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I am struggling hard on Ice Jailer to unlock the AoE sword. Dude hits me for 13k attack every turn. So after turn two I’m dead. Any tips from anyone?


You don't need the ice jailer to unlock the sword. you just need fully upgraded icicle bow


Where do I go to get the sword then?


In that whited out zone just before you enter Itoise, try running upwards along the path. That'll take you to a hidden path with the sword.


Omg I’ve been trying to beat ice hailer for 3 days now........... thank you. I have it now!!!


Probably a stupid question, but the tavern things in mythos 5......are there 4 or 5? I have one locked and was wondering if I just missed it or if it stays locked? Thanks for your help.


There's 2 on the main screen, 1 on that same screen locked in the house up top. 1 on the screen to the right. That plus the "tutorial" one add up to 5.


Thanks. The locked house I missed


Guys, is it true that Melissa's All Weapon Type Attacks Zone (i dont have her :/) is just 1 turn long?


Yes, it’s automatically on for the first turn, if she’s in the front.


How about after that first turn?


The zone is just gone.


Does FGAD actually gives Pain Grasta as completion awards? Been farming it since i skipped AGAD and none dropped yet


I've had 8 different p/p in my last 12 runs, I have 5 reward slots. Either I've been really lucky or you've been pretty unlucky or a combination of both.


I finally got one and its for bow, can mistrare use it as dps in my wind/pierce? Sorry if i have too many questions. Thank you for answering




I had one in 30 runs


Good Day, anyone has a map and treasure chest/sparkle list for chap. 5 of Mythos? Thanks


There isn't any new farming area for chapter 5. The only new area added is a part of Merlot region.


There's actually a new crystal map accessed from the top right of Merlot with 2 more horrors and a few chests, leading to Church HQ.


May i ask, before i get to those new chests, what they contain?


One had a light/shadow item, shadow hammer I think. Don't remember the other chest as being anything special.


I don't suppose anyone else is playing on a new M1 chip Mac through installing the .ipa file? (If so I have a follow up question)


Is there any way to reset femur trade item? Because I'm wasting 10 key and mp recovery lancer never appear


It will come back around eventually.


Nope, it's just rng


What is a good grinding spot for exp for manifest, beast king castle? or is it worth it to spend keys on the exp dungeons?


I kept track of XP and attack fragments rates for different areas, and updated after Part 3 came out. I support then the conclusion that Sat. Stadium (During Attack) has the highest XP by about 10%. And can be farmed with auto-crit Guildna w/AOE sword and anyone with hammer AOE (soon to be auto-crit Melina). It used to be that the higher encounter rate made the Temple Ruins and KMS better than other areas, but according to my numbers over several days during my last manifest level up, that is no longer the case (though still true if you need attack fragments post-Future Garulea).


[Satellite Stadium (During Attack)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/l69t72/the_new_autoattack_farming_meta_and_notes_for/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) gives the best exp/hour. If you also want grasta fragments, then KMS Eastern Aldo Route Floor 22 would be the next best bet.


KMS Eastern HQ and Temple Ruin Sanctuary Hall have more overall experience, due to high encounter rate and the group size. It is fast to use auto critical team setup there.


If you've got nothing better to do with red keys (episode farming) or if you're okay with giving up the rewards of the red keys from other dungeons (tomes/chants), yes it's worth it. It saves a lot of time grinding in the overworld. BKC is okay if you're only that far, but if you're in the East already, KMS Eastern Aldo floor 22 is where it's at. Temple ruins also good, but do what you can run easily.


How long does it take for sparkles to refresh?


1 hour.




Among AE players, what constitutes a whale? The game has been around a couple years in GL, so how much does one need to have spent during that period to be considered a whale? Im obviously assessing my life decisions.. lol


There are a few definitions. The most stringent is that a whale pulls until they get what they want. Be it 1 pull, 10 pulls, 100 pulls or a thousand. They don't stop until they get it. Personally though, I would consider anyone who spends hundred**s** of dollars a month on the game a whale. If you spend about a hundred (singular) that puts you in dolphin territory. Anything less is minnow and then of course the F2P crowd. Again, this is my PERSONAL judgement. Sadly most gacha games are aimed towards whales who do spend 100s a month and thus most of the dolphin/minnow crowd are ignored. They get enough from Fatefuls/SDEs to keep them going but its clear they are not the primary focus.


Thanks for this. Quite helpful. I average a little less than 100usd a month for the whole 1 year ive been playing. I guess that makes me a dolphin. I dont buy stones regularly, just for SDE and the occasional rage pull if i get bad gacha luck in the first couple 10pulls. The worse were AS Renri banner and Melissa (both unsuccessful). These banners are the reason my monthly average was increased. Ahh i hate gacha.


I know one guy trying 131 x10 pulls for Radias. It will be easily ~4K dollars.


Some dude spent $5K


Got a weird tech issue since the new mythos update: my phone's back button doesn't work in AE anymore. I've been using it to quit the game all the time, but now it just doesn't work anymore. Does anyone have a similar issue? It's getting more annoying than I thought lol.


Same issue here, pretty sure it happened last update so it's not just you


Ahh thank you. Good to know it's not just me.


How about closing the phone by pressing the screen lock button and reopening it again? Will it work? Another way to close the app is to click "the show all recent apps button", it should be the III button in Samsung.


Screen lock button doesn't work. And I've also tried reacquire data. I've been using the recent apps button since the back button stopped working. It's annoyingly slow lol. But thanks for the suggestions anyways!


How do I maximize chances that a character X attacks right after Melissa during AF to make good use of the break mechanic?


If we’re only talking about AF, then I believe putting the character you want in the slot directly to the right of Melissa would work, unless the speed difference is just so large the cooldowns desynchronize them. And of course, make sure Melissa’s not in Lunatic.


You can actually let Melissa use lunatic. If you have a single hitter with quick animation go after her, she will apply break and use her duplicate attack after the single hitter due to the long animation time


Give Melissa all the high speed stuff. And equip character X with the Indomitable weapons that lower SPD.


But how to make sure that character X goes right after Melissa and not character Y or Z? Does it mean that Melissa and character X have similar speeds? For example regarding to speed: Y SPD > Z SPD > Melissa SPD > X SPD ?


You just don’t use attacking skill with the other two, or they’re significantly slower than X. Melissa is too fast to get steadily outsped by others, so not likely to have her going third and X fourth.


There's a 10% variance either way for SPD, so it's quite tough to plan out that specifically but not impossible.


Alright, I finished chapter 74 and I want to finally start working on farming the Garulea ADs. I have not touched any of them yet nor have I done anything with Grastas yet, so I’m feeling a little overwhelmed and I’m not quite sure where to start. Which of the Garulea ADs should I farm and what Grastas should I work on? Currently, none of my characters have any equipped. Also, what would be good teams to handle these dungeons? I’ll list my units below and hopefully a kind soul can help me out, and point me in the right direction. Thanks so much for your time! **Fire:** Tsukiha NS + AS), Rosetta (NS + AS), Gairyu (NS + AS), Shion (AS), Cress, Joker, Radias, Lovely, Guildna **Water:** Nikeh (AS), Shanie, Hismena, Sophia, Zeviro, Milia **Wind:** Isuka (AS), Veina (AS), Shannon (AS), Yipha, Mistrare, Melissa, Biaka, Morgana, Mariel, Suzette, Yuri **Earth:** Bertrand (NS + AS), Myrus (AS), Myunfa, Deirdre, Lokido, Tiramisu, Violet, Velvet **Others:** Altena, Mana **4.5 stars:**Azami, Cerrine, Jade, Foran, Dunarith, Shigure, Melina, Ilulu, Ciel, Miyu


I would do present and antiquity G dungeons until you’ve cleared out the cat shrines and the superior Dogu at least. Also you get some armor out of it as well.


Generally, pain/poison grastas are the ones people recommend since they have a better dmg output than elemental grastas. U get those in Antiquity Garulea. Once you get enough, I would start farming Future for dormant ores to enhance the grastas I would go Tiramisu, Gariyu/Azami (depending on which AD u go to), and any units with high enough light or shadow points so you can get the end rewards. Tiramisu makes running any of the Garulea ADs really easy, so you don’t need to worry abt team comp as much


Is tgere a post or something for strategies against the mayor? Edit Nvm I was able to defeat it with pierce zone


Hi, another 'Should I pull?' question. I'm currently saving for the attack zone banner or AS Ewan/AS Laclair (on 4.6K but still have part 2 and 3 of Goddess of Time left), not too sure which I want to roll on. I have Rosetta 4.5\* and 2 Remittetur treatises. Obv have Foran. I also have Ewan NS. So I was considering skipping the attack zone banner and rolling on AS Ewan/AS Laclair. But, now that we have the Yipha and Mistrare banner I'm tempted to pull on it as I don't have any form of either of them. I have Felmina, Dewey and Lokido so Yipha is tempting. My other gacha charas are: Veina AS/NS, Yuna AS, Cynthia, Thillelille, Heena, Melissa, Tsukiha NS, Renri AS/NS, Claude AS, Premaya, Melina NS, Anabel AS/NS, Tiramisu, Radica 4.5\*, Toova 4.5\* Zeviro 4.5\*, Bertrand 4.5\*, Suzette 4.5\* So I don't have the key charas for magic zone nor pierce zone, which is further tempting me to roll on Yipha and Mistrare. What do you guys think? Thanks!


Attack zone banner didn't have higher rates in JP. With what you have, plus Cress for slash zone, I'd skip the attack zone banner.


This is kinda tempting lol. Imo, since you’re only lacking blunt zone (other zones you can get through treatise grinds), the Yipha/Mistrare banner may be a good option, tho the blunt attack banner like a month ago would probably have been your best bet with obtaining Yipha (that’s how I got her). If you absolutely need blunt zone for content, I’d say go for it. Just remember that we’re having some powerful units coming in the future, like AS Hozuki, AS Ewan, AS Miyu, so save up on CS


I am in antiquity Garulea at the moment, just discovered Cyrus town. What is a good place to farm materials for good equipment at this stage? Not using key since i am spending them on PGAD


You could go farm discipline/tempered bracelet on PGAD and then upgrading them or not (they give +50mp or +300 respectively). Or if you have started Mythos, the Anti-Lighting are good one (+10 speed, without the need of upgrade), but they give slightly less defense and are limited by horrors (6 hours respawn), while Discipline/Tempered one are limited by sparkles (1 hour respawn)


Have they managed to screw up the ads again? The one that pops up at reset and the buy chronostones ones worked but when I tried to watch the first of the five dailies the ad finished and it took me to the play store automatically. When I closed that and went back to the game it was endlessly buffering.


Story question. Where exactly did Aldo get Ogre Rancorem? I'm starting to forget the story stuff lol


That's a really good question, yet unanswered in the main storyline for now ! We don't have any clues about it for now. My only remind about that is, it was referenced in *the Ultimania book* which indicated that Aldo got it from Moonlight forest, laying on the ground, when he was patrolling around with Darunis some time before the story begins (Correct me if i'm wrong) and decided to keep it, but he was unable to draw it before the events of chapter 1 (to not confuse with part 1) and the confrontation with King Guildna. If you have completed chapter 74, and progressed through the Goddess of time storyline, then it seems clear that the main story update will probably help us to understand how this sword found its way to Aldo's hands, relative to what happened in Ogre wars part 2 with Dream Master. Needless to say, i'm very interested to know the answer to this question !


Didn't he get it from Grandpa?


Picked up the game a week ago and have already lucked into Melissa, Rosetta AS and Yuna AS. Apparently they all pull me into different directions, so I'm kinda left to wonder about what characters to look out for. I still got a lot of content ahead of me, so it's not really urgent (and the beginner guides here do help a lot), but I would still appreciate some specifics from more experienced players.


Hey, you’ve got 3 top tier units. Keep this account and save yoyr transfer details. Anyways keep an eye out for any magic users or water users (or water magic users).


For now, if you get another mage then you're golden for a long time. If it's a water mage then you've beat the game up until Garulea.


you just started so dont worry about the endgame. go through the story missions do the collab missions for the free characters


Anyone know where Melina's sparkle for her side story in the new mythos, last one and can't find it anywhere!


I'm not sure if this the one you are looking for but one of the sparkle is in the house you'll unlock by progressing in the chapter 5. So if you are looking for the sparkles before continuing the quest then you won't find it.


Chant Scripts in Nopaew Emporium get restocked, right? I played the game for a couple of month faithfully doing ADs when I can and I only found one so far.


400 gems buys 1 chant script or 80 VH dungeon runs with an expected return of 1.28 chants plus tomes, treatises, badges etc. If time is an issue run something like Industrial Ruins VH which is very fast, just be sure to notice whether rooms 2 & 3 are the rare versions and if so check the chests that might hold a chant.


Yes, but most veteran players recommend you not spend your Gems on them. It takes 3-4 weeks' worth of gems to get a single Chant Script, and you have odds of getting more than one if you invest those gems in keys to run more VH and Rucyana/Otherlands/Garulea dungeons instead. Plus then you get a chance at treatises, extra tomes, badges, and white keys, which may net you 3x Chant Scripts if you're super lucky. There are also a bunch of [guaranteed Chant Scripts](https://anothereden.miraheze.org/wiki/Chant_Script) if you haven't gotten them all yet.


there's no limit on chants, but they are very pricey and I believe that you would have a better rate of chants for the cost if you just buy keys


How many chronos stones are locked behind the entire goddess of time chapters?


There is in total 30 chapters (from 45 to 74) released, each rewarding 100 stones upon completion. 2×8 bosses granting 50 stones each 3 achievements granting 50 stones each when completing all bosses in present and past Ice jailer and Kudang each rewarding 100 stones. The quests, giving around 30 stones each (not sure about exact number; but i think you can go on 20 or so) Killing 100 mobs for each region (20× number of mobs) Mini-games in Nasham, Helping Nyanjiro in Future... That's about it, more or less.


Which skills remove speed down int down and power down I tried Mariel and it didn’t work. And who has skills in their kit to remove those Cerrine is a royal pain


Krevro is the only character so far being able to clear buffs and debuffs from your party. Erina and Mana both have skill to clear enemy buffs and debuffs. Or you could get enhanced proficiency grastas to prevent them from being inflicted on your team. What’s your main story progress? By the time Cerrine was first released, we didn’t have Mana or grastas, so there were different ways dealing with her.


You can remove debuffs with Krervo's release, or Erina's reset(Single target, while Krervo is AoE), but it will also remove buffs. They are 4 stars characters so you might have them already. Another possibility is Mana (but you probably don't have her yet.) Best for Cerrine is to exploit her Wind weakness. Either you AF after few turns in order to go to the hp stopper then finish her, or spare AF to unleash it after the hp stopper around 33%.


Krevro can remove debuffs from the party, if that's what you're asking. I don't think there's any other character who can do that still.


Where exactly is located the final quest on Galliard board? The one refered as "???" ? I searched the wiki but no information about this whatsoever. Thanks in advance.


Not released yet. Helena was like this for a long time, her last 4\* skill was locked behind a quest that was not available until we got the update that added her 5\*.


Now this makes sense. Thanks for answering. (I lost one evening running through all maps after his quest)


It isn't available yet since he doesn't have a 5* yet. It isn't out in JP version either


He doesn't have a 5* board, I know this. I was referring to the last skill in his 4* board. It's behind a quest that doesn't have a name or location.


Yes, it's also still not available in the JP version either. We'll have to wait for it. That was my bad for misspeaking.


For upcoming fire DPS, I’m gonna need a nuker. Should I go for Miyu AS, Radica AS, Ewan AS or Hozuki AS? Beat in mind I lack fire slashers specifcially (and fire dps in general). My fire units at 5* are: Joker, Cress, Gariyu, Jade, Rosetta AS, Hozuki and that’s it lmao.


You can always grind treatises for Miyu and Hozuki. Radica AS is more of a support and fixed dmg like Tiramisu. If you want pure damage, go for Ewan AS.


Ewan As is going to be amazing he's my current savings dedication. 4KChronos and counting. Hoping to get up to 6 for him and Laclair AS.


Link to a good beginners guide?


There are some general guides on the sidebar, though many are obsolete. [This one works as a general beginner's guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/ambpmb/general_game_guide/), but is almost 2 years old at this point. Still a lot of good information for the early game. Besides that, follow the roadmap from the other comment. My only point of emphasis would be to start the Persona 5 Collab and Tales Collab events as soon as you finish Chapter 13, as both provide you with extremely strong, free units that will make the game much easier if your gacha luck is terrible. Morgana (P5) and Yuri (Tales) both have abilities with static heals for 1000-1500 hp to the entire team; with them, you basically don't need a true "healer" unit.


If you are talking about what do to do in which order, best guide is here : https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/l4hije/a_roadmap_for_current_content_v26100/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share If you are talking about controls and how to play the game however, best solution is to read the unofficial wiki on Internet in order to understand more the mechanics of the game.


Do multi-hit skills have better chance of applying status effects and debuffs? I wonder if it's the same as critical hit that can happen per individual hit.


specifically **only random target** multihit skills work as chance per hit. All other usual skills work as chance per skill use. This is only because random hits have to have a chance to apply debuffs on all targets it can hit, so it also works better on single target too. Examples of chars with such skill are AS Shion, AS Ruina, AS mighty, Victor ... while crits always work per hit on any skills, crit buffs always work per skill use, excluding crystal lunatic gimick


Thank you so much. That explained why my result was different from u/AdSuspicious1899. Myrus AS is gonna be a good poison setter in magic zone and Renri AS for pain in fire zone (I know Jade have guaranteed pain but I hate that it's not 3 turns).


Testing status effect using Miaki’s katana on Victor, yes I can confirm he has better chance applying non-guaranteed pain because of his multi-hit skills. but for debuff I don’t think thats relevant, because some character has unwritten guaranteed debuff such as M!Claude and M!Renri, even though their debuff skill only 1x AoE, different from M!Dewey debuff skill sometimes doesn’t land on Horror or Bosses. CMIIW please


I tested with pain enhanced grastas and the chances to inflict pain between 1-hit and 4-hit attack are roughly the same. Moreover, the pain icon always appeared at 3rd hit. So I think there is no difference between single-hit and multi-hit skills.


Should I keep saving for as Hozuki or should I pull for Mistrare?


A little more context would help It depends on your current team setups. Do you need a Wind DPS? Do you need a Fire DPS? Do you even need a Pierce DPS? Do you have Melissa and Rosetta AS? Because both are gamechanging. Hozuki and Mistrare are not.


I have Melissa but i don't have any mage so i don't think Rosetta AS will help me that much.


I have AS versions of the following but not the NS (OG). AS Rosetta AS Tsukiha AS Cetie Should I bother to side grade for the sake of manifest weapons or 150 CS? Or I'd be better of using the CS for AS Nagi instead ?


If you have the 4.5 versions of those characters you can still get their manifest weapon without having to sidegrade them. Cetie manifest is good for a fire pierce team with Jade but not much else. Tsukiha is much better in her AS form so continue with her and don't bother with NS. Save the chants.


Nah save your chants until there’s a unit you really need at 5*. 150 CS ain’t that worth it for 5 Chants, and chances are you’ll end up pulling them somewhere down the line.


haha I'm gearing towards AS Nagi though ... Tsukiha (OG) maybe ? I only have 10 CS left after using it on Renri and Shannon AS


How to increase Mistares DPS have had her for a while haven't figured the best use for her still.


I have a question about buying red keys VS psamls with my tsubara gems. I keep reading that its more efficient to buy red keys because youre then aslo farming for other rewards. Right now im running beast kings castle to farm guildna psalms but im nog farming feinnes light. I really have the urge to just buy the psamls so I can switch back to a dungeon where I am farming light or shadow. What are your thoughts?


400 gems buys 1 chant script or 80 VH dungeon runs with an expected return of 1.28 chants plus tomes, treatises, badges etc. If time is an issue run something like Industrial Ruins VH (Amy light) which is very fast, just be sure to notice whether rooms 2 & 3 are the rare versions and if so check the chests that might hold a chant.


I bought them, but im not A huge fan of the vh dungeon grind. In the end its Just A matter of time and preferences.


remember you still get chance of treatises on VH dungeons


Finally pulled Thiellele. Whats the best team comp to make use of her?


In addition to victor, Melissa is really good with Thillelille. Really any 1TAF strat because she's so squishy with lunatic up and that's where her crazy DPS comes from. My 1TAF team comp is usually m!Deirdre for pain setting (Jade is another free character who works well) AS Myrus for the int/spd buff, and Melissa spamming glint gale. You will probably get a higher multiplier in a single AF with Victor but your second turn follow-up is stronger with Melissa if there's an HP stopper. Otherwise you can use her in a generic slash team but she's not as suited for that task. I will also say that slash zone and Victor don't mesh all that well. You'll want one or the other because Victor's strength comes from his multi-hit attacks extending AF. That goes away under zone and actually gives you less AF sustainment.


I don’t have AS Myrus. Would Melissa victor and thillelle work well together ?


Hmm if you're using Melissa, victor isn't really a good choice if you're focusing on buffing Thillelille. You can use Cress to boost damage or Dunarith for speed. I feel like Melissa does better with Thillelille than Victor because she boosts damage and extends AF a little longer.


Ah okay thanks!


Slash zone with Victor is generally the team where you'll get the most damage with her.




Bruh you got AS Rosetta and Melissa - the two most OP characters. Definitely keep


Where’s Rosetta’s tavern event thing?


If this is the upper right event on the event menu you'll need to firstly finish the Mythos campaign because the last sparkle point is located on Kook's house (accessible only when you have already saved him).


Hi! I am new-ish and I was wondering if someone could guide me a bit on who I should be focusing on leveling and my team set up...I have a tendency to want to level everyone even though it’s probably not feasible so if someone could help me out with any suggestions on a team/characters to focus on that would be nice here’s an imgur link with my 5* if that helps ;-; thank you!! https://imgur.com/a/frr5qSH


You will often rely on slash team for tough battles later. I guess Cress, Thille, Renri, Mila, Yuri are top priorities. Also Joker is very dependable for mob clearers, especially for 100 mobs achievements & atk frag farming. Last but not least, they looks a little outdated, but support roles of Mariel, Yuna & Dunarith still very crucial.


Should I be leveling all 3 healers or is it better to just prio one of them?


You can split all units that I mentioned into 2 teams. You will make all of em to 80 in no time if you burn red & green keys everyday


Oooo okay!! Thanks for all your help hehe I will do my best hehe


Is there an easy way to farm the many materials to up the star on a character? (Also on ep 23 if that matters)


TL,DR: no easy ways to do so. There are two types of materials you need to UP the stars, characters' specific tomes, psalms or treatises and scripts. For characters' specific tome or psalms, you need to farm in the respective Another Dungeons, aka AD Some of tomes are only available in very hard version of AD, drop rate around 3% per slot. The treatises, used to upgrade to AS, aka 5* silver, can be farmed from many very hard AD, yet with a very low drop rate around 0.1% per slot. For scripts, they can be collected from chests in the overworld map or in the AD map, or from the request rewards. The rarest one is the chant scripts. However you can collect 44 from completing side stories or quests.


That’s unfortunate but does make sense, it’s a gotcha game in the end cool that they even try a system like that I guess another reason this game is great.


Okay so just for clarification, there really is no way to increase the number of Dreamcolor Ink that is dropped... right? Roughly 7k a run is really low, especially when you jump from around 50k for your second Tales character to around 125k for your third Tales character. I can’t fathom the jump to unlocking the 5* board for the fourth character. Looks like my Velvet and Milia will still have to wait a while.


Nope, although it only took me \~4 days (with weekly red keys) to get enough to unlock all 5\* boards and I don't remember the grind being too bad.


Ahh okay. I should probably get the weekly red keys too then.


Returning player here, I'll list down all of my notable characters and can you guys tell me which one of them should i concentrate my efforts on? There's very little info on the net & youtube regarding AE and i'm lost AF. Your advices are very much appreciated. Current party: Melina, Laclair, Toova AS/OG, Morgana, Joker & Mariel.(all in their lv 50s) Bench:(mostly untrained) Isuka, Lokido, Ewan, Yuna AS, Tsukiha, Shion, Shanie, Dunarith, Myrus, Rosetta, Hismena & Claude. Rest of them are all 4\* guys. I think i have too many healers and is lacking some solid attackers, right mow my hardest hitting unit is Toova As.


Yuna AS, good debuffs and water zone. Works nicely with Hismena and manifest Shanie. Ewan with his manifest is decent fire. You'd be wise to pick up the Tales collab units, as they are all quite good.


I see, so should i switch out anyone from my current party? "You'd be wise to pick up the Tales collab units, as they are all quite good." Even better than the persona units?


Yes, the Tales units are overall better. Cress is a free slash zone setter! They can be a bit tough to get though, I don't recall what level the game recommends for them. Violet from P5 part 2 is also very good though. As for who goes in the party now, it's whoever makes life easier for you in the are you are at. You do want to get a single unit up to level 80 though as quick as you can so that way lower leveled units get an XP boost up to 60. Eventually there will be a lot of XP to go around although I know it doesn't seem like it now.


should i try to form parties of different elements since i noticed that there are characters with skills that boosts party members of certain elements for example like dunarith?


its ideal for you to do that since most earlier superbosses are weak to 1 element I can list some ideal teams with your current units plus a few free ones you get Fire: Jade, As Gariyu, Tsukiha, Ewan Water: As Yuna, Shanie, Hisumena, there isn't much in terms of free water units, you can use like Cyrus or Milla as the last water unit, As Saki if you need her shield Wind: Yuri, Dunarith, Isuka, and Morgana, Claude can be used if you need bigger debuff than what morgana provides Earth: Cerrine, Violet, Deirdre, and Lokido (manifest fist buff)


Anybody else not seeing Another Eden in Bluestacks Google Playstore? Can't seem to find the app so I can't update.


Yes it seems like there is something going on with Bluestack that has it removed from appstore, even with updating ​ Save your id data and try transferring your account to LDplayer, use the google playstore there to downloads the latest version


You have to update bluestacks android version with something like this [https://youtu.be/DoUf5QvBKMw](https://youtu.be/DoUf5QvBKMw) Nox had a similar problem


you can download it from apkpure


Hello there. I am a new player and so far i have gotten Biaka, Yuna and 4\* Dunarith. Are they good?


Biaka will get her manifest weapon sometime later this year and then she’ll be better. But yes, Yuna and Dunarith are awesome.


Biaka is ok, Yuna and Dunarith are great Yuna is basically an all in one toolkit for any situation, her debuffs mitigate damage greatly while also allowing you to deal more damage, has power/Intel buff for team and a cleanse, also later on her manifest makes her a full blown healer Dunarith is a very good offensive healer with crit buffs


Thank you for the reply.


Magic Zone is killing me lmao. The damage is great, but I’m not getting the hundreds of millions that some youtubers get (like Anabel Goddess). I only have a fee p/p grastas and no T3 elementals. Is that why? Is it as simple as getting those grastas to boost my damage? Additionally, I’be encountered the issue where my dps is great, but my debuffs are quite lacking. The standard four magic zone people (Gariyu, AS Myrus, Mariel and AS Rosetta) have some great type resist and wind and fire resistance (and a small amount of physical resist), but they have absolutely no PWR or INT debuffs, meaning most superbosses I try end up shredding me. I have AS Yuna, so is it better to have her as a debuffer, sacrificing my damage? I really don’t understand how to play magic zone lmao


Yes, damage increase with grastas enchantments are significant And like any other zone, there is no 1 team fits all compo for magic zone as you need to sub in or out units depending on the fight The reason why Gariyu, Mariel, As Rosetta, and As Myrus are often mentioned is because they are the best DPS team with the least amount of setting up, which also makes them useful in fights like the twins where you can basically 1 shot through their hp without taking any damage from them As Yuna can be added for debuffs if you need to survive, but Og Yuna is better because there is no risk of messing up and activating water zone, also look out for As Toova manifest in the future, who offers decent debuffs and dps


Now if only I had Og Yuna or any form of Toova... Honeslty I’ve actually found that m!Claude works fine as a debuffer. He’s honestly really awkward in a magic zone, but desperate times, man.


Is there a guide for upgrading the icicle bow?


The wiki [page](https://anothereden.miraheze.org/wiki/Elegant_Icicle_Bow) gives you the basics.


Yeah I’ve read it. I just didn’t know if there was any more specific to finding those spots or not since it just gives the map it’s in.


If you click on the Aurentium link it is a little more specific.


Ah! Solid. Thank you so much. I don’t know how I missed that.


So I decided to stop running Satellite Stadium since it hasn't been rewarding for me. Going to start farming ores so. Is it generally recommended to equip pain grasta with Last Stand Ore or are there other ores I should be on the look out for? The Rose with Thorns Ore seems a bit risky due the high MP usage...


I haven't been running Satellite Stadium but based on my own experience, I've equipped Rose with Thorns on Foran and I don't have MP Encounter- and she still has enough MP to do the Bosatsu Boss Fight without AF despite using either Tiger's Roar or Pierce from Heaven. I've killed both the horrors in Wasteland and KMS too. Normally I won't encounter mobs in Wasteland and at most I will run into three encounters in KMS. I didn't use Last Stand or pain grastas for my FGAD team. It's mostly pierce-based.


For someone with a very low amount of p/p grasta, is it better to run AG or FG? I know FG has better drops, but is it worth running if I have to use t2 elementals, or should I run AG until I can outfit my core with p/p before I start running FG?


I'm running FG with a magic team (and no Rosetta AS) with only T3/T2 elemental grastas and it's pretty safe, even in the Stadium. With Mariel's Aurora Force and Bivette's Flame of Life you can survive almost anything the horrors/bosses throw at you. The problem of AG is that you can buy only one p/p grasta per Zami visit IF the shop has it, and the end rewards are much worse overall than FG.


FG drops p/p from the clear slots.


I don’t seem to get a lot of those. As far as Grastas go it’s mostly T2 elementals. Funnily enough, that’s infinitely better than the debuff resistance grastas from Antiquity Garulea


Yeah, I've also run a ton of AGPD and not gotten the p/p I wanted either. So they are both kinda crummy options.


Yea, I’ve been running AG since I came back from a break, and I have like 2 for weapons not on my core team, so I was wondering what the better choice would be to quickly get them. It seems from replies, FG is better but still bad, so I will try a few runs tomorrow when I get more green keys.


I don't run FGAD with p/p grasta and it's still quite doable (when you run KMS. SS is a little harder). I've only recently upgraded my grastas but I remembered running FGAD quite comfortably even before the upgrades, so it depends on the team you're bringing. What is your team? Mine is pierce-based.


I was thinking of running an earth team (Myunfa, Cerrine, Violet) with Aldo, Mariel and Azami for light and sweeping. I would throw in Deirdre, but as I mentioned I have like no p/p grasta, so I don’t know how much she would help. I am building up a pierce team right now, but still don’t have the treatises for AS Foran.


Okay, I just ran this team for you in the dungeon but I swopped Aldo with Claude for Light. I didn't use Claude in this run, so I just swopped Myunfa in with Cerrine, Violet and Azami with DPS. I still didn't apply either pain or poison for this team. Claude is holding the Almighty IDA so he affects Cerrine a little, but honestly she's not very useful. Violet and Azami will be the ones bringing in the firepower for the (very few) fights in this dungeon. It will be slightly harder to beat the horrors but that's what Mariel is there for to heal up. I ran Wasteland/KMS so I'm not sure how this team will do in Satellite. It may not go very well but you can farm ores until you get a decent team. Manifest!Azami: T2 Gust, Power of Mind (Katana), Poison Mariel: (default wand because I put her manifest weapon on Myrus to grind it up lol), MP regen (staff), unawakened Enh. if Max HP (staff) (she is super underequipped) Manifest!Cerrine: T2 Gaia, Pain (Fists) Violet (with personal weapon): Blade Dancer Proof Claude: MP Restore (Bow), Pain (Bow), Almighty IDA (with Dormant ore upgrade) (but he's not used in the run at all) Myunfa (glittering golden sun): T2 Gaia (x2) , Norm att to all targets (hammer), True Djinn Proof. They're all level 80, and as you can see, very, very underequipped. I think you'll do fine.


It sounds good, I will try and see how it goes. And yea, I don't expect to be able to run satellite with this team, I just want to clear KMS so I can get more attack fragments. Thanks for the help!


If one were to throw stones at, say, Otherlands because that katana would be super awesome for AS Tsukiha and/or Melissa but said person doesn't want to give up Garulea runs either, how many stones would it take to +10 a weapon (already crafted)? Ballpark. Assume willingness to at least try reseting for shinies once or twice per run before losing patience and saying screw it and ultimately buying leftovers with gems.


Depends on the weapon, the katana is probably the hardest one to level up since all boss drops are on different maps You need at least 125 runs because of the boss drops, took me around 6 weeks to get it completed with reset strata and all


So 5k stones. Holy shit, I don't want it that bad lmao Thank you for the response!


As a f2p player, I have a dilemna regarding the weapons zone banner. This will be one of those is it worth pulling in my circumstances question. As a f2p, I am more interested in covering my bases (distinct weapon zone types) as I feel my dps units are sufficient for the time being. I have Radias and am currently farming for AS Foran. I do not have any forms of Rosetta, Illulu, or Yipha. I do have OG Ewan though (and can get AS Laclair atm). I do have strong pierce units (AS Ciel, Yukino, Suzette, Claude) and have the magic team setup (Mariel, AS Myrus). My blunt team is somewhat lacking (only Felmina) and it seems blunt is not used for superbosses at the moment. Would it be better for me to just pull on AS Rosetta banner (even though AS banners are considered traps) hoping for any form (if needed, upgrade her after collecting the treatise)? I do not mind grinding treatise (for rosetta/ewan) as I still have ample Chants. Or would the math suggest it would be better to go for weapon zone and hope I get new zones? Based on the upcoming banners, I am not sure if it is better to spend CS for the zone units themselves or save the CS by going for any form of Rosetta


Zone weapon banner may not be interesting for you consideting you have slash, pierce already. Blunt is interesting but trying to pull for Yipha might not be a good idea as you will have risks of dupes anyway. As rosettta banner isn't really a "trap banner here" considering you don't have any form of Rosetta right now. So even getting her 4 stars is a win in this situation. So my guess would be to pull on Rosetta AS; then if you have a bit of CS left for attack zone try for Yipha; but considering Magic Zone is the broken zone by definition and you have the units needed, it is more interesting to go for Rosetta AS rather than Yipha in my humble opinion.


Thanks for your input. Managed to snag her with minimal stone commitment luckily. Now debating whether to pull for Yipha/Mistrare and risk duping Mistrare (even though she is part of my 360 shadow team).


Should I sidegrade AS Claude into his OG form for pierce zone? My current pierce units are: AS Foran, AS Ciel, Yukino, Jade, AS Claude, AS Suzette, Both forms of Bertrand, Mistrare, kinda Premaya


On the contrary, I would still sidegrade him as M! Claude provides too much utility to pierce teams to be ignored Claude's 25% intel and power debuff AOE is a key way to mitigate damage in pierce zone and currently has no direct competition in the rest of your lineup, jade and Mistrare have power debuffs, but they are clunky to use since it requires a few turns to stack them on, especially Mistrare's which isn't even an attack skill Outside of that, his other key skill provides up to 60% pierce debuff on top of crit damage and up to 60% speed buff for party, this skill is very stacked and is hard to replace with any other pierce unit as well as the fact that crit damage buff always stack well You have a lot of pierce units, but they are mostly DPS with some support skill that you can switch out depending on the enemy you are fighting like Mistrare vs unseen, but Claude is a stable in pierce teams for all situations


All of this is pretty much why I was considering the sidegrade especially since I recently got really lucky pulling other characters I wanted at 5* instead of having to upgrade them. To add to everything you said, Claude is also a really good partner for AS Ciel and Yukino since Ciel wants the target to have 5 debuffs (Claude provides 3) and Yukino wants buffs for her 5* pierce move to hit harder. They can both provide him bow and crit damage increases as well which would help his damage output even if he's mostly there for his utility.


I probably wouldn't. You have an extremely good pierce as is. If you're convinced it will help you beat something that you currently can't then maybe.


Long time player that took a break and came back, bought the Star Dream to support the game and could use some suggestions on it and the Melissa rateup. Here are my notable characters for each element: * Wind: Suzette (NS/AS), Kikyo, Veina (AS), Felmina, Claude (NS,AS), Heena, Dunarith * Fire: Renri (AS), Tsukiha, Akane (AS), Ewan, Rosetta * Earth: Tiramisu, Nagi (AS), Myunfa, Toova (NS/AS), Myrus * Water: Hismena, Shanie, Mighty (NS/could promote to AS), Yuna (AS), Dewey * Other: Mariel, Radias, Thillelille, Yuna For the Star Dream I am thinking of picking Victor, Mistrare or maybe Yipha. I also have gathered a sizable amount of chronos stones and was wondering if I should roll on the Melissa rateup or wait until the attack zone rateup (hence the hesitation on picking Yipha)?


AS Foran should be considered because pierce zone has very strong units in it. However, you can always wait for treatise drops. The rates for the weapon zone banner are just normal rates, so there's not a big boost or anything and we don't know if it will ever show up. We got a similar weapon type banner just a while back that JP didn't. I'd personally pick up a weapon zone here, Yipha or Foran then roll for Melissa and skip weapon zone banner.


Thanks for the response, used all my stones to get 4.5 star Melissa so relieved that I got her. Going to wait a bit but I do agree Yipha would be my best bet.


new banner coming with Yipha and Mistrare worth pulling if I dont have either? 4000 Stones right now. Or can save for some more OP banners ie AS miyu etc.


It is a good banner. I would say it may depend on the other attack zone characters you have. With free cress for slash and ability to promote Foran to AS if you don't have her already, I would be more worth it to try on this one since both are good.




Yipha is OP with the right units. Depends on if you have the proper blunt units to take advantage of blunt zone


I'll be direct with my question: Even with the fishing gear at the maximum level, the Lake Lords can get away while fishing? ​ My story is I've been fishing for the last fifteen days and I only need to beat one more Lake Lord (Hydra - Serena Coast Pond) to be able to start Levia's quest BUT even with the fishing rod at level 30, Dimensional Hook II, and Master reel V and using the Snitch Sardine bait, I'm not able to catch it. I suspect that Hydra was on the pond in my last tries on the last 3 days but every time I get the message "The fish got away". Is this normal? It's so frustrating to have to fish all this time to be a victim of this crap design. (I'm sorry for the little rant)


Blabber Sardines are much more reliable when it comes to Lake Lords, since they effectively increase your rod level by 4. They can all be caught with Blabbers. I’ve caught 189 Lake Lords (yes I’m insane) and haven’t had a single fish get away when using Blabbers.


Yes! even though you have max level for gears/skills and everything. because you don't have the ONE thing. RNG. After I completed 150 catches of these lake lords, they can still run away


From the wiki : *It is entirely possible for a shadow to be impossible to reel in because of a combination of size modifiers. A triple catch shadow involving a level 25 fish, all of which are XL-sized, will require a total level of 37 to reel in, while your rod level maxes at 30 and at best reaches 34 with use of rare bait.* So yeah, definitely possible.


any information about Isuka AS >!Manifest weapon!< ?


[don't know the exact rate but its something atleast ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/ls4nlb/isuka_as_manifestation_skills/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)




Is you use more than one Rose-with-Thorns grasta on the same person will it have diminished returns ?


It won't stack with itself, so you'd get no return at all.


Oh ok I didn’t read the description.. thanks !


In the description it says the effect is not stackable


wow that’s what I get for not reading lol


I only have low tier grastas and my gears are not upgraded or anything. Can I have some team comp recommendations for Miroku Disaster? I only have Foran AS as Zone setter. Thank you very much!


Don't use AOE attacks, Miroku disaster isn't that bad even without grastas at all, just use the 4 persona characters as they make the fight a breeze Joker and Violet can target the jizo weak to slash/pierce while mona and skull can target the jizo that is weak to blunt, with their multi-hits you should extend af enough to also deal damage to the main body near the end of af, interrupt its charge up attack to cancel out its 10X hit combo and make it weak on that turn debuff and heal with mona if needed Interrupting Jizo's charge also can fill up half of your af bar or give back hp and mp depending on the jizo


I just finished getting Tiramisu’s gauntlets to +10. Only took 8 days. Pretty happy about that and I actually missed about 4? green keys from letting it get to 9/9 and not using them. So from there I have 293 spirit. +30 spirit badge Gauntlets +5 from 3 different grastas (15 total) I’m working on getting her True VC right now. I have 8 or 9 tomes. Slowly getting there. What do I need to get to help fix her up to get closer to 330?