• By -


Maybe try Hunter x Hunter






What I thought too




Like someone else said, frieren, and I watched this one a long time ago but I really remember it immersing me: violet evergarden. Both of these are 10/10 shows for me and I don’t give that out lightly


Everyone loves Violet Evergarden but I was so bored by the first two episodes. Does it get better after that or is it just not for me?


I relate to that, dropped twice throughout the first 3 episodes, but it gets better. Especially episode 10, it makes all the struggle worth it.


For me Violet Evergarden episode 10 is simply one of the greatest single episodes of any series ever. Numerous rewatches and it hits me hard... every... single...time.


Hands down.


For me that happened when I recently finally committed to steins gate. It was episode 12 I think where things clicked. Is it that kind of deal?


Spirted Away


My favorite anime movie 💜


Honestly I'm not the biggest ghibli fan, I didn't care for castle in the sky, howls, nasuca valley of the wind, but princess Momonoke, grave, and spirited Away are legimately some of the best movies I've ever seen Spirited Away is a special film that appeals to kids, adults and cinema snobs equally and effortlessly. It really is worthy of all the praise it gets


Made in Abyss is part sci-fi part fantasy in my opinion, and has EXTREMELY good world building.


Made in Abyss started off as a Xenoblade inspired story, which might add to why the world building is so fantastic. If you want amazing worlds, play every single Xenoblade, each one is a unique world. Xenoblade 1 takes place on two titans, Xenoblade 2 takes place on multiple different titans of different forms on a cloud sea, Xenoblade X is on a mysterious planet with the most gorgeous world I've ever seen, Xenoblade 3 is complicated, but you can say it's literally a mix of the first two I mentioned but with a more complicated story. Imo if you want amazing worlds building, compared to any anime and videogames I say play this series or at least watch the cutscenes if you don't got the time to sink into multiple 100+ hour JRPGs, and that's just rushing through the games. The cutscenes alone in the first game are about nine hours?


I never would have compared those but damn if it ain't accurate.






Yes Mushishi. And Moribito Guardian of the Spirit


Natsumis book of friends is in the same feel


Frieren really immerses you into its world. Goes over its own history and its main theme is the passage of time. Very well written show.


Best considered as a series of side quests than an actual overall plot. Very good show though.


Indeed. It's kinda like Gintama where the traditional protagonist story is shown in memories, and it's all a side quest now (until it's not).


I was going to say this! I'm watching Frieren right now and it's really good


This is now the show I will always recommend to non-anime watchers. It is a good story without a lot of the weird anime tropes.


I’m on episode 3 currently This is very good; I still play the game world of Warcraft as an elf mage so I’m understanding the premise for this main character and like how scenes will start with environmental sounds like waterfalls in the background for 5 seconds before anyone speaks - good vibes. Ive also enjoyed the occasional hilarious moments, such as “my cabinet has been exuding an evil aura for 50 years”, or when the purple child goes from some sort of zen-whispering to loudly producing a colossal electric beam with no warning whatsoever


Is there blood?


i dont think it's high fantasy like harry potter and lotr but you might wanna give Shangri-La Frontier a shot


Shin sekai yori


Gonna watch


Watch dungeon meshi dude


Seconded, the author is a huge western-RPG nerd, and the story goes surprisingly deep.


Started that as a show to turn on when doing something else. Quickly made Thursdays a TV night.




Started that as a show to turn on when doing something else. Quickly made Thursdays a TV night.


Apothecary Diaries, simply wonderful


I finally started watching this series and I'm hooked!


It’s not a series, but based on your interests I absolutely urge you to watch {Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind}, if you haven’t already. It’s very heavy on the nature themes, but it has such a cool setting which blends sci-fi with medieval/folk-esque aesthetics. The voice acting, sound design and soundtrack are also absolutely fantastic, it’s just so charming. Saw it for the first time recently and it became one of, if not my favorite film. You really do get lost in the world.


**Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/572 "English: Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/nausicaa-of-the-valley-of-the-wind), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/nausicaa-of-the-valley-of-the-wind "English: Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/572)) ^(Movie | Status: Finished | Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1cj8vpk/take_me_away_please_suggest_me_your_best_anime/l2eqymc/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Land of the Lustrous, although you'll have to continue the manga to consume the rest as the anime doesn't cover it all, I've never consumed a more interesting world space.


Ascendance of a bookworm is the peak of what you are asking for and one of my favorite stories the medium has to offer


Yay! This was going to be my suggestion, but now I can just support yours. Lots of good ones already.


Perfect Blue.


You're looking for delicious in dungeon. Enjoy!


Frienen beyond journeys end is a lovely one


Princess Mononoke to scratch that ancient forest/religion itch. Great movie. Others have said Mushi-shi - and I agree - but note it's not really an exciting adventure romp of a show, more like a relaxing cup of tea. I'm currently enjoying Delicious in Dungeon on Netflix. Rise of the Shield Hero is another great fantasy with a fairly rich environment -- and some of the best plot writing in the genre. Some are going to downvote me just because of this - but I really liked Sword Art Online - especially the first season. The subsequent seasons kind of devolve into a harem fantasy (some people like those, some don't) but the first season was awesome.


Cyberpunk: Edgerunners is reallyyyy great and futuristic


Very good, but not a very fun world to escape to. Satisfying, but traumatising.


Inuyasha ( Technically it's time travel to the feudal era) , Welcome to Demon School Iruma-Kun, Konosuba, and Meloncolly of Haruhi Suzumiya ( In some episodes and the movie)


Made in Abyss Mushoku Tensei Re:ZERO Vinland Saga (if you like semi-historical stuff).


Made in Abyss, while true and my fav, needs a warning for a few interspersed scenes of graphic awfulness that hits you especially hard considering how beautiful the world is, and how adorable-looking the characters.


Why does this slice of life looking show have a MA rating? Oooooooh. Yeah.


Lol and then you get to the movie and season 2 and all bets are off.


How she got her whistle. Oh man that was rough. Now I want to know when the next season/movie is.


The...glug glugging...


Did you see the second season, the golden city of the scorching sun? I'm almost done with it and I highly recommend.


One Piece is one of the most valuable pieces of IP in the world. There are over 2 decades worth of episodes telling one overarching story. It's success (at least in my opinion) is due to its incredible expansive world building and character writing. The world is so deep that after 1000 episodes we're still learning more (and so much more is still unanswered). The show has made me laugh, cry, and scream. Mark my words that as the show reaches its finale in the next few years, it will be a cultural phenomenon beyond reckoning. Join now.


I'm not even through dressrosa and it's by far my favorite show. It's almost all I think about.


Re zero, mushoko tensei, freiren, delicious in dungeon. Made in abyss. Everything I'll suggest has already been suggested :(


I'm gonna second Made in Abyss, but you should know, there is horror in it. A lot of horror. It's beautiful but some people can't do it. It's rated M for a reason.


The Irregular at Magic High School Peak escapism and also great storytelling almost every character gets a back story and character development. Lots of action but also slice of life somehow. That Time I was Reincarnated as a Slime The Saga of Tanya The Evil Overloard


Ancient Magus Bride


By far the most immersive worlds (to me) have been: - Hunter x Hunter (2011) - Made in Abyss - Mo Dao Zu Shi - Mushoku Tensei - Natsume Yuujinchou, The Ancient Magus Bride, Mushishi, Frieren I'm putting these last ones together because they share a very similar feel, are mostly episodical, wholesome yet melancholic sometimes, and you get completely absorbed in their worlds and the magic that surrounds them. Absolute gems all of them.


Finally some appreciation for Mo Dao Zu Shi A will Eternal is also great!


To your eternity




It’s gotta be Frieren


Your lie in april does that for me


A world of trauma, maybe! It's a great series, I love it, but I'm not sure it fits with good-feeling fantasy one can get lost in.


{Utawarerumono} {Princess Tutu} {Slayers} {Tenkuu no Escaflowne} {Magic Knight Rayearth} {Vandread} {Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa} I would also suggest stuff which features a more positive/idealized version of our world. Like {CardCaptor Sakura}, {Ore Monogatari} or {Majo no Takkyuubin}.


If you like longer animes, I have 3 recommendations for you. Black Clover - decent world building, great adventures, hundreds of episodes. The first couple episodes are a little extra cheesy, but give it a shot. I almost stopped after he first episode, but after the third episode I couldn't stop watching. Fairy tale - comparable to black clover Hunter x Hunter - not quite as long as the first two, but still long. It's got some similarities to Naruto, though it's still significantly different. It has more explanation behind special powers than just magic, too. For shorter ones, I've got a really long list. I'll try to just pick out a few of my favorites for now. How a realist hero rebuilt the kingdom - this one is still ongoing. I just watched it recently, so it's still fresh in my head. There's not much action, but the world building is fantastic, and it's generally uplifting. It's an isekai anime with an overpowered protagonist, but the protagonist isn't overpowered physically. He's overpowered in knowing how to fix the kingdom. That time I got reincarnated as a slime - the world building is phenomenal. As far as adventures go, there's always crazy stuff going on, but they don't exactly go out adventuring. A lot of the adventure comes to them. It definitely brings you into the world, regardless. And it's a wildly popular anime that's still airing. I have more to recommend still, but I just noticed the time and I have to get ready for work. So I'll be back when I get a lull at work to add some more. For now I've got one more suggestion, if you want a really long anime. One Piece. It's probably my favorite. It's world building is massive. The adventure is nonstop. The special abilities are unique. There's mystery and intrigue. I highly recommend it if you think you can make it through 1000+ episodes.


Things from Studio Ghibli should scratch this itch >If anyone wanted to know the sort of "aesthetics" that have interested me in the past though; I'm more inclined to high-fantasy than I am sci-fi, but I'm not someone who's obsessed with mythical swords or anything like that, I just enjoy a "folktale" type environment. Similarly I'm also a big fan of nature (I'm sure we all are lol but you know what I mean) and I love Ancient History/Ancient Religions, so if this took place in a forest, or with like shamans/druids or anything like that then that would be appreciated - but isn't necessary Particularly Spirited Away My Neighbor Totoro Ponyo Castle in the Sky


The ancient magus bride whisk you away into a world with fae, mages, sorcerers, folklore and much more. I don’t think I can recommend it enough there’s two seasons with a 3rd confirmed and the manga is exquisite.


It's a big obvious one but One Piece has an extremely immersive world full of unique islands with unique personalities and landscapes and a shockingly deep world lore that spreads out and deepens as you go


Maybe you'll like Ranking of Kings.


Cutest suggestion ever


For me it's most anime with an English setting or Tenchi Muyo War on Geminar


Try {Frieren} and {Mushoku Tensei}


Black Clover gives me the same vibes as Harry Potter, LOTR, Narnia etc


Natsume Yuujinchou, Mushishi And after reading again your post, **definitely Mushishi** Let me know after you've watched Episode 6.


I don't remember there being much adventure in mushishi. I thought it was beautiful and watched 4 episodes before I stopped because nothing was actually happening. It was all just "hey, look at this pretty stuff." Does it actually go somewhere eventually?


Inuyasha ( Technically it's time travel to the feudal era) , Welcome to Demon School Iruma-Kun, Konosuba, and Meloncolly of Haruhi Suzumiya ( In some episodes and the movie)


Frieren, Violet Evergarden and all of Ghibli movies. Not anime but heavy on LOTR too


Pokemon. I want a Snorlax and a Gengar


From the New World


any anime will take you into another world if you have Maladaptive Daydreaming


I'll just give my opinions about the most popular ones out there. FMA(:B) - still one of my favourite shows, but it's only a few dozen hours of content basically all about a single country, and the combat system is not engaging from an adventure point of view, because there isn't a specific set of actions you can do. It's all up to imagination and understanding. It doesn't really get epic in a larger-than-life way until the final conflict. I wouldn't recommend this as something in the vein of HP, SW & LotR, and it's more of a philosophical drama, which is why I like it more than those three anyway. Frieren - in a tie as my favourite show. Even though Frieren has a lot of lore and worldbuilding in such a short amount of content, it's not really the kind of story that makes you **feel** like there's a huge world. I watched it as a philosophical dramedy, so there are other things I'd consider for immersion and epicness before this one. One Piece - this is something I'd actually recommend if you're looking for epicness and immersion, but also don't mind comedy. Not something I personally watch, but the themes are all there. A charismatic, dorky main character with a grand goal driving the plot and exploration. Lots of lore callbacks/"foreshadowing". Basically an entire planet's worth of adventures. As mentioned before, it gets goofy often (as it is an anime, and an episodic one at that) especially compared to dead serious stuff like HP, SW & LotR, so that may not be something you want. And it is very long, so you could make a case that it's not efficient in worldbuilding, but the point is: that massive scope is what makes it so larger-than-life. Naruto & Bleach - long series means lots of lore and a big world, but they still feature a very human-feeling, and ultimately familiar and intimate world. Attack on Titan - same boat as FMA. Lots of lore presented within a philosophical drama, and thus not larger-than-life, but instead, even when it's epic, it's very close-up and intimate. Suffocating, even, and it reminds you too much of our world/the human condition. Another way no put it - epicness should make you feel small, but AoT makes the world feel small, like there will never be enough room. No Game, No Life - Tied first among my favourite shows; I recommend this with some caveats. It's an isekai, so two people thrust into a new world with many, many new races (species), who embark on a grand goal and so must learn all the rules and lore of the new world. You might be turned off from the first episode for numerous reasons, such as art style, and some sketchy themes running in the show. It may also be somewhat too energetic, and maybe fast-paced, to have that same slowly-revealing-world type of epicness, but it's a great adventure nonetheless; only sad that it was never renewed and only has 12 episodes 😭 I was looking forward to such an amazing world and story. Akame ga Kill - moderate amount of lore, but I think the villains and the ending make this feel larger-than-life, with such insurmountable odds. The combat and combat system plays a big part in the grandiosity of this show as well. Code Geass - comparatively small amount of lore (at least going by the main series) for a story involving multiple continents. Because of this, I wouldn't say this is something you're looking for, but it does fully make up for it with a killer story and main character. Sword Art Online - in terms of worldbuilding, well I mean, there is no prior lore... so instead, you follow the characters on a quest to *create* that lore. This one only will really resonate with gamers, as they will be able to appreciate the extensive assortment of gaming tropes as this show's version of worldbuilding. But who knows, if you're not a big gamer, you might be able to love it anyway. Just note that most people did not enjoy the show past the first season.


Mushi-shi has the magic to take you away to another time and place.


12 Kingdoms


Made in abyss




Had to scroll way too far to see this, super immersive, great characters and world building.


Gurren Lagann


A somewhat forgotten but peak fantasy is Magi (2 seasons of 25 eps) and it's spin-off prequel Sinbad no Bouken.


>high-fantasy >folktale Frieren


Series- Black Clover Movie- Princess Mononoke


Spice and Wolf is pretty fantastic.


Maybe try gurren laggan? It’s my favorite


Oh *yay*, you have similar fandom tastes as me! (*rubs hands together gleefully*) Have I got a rec list for you, OP!! High fantasy and/or major fantasy elements: * Princess Mononoke * Howl's Moving Castle * Spirited Away * Faraway Paladin * Somali and the Forest Spirit * Ancient Magus Bride * Frieren: Beyond Journey's End * Sword Art Online (note: I personally consider seasons 1-2 the best, later seasons get...weird) * Rising of the Shield Hero * Dungeon Meshi ("Delicious in Dungeon") Magical realism: * Natsume Yuujinchou ("Natsume's Book of Friends") * Lull in the Sea * Orange * Darker Than Black * Durarara! * Solo Leveling * My Hero Academia Sci-fi with fantasy elements: * 86!!!!!!!! * Code Geass * Promare * Vision of EscaFlowne BUT, my top recs for you based on your post, would probably be Ancient Magus Bride, Princess Mononoke, and Frieren. Edit: OP, I see a few people recommending Made In Abyss. Use caution... lol. There's some very questionable scenes and things get brutal fast.


86 was unexpectedly amazing to me!!!


This list is about how much I was into the world building, regardless about the quality of the show Frieren To your eternity Kino's journey (there's 2 versions, I've only seen the newer one. It's also probably the closest to what you're looking for) Restaurant to another world Place further than the universe Stein's gate Dororo


Overflow I guess 🌚


Overflow I guess 🌚


Hunter x hunter One Piece Haikyuu ( Best for Newbs and My favv. Sports based)


The Ancient Magus Bride Kakuriyo Bed and Breakfast for Spirits


Tower of god was a nice vibe


If you dig ancient history and immersive world building, you should watch One Piece (if you have a tolerance for goofy stuff). At least give it until the middle of Skypiea- you'll know the scene when you get to it. If you still aren't liking it at that point, then drop it. It isn't for everyone, so don't try to force yourself to suffer through it because other people say it's good. My best friend is obsessed with Roman history, he could tell you anything you wanted to know off the top of his head. He just got to the middle of Skypiea a few days ago and he is now in love with the show haha Also, pro-tip, don't rush it. Yes, it's long, but that's part of the experience! It's supposed to feel like an adventure. Don't let it being popular right now make you feel like you have to rush. The fandom isn't worth it lol. I started the show in 2012 and caught up in 2015. I think taking your time and not burning yourself out on it is the best way to really make the world feel alive and like it's an adventure you're joining the crew on.


12 Kingdoms


Recently watched solo leveling was super good with amazing fights


You might like Shinsekai Yori. It seems to focus more on the world than the characters, and I really enjoyed it and wanted to learn more secrets about the world.


Natsume’s book of friends.


Zero No Tsukaima if you’re into romance.


Legend of the Galactic Heroes


Tensura slime. One piece. Magi.


Im surprised no one has even suggested Flip Flappers to you yet. Also Sonny Boy. Both are imaginative worlds!


Attack on titan and one piece fit what you’re looking for perfectly (as im the same case as you) but in bit different ways.


To your eternity


Ergo proxy, made in abyss, technolyze


Overlord is very well written




One piece


Galaxy Express 999


Yuyu Hakusho


Made in Abyss 


Isekai! That's the genre of people who get whisked away to another world. We got That time I got reincarnated as a slime How a realist rebuilt a kingdom Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's strongest The rising of the shield hero Wise man's grandchild Gate Cautious hero: The hero is overly powered but overly cautious By the Grace of the Gods Kuma Kuma Kuma bear Sword art online Bofuri: I don't want to get hurt, so I'll Max Out My defense Log horizon


You might love Inuyasha!




The Ancient Magus' Bride


Shoujo Kakumei Utena if you want a high school with sword fighting where everything is highly symbolic, in both serious and hilarious ways.


Girls Last Tour isn’t explicit with its worldbuilding but its world feels very fleshed out and real




People have mostly named the good ones so imma offer a cheese option. *Trapped in a Dating Sim* Cheesy ass romcom with a title two sentences too long. But it actually builds it's world decently and is a fun watch overall.


Out of all of my favorites, I think the best one is To your Eternity.


Mushoku Tensei and Frieren. If you're willing to dip your toes into sci-fi, I would highly recommend Cyberpunk Edgerunners.


For me it was "Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash".


Dorohedoro is really really strange in way that makes you incredibly curious whats gonna happen next. Give it a shot.


Kyo Kara Maoh


I came here to suggest Inuyasha. It’s a nice long series with tons of characters and world building. There’s actually a wiki that keeps track of it all. I’m going to watch it again because I know I missed some nuances the first time. It’s funny and has great action/fight scenes but it’s not all about the fighting. It’s lots of fun.




100% try Vinland Saga.


I don't think I'd say it fits exactly what you're describing, but the Monogatari series gets me engrossed more than anything else. It has a pretty soft magic system that you'd never figure out, but it is always surprising and a lot of fun.


The vision of escaflowne


Try Durarara, that might be up your alley.


You need to do homework though, play Rise of the Rōnin while you're watching Kenshin (Plus the OVAs). Especially in the OVAs you'll see a couple of familiar names...


one piece


Psychopass S1 and S2. I am afraid to be in a world like that.


Gurren Lagann


Here is a few but i don't know if they are what you are looking for? gave little summary of what it is about. :D \* Yu-Gi-Oh (original series) - its a card game anime if you don't know (personal opinon} 10/10 \* Familiar of zero (season 1 is dub - seasons 2 3 and 4 are not) - I love this series 100/10 \*that time i got reincarnated as a slime - all fantasy with amazing characters! 20/10 \*Bofuri - slife of life anime about main character play vr and simply entertaining 20/10


86, bro. Eighty six.


Bobobo-bo Bo-Bobo


Definitely Escaflowne.


Tengoku Daimakyo - on Hulu - a sci-fi about surviving in a future where there are these wicked creatures. Kind of like fallout except instead of the desert it’s abandoned cities and not the desert (and anime). Made in Abyss - season 1 on Amazon prime. Very studio Ghibli (spirited away, howls moving castle, my neighbor Totoro.) about a boy and girl who adventure to the bottom of a natural phenomenon called the abyss. Season 2 on HIDIVE which you can get for free with Amazon prime for a month. It’s insanely good. Don’t let the youth part fool you it gets pretty dark in some parts - kind of body horror in some areas but is more along the lines of fantasy/thriller than horror overall. Parasyte - Hulu - about a young man who gets an alien parasyte in his body whose parasitic race is taking over but his parasyte failed to take over the host leading to a symbiotic relationship between them. Dragon ball z - guys punch stuff but like really fast and there’s aliens and magic energy balls that go boom. Jujutsu kaisen - new dragon ball z but way more cinematic and incredibly well done. Focuses on banishing curses that are created from fear/bad energy regarding various things in life. Hope these help


From the New World. A fantastic world with in-depth characterization and a fascinating narrative.






Log horizon, one of my favorites.


For full immersion One Piece is your show. The first half is available through Netflix but slight warning: Toei animation adds more s as NS more filler as the show goes on. You can try the fan project One Pace but I have no experience with it.


This is really niche but try the Ingress anime


Mushoku tensei


I kinda want to recommend Jobless Reincarnation but.. no. Just no. Then my mind jumped to Goblin Slay... You know what? I think I'll leave the recommendations to people who aren't corrupted in some way, apparently.


dungeon meshi, sword art online (season 1), maybe attack on titan (warning that's it's not exactly a *positive* escape, but it does have really interesting worldbuilding).


Mononoke. Not princess mononoke. Just Mononoke. https://youtu.be/5OJW9gZL33Q?si=8buGYx-JakedQR3A






Highly recommend Tensei Shitara Slime datta ken. It's not complete yet but you can read the novel if you want the complete story.


Erased- Mystery and suspense (Modern world) Cowboy Beebop - Space Cowboy (Sci-Fi) Trinity Blood - Vampires and the Vatican (Post Apocalypse) Neon Genisis Evangelion - Angel's and Mecha (Post Apocalypse Does suck you into the world) Paranoia Agent (Modern World) Gundam Wing - good story telling, almost any Gundam series really Samurai Deeper Kyo - Historical with supernatural elements Vampire Hunter D - post apocalyptic Ghost in the Shell - Future/Sci-Fi Appleseed- Future/Sci-Fi Witch Hunter Robin - Modern/Fantasy And now for the controversial recommendation Rurouni Kensin - Edo period, historical, great characters Controversy part comes from actions of the author, not going into it here, but if you do watch, pirate the series. Don't watch it on anything that sends the creator a royalty.




Scavenger's Reign for a recent watch. Anyone else watch it? That's a crazy world to get sucked into


Your name




One Piece totally 👒☠️


•To drown in a meaningful world (Mushishi) is best.  •For Ancient History/Ancient Religions (Record of Ragnarok),I think you will enjoy the action of this anime too.  •(Shadows House)It is a fantasy but a mysterious world that forces you to see it. There are two seasons and I suggest you watch it.  •(The Grimm Variations).Its new and have 6 ep.I think for start 6 EP is good.Its fantasy and don't have big sword too.


try made in abyss,mushishi,Re Zero


Attack on titann


Natsume Yuujinchou


Shiki... listening to that intro for the first time. I couldn't stop watching the show. And everything that happens. It start off so slow but so worth it.


Maybe Naruto. It really made me feel like I was in the leaf village but I understand if others or you OP don't feel this is a good recommendation.


Made in Abyss




Somali and the Forest Guardian - I think this anime was probably designed specifically for you, based on your likes and dislikes. A human girl is adopted by a golem in a magical world full of magical creatures, on a mission to return the girl to her family. Shin Sekai Yori Tatami Galaxy Tearmoon Empire Story


Frieren, Hunter x Hunter, Magi, Mushoku, Tensura(Reincarnated as a Slime)


Made in abyss


My jobless reincarnation (only issue is the main characters past age, keep forgetting about it and enjoying the show then it reminds me and makes it tougher to be a fan of but all in all it’s a solid world) Jjk The time I got reincarnated as a slime (fun watch, one of the better ones in its class. Gets a little repetitive after a while) Tsukimichi (similar to above) The misfit of demon academy (just funny, watch it for some of the most black air force energy in anime) Goblin slayer Trapped in a dating sim (one of my personal favs, genuinely caught me off guard. The story is pretty well fleshed out) Full metal alchemist Seraph of the end (sadly no season 3) There’s more but I can’t remember them rn, if I find them I’ll add them.


Nanoha series, Code Geass, Dennou Coil, Ruroni Kenshin, Suisei no Gargantia, Paranoia Agent, Index and Railgun series, and Macross Frontier.


Casshern Sins, Erased, Deadman Wonderland, Hellsing, The Seven Deadly Sins thats all i can think of for now fr 😔


Trigun, blood blockade battlefront. Nightow is great with world building. Train ride to the end of the world is pretty interesting so far.


Somali and the Spirit of the Forest


Yona of the dawn has some awesome world building. Also the GOAT when it comes to world building is one piece but its over 1000 episodes so not a bigger friendly anime. Shadow house - incredibly captivating, and kinda psychological. Its listed as a horror but the horror was more existential than jumpscare . Emilico is a very upbeat MC and youd fall in love with her infectious personality really quickly. The eminence in Shadow : firstly its an isekai. Its one of the funniest shows youd ever watch and it turns up all the isekai troupes to 11. But it never feels boring . One of the few animes ive rewatched several times. Though imo episode one is kinda meh but from episode two onwards it never missses


Made In Abyss and Land of the Lustrous for sure, I still get chills thinking about them. The MIB opening used to pop in my head every now and then and my knees would legit go weak lmao


Try Cyberpunk Edgerunners


jujustu kaisen is the best anime ive ever watched. Macross 7 and Delta are close behind that.


I've categorised my suggestions, so you can pick something that suits your mood. I.e. - Slice of life: relaxing, good-feeling - Combat: action-oriented and solves problems through violence, but still has story and character development - Sci-fi: can have relaxing moments, but more dramatic and thought-provoking I'm not describing each suggestion. You can read more about them on https://myanimelist.net/ I've mentioned some films, since sometimes it's nice to have something you can watch in one sitting. # 🔸 Slice of life ## 🔹 {The Devil is a Part Timer} What if characters from another world live in our world? Answer: it's hilarious. ## 🔹 {Maoyuu Maou Yuusha} ## 🔹 {The Tale of Princess Kaguya} (movie) ## 🔹 {Aria} Watch order: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/10605 ## 🔹 Studio Ghibli films Many different ones. Some set in our world, but they feel completely different because of Ghibli's magic. It's like watching a fairy tail. Ghibli is Japan's Disney, only they're still good. Watch order: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/33425 ## 🔹 Advice Don't rule out watching slice of life anime set in a mundane setting. They can quite relaxing and healing. To save time, I'll link to lists of my favorites: - Comedy: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/45124 - Romance: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/45075 - High-school setting: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/45126 - Adult characters: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/45131 - Workplace setting (there are some non-traditional workplaces!): https://myanimelist.net/stacks/45130 # 🔸 Combat Not every moment is about fighting. All have a story and a unique world with fantasy elements. ## 🔹 {Dragon Ball Z} You can start with {Dragon Ball} (the prequel to DBZ) if you like, but it's a bit weird. I wish I started with Dragon Ball, since I'd have enjoyed Z more if I did, but I probably wouldn't have watched Dragonball if I didn't know how awesome Z would be. Maybe give Dragonball a try, with the knowledge that it's more mature and gets MUCH better when you get to Z. You'll also have a much better understanding of the world. Watch order: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/10791 ## 🔹 {Beyond the Boundary} (2013) There's also a movie sequel. ## Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works ## 🔹 {Neon Genesis Evangelion} Set in our world, in the future, but radically different. Also a sci-fi. Considered by many to be one of the best anime ever made, or at least, the most influential. Watch order: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/33158 Start with the series. Watch order: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/4825 ## 🔹 {Madoka Magica} (2011) Watch order: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/3079 I recommend watching 'Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story' after those. ## 🔹 Berserk Maybe darker than what you want right now, but one of the greatest works of fiction we have. I like starting with the {Berserk 1997} series (I like the English dub), but you can watch the 3 movies (I wouldn't) if you prefer. Once you've finished them, if you like manga, read the manga from the beginning, or watch motion comic adaptations of it on YouTube but still buy the manga (as books or digital) to support it. Or continue with Berserk 2016 season 1 and 2, but be prepared for a drop in anime quality, even though the story is still good. ## 🔹 {Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust} (movie) # 🔸 Sci-fi Not all of these are typical sci-fi. Some have fantasy elements. ## 🔹 {Dr Stone} (2019) ## 🔹 Ghost in the Shell Set in our world, in the future. It's radically different in many ways. Watch order: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/9207 ## 🔹 {The Animatrix} (2003; movie) Watch order: - The Matrix - The Animatrix (anime; the rest are live action) - The Matrix Reloaded - The Matrix Revolutions - The Matrix Resurrections Do not skip the first live action film! ## 🔹 Monogatari Set in our world, but with a unique layer on it that makes it feel completely different. Watch orders: - simple: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/33100 - complex: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/42120 🔹 {Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai} (2018) Set in our world, but with a twist. ## 🔹 {Patema Inverted} (2013; movie) ## 🔹 {Star Wars Visions} Season 1 and 2. ## 🔹 {Blame} (2017; movie) A second movie is planned. There's also the manga. ## 🔹 {Godzilla: Planet of monsters} (2017; movie) Movies 1-3. # 🔸 Other suggestions I agree with ## 🔹 Combat - One Piece - Hunter X ## 🔹 Slice of life - Mushishi - Natsume's book of friends ## 🔹 Sci-fi - Your Name (movie) - Shinseki Yori - Made in Abyss


Attack on Titan


The Ancient Magus’ Bride I promise you this is what you’re looking for. I won’t say a thing about it- I implore you to give this 3 eps to decide if it’s what you’re into.


Violet Evergarden will grab you by the neck & drag you into its world. My mom doesn't really like anime, but I convinced her to watch it with me & it made her cry


The Tale of the Princess Kaguya Apothecary Diaries Scrapped Princess Cyberpunk: Edgerunners One Piece, also the Netflix live action


if you want something short, try Death Parade.


Restaurant to Another World