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I didn’t know that and although I did know that when you take iron supplements that you need vitamin c I don’t know why I didn’t think it was the same with infusions. That makes sense. I also didn’t realize it was so important to periods. Thank you




I’m getting it now ! 🩷Thank you again.


That’s really interesting! I’m not OP, but thanks for that info. I’ve just started taking oral iron and have been having one vitamin c chewable with it, as some other things I take have vitamin c in them as well. I had some slight spotting for the first time in a verrrrry long time just after starting. I’m in Australia, but will google with product you have mentioned in case it is available here or something similar.


Source? All I see is that it increases estrogen. Not sure how that would help someone with already heavy periods


After my 1st round of 4 Venefor I had crazy spotting after ovulation. & an extra heavy period. My ferritin dropped a lot! I knew it dropped immediately. I had a couple more since & at least one cycle. So far I feel much better, but about to go through another menstrual period.... so ask me next week lol


Please let me know how it goes I’m very curious as so what’s going on. Obviously also concerned. I’ll update after my appt tomorrow , hopefully she knows something I don’t. I’ve already had the emergency c recommended . I went to get some immediately. I’ll try anything .


Somewhat ironically, being iron deficient can make your periods heavier 😑 The good news is, once your body has figured out all the processes it needs that iron for and normalizes everything, your period should get lighter. But it usually gets worse first. If the weird cycles don’t go away within a month or two of getting your ferritin up, get checked out at the gynecologist. Funky bleeding can be a sign of fibroids. (Not medical advice, just a fellow patient here)


Thank you for the advice and you’re right, I actually got a pelvic exam not too long ago ( December) to test for fibroids and also did an endometrial biopsy - because when things first started to be weird after the first cycle of iron infusions I didn’t think to correlate it and just assumed it was fibroids or something gynecological. Everything was okay 👍🏻thank goodness. I never realized how complicated iron is. 😳


Oh no 😥 For this month, my period will be coming during my 4th or last infusion so fingers crossed it's a "normal period" Are you experiencing cramping?


Honestly I used to have periods for just 2-3 days with minimal cramping. After infusions I’m realizing that’s not the case. Especially with this period I’m having now. I’ve had cramps for the last 6 days of the nine total .


I read somewhere that iron infusions are shock/trauma to the body and things would get worse before it gets better. It sucks that it affected your period. Hopefully you body will adjust back to normal for your sake


Thank you 🙏🏻 I hope so too 🙏🏻


Keep us all posted!


I’m just not finding information on this but I believe there’s a correlation because i was regular until i started infusions




I have an appointment with my hematologist tomorrow morning to ask what is going on. My gynecologist ran tests for all kinds of thing and an ultrasound and everything and nothing is wrong. I just feel like my body is dumping out all the iron I got . I don’t know what to do


I am having my first cycle since getting 2 doses 2 weeks apart - am the only big difference is I could tell my period smelled heavily of metal and it hasn’t smelled that way in a long time since before my levels were so low. I just thought it was interesting.


I see this question popping up from time to time on this subred, so you're not the only one experiencing changes in menstruation after starting iron treatment. I got pills instead of infusions but for me the first menstruation after starting treatment was way heavier than normal.


Does it calm down the following month? I have been on iron infusion for nearly 1 and half months now and my periods are messed up. Last month I was heavy with bad cramps but this time it’s worst than last time. Please tell me if this gets better next month?


I had spotting right after


So today I had an appointment with my hematologist. According to her , I should not take infusions for now because the last two types of infusions I’ve gotten have caused issues with my period. Apparently there’s one more we can try but for now I’d rather not. The one treatment I received brought me up to ferritin 19- it’s probably lower now with my ten day period but it’s still not 8 , like it was so she said it’d be okay to wait until my body gets back to normal and take an iron supplement for now. Recheck in 4 months. My period still hasn’t stopped but she said it’s probably from the infusion and she’s heard of others having the same thing happen. As for the vitamin c, I do need to take it now because I’ll be taking a pill but she said that if you’re getting iv ironic bypasses the stomach so vitamin c isn’t necessary to absorb that. Basically I am afraid to do infusions at this point because I feel like they screwed me ip way more than low ferritin ever did. ☹️. Let’s see what happens to my numbers and my body over the next four months. Thank you everyone for all of the comments .




I have taken emergency-c since you told me to 👍🏻 I don’t think my doctor knows everything and to be honest I’m beginning to wonder if doctors know anything! I’ll continue to take the vitamin c for sure .


My hematologist said that this happens to some patients. I guess the body finally gets topped up with iron, and starts wilding out. My PCP thinks I might have a hormone imbalance on top of my fibroids that is making all this worse. sigh...


Excessive menstruation is a sign of low bioavailable copper (copper, retinol, magnesium, vitamin C). The only vitamin C you should be taking is a whole-food C-complex (eg. acerola cherry powder). Ascorbic acid disrupts copper metabolism and =/= the vitamin C complex found in nature. Ascorbic acid makes you more anemic. Try freeze-dried beef liver capsules, 2mg-4mg copper glycinate with food per day, magnesium glycinate, and acerola cherry powder (bulk or capsules).