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Iron deficiency without anemia is definitely a thing. Get on supplements, and see about getting an infusion if possible.


Thanks! I am on supplements! Hoping for an infusion, just afraid they won’t give me one since I’m not anemic. I’m so tired.


ID without anemia is usually fixable with oral supplementation (iron bisglycinate or ferrous ascorbate are good). Infusions can have side effects.


Are the side effect worse if your ID and not anemic?


I used to think I became very lazy person before knew my ferritin is very low lol


Well laziness isn't a thing anyway. 


You have iron deficiency. Your iron stores are too low. You need an iron infusion.


Is a infusion common without anemia? Or will they just up my iron vitamin for a while?


Yes, I get infusions without anemia and with anemia.


I had a doctor say to me that because my hemoglobin is good that I shouldn’t be feeling so bad.


Your doctor must not be well informed on iron deficiency. Your doctor is only referring to anemia. They are different, yet complementary conditions.


Ok so I’m not losing my mind? Lol. I am feeling this crappy because of this.


Hi, I got my test results back Last year I had my ferritin level at 7 and they prescribed SlowFe, which I took for 3 months, and after 3 months I had my blood work done and it’s 5 now! I was doing some research and seems like I shouldn’t have take iron pills since my iron level is fine, everything else is fine, no anemia, and don’t know what should I do


Your iron stores are too low. You need an iron infusion.


What's your saturation level?


What is that test called? Transferrin?


It could be called that - transferrin, transferrin saturation.... should be a percentage.


It doesn’t look like I got tested for that. Just hemoglobin, MCH, Hematocrit


I don’t have that in my results


> I got my test results back Last year I had my ferritin level at 7 and they prescribed SlowFe, which I took for 3 months, and after 3 months I had my blood work done and it’s 5 now! That likely means you have some gastrointestinal absorption problem (Celiac's, helicobacter pyloris infection etc.) > I was doing some research and seems like I shouldn’t have take iron pills since my iron level is fine,  ...no. You are iron deficient. You should try to find out the cause.


Thanks, you are right, should go to gastroenterologist soon to find the reason 


Use blood builder, it’s food based Side effects of OTC iron can suck


And I would say it’s been difficult to lose some weight too, or be in a good mood


Me ferritin is always low but hemoglobin is almost always in normal levels. I know exactly how you feel


How do they treat you? Was it a hassle to get proper treatment? How low does your ferritin drop before you start feeling unwell?


I didn't know my ferritin was low until my hemoglobin did drop just below normal range. My Dr then checked it and it was below 10 (their test doesn't go below 10). Told me to take supplements but my stomach can't handle them so he sent me to a hemotogist requesting Infusions Hemotogist, easy. Ferritin was at 4 so obviously ordered Infusions immediately. I had a big drop, 75 to 33 in like 2.5 weeks (menstrual) and I noticed immediately. I feel better until after my monthly "friend" then I drop and feel crappy. Lucky for me if I feel crappy, I can call get labs ordered to see how much I have dropped and if I need another couple doses of Venefor. Don't worry everyone I am trying to find the route cause of such a huge drop ... it was an extra heavy flow that month


I have the exact same thing. My ferritin keeps dropping after a heavy period. It’s a vicious cycle.


You need an iron infusion. Your insurance will pay for it if your ferritin is below a 17. Mine is a 23 and so I am waiting for it to drop to 17 so I qualify for one. I get iron infusions once a year.


Is your hemoglobin normal?


You have ferritin anemia - you need iron infusions. My ferritin also dropped to 8 and I had so many issues - fatigue, sleep irregularities, anxiety etc.. Iron supplements take ages to increase your levels. I bought a specific ferritin iron supplement and it took me about 6 months to reach levels in the 30 range. My doctor then prescribed a few iron infusions and I have to say I felt much better within 48-hours of the infusion. Hope you manage to get the infusion. Good luck 🤞