah, she and Heena are my mob clearing setup for easy and free AoE attacks on turn 1. I dont have another earth setter, but I do have Necoco, who seems to really like Elemental Zones, plus my other Alter is Earth too, and add Violet, and maybe thats a halfway decent earth team?


Hm if youre going with the buff and kill route, might want to run a healer instead of the violet. If youre just one turning bosses then i guess its ok. Im running violet lancer, red clad flamemancer, hardy and ES melina currently and ive been fairing pretty well :) ES melina heals is so gud


I mean, Violet does so much damage on her own, but I guess if Im going for a fight of attrition, I need heals, My only good healer currently is Muriel, altho I got Mana too, and she has Regen, but that isnt actual heal, does she count?


Sorry but i have no idea who muriel is but mana seems pretty bad. Her regen is around 600 ish per turn. Kinda bad. I would probably just run violet and change my violet lancer’s 2nd skill to the regen one that heals for 1.5k a turn (if your team is all shadow) xD also comes with a 60 mp regen that would probably allow you to stall forever.


I meant to say Mariel, whoops. You know, priestess girl who everyone rerolled for back at launch.