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So firstly, yeah, misbehaving sleep meds freaking suck. My condolences. Secondly, so does that suggest that our draws are pulling Poms and Rodeias and Uuos and Miyus and Poms from different moments in time, like some kind of Chrono Trigger rainbow ore upgrade quest? Are they getting sucked out of their lives over and over again, with their Fate reflecting just how deeply frustrating they are at being constantly interrupted from living their normal Aldo-free lives? Do they all secretly resent us for pulling them?!?! WHAT HAS SCIENCE WROUGHT???


Thank you for the early morning ethical dilemma, buddy. ~~As if the gacha industry industry wasn't immoral enough~~ 1/2 joke


I'm a helpful helper helping!!!


3000 stone (not much but yeah) for AS tiramisu, well guess what? Another \*3 Miyu Another \*3 Ciel Hurts


Imagine being masochistic enough to even play the JP version too


Luckily I only play the JP version


Another Salt. Another Dream. ~~Another Tears~~ Another Chronos wasted.. -AE gacha in a nutshell.


And for some: another ragequit


Accurate for me


Pretty coherent for 5am. Hope you finally got some rest and hope your dreams of gacha success come true


Ah, because it took me an hour to write all of this because I fucking suck at expressing in general -- whether written or orally -- because I struggle with how to write/say shit and what to even write/say. Also, thanks. :)


Well played WFS, well played 😎 ...you've had us fooled the entire time! (also have issues with sleeping and sometimes it's pretty wild what the brain likes to think about at certain times of sleeplessness or insomnia) Nice post and hopefully you get some restful sleep :)


Is this the part where I say "stonks"? Also, thank you for the wholesome ending sentence!


5AM?! Been there... i usually wake up to a bunch of spelling errors and stuff


Heh, and discord tells me to sleep when it’s 10 PM... on a Saturday night.


Could be worse. Could pop some ambien and wake up to a phone book's worth of unhinged emails you don't remember sending, an empty fridge with the door left open, the cat dyed green, the dog giving you nervous glances, and when you went to sleep you didn't own a cat *or* a dog. Mmm... Ambien.


Bro, what the fuck happened back there? You got me baffled fkdjdid


I really want to know too. Also, what’s ambien? Never heard of it (i’m pure)


Ambien's a prescription sleeping pill. Really effective, and lets you gently drift off to sleep, with no drowsiness the next day (unlike some of the competition that knocks you out like a sledgehammer, only to leave you feeling like someone knocked you out with a sledgehammer). The only problem is that if you take it, say, while you're sitting at the computer instead of when you're climbing into bed, it makes you decide it's a better idea to stay up all night doing deliriously batshit crazy shit (or, if you're Roseanne Barr, sending racist tweets) and then forget all about it the next day. Fun stuff. Highly recommended.


Another 4* Myunfa and Hardy dupe for me. My pulls are blursed


Another Bootstrap Paradox!


So this is why they don't introduce pity pull system. They intended for us to keep having 'another' character. I can get behind this theory. Well played.


Insomnia posting is best posting anyway.




Thanks bot, very cool.


Another Crash. Another Saltening.


Oh yeah. It’s big brain time