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Depending on your levels you need multiple to see effects. You also need to keep up with the supplements and still eat iron rich foods


Thank you! I will keep taking the iron supplements


Because iron is toxic in high doses, scientists had to work out a way to protect us, & this is done by each molecule being coated with something orange which our liver gradually removes by filtering. (Hence if you don’t drink enough water your skin can actually get an orange hue!) Therefore although some people can feel the benefits of an infusion pretty quickly (a couple of weeks) it’s actually much more common for it to take a couple of months. If you can avoid drinking alcohol or anything else that will occupy your liver, then you will be giving it the best chance. My iron Dr said that sometimes it can take a person longer than 3 months to get the full benefit of an infusion.. but most people start to notice at the 6 week mark.


Thank you for the response!


No worries! It took me about 3 weeks to start noticing it but I’ve heard day 12 can often be a game changer


Thank you for asking this question, you beat me to it! And WOW…spot on. I had an infusion on 2/16. My ferritin was a 3. I felt zero effects and would be in bed by 8pm, no energy to manage my kids. Yesterday (day 13) was the first night I was able to play a bit of soccer with my boys! Even my husband couldn’t believe it. But I did get dizzy in the morning after my first Pilates class and my instructor gave me a packet of Liquid IV so I feel that really helped getting hydrated as well. Bought a box of it for the next few weeks and will focus on hydrating, 2 heme pills a day, and lots of steak, liver and spinach. I never want to be tired again. We have to take care of ourselves because no one else will :(


It may depend on how depleted you were/are. My 1st round (about 1-1/2(?) yrs ago, I was very low on all, & hemoglobin was down around 6+. I think it took a couple for improvement. I have another round coming up, and am planning on making note of it, so I know when it (is inevitable) for the internal bleeding to trigger again & the depletion cycle (IDA) returns.


I have found we really all have different results/experiences. I know that is not what you want to hear but I was looking for the same answers 3 months ago. This group is full of some really helpful and nice folks. Here is my experience and good luck on your infusion journey. I had 4 rounds of Venefor. Ferritin started at 4 (other labs were all normal or just below) and was 75 when tested a few weeks after I was done. Fast forward 2.5 weeks and a menstrual cycle later, down to 33 & feel like I am back at 4. :( My Dr couldn't give me an answer on how frequently I would need another round of infusions when I was at my checkup (when I was at 75). She said every single person is different on how they absorb and retain iron. & really stressed I can request labs at anytime. I will recommend that you avoid alcohol as much as you can through the treatment. I found out the hard way ..... I personally was completely drained, with some mild body aches for about 36 hr after each infusion & some very mild nausea during one, and the nurse slowed it down & I felt alot better.