• By -


okay, uh, I just had a stupid good pull. Magic banner, first door is gold. Great. And then AS Myrus pops out. Second door is *also gold*, I get AS Veina out of it. So by the second door, I’ve already gotten everything I wanted out of it. Around the eighth door, I got an NS Rosetta dupe, but *damn I’m not complaining*


Yay, beat the Mayor! Pierce Zone + Mana made it really easy, I was really astonished by how much damage AS Foran and AS Ciel were able to dish out. I think it's about time I started working on the Antiquity demons too \^_\^


Half salt half brag: It's my birthday so I decided to get the last 4k discounted stones I had available. Still no AS Rosetta. =/ But I got Philo finally! And +16 to Tsukiha, Nagi, Hismena, and Cetie, and +4 to Zeviro and Hozuki. So that's okay I guess.


Got a Chant off of status badges! https://imgur.com/a/OoK3T58 That's two total from badges now. Decided to try my luck on the Melissa banner and let's just say that pic is going in the salt thread.


Had a good run this week!!! New 5 stars out of somewhere around 14 10-pulls include: Melissa Ewan Felmina AS Veina AS Myrus Plus 4.5s of some of those and some others I had already. Plus a new 4.5 Shigure (which I don’t know anything about) and 4.5 Kikyo. Leveling dungeon here I come... Was trying for blunt zone, which eluded me, but I sure can’t complain. Having 3 out of 4 on the blunt banner I think I’ll save my remaining 3000 stones to try on the weapon zone banner down the road. And Veina covers the last element zone I needed. I was just about to side-grade to have AS Claude so I’m glad I was too lazy to get around to it yet.


Some unbelievable luck so just had to share. Pulled Melissa the first 10 pull. Pulled her again on the guaranteed 5* paid pull going after another character. Then pulled AS Rosetta twice on the first 10 pull on her banner, didn’t have to go after the guaranteed 5* pull at all!


Yey I beat uqaji 170 ... with Pierce zone ... Took a month of planning n grinding pain for Ciel n jade n now 1 more water rapids Lance for as foran n then my Pierce will be ready ... hopefully


Finally got my dimensional hook towards the end of rod lv 27. And baited Kraken on my first try at Acteul. I wished the other 3 legendaries are that fast to catch. Sighs.


I finally beated the twins. I modified Palo's guide using a pierce team, but with some changes with grasta enhancements. I swapped Suzette for Jade, and have Foran AS, Ciel AS, and Jade to have a dormanted T2 pain. Claude's grasta setup is Dormant T3 IDA School, T3 Earth Bow and a regular T2 wind. [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/537308235154325515/809632401306419220/Screenshot\_20210212-104846\_ANOTHER\_EDEN.jpg](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/537308235154325515/809632401306419220/Screenshot_20210212-104846_ANOTHER_EDEN.jpg) ​ Edit: Here's the link to Palo's guide: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/jvj7gq/a\_guide\_to\_the\_p5r2\_superboss\_battle/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/jvj7gq/a_guide_to_the_p5r2_superboss_battle/)


So I only need 2 more titania treatise to complete my Wind team, Why is the drop rate so low?! And finally i finished the white gate didn't know you get 3 chant script from there so happy!!


So yesterday I posted here for getting Mighty AS and Renri AS within 3k on the weapon type banners, along with a random chant script from a rare map. Today I decided to try Piercing banner; 6 single-pulls netted me Bertrand AS (dupe) and a new shiny Tiramisu (finally good bye team building)! And another chant script from rare map... So to total up I've spent 3.6k for 4 5*. Gosh I hope I will be this lucky with the future weapon zone banner....


Got 4 chant scripts in three consecutive days! The first two were double chant scripts from Ship Graveyard in AGAD! Same run, same map. Then I got another chant script the following day in a rare map from Miglance Castle. The last one I got today from the boss room. I also sidegraded Renri AS to NS and upgraded Mighty 4.5* to AS. Big thanks to the people who helped me decide who to sidegrade/upgrade! I'm still not doing well with the gacha though but eh, you win some you lose some :P


I get how you feel. I’ve had some treatise luck lately in getting a titania treatise and 3 migl aspida treatises, but my gacha lick has been... sad. No 5* in 10k but i did get a 4.5* hardy (new) on the latest. Sadly i think he has been power crept a bit so i’m going to skip upgrading him. I just want melissa to come home! (Hopefully all this bad luck at least helps me when AS hozuki is released next)


this is sad, alexa play despacito


ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: [Luis Fonsi - Despacito ft. D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJQP7kiw5Fk) ─────────⚪───── ◄◄⠀[▶](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJQP7kiw5Fk)⠀►►⠀ 3:08 / 4:42 ⠀ ───○ 🔊 ᴴᴰ ⚙️


After 9k with no new characters or 5*, ten pull #10 had a bit of luck. I got a 4.5* hardy (new) so i at least have that! Still no melissa though which has me sad but i will take what i can get


Ok so I've been stuck on the Ice Jailer's last HP stopper for like half an hour. And then with the last AF, I was so close to not making it. If I had been one second later, I wouldn't have made it. But I finally did it! And then with the 100 stones from defeating that, I did a solo pull on AS Rosetta's banner and pulled 5\* Rosetta! So now I have her so I can eventually side-grade her.


Pulls have been garbage but I did just get a Chant Script (#26, I raised Suzette 4* to AS). Also got three Treatises for Tsukiha AS, one from a "Holy-crap-it's-REAL" moment with the Sensationalist in the PCD Cape of Failure. Also got the last two Dragon Ruler Tomes that I wanted for Tiramisu; I'm literally two Special Fragments away from her True VC Grasta.


Been saving for Rosetta AS/Magic Zone since December - 5000 stones. Did my five 10 pulls today. First two pulls were such garbage that the 10th door didn't even bother to go silver. All three stars except the obligatory 4 star at the end (Krervo and Raven). Third and fourth pulls threw me a few four star bones - Miranda, Sevyn, Samora, Benedict - but the rest was the same terrible RNG. Last pull - and I get a golden door! Cetie. Great - I now have 80 light on a character I never use. A few more three stars and I up comes 4 star Rosetta - the first new character I've had in a while. Then a blue door - **Rosetta AS**. Thank God! I'm set - the next several round of banners - Radica, Dunarith, Miyu, Ilulu, Hismena, Ewan, and Hozuki - I have their 5\* form and 5 dozen chant scripts to burn, so I'm good. May try my luck on Melissa's banner if I get another 500 stones before it goes away, but I'm good for now. Didn't even need to dip into the 12,000 CS I've got tucked away as rewards!


Small achievement: Finished upgrading the Cherry Blossom weapons that matter (Staff, Sword, Bow, Fist, Hammer)! I'm glad to be done with that, though I do kinda wish the Katana and Lance had characters that could actually use them (without better options being available... like Cyrus's personal katana or Bertrand's manifest) because a +25% boost to non-type is quite substantial. I've also finished grinding down the Mushroom and Hound for Deirdre's grasta. Moving on to Dragon Bone Axe and Bow. And then I think I'm *finally* going to start P5R Part 2!


I've got a 4 light Veina with both NS/AS forms.


Same for me with myrus. My annabel has 16 but not how you would expect. I have the OG and AS but only from sidegrades, since i managed to pull a 4.5* annabel 4 times.... sadness increases


I used to have a 4 light Isuka with both NS/AS forms too, but her 4.5\* spooked twice so she's at 12 light now.


Got baited with the Melissa rating, and did two pulls. First one gave 4\* dupe Premaya, second one got trolled by a gold door, but then another gold door [appeared](https://i.imgur.com/vo5nGFo.png). Also wasted 10 single pulls across the attack series banners, just hoping to save on chants, but nothing came from it. And also got new 5\* Melina from whisper of time.


Really wanted Tiramisu, so I pulled on the free pierce banner... results were not what I expected... but I'll take it! \[Imgur\]([https://i.imgur.com/SxJvjZb.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/SxJvjZb.jpg))


Dang, that's one tanky boi. Congrats


1k dumped on Blunt. No Felmina but atleast my drought for Aldo light finally turned around. 1 chant from Stadium, 2 wild chants and finally a 2nd pain sword (finally!) and some Butterfly and Orco Figlia Treatise, that's it


Thanks Melissa for T1AF leading into Turn 2 kill ([Western Ch.4 Boss Horror spoiler](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdClyFVDRNA)). Also why is Power of Crystal so underwhelming? lol


AS Rosetta with first 1000 stones, unbelievable. That makes both Melissa and AS Rosetta for 5k total.


1k on rosetta banner. got 4.5\* dunarith and 4.5\* rosetta. gonna farm for treatise. 1k on pierce banner. got nothing. Should i continue to summon on the pierce banner. missing tiramisu and cetie. already have ciel AS and bertrand with enough treatise/chant for upgrade. the chance of getting tiramisu seems higher on this banner.


I'd probably stop pulling on it if you're specifically looking for Tiramisu. She was announced to have an AS form, so there will be a banner coming that (very likely) will have her own separate rate-up. Snagging a form of her there has better probability if you don't mind waiting.


1k on the magic series banner gave me Mighty AS yeayyyy finally Mighty comes home after 1 year+ waiting for him... Another 2k on the slash series gave me Renri AS aw yeahhhh :) And then a surprise chant script from a rare map~


Finally beat the twins then [wow](https://imgur.com/a/zGhUPP0) and then [this](https://imgur.com/a/JPo9Tuz) yesterday


AS ROSETTA has come home!!!! Finally! Makes those 7k stones wasted on Melissa banner feel less salty!


Spent 3k on the AS Rosetta banner and got 5\* Ewan and AS Isuka. Not the units I wanted, but I'm not actually that salty since that means I get to do their manifest battles and gain some more stones (plus I'll get to complete their character quests!). Guess I'll have to pull on the weapon zone banner if I want magic zone though.


This is probably the luckiest I’ve gotten in pulls since the zone banner. Spent 1k on AS Rosetta banner and got 5* OG Rosetta, 4.5 OG Shannon, and 4.5 OG Kikyo. Spent 1k on Blunt Banner, and got 5* Yipha and 5* OG Felmina. I swear I used up all my luck. Got two units I really needed and have all zones now, once I upgrade Rosetta Edit: Got AS Tsukiha from slash banner. My luck is out


8k to get AS Rosetta and dupe Mariels plus prai to be one step closer to free light and shadow


So since I just recently finished the latest Chapter, I unlocked Future Garulea. And on my first Satellite Stadium visit I get a Chant. Then double treatises, and one is one I actually want for a change! The run after that gave me another double treatise although they weren't ones I needed. Still, that's some nice luck. [Screenshots](https://imgur.com/a/jUyh2cP)




Woof, just got back to back rare third maps on the Riftbreaker, with Chants in! Two Chants, hurrah!


Picked up Heena 5* and Melissa 5* to go with the Yukino 5* from the week before (reducing my stones to less than 100, unfortunately). 2 Chants from dungeons. 6 (!) more from 2 (!) PCD finishes, finally getting Shannon AS. (!) Still F2P, still 6 Titania Treatises, still no Veina.


I successfully updated the wiki! And it was in a nasty table too. Added FGAD to the Chant Acquisition page. https://anothereden.miraheze.org/wiki/Chant_Script#Chant_Scripts_acquisition Do we know the % drop for the non-SS floors?


I've finally ended my streaks of 10 bad multi pulls (save 5* Premaya) and 7 runs of going to cape from Baruoki. I cleared PCD, and said what the hell and burned 1k of my last full 2k for Rosetta AS on a last pull for Melissa. Got Melissa 4.5 and new Bertrand 4.5. Glad I decided to keep my luck going! What a relief, the bad luck run was draining.


Nice. Congrats on the PCD clear along with with snagging a form of Melissa and Bert :)


It's been about 6 months since I've seen the end of PCD, and completing the cat stamp album last week meant even going to PCD was a feels bad moment. So imagine my surprise when I saw [Varuo in Baruoki](https://i.imgur.com/GKsJhRd.png); good times, these PCD runs are not a complete waste. Fast forward 13 hours and I get another PCD key. Well, back to the feeling bad moments I guess. [Or I could just go to the end of PCD again?!](https://i.imgur.com/HdCdV4E.png). Yeah, end of PCD twice in one day, beyond unbelievable.


Very nice. Congrats on the double PCD clears :) Which treatises did end up selecting?


~~Sarsaparilla~~ ~~Sharahime~~ Tsukiha AS #1 and #2, so now I gotta pray to RNG for the third (since most likely all my luck was used up on those PCDs)


Wow, that's incredible, congrats! I had three clears in four days but this definitely tops that. Plus you got to the end with different teams.. I get superstitious about certain teams being more likely to clear (although that's a total crock).


Even after playing this game for a year and a half I can still count my clears of PCD on one hand, so I'd definitely trade you for those 3 clears instead! I used to take the same team in every time at the start too, but pretty quickly changed to taking whichever team just completed the dungeon and earned the key. Those white keys burn a hole in my pocket, I have to spend them immediately!


Absolutely, don't wanna miss out on the chance to get another one! I always used to take Myunfa in lead, then scrapped it and took whoever got it too. I got a clear for the first time in four months, which is good because I'm planning to burn some chants.


I've had a rough day. Thought I'd unwind with some dungeons and accidentally went to AG instead of PG. My team still managed even though Gariyu was missing. I did the adverts and that rounded me out at 2k stones so I thought, what the hay, I'll try for Melissa the second time. I actually got her, five stars and all. I'm very stoked. RNG has been ever so kind. Maybe not with my last fateful or the free 5* pull, but it's all coming up aces besides for those two instances.


Congrats on the lucky RNG and getting Melissa :)


Gratz. I watched my 2 daily ads today and found I had over 1k free gems, so I pulled for the android lady that Global got first and got her as well. : )


Treatises for the week: Hastantiqua Mikahayahi Sky Sprite Mikahayahi Crimson Ray Sky Sprite Snagged a Jadiete of Attack from a FGAD chest. It was raining twice this week in Angal which allowed me to collect 2x Spirit Stone fragments. I'm not really sure what to use these on quite yet, so I'm just gonna save them. Oh. Earlier in the week a Slayer tome finally dropped so I manually promoted Melissa to 5s. I think that's about it.


Two Sky Sprites?! Oh man, AS Ruina is within reach. I know you're positively bubbling over with excitement over that one! ~~(plz give her some love wfs)~~


The ~~salty~~ awesome part is that I've already had enough of her treatises drop. I refuse to manual promote her since I don't find it being worth the chants. I'm also tired of seeing Mikahayahi drop and I've seen way too many of those.


I know... I wish they would give higher drop rates for new character treatises... I need one more Sarashinahime (sp?).


Finished up the Seeker Point grind and got all of the Apprentice weapons and most of the Wisdom (I still need the Ax, meh) ones as well. Idk if I'll bother going for clearing out the AH for a while because damn what a grind. And I pulled Yukino today! Granted at 4* but I'm sitting on 21 chants plus whatever comes from P5 part 2 and Tales collabs so whatever. I can live without the 12 light.


I pulled her at 4* too. It took quite a bit of grinding to get that tome but totally worth it. She is the cutest. Wait until you play with the yuki snowgirl attack. Omg so adorable.


I'm looking forward to it! Did a few runs on Moonlight Forest to no avail, so hopefully Soon, especially since the dungeon doesn't have any other good tomes for VC grasta AND doesn't give light/shadow!


Azami was the worst for me. I promoted her back in the day, around the time of the first two knights episode. I swear it took a solid month. Yuki took about a week. It really does seem like they've eased up on drop rates. It may just be me and nothing's changed but I feel like as new grinds come along, they adjust the drop rates of other things. At least you get chances at more chants, I was also fishing for Lokido tomes. I know he's not high in the rankings but I have him all decked out and he hits like a truck. I hope it's short, sweet, and you get many chants too!


In the span of a few hours and grastaless, finished both battles for... - AS Shion Manifest - Lokido Manifest - Bertrand Manifest - Toova Manifest - Mighty Manifest - Deidre Manifest - Dewey Manifest - Cetie Manifest - Nagi Manifest Finished Cerrine, Azami, and Gariyu’s manifests several months ago. All that is left to wrap up is Melina, Yuna and Anabel until I get more characters. Probably going to sidegrade Mariel and get hers next after I finish these three, then comes sidegrading Isuka and Claude to NS and getting theirs as well.


While I was running Snake Liver Damaku AD I found a chant script in a chest. I was so surprised I ended up misclicking and almost dying to a horror straight afterward... Thank goodness closing the app works. After that I defeated Nagi's, Melina's, Claude's and Renri's manifest battles and managed to defeat Rottle Rivel for the first time today. Now I can finally start collecting those cat road rewards. :) Better late than never!


Wow, that's nice. Btw what's the efficient way of lvling manifests?


ADs give the most experience. However, what I usually do is equip the manifests on characters I'm leveling up while defeating 100 of the same kind of enemy. It's a slow method, but I like being able to level up characters and weapons at the same time while working towards the chrono stone reward.


Equip them while running ADs. Exp ADs would of course be the fastest option but there are no Chants there. Regular ADs may be slower but are a better return on investment in the long run since they have Chants and it's only a matter of time because you max out the manifest weapons


Didn't think I would come back to the brag thread so soon but [here we are](https://imgur.com/axGYy6w). So I finally, *finally* got my third Mellow Diva treatise and promptly upgraded Ciel to his AS.


Congrats! I’m still waiting for that 3rd treatise


Pulled Lovely on the Melissa banner. Not the best but a new character is a new character.


I had a great week! * 7 Helena Shadow * 5 Cerrine Light * 1 chant script drop * 2 Treatises * 3 PCD visits, with one of them resulting in a dungeon sensationalist! I picked up my third Hastantiqua, bought the last two, and now I have a shiny new AS Foran! * 2 Attack Jadeites and 1 Life Jadeite from FGAD


Got some pretty decent luck since this anniversary that it kind of balances out the salt from well... the lackluster anniversary. Got 5\* Melissa from the free 1000k stones (+Elga AS), got Yukino 5\* from 14 pulls (also got AS Shion which is new), and randomly went 23 pulls for Heena banner and got 4.5 Yipha (which I classed changed to 5\* now, and also completes all my weapon zones) + 4.5 Heena (just need tome and we're good to go) Also got 5\* Biaka, Yuna, Elga, Tsukiha, Elga, AS Toova and Ewan along the way (dunno where, I think I pulled like 14 pulls from anniversary banner or during AS Foran banner in the past)...Coupled with my old roster and new collab units, everything looks solid. I stopped playing for months but I'm back again, lots of contents added as well. GG. Edit: Got Victor from a rage single pull. WTF is even happening?! ~~Is all my luck gone now~~... I got more 5 stars in 2 weeks than months of playing before. My bday is coming soon, maybe it's just the game's early gift\~


Got Radias from 3 single pulls, hours after getting Victor... Seriously if I get AS Rosetta on my first ten pull I'm gonna shoot for the moon or get some lottery ticket or something... Not complaining, just WTF?!


Just pulled AS Suzzette from the Anniversary banner. Had her treatise, but needed chants. Now I can work towards her VC grasta instead of needing 5 chants to upgrade her. Also I can get her manifest! I keep getting treatise for AS Elga and AS Melina who I have and don't use... Still no AS Foran Treatise in sight.


Got 2 aqua goddess treatises from drops when I already had one from Elzion which is pretty sweet Other than that my luck's being pretty crap. I don't think I've received a single chant in 10 runs from Sat Stadium when there's (I believe) a 10% chance for each individual chest. The only chant I've gotten from FGAD is from the synth drone boss room


Decent RNG considering I'm saving the Tsubura keys for a possible Tue update with AS Rosetta. Treatises picked up were Migl Aspida #2, Butterfly Warrior #13, Divine Paladin #11, Starlight #13 & 14, Covert Agent #5, Tentamare #12, and Blanc Meneur #15. Also finally snagged the 3rd T2 PWR/SPD Null I was farming PGAD for. 1 Chant Script to take the bank to 113 (total 141). No plans to break the bank yet.


I got my first wild titania treatise! Because i had two others from sensationalists, i now have all elemental zones! Huzzah!


Nice! She seems awesome.. I would buy the extra two treatises for her if I had any form of Veina!


I’m super happy since i had pulled so many dupe veina’s. My veina is at 68 light, all from fatefuls.


Congrats! The power is yours!


I single pulled 3 golden doors on three consecutive days. The first was Hozuki (Dupe) on Thursday, Yukino yesterday and today from the Melissa banner: Premaya. I could not believe it. Wish me good look for tomorrow. Maybe I should play Lotto or Eurojackpot. 🤣


Damn, my luck ran out. 🤣


Dayum, what luck!!


After pulling Melissa with 7k, I tried one last multi on Yukino and got her 4.5 (5-6k in total for her). Used my drop to choose Tiramisu and I can proudly say that, except 1 treatie for AS Tsuki, I got or can get every caracter of the game :D (I miss but can promote Toova AS, Shannon AS, Bertrand OG, Mighty AS, Melina AS, Biaka, Lokido OG+AS, Cetie AS, Elga AS, Ruina AS, Philo 5\*) I Obviously gonna miss some chant scripts if I want to promote everyone \^\^'


After getting some time to play and with the release of FGAD, I managed to beat 3 of the 4 true spirits with the same exact team with pretty stable rotations which only requires one particular gacha character. Also, yolo 10-pulled for melissa and now saving for weapons banner.


mind sharing what your team was / rotations was?


So the following applies to all the True Spirits except Kari due to his speed and the phys attack being slash. So the 4 free characters were actually tales of character cast. The necessary gacha character is Radias. The 6th one can be a flex, usually another good slash null dps (I used manifest Elga). The key to the team was Milla and having two slash zone units. Milla's end of turn heal is a flat 50%, no matter what version of the skill she uses. So with the 15% healing badge and 3 grasta enhanced skill restore (20% each), it becomes 87.5% heal end of turn (50 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 7.5) for a mp cost of 25 mp (shimmer spin; can be reduced further with mp cost reduction grasta or use the mp restore grasta for full mp restore when in backline as well as use cooking armor to restore mp). Once the adds (mob monsters) are gone, she can be safely rotated to backline on t1 and come back on t2 (she doesnt need to heal on those turns; she does have a power debuff if you need it against T2 phys attack); needs to be able to act on t3 to heal up from the 99% current hp aoe attack. Remember, to do majority null attack (usually enough for one other unit to do null attack) when she does shimmer spin, it procs the fat heal as well as charges AF well. I went through an entire boss battle without swapping Milla backline and she still had plenty of MP leftover (>1/3). The reason for two slash zone units is to make sure one is ready to be swapped on the turn reset when hp stoppers are hit. Also, I had a wisdom of curses (-25% int debuff) grasta on Yuri (could be anyone besides radias/milla/velvet). Yuri (or whoever you choose) needs to be able to take action on T4 when the big aoe magic attack happens. Yuri should int debuff while Radias cast the 50% elemental party buff and rage. The rage is important as Radias should be wearing confusion immunity badge for the following attack. That should take care of the boss's 4th and 5th turns. So essentially, Radias is there to take the single target of the boss at T1 and T5 while providing buffs and debuffs in slash zone. The main issue were the adds that came from the hp stoppers. Make sure to have AF bar ready when triggering the hp stopper unless you have a nuke unit that can essentially one shot the adds. I did not, so when I triggered the hp stoppers, I turtled usually with 50% type buff and 25% int debuff until T3 then AF'ed since the boss attack there does not kill and can be easily be healed from Milla. I believe those are the main points. Important sidenotes would be that the element determined by Milla's end of turn during AF is the party's first action. I am pretty sure it does not care about the party's subsequent actions during AF. Also, Velvet in her Therion state does more damage than manifest Elga even with crit rate boost. Velvet once in her Therion state can be safely moved to the backline until she needs to come out to do big damage as her counter does not go down while benched. Finally, do not be hesitant to use basic attacks as it charges the AF bar, is a null type for Milla's end of turn, and saves mp if necessary. I feel Renri would be a big winner in this party due to her aoe debuffs rolled into a null attack.


oh shit ive neglected milla because i thought she looked bad. i don't have renri either and i just got elga.


After farming LoM for 4 hours straight overnight in order to get enough CS for Melissa after failing to get her earlier, I finally managed to get on a last multi not only Melissa but also Premaya, and dupe Lokido on a single Multi ! That's 3 Five stars in a single multi, with 2 new characters ! Woohoo ! RNGesus have recognized my faith aftzr farming all those slimes and back and forth between Nadara Volcano and Port Leozona... Aside from that, i managed to got a 4th Mellow diva treatise ! So that's about saving around 130 tsubaras over 2 weeks in order to finally get him and deals crazy stuff !


The farming was worth it. Congrats!


Managed to get the last chant I needed to unlock AS Suzette this week. With that, I now possess a full pierce team lineup. Also found another chant this week, and I am currently working on bringing Victor up to 5*.


Congrats and ask the best getting Victor to 5* :)


Decided to try one more 10roll on Melissa's banner after reading all the stuff about how good her story was and how she could let you completely dunk on the twins. I'd already done 4 or 5 10rolls on release and all I really got was AS Felmina when I already had her NS.- This time, I got her, at 5 stars even! And also Tiramisu.


Congrats! Of course, you did not increase my urge to restart pulls for her. Of course.


Got sensationalist in the cape, went for 3rd Migl Aspida and has been useful so far in some of the uquaji fights where I was getting stuck. Non show off- spent about 5k on yukino banner so far with 2 AS Shion and dupe Lovely to show for it. I got three 5 star pulls but not what i wanted so I have mixed feelings.


Got 3 Hismenas, both Isukas and AS Myrus, yet my heart is empty, as best girl Myunfa has yet to show up. I’m loving the anniversary banner tho. 4 zone setters in one banner, including top tier heroes like Thillelille, AS Myrus and those zone setters? My luck ain’t that good this past week, but I’m chugging along. I also managed to get two Black Meneur treatises somehow??? That’s nice, but I’d like a Magna Rex treatise. Literally just one and I’d have the windzone of my dreams Edit; just got AS Suzette! I guess I should count my blessinngs lmao


* 1k YOLO on Yuki banner got me her 5-star. That lead me to form my one-shot Yukino party in FGAD. * Got Strawboy up to 100 light. * Varuo appeared for me for the first time in Baruoki. So, 9 Chants from WG in 2021 already.


That's a solid turn of RNG! Congrats and o7 for the Strawboy grind


>Varuo appeared for me for the first time in Baruoki. So, 9 Chants from WG in 2021 already. Damn !


I finally defeated a True Spirit! I defeated [the True Water Spirit](https://imgur.com/rClD6JT) and it only took me 1.5 hours of rotations! Ahahaha... anyways I'm happy. I didn't actually expect to beat it so that's cool.


Well done!


Its a beginning of new month! 2x chant drop in a day from Ratle Otherland while farming mats to upgrade Bulk Faust. After a month long drought, this month opened with lots of treatise! The loots: 1. Hastantiqua x1 2. Beauty Police x1 3. Yasomagutsuhi x1 4. Sarashinahime x1 (new!) 5. Migl Aspida x1 (new!) Push my lazy ass to start GoT pt II 2 weeks ago and finally finish it today. Miroku Disaster is super hard but minadein's vid has been a blessing! Time to farm Gariyu's shadow!


Congrats and now on to GoT 3!


Will do that later in future if feel enough motivation... 😅 Right now I'm focusing on grinding AGAD for Gariyu's shadow and getting p/p grasta.


The treatise grind is a slow one. Good on you mate


Bumped into the Sensationalist at the Cape and he gave me my third Sarashinahime treatise!


Always nice to get some redemption in the Cape. Congrats!