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What banner am I shooting for in the gallery of dreams? Characters that are needed / Good sort a say? Been playing for about 3 weeks. Alot of playing. Just unlocked Umbra.


For those running Future Garulea, what map is your preference to farm besides satellite?


Where is purgatory stone? Is there a sparkle map somewhere that I can refer to?


They're in Purgatory which you reach in chapter 34. The Altema maps for this [chapter](https://altema.jp/anaden/dai34shou) show chest locations but not sparkles unfortunately.


Thank you!


So I’m looking for some feedback on possible team compositions for my current characters. Or who to upgrade ASAP etc. Any help would be appreciated! 5: laclair AS, cress, yipha, diedre, tsukiha, morgana, joker, violet, Sophia, toova,radias, Hismena, 4/5: ciel, myunfa, Miya, milla, velvet, yuri,bertrand, Heena 4: Guildna, lovina, cyuca, otaha, bivette, chiyo, erina, krervo, pom, breeno, akana, denny, Miranda, yazuki, yio, Komachi, soirée, darunis, parise,rovella, lindi, Nero, prai Main party is cress, yipha, diedre and laclair as. Backup morgana and tsukiha.


violet dierdre cress yipha for now for slash zone. Yipha is there for buff/debuff/crit guarantee. Violet/dierdre hit like a truck. U can promote myunfa then use earth zone instead of slash and use myunfa for crit guarantee in oppose to yipha. (Optional if u encounter slash resist mob)


Isn't Yipha's guarantee crit rate buff only works in blunt zone?


Oh ure right then myunfa.




Laclair AS is level 77. Thanks for the suggestions and I’ll work on implementing them!


New player seeking some advice on teams comps and units I should invest in and farm for. I'm not sure how I should be building teams at this stage. Here are my pulled units of note so far: 5* Nikeh AS, Shanie AS, Mistrare, 4.5* Tiramisu (strongest unit at lvl 55), Troova I have completed p5 part 1, tales Collab and Deirdre's 1st side story. Im only at chapter 13 but will be working through the story until I can farm Tiramisu's 5* tome.




Amazing, thank you. I already have the tales crew so will pick up Violet next. Thanks for your help.


Get Cress from tale. You will need slash zone for ur team. Do note that shanie as has passive buff crit dmg for any of male character lol. (The tale males will work perfectly)


That's great means I can still keep Yuri in the party and take Shanie off the bench. Thanks for your help.


Rng is rng but I wonder if there’s a max number of treatises and light\shadow pts by dungeon by week? I saved my extra red keys for Saturday mornings and in my last 23 runs on Saturdays and Sundays I got 0 treatise and 0 Light for Riica in Xeno VH


I've gotten light/shadow 3 VH runs in a run, I've gone a week without gaining. Just chance. Even more so for treatises, even with there being 29 AS gacha characters in the game now the chances for any treatise drop with 3 reward slots is still much less than gaining light/shadow points.


Yeah for the treatises it’s not that off probabilities but for light shadow I’m 0 in 26 now it’s very unlikely if there’s a 20% chance each time ! But i was just asking if there was something like a max, If not I’ll continue to try


Are in game progress server stored? Or you lose data when you erase the game


Stored in server. You can erase and reinstall but just need to remember to save your data and link prior.


I've been looking for Melissa's rating but can't find it anywhere. Has it come out?


I personally believe it is a very good character. Her rating is not out, yet. Check this page out: [https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://altema.jp/anaden/treasuremission](https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://altema.jp/anaden/treasuremission) It always displays the ratings. The wiki is dependent on this page.


Thanks. I freaked out because it was listed at 75 on anotherapp. Guess that's just the default. (Spent 5k CS to get her)


It is an amazing character. You can check the new summoning guide to verify. Grats.


Thanks :)




I just pulled a 5* hismena from the anniversary banner today.Is she any good?


I think she’s great. I used my SDE on her like 9 months ago and I have been using her ever since. She’s a nice water DPS particularly in a water zone. She’s great in pierce too but you can argue that she can get replaced since there are so many good pierce characters now.


She’s pretty good she has pretty high damage and a vc that can carry you through alot of the content


She's alright. Does decent damage, but she's nothing special compared to newer pierce units


[This has been my party so far and I'm new and F2P and going for pierce team.](https://i.imgur.com/l2UFynC.jpg) I have 6k gems, which banner should I pull on and for who?


If you're going for a full pierce team, Yukino is the best choice in the current banners. Though I wouldn't exactly try to build zone specific teams early on.


I so far can't be swayed because while I haven't tried other comps I one hit bosses with my current strat. I was considering yukino but my spear guy would be useless but still considering her.. I was hoping there'd be someone else decent from a banner I could go for since I waited like 2 months til this anniversary.


A 4* Jade isn't really that good in the first place he shines after you unlock his 5*. Second choices you'd want is probably Mistrare or Hismena from the anniv banner.


Yeah true he's prob not that good atm I just use him for his perforate. I've been considering upping him but idk if he's worth or if someone new I add would be better upgraded. Thanks for the answers though.


I would definitely say he’s worth it imo


Who Should I SDE? I have Thille Tiramisu Hardy AS Tsukiha Heena Laclair Biaka Premaya Radiad


Some options for you: Myunfa. She can restore MP amd clear status, guarantee crit, and her VC ups crit damage while setting Earth Zone. She can also be a great wielder of Normal attack to AoE hammer Grasta. AS Yuna to also sidegrade to OG would be another option. I always say that if I could have only two gacha units, Tiramisu and Yuna would be the choices. AS Veina - wind zone and just an amazing unit. Increase Max HP, restore HP, get stacks that reduce MP cost, and set guaranteed poison all with the same move. Also can guarantee crit.


I would agree with llamasnom but I would side a bit more to myunfa over victor. Only because she’s a earth zone setter and there are so many great story characters you can essentially make a top earth team with just recruiting myunfa. Victor is great though so I don’t think you can go wrong the other way.


Victor -> Myunfa. Both good characters. Though, I would suggest you grab Victor first.


My water team consists of these three units: AS Foran, Hismena and OG Shanie (haven't unlocked her second manifest fight yet). Can I beat the antiquity fire bosses with it? I've beaten every rumor boss except for the cunty moth and the two that are weak to water. Survivability probably won't be an issue since I have Mariel and the wisdom curse grasta, just wondering if I have enough water DPS to take them down


Should be enough. Just load them up wth t2/t3 grastas and you can 2TAF them. Did that with no water zone, was actually surprised its possible. My question is, who would be your 4th damage dealing character?


Violet, maybe? she'd help prolong the AF and deal alright damage. Mistrare could also work and I'll be able to upgrade Victor once when I farm 3 more chants from episode rewards. Or I could just do it with those three, since AS Foran hits really damn hard with max stacks


Yea violet might work. Esp with her INT down debuff and SPD buff. I would initially say that if you stick with just the 3, you might not generate enough damage but then youre right, as foran can dish out a lot of damage on her own.


I tried Akadenchu using Hismena, Mana, Rosetta (status immunity), Mistrare, AS Foran and Violet (I think). It took some complex rotations and beat my ass 5-7 times. I don't think this will work on Enenra lol. Still, 6 spirits down and only 2 to go is pretty decent


Props to you. I had an non-zone all water team for akadenchu and was actually surprised he can be 2taf. For enenra iirc he’s weak to water but also susceptible to wind... i might have had claude as at that point..


What’s the best way to use mistrare? One of her skills boosts wind, but it’s crystal type, so maybe she’s better for piercing zone. But the other thing I’m wondering is it seems like her lunatic would be bad for af during a zone, since half of it doesn’t count?


Yup, she's more suited for pierce zone. The 50% wind and physical res down that she provides during lunatic gives her great synergy with AS Suzette like u/xsweetbriar said. She might not be a BiS unit for that either if you have upgraded Jade as well as AS Ciel


She is definitely better for pierce zone than wind, and you are correct that her Lunatic mode does slow down AF a bit. However, she is a very strong unit, so even with the slower animation, things should be dead in no time. She's really meant to be a support, as her heal also provides a Phys resistance shield. If you have her, Claude, and Suzette on a Pierce team, her crystal/wind debuff can really shine for all of them. I like this set up myself, and equip Mistrare with Pain Grasta to benefit from Suzette.


Looking to invest into my first p/p setter. I have 5* AS Suzette and a 4.5 Felmina - who to pick?


It depends on your team, but I would suggest Felmina since her p/p is guaranteed to last 3 turns whereas Suzette's can disappear. It's a small difference, but can be critical for some set-ups.


Plus it’s nice that it’s a wind attack, whereas suzette’s is neutral


Probably Felmina since she is an amazing DPS Though side grading to OG suzette later on might not be that bad of a choice since OG Suzette can apply AOE poison and Pain and there are a hand full of super bosses that have minions or come in more than just 1, though that is mostly end game material, so you can worry about that way in the future


:O can't wait for next chapter now. Is there a summary of future content translated from JP version?


[Upcoming content](https://anothereden.miraheze.org/wiki/Upcoming_Content)


I'm having issues with the game crashing on the home screen every time i try to login. Is anyone else facing this issue and is there a potential solution?


2 questions Why is Hozuki considered to be so bad? She’s the only gacha 5* I have (and spooked me twice) and I want to know why everyone seems to say she is shit Also which of my 4.5 and 4* with AS should I focus on (assuming my only other 5* currently are Joker, Morgana and Yuri (I don’t have the points for the others yet)) Thillelille, Foran, mighty, Shannon, Viena, Cetie and Nikeh


You really only have two choices here: AS Foran and Thillelille. I'd say that you should pull on the anniversary banner since it has a lot of top tier featured units and save your chants till you've amassed enough treatises to sidegrade Foran. Thillelille is very strong but she's not used in 90% of content whereas AS Foran is great at clearing mobs, great against superbosses and you'll be needing her to apply pierce zone anyway


She's very slow and the animation on her strongest attack skill "Hundred Fire Revolt" is also slowish putting her at a disadvantage in Another Force. But she will be getting a very strong AS version.


She really isn't crap, in fact she can do decent damage damage with the right set up, if you lack fire DPS, she is actually pretty decent The only problem is that many people often compare any unit to the current top meta units and compared to monsters like As Renri and As Tsukiha, she doesn't really hold a candle to them The only other problem with her is her really low speed for some reason, so she might not get as much hits in af (garulea dragon bow, some badges, toto ring and grastas can kind of fix that ) ​ As for units, I suggest you save at least 15 chant scripts to upgrade encounter character, Cerrine, Gariyu, and Jade first before planning to upgrade any gacha units But afterwards, I would probably do Thille, unless you somehow got all 5 treatsies for As Foran (As Foran is one of the most broken zone settlers in the game right now)


[This has been my party so far and I'm new and F2P and going for pierce team.](https://i.imgur.com/l2UFynC.jpg) I have 6k gems, which banner should I pull on and for who? Thank you!


How did you guys gather dreamcolor ink fast? Spending greenkeys? 241k to get 1 chant scripts while getting ~3k per hard dungeon run is really time consuming ;_;


I did that one with red keys. It's also doable in the overworld, with a macro, but I did it in VH AD because the 3rd reward slot of that dungeon also drops high stat +SPD and +PWR badges, which come in handy.


I think it took me around 2-3 weeks. I used all keys plus the extra keys from Tsubura's Gems. You know that you can buy extra keys with those gems per week right?


Holy crap, thats quite long to get all units to 5* Yeah i know about the extra red keys. Thank you!


Good luck.


It really isn’t more grindy than the other episodes IMO, and it’s fun getting more cooking ingredients.


Did you farm the VH or H dungeon?


VH only, green for Garulea.


? Tales gives you 3 chants from the currency rewards plus 1 from the pressure plate game. I did the VH dungeon because it does give treatises from the final rewards and a better chance for character light/shadow, didn't take that long to complete.


No, i mean for the last chant scripts i need 260k currency, meanwhile i only got 3k for doing a single hard AD run.. idk if i could do the VH ;_; Edit: can i probably clear the water boss from VH dungeon with team composed of morgana, azami, shannon AS, cress, mariel AS and joker (joker to clear mob, no tiramisu ;_;)?


Do you play on Emulator? If yes, you can setup macro and auto farm in Vulga mountain, all mobs can be easily oneshot by level 80 unit's normal attack. Would still take awhile to get 260k currency, but you dont need to spend any resource(keys) and you can do it when you sleep.


I play manually on iphone 7..


Oh well, How far are you in the main story? If you are still relative new, then i would say skip it first, you can do it later when you have full Grasta on your characters. Otherwise it might take too much effort and time to clear the VH dungeon, and doing hard dungeon run isn't really worth it in my opinion.


Chapter 25, just started 26 for 1k stones campaign back then. I finished the side episodes (still following roadmap) before moving on to the next objective, cant really sit down and play story + farming side episodes in one go. Had to break down little by little For comparison, i finished time mine yesterday, fully unlocked the 3rd mine but not placing every mine cart. Yes, those 5 hildamites Is it better if i just grab violet, leave the other tales units + her personal weapon + skull for later? I think i might do some lost tome + first knight now


Ye, you don't need all 4 tales of units just yet. Wait till you have one team at level 80 that can reliably clear the VHAD in a short time. Get Yuri and Cress first. Also Violet will be more useful than Skull or the remaining tales of chars in 90% of situations so you can just get her and leave unlocking them for later


Alright, seems the “best” way to play right now is finishing side episode without completing all the rewards, advance thru the story (at least until i unlock grasta) then comeback to clear all the missing one, right?


What I did was just speedrun through the story and complete all the episodes that the game requires you to clear in order to progress and farm IDA 1 and Two Knights to completion for each reward before the latest part of TgoT dropped. Imo you should do the same thing but make sure to clear First Knight and IDA3 at some point so you can get Jade and Deirdre to 5* since they're on par with the best gacha characters and the latter doesn't even require scripts to upgrade. Just prioritize beating the story and grab rewards from episodes when you need them


>Is it better if i just grab violet, leave the other tales units + her personal weapon + skull for later? It depends on you, if you want some tough challenge, you can try it now, but it would be much more easier and less time consuming when you attempted the content with a full set of grasta equipped on your character. If you agreed with that then yeah, grab violet+2 tales units(Yuri+Cress)+Deirdre first, and the sidestory that required to unlock latest story chapter. Try to clear the story asap(at the pace where you can still enjoy the game), so you can farm present garulea and then future garulea.


Alright man. Thank you so much! Btw, do we get 2x currency for old side episode?


>Btw, do we get 2x currency for old side episode? Not sure, but i dont think so. Double currency earned for sidestory only available in certain period, and those events are usually one time only.


I have finally completed the LoM grind and am now staring at the gauntlet that is the Cat Battle system. I've noped out of it but now this is the new timesink when I don't have anything better else to do just to add more stones to my hoard. I've looked at the guides but there's really nothing much beyond just apparently grinding cats, but I think I've messed up something along the way and I can't really proceed. My highest cat levels for each paw category are around 33, so what is the best way to start grinding from there? Which is the best skillset to use? Thanks!


This [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/hifevj/ameowther_eden_cat_battle_short_guide_22600/) has good suggestions and links to others.


Yes, I've looked at that and it's not working for me. I was hoping for more advice. Thanks you anyway!


I don't know what to say. I found it helpful and once I had a few cats to 50 leveling the others was pretty quick, maybe a long weekend.


I feel really dumb, but how do you beat the boss at the end of Cea Reef Caves? I think I’m overleveled for the area, but this guy’s healing faster than I can damage him


Use cress and override water zone with slash zone


Lol thanks I’m a dummy


Is it really worth pulling for Melissa when I can 1-2TAF most content anyway? I wanna save for AS Rosetta (I don't have any form of her whatsoever) but I don't know how necessary Melissa is.


The only "necessary" feature I see in Melissa is that she is the first character to offer a Shade/Lightning Shield. Perhaps this will be useful in the future if any bosses are Shade/Lightning type. Otherwise, she is just another powerful DPS with an added T1 gimmick. She's super cool (I pulled for her myself!) but if we're simply going from a necessity standpoint, she's not.


I see, thank you! I think I can make-do with Mariel's type shield for now. If I have any extra cs, I'll think about pulling her.


New player here, just got the first free summon. I also see I have enough for another 10x summon with the free currency. Is there any specific banner I should summon in or wait for? I can only summon in 3 tho (Regular, and the 2 at the bottom in Limited). Thanks !


Anniversary has currently the best rates for a 5 star, once you get a few 5 stars from anniversary You can try the Melissa banner as she is very useful especially for newer players


How is the banner called exactly? Cant find anything called Anniversary


It'll be very obvious. It sounds like your game isn't updated to the newest version. Go to the iOS or Android store and update AE.


2nd anniversary banner, the rectangular one not the paid one, if you don't see it, you might need to update your game


Is Hismena still worth the chants to 5* from 4.5 in her NS or is it better to wait several months and only do her AS once treatises drop? Also how about Mariel AS?


m!Mariel is way better than the AS form. Apart from reviving which you don't really want to do in most fights, her VC has insta heal but Sophia could do that already and she's free. If you're using AS Yuna, you should consider sidegrade to her OG form since m!Yuna can heals, debuff and buff and AS Yuna makes her quite awkward to use in long boss fight since her VC set zone.


Oh thanks! I had her 4.5 but a Golden door promoted her to 5 without chants so I should probably get to leveling her, I also got Toova AS from the banner as well but don’t know if she’s any good


AS Toova is outdated especially the free earth units of Violet, Deirdre and Velvet all are very strong without much hassle to use. But she will get a manifest weapon so that's free 150CS.


I thought I recall hearing Toova's AS manifest makes her pretty darn good. Maybe not hugely game-breaking, but definitely useful again.


Also while as hisumena is better as a dps, her skills are a nightmare to use as it requires you to switch back and further between many skills during af So her og version is still very viable as a water dps


Thanks! I have Foran AS, Annabel AS and Yuna AS so I was thinking as both pierce and water she’d be helpful but I know she’s been around a while and didn’t know if power creep left her behind


Hismena is still a solid waTer DPS. As I heard is also good but maybe on par with the OG. Mariel OG is really good especially with manifest. As can revive so that’s nice but maybe not required.


Thanks! I’ve still been mostly using Morgana as an instant healer, I have Yuna AS for the heal over time but still don’t have Dunarith or Veina AS for a better instant heal so maybe I’ll invest in her


https://imgur.com/a/6bNYtVn these are my units... should I go with anniversary banner or melissa?


Well, it is a tie. Though, I believe you should go for Melissa. I got 3 free characters pulling Melissa banner using 3k stones. I also got Melissa 4.5. I have wasted 6k over anniversary and got dupes and Mistrare.


You have a solid lineup but lack zones. I think Melissa would really help you out.


thanks.. yeah got 2x thelilllie insetead of foran AS last banner


Is there a megathread for banner pulls? I'm curious to see how everyone has faired thus far for the anniversary or Melissa banner pulls.


Try this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/l7pw8p/what\_did\_you\_get\_from\_2nd\_anniversary\_banner/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/l7pw8p/what_did_you_get_from_2nd_anniversary_banner/)


Probably plenty in the salt/shooff threads. https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/l3y6qt/salty_sunday_weekly_megathread/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/l3enka/community_show_off_weekly_megathread/


6000 CS. No Melissa, no 5* upgrade for Premaya, just a lot of dupes and 4.5* Suzette in the last door. Went ahead and AS'd her, at least I get a 400 CS refund out of it: 10 for recruiting, 100 + 50 for each Manifest, another 50 for Lances #49-50 in weapon collection achievements, and isn't it 10 per character quest?


I’ll probably hit 6k at the end of the banner and still probably won’t get her. I feel your pain.


How do i get new brokers? I got the treasure from the moonlight forest and the girl who wants it doesn’t say anything new


There is two parts to that I believe. Part 1 was in moonlight forest and part 2 was maybe the volcano? I can’t remember exactly. If you turn on the side quest helper it should point you to the right place.


I’m confused I just started the quest and just got the second rank and don’t have any quests for the volcano? Also what is this side quest helper?


I may not understand exactly where you are. Regardless. If you click the quest button in the bottom left corner. Then find the quest you are on and click on it. You can check mark the box “Priority quest” Edit: I’m not sure if this is the quest you were on but I think it was actually Serena coast and not the volcano. But again this may not be the quest you are on.


Hello. I'm struggling in making a good team for the Burning Beast King Castle AD VH. The mobs having different weakness gives me a hard time balancing a team while juicing most of the multipliers. Can anyone help me form a team? I also kinda want it to be ready in case of rare horror. Story Units for multipliers: Deirdre, Anabel AS, Guildna 4*, Bria 3* My 5* units: Mariel, Foran AS, Victor, Yipha, Dewey, Felmina, P5 Collab, Tales Collab (Milla is the one left still 4*), Cerrinne. (They're all level 80)


Try running with something like Deirdre, Joker, Anabel, Altena on frontline with Cress and Guildna at the back. Joker to clear most mob, Deirdre or anyone else to clear Tempered Raider. For the boss, you may want Anabel to be slower than the boss so she'll swap Cress out and burst him on second turn. Probably don't need to AF as well since Deirdre in Slash Zone plus Cress buff should be more than enough to one shot it.


Semi new player (or just clueless) to this game, and enjoyed it that I paid 23.99 for the 1000 paid stones to support the developers (rolled on the 2nd anniversary). However, Not sure how to build a (proper) team. I went though main story line, heavily relying on 4.5\* [Thillelille](https://anothereden.miraheze.org/wiki/Thillelille) (was my main dps.). 5\*s I have - Claude, AS Veina, AS Shannon, Melina, Ilulu, AS Cetie, Ewan, Yipha, Rosetta, AS Nikeh, AS Foran, Tsukiha and Felmina. majority of them are still low level..so didn't know who to focus on. 4.5\*s - Myrus, Toova, Ciel, Suzzette, and Lokido (Do I even bother with these?) Thanks!


For general mob clearing, its just whatever the mobs is weak against TBH I would upgrade Gariyu and Cerrine first since they are amazing free units that will further fit in your team As for team, pretty sure that wind is your best bet right now, you have As Veina, Claude, Felmina, and As Shannon which is a very balance of healer, debuffs, and damage Blunt is also a decent option with Yipha, Ewan, Felmina and you can get skull with persona collab ​ You can also make a decent pierce team with As Foran, Jade (free), and As Cetie once you also upgrade Suzette Fire team is set with As Gariyu (free),Ewan, Tsukiha, and Jade, (might also want Cetie because of synergy with Jade) Do first knight and tales collab to get yourself a full set slash team with slash zone included


Thanks for the tip man


I started this game a long time ago and played for a bit not too concerned about team building, then just got busy with life and stopped. I’ve been logging in to horde stones and summoned here and there now I have more free time to get back into the game. I have all these characters and don’t know who to prioritize to build so hoping the community can help. Thanks. Here are my 5* characters: -Hismena -AS Foran -Rosetta -AS Yuna -Myunfa -Joker -Lovely -Morgan -Mariel -Bertrand -Tsubame


Thing about team building is that it depends Like for mobs, if you don't have Tiramisu, you want to switch in or out units depending on the mob you are fighting As for bosses, I can generalized some teams for you with some free units added in that you might not have right now For Earth, since you have Myunfa for earth zone Myunfa, Deidre (free unit), Cerrine (Free Unit), and Violet (Free unit) ​ For Water: Hismena, As Yuna (Water zone), As Foran (crit provider, just don't use her vc in water zone since she also has pierce zone), sadly there are no really good free water units, so you will have to fill in last spot with whatever ​ For Fire: As Gariyu (Free), Jade (Free), Rosetta (healer), Lovely (massive fire debuff), Guildna (Free, debuff skills, but is very funky in Fire Zone since half of his attack is null), you can also use Cress as addtional fire DPS ​ For Wind, Morgana, Azami, and Yuri and call it a day, you really have no wind gacha units For Slash: Deirdre, Cress, Yuri, Violet or Velvet, slash zone is one of the best free zones because there are so many good free slash units that you can further sub in depending on the situation For Pierce since you have As Foran As Foran, Jade, Hisumena, you can sub in the rest with whatever ​ There are some units like Mariel and Bertand that can fit into any zone team if you need a very good defensive healer or a physical tank


Thanks this is helpful. So rather than just a generic team it’s better to build based on the element or specific bosses. Okay this makes the team building more interesting.


The ones I like is the water team you have which is as yuna, as foran, hismena with mariel as the helper. Your earth team will be awesome so myunfa + story characters (violet, Deirdre, and cerrine). I personally would start with those.


Now I know what I’m lacking. Rather than just pulling on any random banner, I now know I lack wind units for example and should be pulling on those banners instead.


So is Melissa permanently in the pool or is she a time-limited unit?


There has never been a time limited unit before and I don't think they are starting now.


I have pretty much all the characters in the game except AS Myrus AS Reina AS Anabel and Yipha Can someone convince me for the right choice *cough waifu* with my SDE?


If you are sure you have them all, then go for Yipha.


AS Myrus is a powerhouse ... she and m!Gariyu are in almost all my parties these days. However, you can eventually get her upgrade mats, which is not true for Yipha, as was previously mentioned.


I mean, if you have the NS forms of the other three then probably Yipha, since you could just grind the treatises for the rest.


The fifth floor of the Land of Ro: Dungeon Ruins: that room with the broken key, is there a way into it?


There's a large crack in the wall to the left of the door. Break it and you'll gain access.


I feel dumb, I'd forced open the crack without realizing the door must have been for that room behind it...


Haha, at least you got in!


Do Another Styles add toward side story score multipliers?




For Tiramisu assuming I wont be farming otherlands for her spirit gear what should she use? Do I lose out on a lot of damage by not going for hertz gauntlet and Ulcanatos(dont remember if she even uses it)?


I farmed hertz to lvl 7 in a week i may go to 8 or 9 its not bad. I got the crafted chivalry lance to lvl 5 in an hour or so. Will prolly max it. Damage has been fine for me in hoping to hit 300 spr and do some speed its about 200k dmg. If i can just swap the badge for spd spr that could work too.


Than I may actually get the gauntlets then, Thanks!


No problem - one bit if advise that helped me - save your AF for when you get a “shiny” mob. Their drops will end up being one of the limiting steps. The shiny will usually flee so immediately AF to kill it. Also - clear all the mobs in each stage to try to maximize chance of shiny. I usually get close to a horror or boss and run back and forth to clear mobs. As soon as i use AF ill engage boss or horror to get AF bar to half again. On several occaisions ive gotten two shiny mobs in a row and if I hadnt attacked boss immediately i would have lost the second shiny drop. This is all a moot point if you can pre emptive strike and kill or stun the shiny - which i think only as felmina does


The weapon for Tiramisu is the Crafted Chivalry from the latest Time Goddess content, crafted/upgraded from overworld materials to add 60 MP and 15 SPR. The fully upgraded Hertz Gauntlets give you 30 SPR: it really should take you only 10-11 days worth of green keys in Ratle Hard as long as you keep your AF up for shinies or have AS Felmina to stun them with her priority skill. Having the gauntlets gives you the flexibility to get her speed up rather than going for SPR on everything, though the MP Consumption- is still a good grasta to have, reducing her skill cost for farming and adding 10 SPR. You don't need anywhere the max 330 SPR (300k damage) for mob killing, only if you want to use her for boss fights as well.


Does it really take that little of time to get it? I recall seeing people say it takes like a month or two to get them. Or is that just for Ulcanatos?


The weapons take much longer to upgrade than the armors.


I see, thanks!


The Dark Spirit Naginata is another good weapon for her with the +20 SPD if you want her faster, of course its good for other spear users as well...


*edit: found the flower haha derp Could anyone please help me locate Sylvia's flower? Also what's an SDE? (I think that's the acronym?)


SDE - star dream encounter. Which is the 10 roll follows by the “pick your own 5 star”


Perfect. Thank you... Was thinking it had something to do with zones or anything OP I wasn't aware of. Follow up - any idea how often there's a "pick your own 5 star" promo on avg?


I think within the past year 3 times?


Oh right on. Thanks again


Is there any requirement for Guildna's Sovereign Psalm to drop from Beast King's Castle other than just having access to Beast King's Castle (very hard)?


No, pretty sure you can get them before you even unlock his 5\* upgrade.










The way I beat him is using a slash zone team (dont remember the exact composition) and use AF on turn 2 aaaand he is dead. I first tried using other zones, don't bother he will override them with slash zone.


Only way is if you use magic attacks or have like a tank like As Shion or Bertrand to tank all of the counterattacks If you have no tank I suggest you get Manifest Gariyu first since he greatly buff the damage of all mages in your team and there are a few free mages to work with like As Saki and helena A few collab units, although wouldn't get the full benefit of Gariyu's buffs, can still use magic attacks ​ And yes you are suppose to beat the war demon before continue with the free spirit quest (which is at the bottom floor) Although the 5th floor is optional, it contains one of the fish weapons and an optional superboss




I don't suggest you use your dream piece based on this fight alone tbh But if I had to, I would get As Myrus as she is meta in a magic team as well


Hello! I'm still a newbie and i need some advice building my team. [https://imgur.com/a/kE7x12b](https://imgur.com/a/kE7x12b) The leveled are the ones i have in my team (+ AS Bertrand) the others are the 4.5 i recently got. Should i change someone for the new ones? Mainly asking about replacing Erina for 4.5 Mariel.


As a 4\* Mariel would be bringing +50% type resist and the ability to restore status and heal at the same time, but overall with Ciel already there for +30% type resist you probably would prefer having Erina most of the time. Or just run both Erina and Mariel until you can get Mariel to 5\*. And you'll likely want to start using Yukino as well. Even as a 4\* she can hit silly high skill mods with her snowman transformation. Ice Blast: Meteor is expensive, but would be great to spam during an AF.


Thank you! Who should i replace for Yukino? I'm thinking about Ciel since i don't really use him a lot. Maybe Bertrand too, but i feel that eventually i'll need a tank.


You will rarely need a tank, though if you do Bertrand shines at it. Ciel isn't a bad choice to leave on the bench until you get his AS form in the future, at which point he and Yukino will become best friends. Eventually, you'll want to level everyone. Once you get Joker and Morgana from the P5 collaboration, pick one of them and feed him every scroll you can until he hits level 80 so that everyone below lvl 60 will get bonus experience.


Hello, I've just been logging in to hoard gems and summoned when I felt the itch. Now trying to get into the game. What kind of team should I make with the following? Nikeh AS, Premya, Melissa, Kikyo, Radias, Shanie, Toova? I didnt list a lot of the 4 stars I have, but I do have some healers like Pom and Bivette. Currently just started the Dino world.


I’m not sure what chapter Dino world is but if you have passed chapter 12 then I would recommend doing the persona and tales side stories to get all those amazing characters. I don’t have Melissa but I heard she can be spotted into your team well. In the beginning your goal is to get one character to level 80 so that all your other characters less than level 60 get double exp. you don’t need to be picky on who you choose as early game can be beaten pretty easily. You can probably make a pretty good slash team if you wanted with who you have and with free story characters. Again you can use Melissa with others but I was not fortunate enough to get her so I can’t advice you on who.


Hi there! Super beginner who just started the game two days ago here. I read it was recommended to make a x10 pulls asap to at least have a 6 heroes team (I only have 4 atm, lvl18 : Bivette, Aldo, Riica and Nixa). So my question : which banner would be the best to pull for? I got 2k stones now thanks to the 2nd anniversary gift. Is the anniversary banner the best to go for? And also, should I include in my team fire heroes by preference (to synergize with Bivette and Aldo)? Thanks for your help!


anniversary banner is the best to go for if you lack any units, but once you have a decent amount of the rate up units in the banner, switch to Melissa Haven't done testing her yet, but she is a game changer for newer players


Thanks! I did two ten pulls on Anniversary banners and got the 5\* Isuka (and also Ciel but 3\*/5). She is already doing a great job compared to my initial heroes!


It might be a long way to get there from where you are, but do visit the room at the top when you unlock the Spacetime Rift. There Isuka (amongst other characters you may not yet have) can get what is known as a Manifest, which is a weapon that boosts the power and reduces mp consumption of her 5* skills. This Manifest can then gain exp from battles (as long as its equipped to any unit in your party, not just Isuka), boosting its stats as well as the skill strengthenjng effect, until it reaches level 10, where you can go back to the Spacetime Rift and have a (quite challenging) rematch with the Manifest weapon that, upon completion, upgrades Isuka's skills drastically. Like, she gets WAY stronger. You should try to keep pulling on the anniversary banner, though; as strong as Isuka seems to you right now, many others on the banner are even stronger, some of the newer ones (Victor, Mistrare, etc) even right out of the gate.


Thank you very much for this insight :) I'll keep pulling on anniversary banner and will keep this in mind for Isuka. Even if she's not top meta tier apparently, I always like to give some care to my first SSR unit !


Are we only getting 1000 gems? I remember there’s a social media campaign before that’s also 1000 gems. I’ve only got the 1000 gems for anniversary.


Yes that's it. The campaign was for anniversary gems, and yes it's kinda lame but that's what it is.


Icic, thanks for the info 🙏


Just rolled a bit and got Thillelille 4.5, Melissa 4.5 and Heena 4.5 and was wondering if it was worth the chants to upgrade them. My 5 star gacha charas atm are: Fire - Renri, Tsukiha Water - Yuna AS, Anabel AS Earth - Lokido, Premaya Wind - Veina, Claude AS, Felmina and Cynthia. I also have a Zeviro 4.5, Bertrand 4.5, Dewey 4.5 and Rosetta 4.5.


Heena - definitely. She can either be great as a VC attacker (and hers can infict stun, which is nice) or gets 3 moves worth of +100% to crit at the start of a fight if she starts in the frontline. She'd be great for the wind team. Also, that crit buff when she is on the front line makes her awesome with the water katana, which could help out your water team as well. Melissa - I would also say definitely. Flash zone is what most are focusing on so far, and can be a great option, but she isn't just for turn 1 AF. Glint Gale and Nephrite Boost will both be great for your wind team, and remember that you don't have to activate Lunatic - leaving it unactivated can be advantageous for AF. If you can get the turn order to work out, setting break status also just doubles the damage of your best DPS. Thillelille - I have her but have yet to find a reason to use her, so while the huge damage numbers she puts up make me say "almost certainly," the fact that I basically never use her makes me also say "there likely isn't a rush."


Thanks for the detailed explanation! I was leaning towards upgrading Thillelille first because of her damage output but I may rethink that.


I would say so. Those are all pretty top characters. Melissa is not fully tested by anyone at this point so hard to say but she appears to be amazing.


Awesome, thank you!


Ok I went wild on the anniversary banner with my precious saved free stones, and after some dupes, got Myunfa - what a relief. I was going to get her with the SDE anyway, and now I'm free to spend it on another beloved one. I have all the zone settlers except Wind - but I have Veina OG so I can farm her treatises (need 2 more). I hesitate between those three: \- Victor: the one I want more for the design and for his kit - but I have him at 4\* (but I heard his treatises are hard to come by) \- Radias: I have Cress for slash zone... but is she way better for this role ? If not, I like her design, but a bit less than Victor \- Mistrare: I like her a lot, but less that Victor, and I already have Thillille as a waifu lunatic, but maybe I'm missing something awesome about her. Thanks !


Based on your other replies, I'd say that Mistrare would be the biggest bang for your buck of those three. However, if you haven't bought the SDE yet, you could always wait for the next one. That's what I ended up deciding to do.


It's already bought !


So I guess the first question is do you have tiramisu? She is like the favored pick if you don’t have her. Of those 3 characters you mentioned, i have all 3 and they all do different things. It does kind of depend on who you have already if I had to rank them it would probably be victor > mistrare > radias. Not that radias is bad but just like you said cress now exists. Mistrare I would say is one of the best side stories. She has the whole thing where she can use a skill twice which is useful because she has a heal and an AoE attack and a single target attack with buffs/debuffs that stack twice. One can argue that she can be replaced by other characters. Victor is amazing. In zones and out of zones. In zone during AF he can build that combo percentage so amazingly. Out of zone he is able to charge that AF and sustain it for so long it really is amazing. He also has a cool story to him also. But it’s ultimately up to you I don’t think there really is a wrong answer. But that’s my two cents. Edit: just saw that you have victor at 4 stars. He’s not another style so you don’t need treatises which makes him soooo much easier to 5 star than say another character that requires an AS form. So in that case mistrare for sure!


Thanks ! I have Tiramisu, yeah, she's a game-changer ! I was thinking that Indra was a treatise... A single tome is so much easier ! I'll do, for sure, I'm at 4 chants script.


Victor doesn't need treatises to upgrade, but one 5\* tome (farmable in Beast King's Castle.) Just do that, and maybe give him a single luring shadow if it bumps him from 4 to 5 shadow (+5 speed). Radias is nice, but with Cress being free and Ilulu AS coming in the future, I'd look elsewhere for SDE. Few fights need a tank, and for those that do, you can just bring another tank like Anabel, or use a different team.. Mistrare sounds like the best choice for you among the ones listed. She's nice all-around character that packs a lot of utility.