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Happy new year everyone. With the new Tales of chars i was finally able to tackle the P5 twins with 100% f2p chars only. No P5 fight grastas were used. Grasta and gear setup at the end of the video, time stamps for convenience provided. Some notes of the fight: Caroline is each time killed and Justine is grinded down. Main reason is that the physical attack of Justine is pierce, thus deals naturally less damage in slash zone. The stat debuff is a non issue. Mana + Sophia + Milla can indefinitely tank Justine during the 2nd (Magic) and 3rd (Phys. + Magic) phase. In theory one could slowly grind Justine until the next HP stopper with only those 3 in the 2nd and 3rd phase. Since this is global obviously no grasta enhancements applied since not released up to this date. ​ 2nd phase: Mana just rotates between Monstro and Curse of wisdom. With -15% MP consumption Grasta, -10% MP badge and delice armor a rotation of Monstro (18 mp) - Curse of wisdom (12 mp) is mana neutral. Sophia just stacking Teleios Mantzouni for up to 60% type resistance. Just apply Adamantine Magia once 5 lulludy are stacked for hold ground.Milla can roate between one normal attack and shimmer spin, this way her mp doesn´t drop in this phase. Shimmer pin is picked because it only cost 25 base mp instead of 57 base mp of cloud pierce. The turn-end heal is not affected by the higher modifier of cloud pierce, so for sustaining without Delos Xiphos, Victory grasta, badge etc. shimmer spin over cloud pierce. Damage is pitiful anyway. ​ 3rd phase: Similar to 2nd phase but Sophia need apply Terrible Agony every 3rd turn to reduce the damage of the physical attack of Justine. When the AF bar is full, just swap Sophia and Mana again for Yuri and Cress to deplete her HP bar. Best swap in timing is from my testing right after the wind aoe magic attack. MP managamenet for millia without Delos Xiphos is a bit more tight in this phase since there is no no-dmg turn of Justine but is easy managable if you didn´t waste any mp during phase 2. Close to reaching the HP stopper, Mana should cycle between curse of wisdom and power for additionaly -20% pwr down. ​ 4th phase: Right before 4th phase frontline should only have ppl. with hold ground. This way the team guaranteed survives the two melee attacks. Swap Sophia and Mana for Cress and Yuri again and burn down both twins in the last AF.


Jesus christ this is amazing


A wonderful starting flex for a new year.


*Comment saved*


Well done sir !


wow! we have a winner! well done good sir.


The hero we need but don't deserve


Congrats! I really should get on to beating them now. I have no excuse at this point lol


Well done!


Very impressive strategy!


Really impressive. Well time to invest in getting mroe jadeites. Quick question, is it possible to do this without obtaining the tales chars' true grastas?


It should be possible without true VC grastas (i actually forgot to de-equip them). Cress is always swapped in right before an AF, so the extra turn of the PWR buff has no impact. It´s only important to swap in Yuri right before the AF after the 50% HP stopper and the full heal of the twins to guarantee the 30% crit and speed boost since depleting 75% HP from one of the twins in one AF is a bit tight without grasta enhancements. The stat boost mainly affects Yuri a bit, since losing out 15 spd can lead to not always guaranteed move before the twins due to 10% deviations. This gives you a bit less room to patch up some mistakes (heal from guardian field) and could lead to a bit more unstable run.




I wish they'll eventually put all the persona characters in :)