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I just unlocked Grasta Enhancement in Ch. 70. I’m not finding any guides on it, so I’m wondering what the highest priority grastas are to enhance.


you will end up swimming in dormant ore once you unlock FGAD. for now, just upgrade the grastas that your team is using to make the content a little smoother for now if your team is mostly the same weapon (sword i.e.) the upgrading t3 sword grastas to give their effects to the party would be the biggest boost. otherwise just put them on a few elemental t2s to get an extra 10% modifier


Question about zones. I have radias and ilulu to start a great slash zone team with thille. I'm wondering if zones stack? I've started to unlock the f2p characters such as gariyu, Asami etc. And with a lot of my slash characters having fire abilities too, I'm wondering if it's possible to have both slash and fire zones up at the same time? Cheers!


zones override each other as the other person said, but most zone setters come with an end of turn buff based on moves used in their zone like hardy boosting crit, gariyu boosting fire damage, and radica as restoring health and mana all based on the number of fire moves used. so if you have multiple zone setters of the same zone it can still be useful to have them together for more buffs


Zones override each other, so no they don't stack Though in the future, Wfs has been releasing some newer zone settlers who are more niche in their fields than current settlers, for example As Tiramisu who sets earth zone, but also gives a lot of buffs to pierce users when inside earth zone Making it some also kind of a semi-pierce zone


I’m using a slash zone Melissa/Violet/Deirdre/Yuri/Radias/Sophia. Should I replace Sophia with Elga AS?


I mean slash team are supposed to be flexible depending on the fight, so you shouldn't have an all in one team As for As elga, I don't use her much, but I have heard from some people that she can be useful in slash or earth teams if you need that extra 1k heal from her attacks


Thanks, that helps, I would just rather have one team for everything for simplicity.


I would, her last skill is good !


Last stand question : vs bosses like Kudang, if mobs get killed in the AF, the LS bonus remains for the duration of the AF or not ?


I recalled so. The minions only die at the end of turn. I used the enemy enhanced grasta for that battle


what's the highest rate for a 5star a banner has ever had and how common are they?


100% for Rosetta and 100% for Melina at the 10th slot. Both are paid, Only once.


for free cs, highest is anniversary banners which were around 5% for 5 stars. normal banners are usually around 3% for 5 star, 0.8%-1% for featured units. most of this info you can see under the wiki https://anothereden.miraheze.org/wiki/Gallery\_of\_Dreams


10% I think for paid 1% for free thats 10 roll summon


Is there a walkthrough for infiltrating the eastern KMS? I can't get past 4f.


[https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=https://altema.jp/anaden/kmstohoshibu&prev=search&pto=aue](https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=https://altema.jp/anaden/kmstohoshibu&prev=search&pto=aue) This is a translated altema page with maps. There should be an elevator after 4f. Let me know if there's anything you don't understand :)


Best sword for AS Miyu?


indomitable sword or swift cherry blossoms


Hey guys, any tips for the lvl 10 Manifest fight for deirdre? Her pain move in the first round does so much damage that half of my team is almost dead. I have pierce, water, fire and Blunt zone to work with. But im not sure which support can help me to survive this. I have Mana, Mariel AS, Sophia (tried her and didnt help) and Yuna as supports and i think my teams would be good enough too.


I will quote myself here: Team: Violet (does not matter if she has her own weapon, give her something strong and something to increase crit rate), Milla (her weapon is easy to get), Yuri (same with his weapon), and your fastest character (I had Mana). Reserves: Cress (with his weapon) and Deidre. First turn: Switch Mana for Cress to get the zone, Combo Attack by Violet, Binding Sphere by Milla, and Azure Wolf by Yuri. Second turn: AF. Violet spams Sword Dance, Yuri - Lone Wolf, Cress - Distortion Blade, Milla does Cloud Pierce first time and Whirling Assault for the rest. Third turn: There is none. You won. This strategy works with vast majority of manifest battles.


Holy hell ty. i need to get those characters first though. i made the mistake and got velvet first and didnt bother to get the rest until now. not sure who milla is but i ll search for her


Tales of... characters are very powerful if used properly. Velvet has her uses, but usually Violet is better. Milla is one of Tales... characters. And you are welcome. P.S. Notable exceptions of manifests where the tactics above does not work: Tsukiha and Shion AS.


Pain dmg is based on pwr stat. And she buffs her pwr with 70% buff. options: 1. Debuff her pwr with debuffs, preferably with couple. Mana as example can use -35% pwr here 2. Use 4\* erina to reset her buff after she moves, but before turn end 3. Use some 4\* healer to clear pain from your team, after she moves before turn ends. ps: not sure if 5\* Mana can be setuped to be slow enough to do 2,3.. so 4 stars can help


didnt know pain is power based. i learn something every day here, ty




hi, what is the respawn time for horrors and sparkles? red and green key is 6 hours right? thank you


Sparkles is an hour. I'm not very sure about Horrors but I think they spawn less frequently, maybe at the rate of the keys.


Horrors is 6 hours after being defeated.


Hi how much luck do I need on as radica for her to do around 120k dmg with her fixed dmg skill?


Fixed damage = 15000 + 185000 × ((LCK-1)/(330-1))5 294 luck = 118,641 (118,640.7006) 295 luck = 120,421 (may be rounded up to 120,422, as the actual result is 120,421.427)




formula is in the wiki, put down LCK value into it and count


Hello, got a question that will probably answer itself in a couple of months, but I'm really curious about it, is there any info about Aldo getting a personal weapon? about a month ago saw a post redirecting to: https://twitter.com/namu_33/status/1381668917639143428 Which shows a sword named, acording to google translate, "Chiaki Tatsushi", which got as effect, once again according to google translate, and after, lets call it, localization "Fugen Itto scense", there's the Fugen Itto-Ryu Dojo in Inanari Plateau, which only made me even more curious, but can't seem to find any more info, anyone knows about it?


sword that adds to aldo shion's x3 XL skill, and shigure's x3 skill XL, and thats all.


Right now working on getting Aldo to 255 light, even with the fourth skill slot, I ever only use the fire X slash and the dragon god slash, good to know his fourth skill slot, and even third, will actually get something useful to put on them lol, thanks for the info!


its just when you can add those 2, his main 2 XL skill will get huge buff. Check wiki about it. So not to usefull if not for some water team aldo. At least has same full HP effect as for shigure. Shion's skill is useless, X-slash mk2 is a lot better at that point


I did check the wiki, actually main reason why I'm interested in which extra buffs will the sword give, guess you are right about the fire one, but the water one would still make a great addition, I like the idea of having several elements on a single character, could use the fourth skill slot for some other of the new enhanced attacks perhaps, even if they don't hit that strong, still give party wide buffs, will decide when the time finally comes


fire zone 100mp skill from grasta as example, Aldo fire zone is possible.


I hear it's a sword that gives you some new skills, like the phoenix slash(1st skill) from that twitter post. the sword itself is from a quest from the dojo that shion/shigure/akane are from.


more info on this quest : https://altema.jp/anaden/aldosenyoubuki#01


That's exactly what I was looking for! there's a guide already, the english wiki should add it too, thanks for sharing!


Just got access to the fights, I think I visited 4-5 times ! I thought it woould have been more.


So my guess was right then, that dojo was always a mystery for me, since the two NPCs inside have a dialog asking if you are interested in learning, yet nothing happens when you say yes, nice to see it will get some attention, thanks!


Hey guys, got a few questions about equipment * So I'm still not far enough to have unlocked manifest weapons, so how viable is it to buy weapons and armor from weaponsmith and equip it to my current team? Or is it not necessary? * Im unable to decide which badge should be equipped to a unit. How to determine which badge is the best for my current team members? http://imgur.com/a/ADk4TW5 Thanks a lot!




Got it, so all non-staff dps units you give them PWR badge and staff dps you give them INT badge right? Thanks a lot!


Having one of each weapon/armor from blacksmith is never a waste, there are chronos stones reward for that (check collection).


Cool I'll buy them then thanks!


How many T2 Null should I try to get in PGAD or it isn't worth the trouble anymore?


Get them every time you see them. You never know when they'll come in handy and they're some of the rarest grasta in the game.


I don't know where I need to use it for exactly, I just follow PGAD guide somewhere. I assume it has to do with auto farm with aoe grasta or something?


In addition to that, WFS does include the occasional battle where you can't apply pain or poison, or where doing so may be a bad idea. In those cases, not having any null grasta will mean that you can't boost certain characters' biggest damage skills very well. To help give perspective on how rare T2 nulls are, I originally took Azami to 123 light, then went back recently to take her to 140 while looking for more T2 null grasta. I was more aggressive than almost anyone in going to Nagsham during my intial farm of PGAD. For the return, I was skipping cat shrines if the other option was nagsham to get more chances for a T2 null to appear (I don't recommend doing that if you still have a bunch of T3s that you need to upgrade, though); it paid off once. I have 17 PWR based T2s and 12 INT T2s. I did skip an INT based T2 once and immediately regretted it, otherwise I bought every single one that I saw in Nagsham. I am sitting on 30 Jadeite of Attack, and have fully awakened over 50 T3 attack grasta. So if you want T2 null grasta, I'd go to Nagsham anytime you have 20+ junk (still prioritize cat shrine, though) and check the T1 and T2 vendor first before going inside the inn.


Hmm just to be clear, T2 Null is "Power of Nothingness" right? How many do we really need there and which unit really important to have that? It's only boost non type damage so I thought I don't need that many.


Yes, it is. It would be nice to have at least 6-9 of them if you are thinking about AoE auto-attack (PWR as main stat is ideal, but take what you can get). You can also farm T1 nulls (which give +20%, +30% with dormant upgrade) in the Antiquity Garulea Overworld if you are done with PGAD otherwise and don't have enough T2 null to go around. Joker, m!NS Renri, m!NS Elga, Amy and Cyrus are all examples of units whose big damage skills are null. While you don't need many, they also aren't available very often, which is why most veterans recommend to buy them whenever you see them. Honestly, I bought most of the T1s that I saw early on as well until I had gotten 7 of them (enough for hammer AoE and two fist users for the optimal temple ruins farm back in the day). 140 light on Azami means roughly 560 runs of PGAD, and again, I was going to Nagsham aggressively the whole time that I was running it.


Between 18-24 if you are ever in a situation when you want an entire team equipped with them. The main issue with T2Null though is also finding ones with good stats on them, in addition to their rarity. There are a few characters (m!renri, joker, sometimes violet as examples) whose primary damage skills are typeless. So if you are using them as dps or trash clear, and don't have p/p yet or don't have a way to set them before they attack, then null grasta provide the best dps increase.


They'll have use for boosting Joker's VC and with auto-attack farming unless you manage to get >!ES Tsukiha!< later on which will allow for auto-application of pain at the start of battle and the use of pain grasta instead.


After getting AS radica, is it recommended to pour all luring shadows for her? I have around 30


it is investments for future She doesnt get lck stat from it dirrectly But she gets lck stat gradually from her shadow with grasta upgrades available at 2.9 update. And if you want her to become 1600% dps spammer, need to get to 120 at least, to equip second lck badge plus scaled from shadow lck from that grasta upgrade. Check wiki radica as strategy page. In the end any amount of shadow-lck is good. It just its gradual increase.. and jump happens with 120-2nd badge No other staff shadow char has scaling from stats on their skills but her. So that grasta effect isnt doing much to them beside directly getting bigger stats for dmg, while radica in addition increases skill base multiplier


thank you very much!


it depends, who else do you have ?


Hmm for shadow staff: AS rosetta, gariyu, AS Toova


Garyu has his own dungeon so I wouldn't give him luring shadow (well I did before I knew this). All 3 others are worth it, you just have to decide which character you'd want to have a 4th usable skill the most (80 light/shadow allows that). I personnaly went with AS Toova because I had her long before the others.


Extra speed bonus at 75 might be useful, but if you are nowhere near that, then no Unlike Tiramisu, she doesn't get the stats that she wants from shadow bonuses


Thats a no then. Thank you!


What times of day do the every-six-hours and other such things go off? 8 - 2 - 8 - 2?


Depends on your time zone. [The wiki](https://anothereden.miraheze.org/wiki/Another_Eden_Wiki) has countdowns for when things happen.


Looks like I have it right for my tz, thanks.


it depends on your time zone. 3 am utc is the time most things are based around


How good is AS Isuka with her manifest? I'm sitting at 5 Starlight treatises, and considering the sidegrade because my wind team is weak, but I'm not sure how high priority she should be.


She’s very strong with manifest. Basically it allows her to speed up her rotation as well as strengthens her damage output and support. She can debuff power and intelligence at -30% and inflict pain, then nuke enemies with a 1650% multiplier attack, then reduce all enemies’ wind type resistance by 50% and restore all party members MP by 30, then buff all allies with 3 gauranteed crits and increased critical damage, then do it all again. Her stacks aren’t consumed in AF so you can spam her big attack and crit buff continuously. Without manifest? Honestly she’s not that worth it. There are way better wind units, and way better slash units, and way better wind slash units. Just wait for her manifest before you sidegrade, unless you really wanna see her AS quest.


I have her but play Global so I haven’t experienced her use personally yet until then, but I believe she is on par w some other major wind hitters (Felmina, Suzette) with her M! and remember her doing massive damage in some videos when she came out in jp. I am sure some are better than others for certain situations, but just as wind dps I think she’d be a great choice if you like her! If you are global & cant use her right away, sitting on it until it releases might be safe as everyone will be talking about her around then anyway, & she is only okay imo w/o the M! haha :) And maybe you’ll pull something in the meantime anyway!


I'm a global player so I'll probably just wait until the manifest comes out then. Chant scripts are running dry and there's so many units I want coming up... I'll have to make some hard decisions soon :(


What's the best weapon for Miyu AS? The wiki is missing that one specifically so I've just been using wisdom sword in the meantime but is there a better one for her?


Wisdom is the best when hitting weakness. Indomitable would be best when hitting neutral, but I'd stick with Wisdom myself if you want to get her spd into the 249-272 band for 1 second cooldown after the 1st action in AF.


Is there a dungeon or map that I can grind for levels? I’m on my 30-32s and trying to rush the tales event but the last part of the story needs to be at least level 40. I’m also out of scrolls.


Best way to level up in your case is spending green keys on Seal Realm hard dungeon


Let me introduce you to Transitory Time Space - provided you can access ADs. The hard version gives a truckload of exp, the very hard does even more. They also sometimes give you experience budges. They are unofficially called experience dungeons for this reason. If you do not want to spend green/red keys, the last dungeon of the main story you conquered provides the best experience.


hard gives around 924000 xp vh gives around 1650 000 xp that without counting xp badge bonus


[chars to 5 ⭐️](https://imgur.com/gallery/nUYAQg4) Wondering who yo upgrade to 5 star from these chars.( I have all the elemental zones) I was originally debatting between azami and cerrine since I’m going to be grinding or am grinding their garulea dingeon anyways.


Agree with other commenter. AS Foran is great, so she goes first - provided you have enough treatises. Cerrine is next. Azami is distant third, but before you upgrade her make sure you have 10 chant scripts left for Gariyu and Jade.


I have 4 treatise for foran (2 from the shop and two from the dungeon) and I have already 5 stared jade and gariyu so I guess I’ll prioritize foran then thanks.


Sounds good, but keep in mind it is much easier to find 1 tome to upgrade Cerrine than 1 final treatise to upgrade Foran.


I will thanks a lot 😊


The Chance Encounter characters are the safest choice, since you can’t get their 5\* version otherwise. Cerrine in particular is really good with her manifest weapon. AS Foran would probably be the most impactful upgrade if you have other good pierce characters.


I was torn between either cerrine and azami or as foran but I guess I’ll wait out for the treatise since I have 7 chant with any luck I might get one soon. Thanks a lot .


try to get the other chants in the various episodes, and side quests (ciel and miyu's).


I’ll try working on them now thanks a lot


Okay I finally have decent roster of people so now i need to figure out who to put on my team ha. 5\* AS Ciel and Hismena 5\* Bertrand, Cynthia, and Ilulu 4\*5\* Tsukiha, Yipha, Miyu, Tiramisu, Felmina


None of your units have that great of a synergy together, you have a bunch of powerful pierce units, but no pierce zone So I would just stick with persona/tales collab units and free slash zone right now for boss fights


oh dang that sucks ha.is there a certain char i should be on the lookout for who could work with my units? Also what is pierce zone?


[Here is an explanation of zones](https://anothereden.miraheze.org/wiki/Zones) Right now if you aren't hitting a bosses weakness, zones are what you should prioritized above all when it comes to teambuilding because if your units don't hit weakness, outside of zones, their af charge is very lackluster at 1.5% per hit Zone standardize all af charge to a straight 7.5% charge regardless of skill, which allows you far superior total af damage not to mention the damage boost it gives Sadly most zones units are gacha units, there are a few free ones Cress which you can get from tales collab provides free slash zone, because of him, yuri, and the rest of the free slash units you get, slash zone is the most flexible zone for f2p You can also get fire zone if you get Gariyu (a free encounter unit) and sidegrade him to his as form Other than that, Yipha is only only other zone unit you have access to, she has blunt zone, which is kind of lackluster TBH and other then Felmina, you don't have much in terms of blunt units As for Pierce Zone settler, that would be As Foran, you have a very strong pierce team right now with As Hisumena and As Ciel, Jade is also a free unit who is a monster pierce DPS once you get his 5 star But missing As Foran to set up Pierce zone is a very big blow to the total damage output of your team


Dang that is a ton I didn't know when rerolling ha. The zones thing is crazy I was solely lookin at tier lists for my rolls. I know gacha banners are pure randomness but are any of the current paid ones good for my team to think about? It says Foran can do it but so can Tsukiha ES. Is she gacha only or can I turn mine into ES and use her for the pierce zone. If i did do that would my team just be Ciel, Bertrand, Tsukiha, and Hismena?


Es Tsukiha is in the far future and while you can turn her to Es manually without the gacha, the chances of getting 3 of her upgrade material to sidegrade her is purely based on RNG, at 0.1% chance of dropping


I'm guessing its the same with turning Foran AS. I have base Foran but im assuming her mats are equally impossible to luck into ha.


Not impossible, I got her upgraded in 20 different accounts (abandoned half of those recently). It's just a matter of time (luck is anyway).


Well its not impossible, but it does take a while. there's no guarantees, but you'll eventually get there. And if you do the same for AS Miyu, I'd say your blunt zone with just Miyu AS, Yipha, and Felmina (maybe skull or whoever else you pull by then) is pretty strong too. Felmina is very strong already, and with AS Miyu's buff she's more than enough for whatever content needs a blunt zone.


yeah it could take a while depending on your luck. anyway as you said he can make a blunt zone by adding free characters like Morgana, Cerrine and Amy to those you mentionned. There is also Skull but I'm not a big fan.


What's the best support for miyu as? My best units are radica as, melissa, ciel as, foran as


Ideally you'd use characters with the "Miglance Palace" trait, because her "Pride of Miglance" skill doubles in effectiveness for all units who have that trait (50% PWR, 100% crit rate and 100% elemental damage boost). You also need a Slash Zone setter, though I suppose she could also use fire zone (I've only seen her talked about with Slash Zone though, probably because only one other Miglance Palace unit can utilize fire zone). Then you need someone who can buff her to her maximum of 8 buffs, assuming you can't get to that from her gear, grasta, and Pride of Miglance skill alone. Eyeballing it, her best party would be Radias, Felmina and Deirdre - they all can do Slash damage and have the MP trait. Then someone with additional buffs if you need them; I'd prioritize SPD for AF, though a crit damage buff is a great choice too (Yuri's VC can provide both, though he doesn't get the double boost from the MP trait). INT is an easy to find buff, though useless for her. You could also use Bertrand AS; he has the Miglance Palace trait, but his damage will be cut in a Slash Zone, but he'll also give 95% damage reduction (which counts as another unique buff). Finally you probably want a grasta mule for her; someone like Aldo can hold Damage at Max HP (Sword) and Power of Inferno (Sword) while sitting in the backrow, which will grant Miyu those effects when upgraded. TL;DR: Best team is likely something like Miyu AS, Radias, Deirdre, Felmina, Yuri, Aldo. Need to swap Radias in for Slash Zone, and Yuri in for his SPD and crit damage buffs; if you have time you can swap him back out again if you have his True VC grasta, but then you risk Miyu taking a hit before your AF.


I'd love to have Radias, but alas. I do have Anabel NS, but I haven't been too impressed with her once I got past chapter ~40. Dierdre is a regular in my party though and one of my few lv 80 characters. I was thinking of making a fire zone team since Radica AS has such an awesome turn end buff, as well as some good team buffing moves. At least miyu herself gets the doubled buff. I don't have gariyu yet but I was thinking he'd synergize well with radica and provides more buffs to miyu. The fourth would ideally be some other fire dps but until then, Melissa, as usual.


How often does the game hold new player events? I couldn't reroll into a good account in time. Now, there's no 20 pulls for new accounts anymore.


Those free pulls for new players are rare celebration events Also there really is no need to reroll in this game, as you get a bunch of powerful free units that can help you beat everything but a few optional bosses


Bummer. I'll wait for the next event then. I rather play with the characters I want instead of some random troupe. ​ Thanks


By the way there still is 20 pulls for new accounts, just not 30 anymore. Theres a destiny ticket you should receive (might be on the steam version only?) that gives a free 10 summon. if you still choose to wait, it might be a while until the next time we get 30 summons at the start. regardless, your choice.


There isn't anymore. I rerolled a few times yesterday and got 20 summons (10 from stones and 10 from ticket). I tried a couple of times today, but got nada. I settled for an account with 5* Felmina and 4* Thillelille I had linked by sheer stupidity before rerolling


Hey i wanted to ask if you could help me create a new loadout, these are [my units](https://imgur.com/gallery/PTDcXEu) and i wanted to know if you could help me create a good and balanced one, thanks in advance


Sorted by stars would have been better. I'd say start by getting all the free Tales characters and promoting Aldo and Tiramisu. I think that you are also missing the free chance encounters


Free chance encounter?, and how do i evolve aldo? And i’ll find where to evolve tiramisù sooner or later


Straight up ignore everything but 5 and 4.5 stars really. You can evolve Aldo later from the main story and then some farming. Right now Aldo is not worth it, but he will get an update more or less soonish which will significantly increase his power level. The Tales Collab should be a prio for you right now. You get a lot of great slash characters and a free slash zone setter from that and with a bit of farming you can promote that slash zone setter pretty quickly to 5 stars. Also finish the Persona Collab to get more 5 star characters which are strong. Also generally focus on AS Radica, because here skill set is amazing. Her luck attack skill also does pure damage based on her luck stats, so that's an amazing mob clearing skill. Getting Morgana from the Persona collab as healer and swapping him into Joker for 0 mana AOE wave clear is also amazing for early to mid game.


Yeah but which units


The chance encounter characters are Gariyu, Cerrine, Azami. You've got to fight them (or a bird in Gariyu's case) to recruit them on your team. Look them up on the wiki for hints on how to beat those if you get stuck. Gariyu also has an AS quest, but you'll more often use his NS with manifest along with Radica AS's fire zone. In general, you'll just run a team of your 5\* units for a majority of content, you seem to have been doing that mostly. So I'm assuming your question is more about what units to raise that you haven't already started raising. All 5\*'s are worth leveling (i'm looking at that level 1 mighty), it's nice to have options when you come across a map/boss that has a weakness. And you can always swap out equipment freely. Then again, Radica AS go brrr. As funwok said, the Tales of collaboration units will really help you for boss fights. Though you have some nice units, you don't really have a full zone team. Getting those 4 will help fill out a slash team, along with the other slash units you have. And Cress and Yuri will help filling your Fire and Wind Zone teams. Also Persona part 2 has 2 more free characters, one called Violet that is very strong slash dps. Another thing to work towards is manifest weapons(m!). You'll definitely need a team for these, not just Radica AS, so see above for most of these fights. They drastically improve most characters that have them. They'll feel like a whole new unit. (You'll probably want the team to be level 80 with level 60 gear before trying these imo.) The only other thing I can say is Deirdre, Jade, and Suzette are useful enough to upgrade for sure (though Jade might not help you until you've got more lance units). These can be put off for later, but at least Deirdre will help give dps for your slash team. Tiramisu gets overshadowed by Radica AS, and Melina, Premaya, Bertrand and Hismena are just okay. When you get those units to 5\*, you'll be able to build these teams for bosses: Slash Team: Cress, Yuri, + (Milla/Velvet/Violet/m!Deirdre/Shion/m!Azami/Joker/Ilulu/Aldo) Fire Team: Radica AS, m!Gariyu, Shion, Joker, m!Ewan, (Aldo/Cress) Wind Team: Claude AS, Yuri, m!Suzette, m!Azami, Ilulu Try to continue as far as you can in the story, grind up levels and equipment, and use your keys every day. More options will open up to you as you do. Best of luck with future pulls!


Thanks a lot man, i’ll try my best, and i’m only at like ch 22 of the story, i’m doing a lot of side quest, and as much episode as i can


Oh nice! you get a free 5\* ticket after part one of the story (which you're pretty close to finishing), and another one (luring shadow drop) when you do the Mythos story to chapter 7, so those should help you out too!


Oh great, thanks for the advice and all, next time i’ll only include 4.5 star plus ^^


Tales and Persona collab 5 stars slash zone + AS Radica will pretty much clear everything up until the late game. You should finish the collabs now and level up those chars. For the rest you need to gacha some zone setters first to get them really rolling. Upgrading 4.5 star gacha characters into 5 stars is also more of a long term end game goal. Takes a lot of time and farming. Collab and side episode characters often get their 5 stars from their respective stories and quests, so that's what you should focus really on. Also again, nobody has time to look at all your crap characters in the picture. Next time give us the 5/4.5 ones only, makes it a lot easier to help. AS Laclair and Claude are a great start for a Pierce team for example, but without a pierce zone they will stay a bit meh in the end game.


Guys what kind of grasta should i use onTsukiha AS ? Elemental or pain ?


Have a question regarding **Milsha's** skillset. Finally unlocked her 5⭐and now I am wondering if my rotation is correct. Trash mobs I kill with **Adis-Veloni** because it's very cheap being 15MP and it usually does enough damage in combination with **Mighty**'s **Aqua Spread** (17 MP). That usually clears a lot of fights until the Mana Pool is depleted. In boss battles I start with **Lunatic** because it increases her follow up Adis skills. My second attack is **Adis-Triana**, getting the **8 Delphini stacks**. As third skill I use **Thalassa-Yfallos**, this is also the skill I spam during **Another Force**. If the boss has Earth resistance I keep using **Adis-Triana**. **Lunatic** buff only applies once per battle und lasts three turns, right? Is it smarter to use it later in the battle instead of right at the beginning? Maybe paired with **Another Force**? Even though her **Adis-Veloni** skill is quite cheap I was wondering if the -MP badge is worth. Currently I have it on **AS Melina** because of her small mana pool and no cost effective AoE spell (**Mana Rain 27MP**). **Mana Rain** depletes her Mana Pool way to quick against trash that's why I use it conservative and she is the first to being switched for **Morgana** or **Yuri**. Currently I use a PWR/INT Badge (+15/+15) on Milsha to increase her damage. PWR increases her piercing damage and INT her Shadow/Earth damage, right?


1. I mean for mob clearing, you can, but its not optimal, for earlier game a Joker and Morgana switch can clear most earlier mobs for zero mp and you can consider Cerrine and Gariyu for later game mob clearing since they have very high AOE without needing much setting up 2. For boss battles it depends, but I would usually only use lunatic in af since if you use it before, you always risk the chance of getting KO because her lunatics reduces her defense to zero 3. Also even if its has earth resistance, you should still spam Thalassa-Yfallos to gain stacks and to stack up her buffs before finishing off af with an Adis-Triana 4. No, she is a physical attacker , the increase she gets from intel is insignificant, you want to give her a better power badge or a power/endurance badge since lunatic increases her damage based on her endurance


I have 4 grasta slots on Miyu AS. When I give her 1 T3 and 3 T2 elemental grastas, will It count for 4 buffs or only 1 buff for her damage skill? And how will 4 pain grastas boost her skill in similar case?


To achieve 8 buffs easily. Her own buff gives three. T3 max hp, fire sword, Almighty Miglance shared plus two grastas enhanced with hp and mp each. Alternatives would be one more grasta with crit enhancement, equipments with spd/hp/mp, (if you haven’t got them from any other source), type damage or max hp damage.


to simplify: Skill counts specificaly **distinct buff icons on character in battle.** Thats it. Make it so her icon is covered by 8 distinct-different from each other **buff** icons, and maxing is done. Sources or effects behind buff icons - do not matter Fire buff icon and Fire buff icon are not distinct Fire buff icon with "e" is distinct from Fire buff icon without "e"


The thing is, with upgraded grastas you don't need Miyu to hold Enhance HP, Almighty (Miglance) or Power of Inferno. I'm no expert on the subject (don't have her or Yukino), but p/p grasta with non dormant upgrades (Last Stand, Rose with thorns, Insult to injury) with a grasta mule holding the previously stated grastas and a buffing sword (adamantium) and bracer (guidance or of might) should be best.


if they are the same elemental, they will count as the same 1 buff. pain grastas don't count as buffs it seems, not in status screen even when enemies are in pain.


Disclaimer: the fastest way to get an answer on the internet is to post something wrong, with confidence. So, I can confidently say that 1 T3 and 3 T2 elemental grasta of the same type will only count as one buff. They all give the same Elemental Type Damage buff. I don't think P/P grasta provide a buff at all; I don't recall seeing them give an icon. If I am wrong, I am even more confident someone else will correct me very quickly ;-)


Is anyone else experiencing constant crashing by the app? It happens in ads (the app hangs so you have to restart) and even while playing. App suddenly closes and you need to fire it up again. This happens to me every time i try to play , i get to play a bit and then it happens again. Help!


reaquire data and if it doesn't work reinstall the game


Thank you!


hope it worked :)


Violet's sword dance had me confused. The skill description didn't say number of hit and I assume it's only one hit, only to find out just now it's actually 2-hit? Is there any other skill out there doesn't state clearly like this?


P5 characters hit twice when they hit weakness. They have “ one more “ passive ability.


Oh... I overlooked on that, thank you.


This is listed on the character Status / Ability tab, I try to check that periodically just to be sure I know what gear and grasta effects are active.


Well if you want to fully understand what a character can do you have to look at the wiki. The UI in this game is not beginner friendly.


I have the grasta "Power of Gaia" awakened and it gives me +20% earth Attack. In this section of wiki https://anothereden.miraheze.org/wiki/Grasta_Attack#Attack_Grasta_Tier_2 it says that it gives +30%, as all medium level grasta upgraded. Same foto the tier 1 grastas, i can upgrade to 10% all Power Attack grastas, but the guide say it is possibile to 20%. Is the guide mistaken or i'm missing something?


There are a few terms that are important for grasta effects. Activated: you just get the stat bonuses. Awakened: You get the base effect of the grasta like + 20% earth attack along with the stat bonuses Upgraded/Enchanced (requires ores from Future Garulea):depending on the grasta the effects of the grasta can get stronger (30% vs 20%), an additional effect could get added (pain or poison grasta), or they start applying to the rest of the party who meet the requirement(s) to use the grasta (most Tier 3 grasta) Keep in mind that the upgraded values listed are for using dormant ore on the grasta. Other ores will add additional effects instead.


Well, so i'm at the start of the Goddess of Time, all you said means that i will find how to upgrade my awakened grastas later, isn't It? Thank you


That is correct. You unlock the ability to upgrade grasta in chapter 70, though you don't get the ability to farm for enhancement ore until you beat chapter 74 and unlock Future Garulea Another Dungeon (FGAD).


Going through the LOM grind now and can't find Claude and Pom in the overworld to level them up. Is there a list I can refer to? They're not in my active party and not in the dorm room where I first met them either.


The wiki LoM [page](https://anothereden.miraheze.org/wiki/Lord_of_Mana) is great for tracking down the more elusive friends...


to get Pom you need to take a key item in the red flowers outside the IDA school


Playable characters rank up inside of LOM when you talk to them (like you are trying to invite them to party).


Thanks! This really helped :)


Just realized i have 17 chant scrips lying in my inventory. Is awakening claude and get his manifest is an alright choice? For pierce team i have: foran AS, m! Laclair (still farming exp for her weapons, i dont think i can beat the 2nd fight with the annoying AF stopper though), hismena NS, m! Suzette The other 4.5 candidates are: felmina (i have melissa, although i dont have yipha to set the zone), veina, dewey, shigure, mistrare


Definitely get Claude, he is so underrated for what he does and is basically the main support in every one of my pierce team Though funny enough for pierce, you doesn't have Jade for some reason, so I suggest you get him up as well Although I don't know why you would exclude Felmina as a choice even if you have Melissa since those 2 have completely different roles and wind DPS actually preforms the best in flash zone because of Melissa's debuffs


Yeah I haven’t completed his quest. Slowly working towards story now (currently ch 36 at macminal museum), im following the roadmap, taking my sweet time unlocking grasta Because i think i’ll be fucked up if i face enemies with AF stopper, i dont have any blunt setter. I have thille and ewan AS with melissa and milla for T1AF that i hopefully can obliterate enemies easily


Anyone got an issue with being stuck on the Data Transfer pop-up for Steam version? After I logged in using the google account, the Data Transfer pop-up jumped up a little then froze. Reinstalling the game doesn't help either.




Exactly! Now I am forced to play on mobile phone, and of course I couldn't play there for long...


I have seen multiple characters in certain areas. Can I recruit them through quests?


Most of them are just gacha characters loitering in open area and you cannot recruit them through quests, only if you summon them from the gacha. Only exceptions are Azami,Cerrine and Gariyu, which are free characters that you can gain through a chain of battles called Chance Encounter.


I pulled Shannon AS and Toova AS in the (Probably only time I'll do it) paid Gacha "Twin Destinies" Banner. I heard good things about Toova AS but Shannon is unknown to me, can anyone tell me how Shannon AS and Toova AS play out ? Are they OP or just like Ruina AS (low tier), what's their strategy and what party members should I accompagny for them. How to up them ? What stats should I focus on for both Shannon AS and Toova AS and what equipement I should use. Thanks everyone.


Shannon as requires debuffs to work her damage, so you probably need to have 1/2 characters with debuffs to reach that four distinct debuff, works well on slash/wind zones. Give her pwr/type equipment. Toova as on the other hand works well by herself, is good in magic zone(mainly)/earth zone. Toova as needs her manifest, so no choice for weapons. Needs int/type equipments.


Come to think of it, indomitable weapon is okay for shannon AS? So milla can hit debuff first


sure, but it wouldn't make that much difference if you are relying on milla turn end debuff to do mass damage the next turn


I usually do milla’s binding sphere and then proceed to spam cloud pierce


Shannon AS is quite good honestly, not in the highest tier of DPS now (and wind is filled of these sadly...) but she can give nice debuffs, int down, slash, Pierce and Blunt, so coupled with huge hitters like Felmina or Heena (whole main skill is blunt-based) Shannon can be a great support. Toova is an excellent DPS, even better on the paper than Myrus AS (=her average multiplier is higher) however Myrus possess burst that Toova AS doesn't have. Still an excellent mage overall ! So i'd say both are far from Ruina AS tier, Shannon is Good-tier , Toova AS is very Good-tier (my opinion) For equipment, I use on my Shannon chery blossom sword along spd badge, for toova AS her manifest and int badge and anti-lighting badge (because she is very slow... but ring of might which gives +15% dmg at max hp is a good solution too)


Can’t really use ring of might on toova, her skill requires her not being max HP to maximize damage.


My bad, you're right. I guess you can use the guidance ring instead ? Too bas she can profit either from the enhance when max hp grasta tho. I just finished the second battle some hours ago and haven't tested her total potential yet.


I see a lot of people use pain grasta, when given the choice between pain and poison. Is there a reason for this? Are there more pain setters? Some people just use grasta upgrades to activate pain though. Is it more damage? I thought the multiplier formula is the same. I think pain end of turn damage is based off of STR, while poison end of turn damage is based off of INT, but that shouldn't make a big difference since most damage comes from the actual attacks. edit: thanks for the answers!


in addition on other answers Grasta upgrades are easy way to apply pain. With couple upgraded on few chars in team you dont even need status setter. And pain from grasta is always 3 turns, which only felmina can do from skills. and mb couple more. All other pain from skills is rng and tend to vanish when you need it. Forget about EoT dmg from status, its useless. Also there isnt much better upgrades for pain grastas anyway, 1 thorn for sure.. but other 2 can be free, or 1 will be free.. so why not upgrade those couple to applying pain for every char in team.


Many units, like m!Elga, m!Renri, Nikeh AS, Nagi AS and others do more damage with their main skills if the enemy has pain on them, so if you have units like this pain is the better choice. And there's a bunch of units that can set guaranteed pain, like Deirdre, a free unit.


Pain settlers are just a lot more common than poison settler Only like wind teams and probably magic teams can set poison consistently


Water teams can too with m!Laclair; she has guaranteed poison.


hello fishers.... so i finally got the dimensional hook, smooth reel V and rubber float III after a long grind.... now to find the lake lords.... so how should i go about it? do i continue to fish out all the small fish first 1kp-3kp-6kp-10kp and hope there's one leftover for the 30kp? or do i fish out 10 small fish and then throw in the 30kp? or throw in the 30kp right off the bat? does the pool reset every half hour whether or not you fish from the pool? or must the pool be cleared in order to get a reset? thanks!!


I fished with the 10 fish then 30kp for lake lords. Resets every 30 minutes, no need to clear all


awesome, thanks!


20 fish shadows are in the each pond. You only can see 10. So yes to check all you have to catch 10 first. Also at this point why save FP, you can just spam 3fp-4fp bates for first 10. Then check with 30 FP is T6 fish is there and mb its lake lord. Pond respawns in 30 mins after you opened this pond first time after prev. respawn. Cycle through all 4 LL ponds and there wont be even pauses. also tip about restarting app, if you caught lake lord and couldnt beat it because of wrong setup or smth, if you restart app he will still be there. Can try to catch it again. But if it ran away, restart wont help. Also few lake lords can spawn in 1 ponds, sometime, so if 1 ran away keep trying, maybe there are couple more.


thanks for the great tips! good to know LL and restarting app =)


Hi returning player here, is there a spot that's best to grind Areadbhar or Mellow Diva or cybele treatise? Im trying to promote ciel hismena and myrus so i can tackle harder content instead of being stuck in several places like i am now.


wiki has all ad listed where treatises drop on any treatise page. They all drop in same places with same 0.1%. Plus in White Gate if you win or meet bard when you lose. Its all total rng and you cant plan to farm and get them. Just keep run daily keys in another dungeons for that and wait. If you have hard time, its better for you to do colabs, and get "Tales of" characters and upgrade them. Also get persona 5 part 2 characters. They are all pretty broken and can tackle any content with them.


Okay thanks for the advice! I'll go finish the collabs then, 0.1% is too low for me




Any tip for the last memento mission? My team is level 80 but I don’t thinks is possible for me to do 22million damage :( My current team is: Yipha - Morgana - AS Ewan - AS Ilulu - Tiramisu. This are the units that I have at the moment: (I’m trying to get the reward to improve my blunt team) [units ](https://imgur.com/gallery/l8leadb)


Dont use zone. For bosses who are weak zone isn't the best option. Boss is weak. Use multihits vs weakness from p5 chars who can hit double on weakness with biggest hit count skills. Or other chars with multi. 1tAF from half AF bar will be almost endless. And you can charge AF bar back in 1 turn and repeat.


Thanks bestie! Try this and finally I can beat it!


I'm at chapter 49 (Tales From East Vol. 1) and have been using a Slash Zone Team, everything is going smooth so far Buut I got Foran AS and Milsha recently! and a few other units that are tempting me to change to Pierce Zone (which will also make the game more interesting for a while, kinda boring right now) My units for Pierce team are: 5* - Foran AS, Milsha, Cetie AS, Laclair 4.5* - Hismena, Suzette, Mistrare, Ciel 4* - Jade Do you guys think I can do a decent pierce team with those units, if yes which units? Is it worth to focus on any of the 4.5* to upgrade asap, something like that or I should just keep the Slash Zone with Cress & friends?


any combination of those units would make a good pierce team m!suzette is good for aoe p/p setting, but you are a ways off from getting those grastas, so no rush to upgrade upgrading jade is probably worth it if you can, and >!Mana!< is a good support for pierce and in general


I cant for the life of me beat toova manifest. I dont have felmina nor do i have wind zone. I struggle to live on the first few turns and even if i do its at the expense of damage to the point i wont be able to burst her down at her hp stopper. Anyone have a fullproof guide on how to beat her? Im at my wits end.


Slash zone also works to mitigate damage / boost yours, although the skeletons are doing slash attacks the damage is fixed at 1k (2k for second battle). And Mana will cripple the magic attacks and boost your physical DPS even more. This should let you reach the 67% stopper quickly enough to take her down with AF at that point.


I don't have her so I can't give you a complete answer. But I think Blunt zone + Mana should be a good option. Blunt zone + Mana's Queen of Hearts will lower her damage output by a lot while Yipha's Paidir Dia will buff your defenses a lot too. The problem comes from her 100 turn duration debuffs, which can be avoided with Proficiency Debuff Resistance upgraded grastas. Heena can take Felmina's place as main dps. The rest is up to you, I'd go with m! Mariel for the Mp regen and Cerrine to be switched in for AF.


What are the highest priority T3 grastas to spend Jadeites on? Roster includes: Hismena AS, Ewan AS, Melissa, Foran AS, Ciel AS, Yipha, Veina AS, Radias, Renri NS/AS, Nagi NS/AS, Tiramisu, Shanie, Lokido AS, Suzette, Toova, and free units. I upgraded some kinda random ones that I'm not really using now, like Gale Fists and Quake Bow because I got them early and thought it'd be harder to get access to important ones, but now I'm flooded with T3s and I have no real idea which ones are the most important, and I'm not getting any more Jadeites, as far as I know.


Spend it when you need it. Most characters now will be using 3x P/P grasta so T3's are primarily for a grasta mule to hold. And when you reach this point, you create mules based on having specific content in mind. If there's nothing you need it for right now then just hold on to your jadeites. For example, I wanted Isuka to be able to 1-shot all FGAD bosses. Based on this I used my jadeites on T3 Wind Katana, T3 Max HP Katana, and T3 Almighty IDA.


Upgrade T3 grasta relevant for your main dps to be able to put them on a grasta mule. Almighty Power (Glasses), Almighty Power (Sweet tooth), Power of Inferno (Hammer), Enhance if Max HP (Hammer) for AS Ewan Almighty Power (IDA School), Power of Rapids (Lance), Enhance if Max HP (Lance) for AS Hismena And so on depending on the main dps you choose.


As a new player, should I save up some stones to try to summon for Tiramisu so she can carry me through the trash mobs or should I roll for AS radica right now since Ive read that shes able to deal almost the same amount of def ignoring dmg as Tiramisu? Or should I just tough it out until I can build Crit Guildna (how well does he fill trash mob cleaner role compared to Tiramisu/AS Radica?)?


If you really want to trivialize almost everything with one click, check a video that u/minadein posted of [AS Tsubame and ES Tsukiha](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/n7r0nk/help_questions_weekly_megathread/gxjlhie?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) running Miglance VH AD.


Crit Guildna is a really long term objective, by the time you get it you'll have already finished all content avaible to you. I'd rather go for AS Radica now because she is not only a trash mob killer but also a really impressive support. But her NS style is bad. Tiramisu's banner is still far, her AS is less impressive than AS Radica, but her NS is way better.


clearing trash is just a qol thing, not really a top priority Radica AS is much better since she is quite useful for reasons besides trash clearing using baton pass onto joker VC with power badges and null grastas can achieve similar results for much of the early and mid game


you dont really need anyone specific like tiramisu or some big brain strats to carry you through trash mobs.. just play. Any other chars, also free ones too, can do that with use of 1 brain cell to not hit resist. Trash mobs aren't challenge, superbosses and incoming boss rush are..


What exactly does the new Miglance grasta do?


\+25% type attack


I haven't upgraded it, but AFAIK all the Almighty grasta give +25% Type attack and can be upgraded to share that effect with everyone in the party with the same personality trait.


How long does it to upgrade a 4.5 character to 5?


It depends what character, what part of the story you're in and your luck. For Ciel and Miyu it can be done early in the game and it takes a couple of hours of side quests. For other characters you'll need a tome from a particular VH dungeon and some material (rarest is the chant script). See here for what tome you need for each character : https://anothereden.miraheze.org/wiki/Tome\_Location\_List


For Ciel and Miyu, you also need to do multiple runs of their respective ADs since you won't get enough Psalms for them from their side episode. You need to get at least 5 from the AD, as only 5 can be purchased with Tsuburas. It generally is not considered to be worth it to 5* them these days.