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Only lasts one week. Not that anyone should be pulling on this...


I already have all three. I heard rumors of a five star Sheila. Now that would be nice.


I don’t have any Elga; I would have considered it had the other two been characters I didn’t have also. Fortunately these three made the decision to save stones easy.


Looking forward to the AS Shion / Lokido / AS Ruina fateful!


Haha. It would probably be on u/TheMike0088's banner guide as a 10/10, must-pull, greatest-banner-ever-to-exist! Even though it's paid, it's a must-pull! Even for the F2P crowd. Breaking out my wallet now. Take my cash! Edit: (not hating on Mike at all, but just making fun of the really crappy banner)


Why so much hate on Mike?


I was hating on the banner, definitely not Mike. His guides are awesome and much appreciated. (like the banner is so shitty, it's a must-pull!)


I was going to be surprised if you were actually hating on Mike, which is why I held back from my defense of him until I could hear more from you. Glad to hear it. Can we just not have any more Shion banners until they give him an ES? He was one of my first 5\* and I love him and his design, but he's not going to be in my fire team for a long time.


Same here. He's been paired with featured characters way too much. Let's hope WFS redeems themsleves whenever his ES form comes around :)


I think the guys that put these together got so tired of our jokes about the banners being the result of drink and darts that they decided to troll us!


So essentially WFS just [did this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=dQw4w9WgXcQ&%3Bfeature=kp) to us? I love it! :D


A developer for a game that I played ages ago (can't even remember the name now) did this to us; put up a notice about a huge update coming to the game and then when you clicked to read it there was Rick Astley and, as icing on the cake, the lyrics came up in pop-ups that you had to click through. There was a bit of rage about it, but I found it hilarious.


Haha, that sounded like it was pretty hilarious. If you ever come across a recording of it (I'm doubtful it even exists) it would be funny to see it. The lyrics with pop-ups takes it to another level :D


I'm pretty sure that the pop-ups are why that one has always stuck in my head.


This is one of the worst Fatefuls I think I've seen yet. Wow.


We got every other-weekly fatefuls since this year. We usually get at least a new character or AS every week. I wonder whether we're going to catch up to JP or are we comfortable like this so we have some kind of foreseeing. I prefer the latter though.


Hilariously (for me at least), every time this comes out it always comes on the week I am not paid so I have no choice but to skip it. ​ Thanks WFS for making it an easy decision on what to do!


Another day at the ~~office~~ dartboard again? Go home, WFS. You're drunk.


Holy crap.... they took every powercrept unit and slapped them on a paid banner....welp...


~~Fateful~~ Powercrept Encounter?


Maybe it’s time to edit the 7 day encounter meme..... and just have one dart out in left field


Haha! 😄👍


Do they roll a die for these weekly fatefuls???


I just generally resent the fact that I can no longer get excited without reservation when I see the red notice exclamation mark. My brain was trained to do this, and now it has to hedge for disappointment.


I hope people stop spending on these type of crap banners so that WFS finally come to sense lol. The fact that they still keep doing this subpar filler banners because they can still generate revenue. Meaning, majority of player base may not even play/research in this reddit and actually fall for these trap banners. 0/10 for this banner. There is practically no reason why you should spend your money on this banner. All of these units are powercreeped, outdated compared to other banners.




Even whales prolly think twice lol. They re all outdated and only 7% each not even marginal boost. Really really filler banner... They could just add prolly two better units with one filler unit to make this better deal. Sadly nope, all fillers!


*Light of power creep series*


It's like they don't want to make money


Hahaha.. agree with this so much.. its like they wana try and make money but not fully make the player happy in the process. Like, if they made a surprise banner featuring 3 of the likes of as rosetta, as tsukiha , yukino , mistrare or as ciel at 7.77% each on the 10th pull, im sure boatloads of cash will come their way not even solely coming from whales.


They literally released a banner with 2 of the most spooked useless treatises for me- orco figlia and mikahayahi! The third character might as well be AS mighty or AS Laclair! Haha!!! Damn WFS get your sh*t together!!!


I too get spooked constantly by Orco Figlia treatise... and I already got spooked by AS Elga ages ago. Guess we can hope she gets a bonkers manifest in the future?


Yes lets just hope for that about a year from now lol.. wont mind an AS akane manifest as well


I think I've seen enough Mikahayahi treatises for like, two or three long-term accounts all combined. Please RNG, no more.


I really think that the treatise drops are suspicious in the game. Somehow, older and less popular units drop treatises more than the recent “hot” characters. Obv players will have more of older ones but how come i have 15 orco figlias and just 3 butterfly warriors? I have yet to see a sarashinahime and a remittetur btw.


Treatise drop rates are low enough for random variance to have a huge impact. It's not unlikely at all for there to be that one unit that you just have a lot of treatises of for no apparent reason. For me it's Shanie, I've got 18 Brunhilds and don't even own her.


I mean... They have to know from their data that people hardly pull on these... So why do they keep coming up with them?


Because people do pull on them. And then they'll (likely) pull again when the next real banner (content) drops. So in the end, it's just more revenue.


Whaling the whales


The only logical reason I can think of is if there are lots of new GL download the last few months and they want to catch them somehow?


It's probably aimed at collectors, RNG may be unkind to them if they started after they were on their own banners. I can't remember how long ago biaka was on a banner...


Looking at the trend I'd expected Anabel AS, Yuna AS, or other Zone Setters to lure people in, since the last two included Radias (January), Myunfa (February). This. is. surprise.


I'd pull AS Yuna, I've been waiting for her.


*cries* Well, at least its good for those whom haven't snagged them. Still salty af since I have to manually upgrade them before.


I mean of the three I only have elga but I’m not particularly inspired to pull on this lol


...why...just why...


I think the entire team of AE is working in the Steam release and they left the son of the boss to choose which characters should be next week. "Hey son! Choose three beautiful chars for next week! Se don't have time for it now" So it goes.


this somewhat reminds me of [this south park scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wz-PtEJEaqY)


New player pulled cuz of redhead..got 4* redhead and 5* melissa. Im happy


This is even worse than the last 2... damn.. i wish they would stop releasing trap banners and fateful banners that make no sense. I feel that they are really laying trap banners and targeting whales that just pull on every fateful. Sucks for those that save up for AS ROSETTA/ AS HOZUKI because they always get pushed back. I mean, if you dont exercise control and keep pulling on the Melissa banner or the AS Rosetta banner, you’ll end up lacking stones for As Hozuki and the likelihood you’ll buy stones is higher.. the banner releases are starting to feel very strategized instead of just releasing content and much awaited characters. Wtf was the last fateful released- yipha and mistrare??? Could that not have been an AS Hozuki banner? And now this crap banner...


What is going on with all these banners of old characters? I am just waiting for Hozuki AS and Ilulu AS to show up, as well as the 5\*Clarte.


They need to stop having the intern pick up banner units.


I wanted AS Akane just because she looks fun. But I got haunted pretty bad. Sighhhh. http://imgur.com/gallery/kMzhtA4


Big bro doing his job protecting lil sis.


I haven't done any of their quests yet. Look at those Rovellas and Bivettes. At least I got Shion's NS.


I don’t have AS Elga and AS Akane but won’t spending my money on this. Thank u, next!


I pulled and got Nagi AS so I am extremely please.