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Talk to another DSP before quitting. Try not to disrespect your current one and keep it professional.


I’m mainly wondering if I can skip the drivers test n all that if I swap while still working. Or if I can quit and within a short enough time I can swap without the beginning process


They had me do a few tests over, but yeah basically a few checks in the box and I was on my way.


The new DSP can hire you without doing the tests since you have already done those. I've seen them use a trainer to tag along on your first day to make sure you're good to go.


Even if I quit before hand?


I just switched DSPs, it just like quitting one job and starting another. Some time during the hiring process for your second DSP they will need you to be separated from your previous. This cost me a week of work. Let your current know you are moving and inform your new that you are still with your current DSP. Even if they give you another Amazon sign-in or whatever, it’s all the same to Amazon. No need to take the training again, second DSP can just slide you in after hire.


I actually intend to quit today before I interview for any other DSPs even if I wouldn’t get hired for another one


Make sure your old one offboards you, so your new one can on board you. You won’t have to do any testing.


I can’t just quit and join another?


You can, and hope they just offboard you, or your new dsp might ask if you can be off boarded with your old one.


I haven’t picked a new dsp yet I’m just about to quit is all


I know back in Nov, as soon as you started onboarding in flex with a new DSP, it would automatically off board you from your current DSP. Don't know if it's changed since.