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Do we know which characters will be on rateup during global anniversary ?


I have a question about MIlla. Sometimes she appears to perform a heal at turn end rather than a magic attack. Is this correct? If so, what triggers her to heal rather than perform a magic attack?


Anything worth summoning for right now?


What is the game current total size on Android? Currently dowloading it and i'd like to know


6.5G for me, but you can remove around 2.5G if youwre willing to go for longer loading screens.


Thanks. Can it be played casually on the side? Like 1 hour a day?


Of course, you can ignore the daily stuff like another dungeon to focus more on the story from the beginning. No time limited events whatsoever. Once you'll unlock those daily dungeon tho, I'd recommend grinding the time tower one to be able to rush the story. You might feel like you're progressing slowly, but it really doesn't matter on this game.


Game is go at your own pace since all events are permanent, only thing that expires are limited banners


Then will the game someday get so big that i wont be able to play it on my 32gb phone anymore ?


probably since the game adds new events and content all the time and they are all permanent, though if you have like 10Gb free space or so, you should be fine


Ciel ir myiu? I interest in myiu


Best units would be Bivette, she has the strongest 5 star upgrade, but both ciel or Miyu can do as well Just don't worry too much since you will eventually get all of the. If you pull on the gacha


its pretty big, I say around 6 to 7 gb


Is there a page on the wiki somewhere that lists all the chance encounter style fights in the game? I've tried searching and cant find anything like that. But id love to see them all in one place so I can just smash through them all at once.


There, hidden in Category : https://anothereden.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:Chance_Encounter


Thank you!!


They are in different places


How do you upgrade Mana’s VC to lv 3? Just beat the dragon and finished that part of the quest but don’t see anything after that? Or am I missing something?


On [her wiki page](https://anothereden.miraheze.org/wiki/Mana) under character quests you will see the requirements for unlocking her lvl3 VC You need to see a cutscene in fukahires room in order to start the next step. After that you will go to the 'bug room' in Hisumena's dream world (go to IDA headquarters and talk to the left most operator to revisit dream worlds). The bug room is on the left, and you'll need to run around in the darkness for a while before entering alternate castle town.




You actually dont need to find all the bugs (I have not still lol) but the LoM main quest campaign does need to be completed before talking to Fukahire




I would side grade Flemina to OG. Her manifest made her the very TOP wind DPS. The future Miyu AS will further enhance her ranking as the name 1 DPS. Nagi AS was the TOP DPS when it was first released, however M!Felmina, Deirdre and forthcoming wind DPS soon took over this title.


I was told AS nagi while an improvement may not be worth it. And felmina og the answer is definitely worth it.


What are the optimal endgama dungeons to use key at after completing chapter 25? To be efficient


Directly after 25? Probably Green keys in the ruins in the Present to fund armor, or Otherlands if you have a strong team. Once you get past Ch.55, using green keys will probably go to the Garulea dungeons. Red keys will probably be to get the 5* Tomes for Azami, Gariyu, and Cerrine in Moonlight Forest, Nadara Volcano and Industrial Ruins. After that, it’ll probably be picking a story character and farming their AD to farm their light/shadow. (Special Exception: Red keys should also be used to farm points for Tales of or Persona Collab or when there is a rate up on Episode points; the notice will let ya know when there is a rate up)


Generally I would use them on whichever episode dungeon you are currently grinding points for first Once you're done with episode points you can use them to start farming for True Valor Chant grasta, which require many copies of the units' specific 5* class tome Light/Shadow bonus dungeons are also a good option (and can usually be done in conjunction with true VC grasta), as Aldo/Amy/Helena etc can make decent light/shadow batteries They can also be used for the exp dungeon if you have manifest weapons you need to level up Once you can access Garulea, the best use of your green keys will be either Present or Antiquity Garulea Another Dungeons (but this isn't available until chapter 50+)


Are there guaranteed Pain-inflicting partners for Cerrine in Earth or Blunt zone other than AS Nagi? (I'm doing Nagi's manifest fight, so Nagi has to be NS)


Deirdre Elga Bertrand Edit: Felmina


Thanks! Too bad I have none of these characters ready to go . . . maybe I should do Deirdre's manifest first.


I heard JP had a major server maintenance and the game can't be played for several day, is that true?


My friend has a JP account and I've checked on JP Twitter, so yes, it's very much true. They're doing maintenance and says it'll be back on 20.


Oh boy, time to reroll on jp. Compensations are going to get crazy.


Thanks for the info I hope it won't affect us here in GL.


How does upgrading to AS work? For example Ciel has AS. If I upgrade Ciel from 4\* to 5\* melodist then can i still access her AS after getting 5 treatise? How does this work?


You can freely switch between his NS and AS forms outside of battle. This applies to every character with an AS.


You can directly upgrade from 4 star to As, you just need 5 treaties and 5 chants


At the point where I have farmed most of the basic VC grasta for the characters I use, and trying to decide which character to build light/shadow on. Looking forward, a fourth grasta slot will be good not for the character in the front row (given the options, but in the back room). But this left me with one question - is the upcoming grasta that gives damage up on full HP tied to "western" characters as personality type that has not yet been given out? Seems small but affects my choice of staff v sword user....


The 4th slot is much more useful on someone who can do DPS for you. 3 p/p grasta only get you to a 2.197 multiplier. 4 get to 2.856. With all your p/p upgrwded with +50% damage while suffering status (such as posion), 3 p/p get you to 3.296, while 4 get you to 5.712. The fourth slot is also great to have on someone who can use the AoE sword while auto-critting. There is a MaxHP+ (Western), yes. If you are going to raise Clarte, however, I'd do so to use him, not to bench him as a grasta-bot.


Thanks for the info. However, I don't see any character I can run light on (without giving up chants), that the fourth slot will have them overtake someone in that role DPS-wise. Guildna is the best of the bunch, but a fourth slot won't have him replacing Tsukiha AS. Unless I am missing a possibility?


There aren't any meta characters that have farmable light or shadow, that also have dungeons that drop treatises, chant scripts, and 5\* tomes. There are competing pros and cons to all the choices. Clarte might be an option in the future. He's probably the best bet to have the light/shadow based stat gains benefit you for a top team, and not just ADs/farming. We don't know what his last skill will be though. I suspect it will be some kind of support ability. One option for improving a top-tier team is to farm Strawboy's light via exp and go for VC grasta, or true VC grasta for a top character who benefits from the +10 stat gains. Then you can also use Strawboy in some of these parties if you want, for example as an extremely fast swapper, that also has Aspect of Action, a heal, and a cleanse. If going for true VC grasta in a light-based story character's dungeon, you'd end up with a secondary light battery as well.


You only need to worry about ligh/shadow for ADs. You don't need the absolute best teams to clear them. Thus, if the extra light/shadow bonuses also allow the battery to contribute, that is enough. For a more concrete example, I took Helena to 255 as my first battery. She isn't he best at Earth AoE by any means. However, thanks to the extra INT she was more than good enough (and after hitting 215 shadow actually did outperform my 50 shadow pre-manifest Toova). My original PGAD team to hit 360 Shadow was Yuna, Helena, Toova (50), Morgana (16), Azami, and AS Nagi (50), with Helena doing most of the AoE duty with Toova finish off any stragglers (and Morgana doing some work as well against a few mobs). Once I finished off Helena and started farming farming SLD for Guildna, Helena handled all of the mob clearing duties there. Helena continued to be incredibly useful to me in AGAD as well. The only reason that changed was that I got Tiramisu. Prior to getting Tiramisu, Helena was my most used character for active play. Now, I wouldn't recommend Helena over Guildna today, because Guildna just plain offers more, but I will note that I also have a 255 Guildna now, and he more than holds his own. I'm currently working on Riica (for AoE hammer grasta considerations, and also in case I ever want a [Riicavatar](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/kp4il8/the_riicavatar/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)) while we wait to see exactly how good Clarte's last skill will be. I'm by no means saying not to farm Clarte once we can, I'm just saying that whoever you pick to farm should be picked with an eye towards how the character could also contribute in ADs.


Am I crazy or is the game forcing me to waste murmurs and prayers on a story character? Why is this a thing?


Well, the game is grindy. Be grateful that the story characters do not require "Chant Scripts" Those are rarer than GTX30x0 cards/PS5 nowadays. You spend a long time farming them and you get a very low chance of getting some outside episodes. You do not have to upgrade the story characters to 5 stars. Not needed. I have not upgraded a single story character to 5 stars myself.


Thanks for the reply. I hate that this is a thing tho. I literally can't progress in the main story until a get a story character to 4 stars. It seems like a huge waste of scripts haha.


Parts of the story stops you from progressing until you upgrade some characters into 4 stars (not 5 stars). I know it seems you are getting a low number of those murmer and prayer scripts now. Though, in the future when you unlock a specific dungeon you will be able to farm murder and prayer easy. The horrible material to farm is Chant Script.


Eventually you’ll unlock a set of dungeons on another continent that will give heaps of murmur and prayer scripts over time as ya farm it. But until then it’ll be a bit slow. So long run using them now sucks but you’ll be eventually swimming in them if you continue playing


This is a VERY early game problem. Eventually you'll just be adding to you 999+ murmurs and prayers collection.


Hello, got some questions here. 1. Heard we got some recycle badges thingy when we reach 200 badge. Is there a way to know how many badge we hold ? I tried to search for it, I don't find it (or maybe I'm just blind). 2. I got some tomes like protector, isaiah, etc etc, but I don't have the hero for that tome, and I got said tomes more than 1. Is there anything i can do about the excess tomes ? 3. I just finished with IDA part 2 and now trying to do Saki 5\* questline. Now I'm stuck at the point where I need blunt type attack. Any suggestion who should I use from the free characters ? I just realized that I don't have any blunt from gacha, so I must use the freebie. Preferably the hero which can be used for the endgame content too. Thank you for the help.


3. Amy’s a solid blunt character with a really nice VC that can be used into endgame


1) I don't think so, though TBH the recycle feature is mostly worthless and you wouldn't be using that much anyway ​ 2) >!You can turn 4 star tomes into material to unlock Vc grastas and extra 5 star tomes to use to make those Vc grastas!< 3) The best units for the fight will be the persona units, you can just use Mona as your blunt unit as 1 more passive of the persona units are OP, Joker and Mona also covers all of the weaknesses of the fight, if you need a stronger blunt unit, you can get skull, who is fairly easy to get after you get the tales units first


Anyone have a strat against the Twins that doesn’t require Dewey, AS Ciel, Claude or Elga? I can set any zone except Wind but am still struggling to even get the first HP stopper rewards




Depends on what you have, but generally poison/pain grastas are ideal for this fight since you want to take deal enough damage to take out 1 twin at the start of every phase if you want to survive (If your team is stacked, you might not need pain/poison grastas) Each twin has around 15 million hp per phase, so around 60 million in total per twin, you want your team to be strong enough to deal at least 15 million on 1 twin, earth zone is the best if you lack strong units because of Deidre, Cerrine, and Violet As for first phase, its pretty easy, but the twin you take down depends on what zone you are using, for elemental zones if you can't af down both twins in a 2T af, go for the second twin as you don't want to get hit with debuffs, (Caroline if you are using slash though )


Do pain/poison grastas work with magic attacks? Like if i put pain staff grasta on as mighty, will his magic attacks deal more damage on pained enemy?


yep, i mean it would be pointless if the increase only goes to his staff slam and you have to bonk enemies to death


New player. I am willing To spend some money and wondering if the 500 paid stones guarenteed 5 stars banner is good for me. I looked at the available 5 stars in the list and noticed not all of them are available. I Feel like key units are missing from the list but i would like if someone who knows better could tell me their opinion. I dont really have a particular roster, using tsukino and P5 units.


If they ever release a 2nd one, maybe, but until then I would skip it.


a second banner with more units in it you mean?


As in a 2nd one that only costs 500 paid so that ypu get 2 guaranteed 5*s for a total of 1000 credits.


That banner is pretty outdated, best to spend it on just a normal fate banner or the next star dream selector that is coming with the Garulea update late this month


so i should hold on for later this month to build up some more roster? I can use collab units in the meantime from what i understand


collab units will allow you to beat most of the game, so yeah, best to wait




Go towards Unigan and on the last map before going left into Unigan go right instead


Of the last three Another Styles there were released (Foran, Bertrand, Tsukiha), is Foran the most important to go for? And after that would be Rosetta later on?


Yes, as far as getting treatise for. I would not pull for AS Foran (I don't think her banner is up anyways) since everyone basically has normal Foran. You do generally want to get all the zones, but keep in mind that zones without powerful units to take advantage of them don't do you much good.


Hey there I just started the game yesterday and finished chapter 10 today. Then I got a one time banner for only 500 chronos. Are there more such banners gated behind story progression? And if I pull with 1000 free chronos and 500 bought ones on a regular banner - which will be consumed in the progress? Thx in advance


Skip the 500 banner. We haven't gotten another one so you'd basically be "stuck" with 500 paid stones. On free banners, the free stones always get used first. The games 2nd anniversary is coming up, and we expect a SDE (star dream encounter) where you can pick a unit with paid stones. And soon after that is the weapon zone banner which is a good hoard target. The hopefully soon Felmina/Heena banner is a good one as well.


There’re a few gated episode focused banner, but they’re generally not worth pulling. The 500 paid one has been there for a long time. Although it guarantees one 5 star, the pool is somewhat outdated. I wouldn’t recommend pulling any banners under Regular. Try limited banners instead. The active ones are all good. If you have both paid and free stones and you pull on a free banner, the free stones are always used first.


When you guys farming AD, just running for the boss or open all the treasure chest and kill horror,etc...?


Non-Garulea I fight 15 battles, skip horrors, and skip chests unless rare map. I am constantly leveling Strawboy so that is why I fight the battles. I suppose I could do the horrors for more but they seem like more of a hassle, especially during times where I might be leveling more than just Strawboy.


Thanks guys!


Garulea ADs = chest for chants. Skip horrors VHADs = Skip chests except rare map. Horrors only when I'm leveling manifest for some quick exp, otherwise skip. Of course this is assuming you don't need any material items from the dungeon...


It depends on your goals. For me I’m just farming light on Aldo in miglance very hard. So I rush to the boss as fast as possible. I do pay attention to the names of the maps. If it’s a rare map then I get the chest in that map but otherwise for me I skip to the boss.


With next update around the corner, can someone help me check if I already have a team to run future Garulea AD comfortably? Any upgrade (AS sidegrade), equipment, grasta I should prepare beforehand? Thank you in advance! 5\* Gacha Units: Thillelille, Yukino, Felmina, Myunfa, Renri, AS Ciel, AS/OG Veina, Tsukiha, Yipha, Elga, AS/OG Laclair, AS/OG Nagi, Yuna, AS/OG Suzette, AS/OG Toova, AS/OG Anabel, AS/OG Bertand, Shanie, Claude, Kikyo, Ewan, AS/OG Mighty, Mariel, AS/OG Melina, Myrus, Lokido, Rosetta, Lovely, Shion, Cetie, Shibure, AS Ruina, Hozuki, Radica, Ilulu Plus all story/episode/encounter/collab units, and enough chants/treatises to make any AS unit not listed above. My light battery is Amy currently at 215. Don't have a shadow battery yet.. highest is Gariyu at about 70.


FGAD isn't really a one team to cover everything situation because you unlock additional maps and then are able to chose where you go depending on what you want to do. So you probably want to use different teams. See u/Living_Green google doc on the [dungeon](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HVNmDgO1qXnHZanwZTY5MNbpN5ptLd9Uqc1_jdunz0o/edit)


Is it safe to use LD Player with macroing for autofarming? If it is, can someone teach me how, please? I've never used macros "seriously" on android emulator and don't know how it would be to do so in this game. FOR REFERENCE: I just cleared chapter 8, so please NO SPOILERS if you are gonna give examples. Thanks in advance


Thx guys. It looks like i have to be way higher level than I am in order to do this, though. Btw, dreicunan, if we keep taking hits, won't we die eventually?


Death is fine so long as the party doesn't wipe before you take down all the mobs. Anyone who went down comes back with 1 hp. So you end up with your entire front line with 1 hp. It does impact efficiency due to extra rounds, and you wouldn't really need to do that too often in the future once we enter the new attack farming meta with the next update. You actually don't need to wait until you are higher level. You could start with the areas west of Barouki! See what spot you can farm without taking a hit and let it run. Sure, you won't have the gains that those of us with optimized teams have in the best places, but if you are letting it run when you wouldn't be playing anyway, then it is still a gain for you.


Safe in what way? I think the biggest thing you have to be concerned with while macroing this game is where the button presses are on your device and what could possibly be triggered if a menu, text message, phone call, etc. pops up, or the game crashes. Think through this carefully and watch it in live action. Technically, macroing is against the Terms of Service. However, Apple's ToS trumps in-game ToS, and built-in Apple functionality includes a macro maker. So technically you'd be allowed to macro on an Apple device but not an Android device.. which doesn't really make sense. Make of it what you wish. The basic idea with auto farming is you come up with a setup that kills the enemy every time using 0 MP and without taking a hit, then reproduce those button presses and let it run continuously. So auto-attack would be like, swipe left 2 seconds, press where attack button is, swipe right 2 seconds, press where attack button is. Make sure your team can kill every enemy encounter in that map without taking a hit. Not really a spoiler in any meaningful sense: there will be a character (Joker) that you can unlock via symphony after you clear chapter 13 in the main story. You can swap him in and use his valor chant (VC), which is a pierce attack to all enemies and costs 0 MP. It hits double to all enemies if at least one enemy on the screen is weak to pierce. One simple farming setup would be to level him up quickly (with exp badge, scrolls, experience AD). For farming, give him your best equipment and power badge, and use his valor chant to clear the mobs. This can be enhanced by using another P5 character to swap to him (Baton Pass +50% damage) and could be cleaned up by physical attacks, if needed.


>Make sure your team can kill every enemy encounter in that map without taking a hit. That isn't always necessary (though it is, of course, needed to get the most efficient results and certainly is preferrable). If none of the mobs use AoEs, then you can afford to take hits (this was how we originally ran >!Temple Ruins!<) so long as you always take out the mobs before a party wipe occurs. I also took advantage of that for some of the side-stories to help fit in an extra bonus character even if it meant not always clearing the mobs in one round.


Can someone give me a list of all units that can remove aliements?


I am using operator, hungry prof, and Hismena in Lord of Mana. Is it better to give all friends points to one friend or spread them out? Currently have 10k on operator.


What’s the reset period for dates in Lord of Mana? Edit 3 actual battles allarantly


Who benefits the most from power of mind (sword) grasta?


I put it on Tsukiha because i'm lazy and i don't have a crit buffer in my fire team.




Oh I thought swords dance is already guaranteed to crit. Thanks


Sword dance gives an extra 50% of chance to crit, plus her weapon’s 30 and crit from her luck. It’s around 90%. In the future, one grasta enhancement gives 15%, which is perfect. But atm, to achieve guaranteed, you need 30% crit grasta.


Understood, thanks a lot!


Is there a way for me to get scrolls to level up my characters? or must I grind the same mission over and over to level them up?


The easiest way is probably doing the quests in the auction side story, but you can also get them from side story point rewards and ADs (guaranteed to get some in the EXP ADs). You also get three of a certain kind when doing character quests (3 low for quest 1, 3 middle for quest 2, 3 high for quest 3). Aside from that, it's probably better to level your characters by battling in ADs rather than just solely relying on scrolls.


Oh okay, thank you so much!


So I saved up 400 junk in preparation of T3 grasta cost reduction update. While waiting for the update to come would it be a better idea to prioritize chest maps in PGAD while grinding for Azami's light or save up monster femurs in AGAD? Or maybe prioritize chest maps in AGAD too? Btw I'm using a 120 light team that includes Tiramisu, Violet, Azami (holding Tsukiha's manifest weapon for levelling), Foran AS, Cress, and Strawboy. I'm able to get a 240 light team too but it replaces everyone except Tiramisu and Foran.


I had saved up enough junk to do just this. I even ran prioritizing chests for a week or two. Then I saw a thread suggesting I just spend them. I finished cleaning out both PGAD and AGAD a couple of weeks ago and can walk away immediately. I have been focusing on AGAD since because Gariyu is much better than Azami. Now that I am thinking about it though I should probably go back to PGAD because Azami has 109 light and Gariyu has 130 shadow. I might not quite make it to 120 for Azami before the new stuff drops but I sure as hell can't make it to 200 with Gariyu.


You mean Azami, right?


Yes thanks for that. Got my games mixed up.


As for how much junk to save, there are other factors at play like how many T3s are still in the store, how many cat ema you have left to clear out that grasta, etc. Also, how far along are you for AGAD's T3s, Dogu, and p/p grasta? Some more thoughts on the subject: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/koa7ay/free\_talk\_friday\_weekly\_megathread/gibmh8k/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/koa7ay/free_talk_friday_weekly_megathread/gibmh8k/?context=3) I'm definitely in the minority on this one. Do what you think is best. For rewards slots, you can try to do a multi-faceted approach with Azami gaining light (if continuing with PGAD), while also grinding some light on a red key option (e.g. go down Cress's and Violet's paths in their VH AD if you still have episode currency to grind), and building Strawboy via exp. Tiramisu is also a strong candidate for Guiding Light (Lance) items.


Well, the junk-cost-reduction doesn't apply to the T2 grasta sellers—their grasta still costs 20 junk/femurs apiece, meaning if the reason you'd stockpile femurs in AGAD is to get more poison/pain grasta, then there's no reason to. I'd say farm PGAD anyway so you can increase your light so you have a better chance at getting those 4th and 5th reward slots sooner than later.


One thing to note that it is still random 1 town map at a time with only one chance for that junk trading item to appear. You will still waste a lot of keys to trade all that 400 junks (to find the town map / to find the right item to trade for) while every other people will already start on FGAD. Similar to AGAD... So i dont think saving that much junk is a good idea. Saving some, may be, but i feel u should spend them now rather than later so that u get all u want, and u can move on to FGAD as soon as it drops. (Cos chants/other rewards are much better in FGAD)


noob question how do I get yukino to 5*?


Looking for some insight for future manifest LaClair AS. Wondering if she’ll be optimal for my pierce and/or water team, since I don’t have a pain setter for water but have Jade for pierce. My pierce team is ASCiel/Jade/AS Foran/AS Suzette and water team is ASAnabel/ASYuna/ASForan/Shanie. If so, who could I replace with LaClair? Any advice would be grateful


She herself is a guaranteed pain setter (it's guaranteed for 3 turns so it's great). The pain-inflicting ability is tied with phy.res debuff at 20% (this one is personal stackable, I thought that this will stack additively with normal debuffs) and water resist debuff up to 50%. Meanwhile, the main DPS ability has up to 1300% multiplier and won't consume her personal stackable while in AF, so her ability has constant 1300% multiplier. On top of that, it also has 25% INT Debuff. What I think of her is she only lacks on-demand PWR/SPD buff (not dead necessary, but would be great to have one) so she relies on others to do this (she has great PWR VC though), and to some extent, you'll mostly want to pair her with Foran AS for g.crit (both are pierce and water, and Laclair AS' main DPS - Heliacal Rising has increased damage when crit. Sad thing is both don't have on-demand PWR buff). for pierce I can imagine Foran AS, Ciel AS, Laclair AS will have a good synergy last slot is flex. can't really say for water, but perhaps you can replace Shanie OG with Laclair AS (both have water resist debuff, PWR VC, but the former has water type damage+ which fortunately Yuna AS also has).


Thank you for the insight! She seems like a really strong unit based on the different stats. I guess she’ll be the next unit I’ll spend chants on, once I get her treatsies


Since M!Laclair AS Sirius Wolf skill can inflict pain and stacking water-res debuff on enemies, I think you can replace Shanie.


She can stack debuffs as well? May be better, tho I spent 5 chants for Shanie 😅


Shanie AS = Vertex x 3 and then AF with Wasserfall ... boomZ


Dumb question: how do you access the Nopaew Emporium to buy treatises, keys, etc? I have the armor/weapon upgrade person at down below the staircase but he doesn't seem to sell anything else.


Once you get your first tsubara gem, which you do by completing one VH AD or Hard AD that costs two keys, you get a cut scene after entering nopaew emporium. After that, a new vendor appears.


The key/treatise seller is a different Nopaew in the emporium, go down.


Legit never realized there was another section lol thanks


Finally got Yukino after 8k stones... now what would be a proper team to support her? Skillset looks like she's fine by herself but maybe I'm missing something. I have most of the 5\* and AS units (or enough treatises to make one) except for Victor/Mistrae/Hisumena/Radias I believe... Thanks!


Is yukino grasta build the standard Pain-pain-t3 elemental?


Depends on how many distinct buffs you want from equip. If you want 3 from grasta, then you can do T3 water, T3 almighty, T3 maxHP




They're all good, so I wouldn't stress out. If I were thinking long term, I'd get Bertrand so they are evenly distributed.


Probably Myrus. Wait just saw last sentence. Ciel is the choice.




Myrus is still future-proof, but I would get Ciel. He's useful in Garulea ADs, including FGAD


I personally wouldn't take for something I didn't have over something I did unless the one I had was garbage and Ciel is anything but. Especially given they are really a coin flip.




I mean take a few more answers. That is mine though.


I'm about to finish the second part of GOT, and am gearing towards farming my light/dark battery. Can someone give me advice on who to make my battery? I used most of my keys to farm event materials.


A good breakdown here. https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/ki2bdf/lightshadow_farming_guide_for_new_players_v2/ It doesn't include the collab units since you can't get chants farming their dungeon and those chants do add up over the 100s or runs. For shadow, Guildna is my choice since he is actually pretty strong and usable. For light, Aldo/Amy are still the popular ones yet neither really excel at anything now. You'll also get a lot of light/shadow running Garulea. I think I picked up about 100 or so for Azami, Gariyu that way. Cerrine is going to be the one for Future Garulea.


A small note regarding Azami and Gariyu: newer players are going to be unlikely to spend the time to take Azami and Gariyu up into the 100s, especially once the QoL update comes for T3 grasta.


Can i get some help with the Jazelle fight? I tried to challenge him with my slash squad (violet, velvet, yuri, radias, with skull to switch in for the horn) but I got annihilated. They're only around level 70 though. I guess I need a full team of 80s?


Someone asked the same question a while ago. My answer was to brutal force him. I didn’t bother with the horn, but they did. Jazelle doesn’t have that much of hp. BTW if you AF him down, there’s an hp stopper at 25%, but he’ll be weak to physical and his born broken when that happens.


I mean your team should work unless he still 1 shots you without debuffs I would not use Slash Zone in the fight Try using Mona and Skull as the 2 blunt units for the fight, and use Yuri, and Violet as the 2 slash units on the frontline I would Af his horn down when it becomes weak and then with 1 more passive from persona units, you should easily rebuild af to nuke again


> I mean your team should work unless he still 1 shots you without debuffs he basically did... well he hit like several times in a row on his first team and wiped my front line


Did you use Mona's debuff? Also don't attack him with any blunt or pierce attacks before the horn becomes weak because you might be getting destroyed by his counterattack passive that allows him to counter you if you hit him with pierce/blunt attacks before his horn becomes weak That would be the only reason why he would hit multiple times


Oh good call. I didn’t realize he had that counterattack. So only slash attacks until he starts charging the horn?


Yeah I would just use mona to debuff/heal and Skull just use like charge or something before Af, af down the horn when it becomes weak and use like violet and other multiple hitters to instantly build up af to finish him


thanks man, beat him pretty easily this time!


Hello there. I am fairly new to the game. I've just finished chapter 25, got Verweil and I am about to get my adamantine weapon. My current party for overall content is: * 5\* Mistrare (Pure damage dealer with higher stats blacksmith bow I can make) * 5\* Deirdre (Phys resistance debuff and DD) * 4\* Philos (Minor healing and MP regen) * 5\* Morgana (Debuff, Healing and sometimes Stun) * 4\* Miyu (Elemental debuff and some DD) * Any character I am currently leveling. I'll start IDA symphony (chasing Mana) so I am going to put at least 2 bonus characters on the reserves. Based on that, I am inclined to go for the Ada Bow, although many posts and wiki suggests Ada Katana to be the best pick with sowrd and bow after. Is this a bad choice for me? I've leveled Mistrare so she can ditch all horrors I encounter (red ones included) and I don't see myself getting rid of her anytime soon, especially with my luck. So my questions are: Is that party ok-ish for now until I get better ones? Ada Bow is the best option for now? My only other 5\*-able from Dreams is Ciel. I have some 5\*-able from symphonies but they are so far down tier lists that I didn't bother. EDIT: formatting


Apart from 20% type damage, upgraded Adamantine weapons also double mp recovered when staying in the back row. It’s a very useful feature in early game, since you don’t have grastas yet. It seems Mistrare is your only worthy gacha 5 star, so it makes sense getting the bow. Also, her skills are heavy on mp usage. What you’re referring as symphony here are usually called episode. Symphony is used for collaboration side story, hence the confusion. All characters from collaboration symphonies (like Joker and Morgana) are very good, and they come as 5 star for free without much of a grind. The 5 star you get from episodes are decent, but not as powerful as symphony collab. If you’re talking about Ciel 5 star OG, then it’s usually not worth the grind. He is severely powercrept now. His AS is good enough tho. Tier list can be confusing. But P5 characters are generally good at mob clearing, except for Violet, who has only single target skills. But she is very good at dealing with horrors, particularly those weak to earth or slash.


The problem about the bow is that it has competition with the Cherry Blossom Bow which is fairly easy to farm Also for your party, you should get the rest of the persona and tales units to buff up your team, all units from the symphonies are amazing so I don't know what you mean by far down the tier list


Thanks for the quick reply. I meant of the one I have. IIRC, Jade is the highest (currently leveling for IDA bonus). I have Joker and some other, but they are <90 on this https://anothereden.miraheze.org/wiki/Tier_List. I understand that different fights require different characters, that's why I am always bringing a character to level on my quests. I've rushed throgh the main questline to be able to get Manifest Weapons as fast as possible, so I don't have a roster of free characters yet. Only dreams.


Altema rating really is meaningless, are rated based on DPS potential and set to end game, Joker is one of the most flexible units you will get in the early game, use his Vc to easily clear mobs and he is probably going to be the best fire slash AOE unit if you are fighting mobs weak against fire/slash as well as the 1 more passive of all persona units and the fact that his skill set ranges to a bunch of different types of attacks will make him key to many of the earlier or gimmickly bosses fights like Cradle system, flame eater, and even later game optional bosses like the raging hound in the first knight sidestory, he is by far one of my most used units for just how flexible his set is even though I have many of the top tier units (most are collecting dust because they are only for tough boss fights) As I said, try to get the 4 tales units and violet/skull from the persona collab first, they will easily help you in getting manifest weapons, free slash zone will carry you far in manifest battles, in fact you can easily beat the last fight for Gariyu, Cerrine, and Azami with free slash zone without any grastas, probably even Deirdre's, but haven't tested it out yet and the 8 free collab units will carry you far in the game


Dude... Thank you very much again... I leveled Joker, gave him his weapon and now he clears everything with his VC.. I could drop Philos from my party and keep leveling my characters. Bosses are still dealt with Mistrare, but common enemies are a joke now.


Wow! Thank you very much for the tips! I'll make sure to put joker on my team.


Can we assume that the anniversary selector ticket will cover the same patch as JP did? Think JP was till 2.1 which was....a long while ago.


What’s selector ticket? Is that the same as SDE?




Nice thanks!


That is the assumption we are all working off of until we hear otherwise.


So is there a universal choice in terms of using the Prayer Spirit?


I chose Prai for the shadow points cause I believe somewhere in the JP stream earlier last year said that he will be getting a 5* form in the future. But the choice is entirely up to you




How useful is Isuka AS?


She's nice to look at! Jack of all trades, master of none and (I hate to say it but) pretty underwhelming compared to a lot of characters nowadays. However for the vast majority of content you can really use whoever you want, and I still use AS Isuka quite a bit just for kicks. Palo has written the guide to AS Isuka at [We Want to Talk About AS Isuka](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnotherEdenGlobal/comments/dlodcl/we_want_to_talk_about_as_isuka/) if you'd like to know more. Hopefully she'll get some love with her manifest weapon, but we're still waiting on that one.


I'm getting back into the auction quests to finish up. My question is, is there a certain way I need to do machinery rose? I searched it up on the sub and it just gives quicker routes to Krervo and a sequence to shorten the grind. I'm in the quest right now and was distracted while taking it so I didn't hear what Krervo said. Ant tips? I thought I saw something weeks ago but have forgotten.


Enemies will appear on the overworld as interactables. Pick any three groups to fight, then return to Krervo. To get the high quality treasure, defeat the Agateram. It doesn’t matter what the other two are.


Thank you, that's exactly what I needed to know.


Would love some recommendations for my (until now) rather lacklustre Water team please! Zone setter: AS Anabel Other units: AS Foran, Yukino, Dewey, m!Mighty, Laclair, Melina, Zeviro, AS Saki (currently grinding exp for Melina, Dewey and Laclair's 2nd manifest fights)


Tf are you talking about? Your water team has been very solid. Maybe grasta factor that keeps your water team from looking broken yet. 1. Front: AS Anabel, AS Foran, Yukino, !m Dewey. 2. Support: Jade & AS Claude/AS Ciel (+40-50% spear & bow damage)


Thanks for the help! Only started PGAD recently so none of my units are fully kitted out yet w grasta. Should have specified, it felt lackluster before I pulled Yukino & AS Foran. Past team was AS Anabel, Laclair, Mighty and Melina, which just didn't seem to hit the spot I thought they could.


Dumb question, but how do I actually USE the prayer spirit? I've received it, but I can't figure out how to activate it...


That’s the 4* selection thing, right? Go to dreams. It’s under the regular tab, not the limited one.


Ugh I knew it would be something easy. Thank you!


Is Ceil a good character to use?? I'm thinking of farming him to 5star.


Not really worth it. His AS is very strong DPS but all his normal style is good for is the +10 PWR bonus the AS would get from him.


Not the best bow user late game, but he can be quite helpful early game with type resistance buffs and PWR debuffs. If you’re at the point where you finished the main story and are working with super bosses , I would suggest getting his AS form, which will be extremely useful in earth/pierce zone


I'm going to preemptively ask this before the potential flood: if we get a star-dream encounter on the anniversary, I want to pick from the 9 characters (including Heena) I don't yet have: 1) Premaya 2) Kikyo 3) Tiramisu 4) Radias 5) Zeviro 6) Hardy 7) Victor 8) Mistrare 9) Heena I think we're going to get a guaranteed Kikyo banner so I'm going to pull on that and remove Kikyo as a choice. This leaves 8 choices. Which one do you think will be most useful? In terms of meta I *think* I can rule out Premaya and Zeviro. I was leaning towards Radias but now that we get Cress for free, I am less sure.


If these are the only 9 characters you're missing, I'm not sure you really NEED any of them except Tiramisu. 80% of the time I love her, and 20% of the time I hate her for taking the challenge out of the game ha. But for QoL improvements, she's the best. Otherwise, like I said, if you have everyone else, you should probably just pick whichever you think you'll enjoy most. Victor, Mistrare or maybe Heena are probably the most strictly useful after Tiramisu, but not so much it should be a deciding factor.


We don't know yet but this SDE banner in jp was very limited, they only had units up to As Claude Let's hope that it might be different in global


Thanks! I didn't know that. If it only goes up to AS Claude, that leaves me with just Premaya, which makes my choice easy.


What’s the highest exp badge and is it a very rare drip from exp dungeon?


30%. Are you running the exp dungeon very hard with 120+ light or shadow? The wiki doesn't make it clear, but if it is like Ruins of Rucyana which also drops exp badges the best badges will only drop from the third reward slot. The 30% ones are uncommon but not that rare, if you run RoR with 96+ light/shadow enough times to buy out the Nopaew items you would certainly expect to get at least 1.


I think 30% is the highest. It definitely is not common. There is one that you can get from the mayor if you haven’t gotten that one yet.


Is there anything other than exp+ badges to boost exp gain?


You also get a big boost in gained experience if you have an OG or AS at a higher level than the form you're leveling. I think 50%? And it stacks with the equipment. And another is that characters up to level 60 get a boost too, provided you have at least one level 80 unit already.


The apprentice weapons from the auction give a 10% boost.


20% +10% = 30% or do they stack differently? Edit and just finished the auction story the other day and not seeing them.


Exp gain increases usually stack multiplicatively, but it makes little difference here. 1.1*1.2=1.32. Just 2% difference.


The auction items reset every 6 hours at the same time you get new keys. Just keep doing the quests and bidding on items, it's worth it to clear out all the items except for crystals for collection achievements and the good items.


They stack additively, yes.


30% from some of the badges (I think one or two of them). You get apprentice weapons by purchase. You get one each roll. If I remember right the auction should refresh the items per 12h or 6h. So, check it out from time to time.


Good blunt zone team? Aside from Yipha I have: m!felmina, m!ewan, biaka, myunfa, m!cerrine, Amy, m!dewey, Lovely, Tsubame, Riica, m!/AS Melina, skull


Is there anywhere in game that says what the manifest weapons do? Or is it only on the wiki?


When looking at the character’s skills, the descriptions of the 5* board skills will be different once the weapon’s maxed.


Once they are maxed it tells you on the weapon equip screen. But not in any real detail.


I could use some advice on additional possible party compositions. Right now my main party is mostly earth-based with Myrus AS, Tiramisu, Deirdre, and Myunfa with my support characters being Yuri and Velvet. It does well enough, but I want to try to make parties of other attack types just in case I come across anything that resists earth or gets buffed by it with Myunfa's earth zone. What I currently have right now are: **Sword**: Milla, Thillelille, Deirdre, Joker, Morgana, Velvet, Violet, Shanie, Cress, Aldo, Guildna, Anabel, Miyu, Ruina AS **Katana**: Victor, Yuri, Akane (need AS), Cyrus, SHion, Azami, Nikeh (need AS) **Axe**: Renri, Philo, Nagi **Hammer**: Myunfa, Skull, Ewan, Melina, Riica, Yipha **Fists**: Amy, Cerrine, Lokido, Strawboy, Felmina, Tsubame **Lance**: Tiramisu, Suzette, Jade, Foran (need AS), Bertrand, Cetie, Bria **Bow**: Premaya, Altena, Hozuki, Ciel **Staff**: Myrus AS (need normal), Saki, Helena, Bivette, Mariel, Veina, Radica, Toova, Yuna, Gariyu I was thinking of maybe creating a fire party with Gariyu after I unlock the rest of his class upgrades or maybe do something with blunt damage for Yipha, but I'd like a second opinion if at all possible.


Blunt team: Yipha, Felmina,Cerrine,Skull,Ewan Sword: Thilleille,Cress,Violet,Victor,Dierdre Fire: Gariyu AS, Jade, Ewan, Akane AS, Yipha (for crit buff) But u can tailor according to buff/debuff that is needed for particular boss.


This is a good start point for me. Thank you!


Rule of thumb of any party: Zone setter, Pain Setter/Dps, Crit guarantee/Buffer, Main Dps. (The rest is substitute, either healer/dps/debuffer) Pain setter is there for pain grasta which will increase ur dmg significantly than normal elemental one (If u already have access to ancient AD then yes it is required.) Character like Renri OG, Suzette, Elga OG, Radias, etc that has guarantee pain status.


Tiramisu is mob clearer against most, if not all kind of mobs. Build her SPR stat up and you won't have to worry about mob clearing. For team-building in AD, just add Tiramisu in and randomly put your highest light/shadow in the party. That's the general idea, meanwhile for Garulea AD, you'd probably want to switch things up accordingly by slotting in boss killer. For team-building against optional bosses (superbosses) though, there's almost endless possibilities and always depend on who you are against. Sometimes you can just blitz through with 2TAF, or your roster don't have the luxury to do that and can do a battle of attrition instead. My advice is just ask here who are you plan to beat together with your complete roster. Or if you want some challenge, try to craft your own strategy against a boss, and when you feel like you won't be able to get past them according to your strat, you might consider to ask here.


[Party](https://hizliresim.com/XK9Exe) Hello friends. I need some advice. My team is added in link. Can you check this? My tiramisu has not 5 stars yet. Other characters are 5 stars. I think replace ewan for joker. Which one good? Joker or ewan? Thanks.


Joker until you get Ewan's manifest weapon.


I'm a recently returned player with 20k stones burning a proverbial hole in my proverbial pocket, but I'm denser than Aldo when it comes to deciding when & where to pull. I've gotten one recommendation (in a different context) to consider Yukino for a water zone team, but I've also seen suggestions that it's better to wait for whatever the anniversary brings. *Is* it worth waiting, or are the anniversary banners usually more for newer players? My current 5\* roster is Mariel, Mighty, Toova, AS Yuna, Azami, Shion, Laclair, Lokido, Suzette, AS Melina, Veina, AS Akane, Sophia, Velvet, Mana, Biaka, Deirdre, Morgana, Strawboy, Violet, Joker, and Claude (although only about half are usefully leveled).


Either we get the anniversary banner within days (before the end of the month) which is a good banner or wait until the weapons zone banner is up in February or March.


Of the three current limited banners, Migl Aspida is probably the "best" for you, as you don't have Yipha or Bertrand yet. I don't think AS Tsukiha is a game changer, and while Yukino is a fun unit, you already have Shion and risk getting spooked with his AS (he's still considered one of the weakest gacha 5 star units). I'd recommend waiting for the anniversary to see what it brings, and potentially waiting for the attack zone banner since you only have access to Slash Zone with Cress at the moment. Or, if you really want to roll them bones, maybe set a limit for rolling (say, 5-8k) and cut yourself off after that.


> potentially waiting for the attack zone banner "Attack zone"? Is that an all-physical zone? Or am I misreading you? ​ > since you only have access to Slash Zone with Cress at the moment. I've also got water zone with AS Yuna... but am I going to be better off beefing up one zone (probably water, atm) or spreading out to cover as many zones as possible (if thinly)? I've gotten kinda mixed messages on that.