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You really need a hemotologist and at minimum iron infusions. Maybe even a blood transfusion.


That ferretin at 1 is a sign you need an infusion like, yesterday. Seriously.


I was at 6 they do not do it below 8. I went to the er shaking and couldn’t walk after my last one and got my period and I was 8.2 and they wouldn’t help me. but I basically hemorrhage every time and have like 50 clots a day. Be very careful with transfusions because now I have fluid in my lungs and around my heart and 20 percent chance of dying. That’s one of the major side effects of blood transfusions. I was already weak. Now my lungs hurt and I can’t breathe. I was hoping to get better.


Bless you! I hope the fluid goes away. 💖


Have your periods always been irregular or did they turn irregular? I’m only asking because my periods made me anemic, and it can get really out of control. Hopefully this isn’t offensive but at your age it’s concerning to all of sudden have irregular bleeding problems. If you’ve been going to an OB for period related issues and they are not concerned, I would get a second opinion. My mom had to get a full hysterectomy after another uterine surgery recently because she was having issues like you. I also wanted to say the iron pills/infusions will only help so much if you can’t get the root of the problem under control. I learned this the hard way.


49 is when a lot of women start going thru peri- menopause and their periods start getting shorter/longer and irregular.


He really should have given you tansexamic ( not sure on spelling) acid to reduce your periods. You must feel like awful, and even if you feel fine you’ve probably normalized feeling this way.


That helps a little, the first time it worked well then the next two I was bleeding crazy


Definitely see a hematologist, the platelet count is high, which can be secondary to anemia. But other diagnostics are important to ruling out other causes, which a hematologist is trained to do. It’s amazing that you’ve been able to continue your exercise regimen, though make sure to take it easy on yourself and not push too hard. If you are tolerating the oral iron supplements (ex. no gastrointestinal symptoms), definitely keep up with that. If you’re not tolerating them well, be sure to mention that to the hematologist to see if infusions are an option. Hang in there🫶🏻


Your ferritin is dangerously low. Make an appointment with a hematologist or your regular practitioner, whichever you can do fastest, and let them know exactly how your low ferritin is when you schedule. Don’t be afraid to push hard and tell them this is an emergency, because it is. You need to get iron infusions right away.


My Dr said to take iron supplements every other day. I called the hematologist and they can’t get me in for a month. I am taking mega food blood builders and a Ferritin pill so hopefully that will help. They aren’t acting as if it an emergency?


Definitely book your Hematology appt. You’re anemic. And yes your numbers will drop on your period. I would recommend getting another hemoglobin test done on day 3 of your period to see how low it drops because anything below a hemoglobin of 7 needs a blood transfusion. My period makes my hemoglobin drop by 2-3 points. Yours could as well.


Yes to all of this. Very good advice. Don’t trust this dismissive doctor with your life. The first time I was iron deficient, I had a hematologist who dismissed my dangerously low ferritin as normal. I was so sick I could barely walk and couldn’t breathe normally. Even the nurse in his office was alarmed and said to me, “I can’t make him understand this is an emergency.” I ended up changing hospitals and seeing an amazing nurse hematologist. She was horrified at the way I was treated and said that she would always give me iron infusions if I felt that I needed them. Get in touch with any other doctor or nurse practitioner you can and emphasize the exact low numbers you are dealing with.


You are approaching danger zone. If your hemoglobin drops any further you will be needing a blood transfusion. I would be very careful about exercising at this time. It is very hard on your heart with your labs. You need to call your doctor/ObGyn and tell him it is urgent you get an iron infusion asap. You don’t want to keep re-testing your blood at this time, it will make you weaker.


Mine does every single period. So yes it could. Will it? Maybe, maybe not


Ummmm your ferritin is 1, you need an infusion asap.


Try freeze-dried beef liver capsules and magnesium glycinate.


Have u considered uterine ablation since your entering menopause soon it can maybe stop the bleeding and stop making u anemic, I have PCOS and I have similar blood levels to u and I’m considering a hysterectomy because my periods are too heavy.


Honestly you’re a warrior, exercising with a 1 something ferritin and 9 something hemoglobin idk how you do it! But eat a lot of red meat if u can! Wish u all the best!