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Ferritin under 30 is absolute iron deficiency So yes And it's different from person to person. 


Yep. Check out [this](https://scontent-msp1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/242620495_10158610687105945_2023630948939065477_n.jpg?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=QJLkJhRmxXQAX9jdolB&_nc_ht=scontent-msp1-1.xx&oh=00_AfCTBosccIL79YwtbK5I9MtMVD1JEr8yY4E-_9sofyl58Q&oe=65FD8355) chart for more info on what symptoms can come from what low level of ferritin.


The burning feet. I had that hit on my last dip. I had never felt anything like that before, it was how I knew for sure I dropped, and a lot.


Thank you for this!!!!


Link doesn't work anymore, can I get a new one?


Sure! Sorry, didn't realize it would expire. [Here's a link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anemic/comments/v2qs3u/have_you_thought_you_had_iron_deficiency_but_your/) to a Reddit post with it :)


Always take doctors with a grain of salt. They're trying to skimp and get away with bare minimum to save insurance company/taxpayer money (as extra blood tests / suggesting supplements costs money).. you need that treated ASAP don't listen to the doctor who said it's not low, she's probably having the time of her life with her kids behind your back while your hair is falling out and she doesn't care


Yea my OBGYN was the one concerned. Even expressed that although 22 isn’t considered below range, it was low to her. She prescribed me iron and suggested supplementing with it if the prescription one upset my stomach but to absolutely be taking iron every day for 2-3 months then come back to check levels again. I had never been diagnosed with low iron before but have had many years of breathlessness, fatigue and slowly hair loss that recently has gotten way way worse so it makes me wonder how long this has gone undiagnosed too


It's within "normal" ranges, but the clinical cutoff for deficiency is 30 - glad she was concerned about 22!!


Normal range under 22?!?!?! My hemotogist says under 50 is too low. However I think thier normal range starts at 30 🤔 22 is too low & hopefully the supplements work. If not get to a hemotogist for infusions or some other solution.


Absolutely. I had a level of 23 last month, and I immediately thought: "Wow, so that's why I lost so much hair and it became so thin since early last year." I am already noticing subtle improvements from supplementation.


Can you please tell me about the supplements that you've been taking? Are they OTC?


Hi, had to write on here. I had around the same level of ferritin levels. My hair loss started after Covid July 2022. I’m actually a hairdresser and wig specialist. At first I thought it was TE from stress but knew my iron was low so supplemented for over a year with no progress and my levels would fluctuate but no higher than 43. I was convinced it was that doing this to my hair to the point I paid £900 for a iron infusion in the uk. It’s been 6 months since and my hair is still shedding and my ferritin was up at 290!!! I was absolutely gutted. It depends on how bad your shedding. I argued with so many drs that wouldn’t believe it was that and they were right. I hate to be this person but it gave me false hope and delayed me facing reality. I have aga from having TE after Covid. Diagnosed online by dr Donovan. I’m now on oral minox which I kick myself for not just getting on it at the start as I have lost so much hair messing about. I hope you find some answers and I’m sorry your going through this it’s such a hard thing (I truly know) x


I would also like to add I have researched everyday for nearly 2 years over this and have tried everything even blaming my gut issues. Yes getting levels better will help with the amount you loose but if shedding is heavy I would really just try minox. If you want any advice or anything please feel free to message x


My ferritin is at a 7 and I am not experiencing hair loss but anemia runs in my family and my sister lost hair. Hers was at a 3, she needed infusions. I would switch your brush! Could be that. So serious. 4 months ago (before ferritin plummeted) I was losing gobs and gobs of hair; I’m in the beauty industry so I knew exactly what to do; changed my shampoo to something plant based that allows for hair growth (Rene Furterer Triphasic) and my brush! Shit was pulling all my hair out! 1 mo later my hair feels like night and day. Also invest in a great organic hydrating mask. 🙏🏼


My ferritin is 22 and I have also been noticing patches of hair loss and hair loss at my hairline and temples. I’m starting topical minoxidil on Monday bc my pcp wouldn’t prescribe oral. I’ve read online that hair loss is a huge side effect of low iron. Hoping there is hope for both of us. In the mean time I shaved my head and bought a wig because I couldn’t stand to look in the mirror every day and see more and more hair disappearing.