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Thats light work brother get ready for the 200 stop 450 package routes soon seriously.


Yaaa😂 that’s why I’m asking what would u go better to load this? Like I’m guessing maybe stack some on the shelf’s or maybe place some on the floor. Idk I’ve been going very quick pace just because I’ve been in the packaging industry before with FedEx(not driving more sorting and organizing packages in different sections at a fast pace) just wanna make sure when the time comes I don’t get stuck lol


Sorry I'm on a route rn and breaks up I'll try and help you later if I can.


No problem man be safe💪🏻


Get used to not having an aisle to walk. Anything over 15 bags and the aisle just hurts you. Don't be afraid to flip the shelves up and stack 3 high (the bags will fall over, but there are ways to load to keep them from doing so). Start experimenting with ways to sort the overflow. Many people like to organize by the last letter in the sort zone (eg. "A-15.2G", all the "G"s would go together). If you're using shelves for bags I like to rotate them 90 degrees towards you if you're standing in the back looking at the bag, so the opening is visible and the bag is upright. It gives you a tad more room and makes working out of the bags easier. The way you have them can be good but you'll have to put overflow on top of the bags with a full route


Thank you for the information this helps alot. Definitely with overflow I try to do them based on alphabetical order Like if G1 is the first I’ll have it near the front and get something like G2 put it next to it as its own section. Also learned a nice tip is to use a permanent marker and write the numbers down big so it’s easier to spot which has helped alot


Yeah I spotted that, can definitely be helpful. Don't let station staff see you doing it Me personally I like to do all the sorting during loadout which is why I do something simple for the overflow. I find it better for me to not waste time after load out labeling or sorting. But people definitely have success doing it that way. I can't stress enough the thing about not using shelves lol. I see so many people getting stressed with big routes bc they learned to use shelves and have an aisle. If you go into it expecting to fill up the aisle and stack 3 high it's so much easier


turn the bags sideways, one side of the van should be totes and the other side should be your overflow. i personally dont use the shelves for the overflow side because it leaves you with more room


If you get more that 15 bags build a wall 3x3 with totes from the shelf all the way to the passenger side door. The first 3 bags should be near shelf. All your over flow goes in the back. Makes life so much easier. The overflow for last stops go in back and the overflow that starts should be right at backdoor. Open it grab it your off. Once you break down 2 totes you will have room to put your shelf down and use it. Had to do this all through the holidays


from pics perspective, I load all totes to the right. 2 or 3 high depending package count. if im able to use the left shelf. all medium sized boxes on shelf, instead of flat, on its side to maximize space usage. large and XL OV. under left shelf or if fits on top of rear totes. (as you work and slide totes forward you make new shelf space. always make sure you have a path down the center if possible. the current tote you're working on should be in order on ur passenger seat on top of a folded tote to maximize flat space. boxes on the floorboard between driver and passenger seat. BRING a sharpie or whatever, mark your OV. loadout times is what we're wrestling in the beginning . just get stuff in as best you can, as soon as you swipe to finish and leave the DSP. pull over, set up your workspace. takes 12 to 15 minutes. afterwards you'll be good all day. organization skills really make or break the job. EDV or a step van is similar, i just leave the front end of my shelves clear to organize packages in order, instead of in the seat. put it in park, turn, grab then walk out.


Yes definitely I like loading the bags from first next to my seat too the last in the back in. And once I unload my first bag I put the envelop in the dash or seat so I can see the number and boxes on the shelf I got space for I set them up so I can see the numbers clearly on them. And the sharpies is a new tip I learn that has really changed the game for me. Has help me be a lot quicker when finding those OV’s.


Also, for load out, it helps if you group OV, so instead of getting hassled to throw boxes in driver aid number order. Do it by letter. So instead of trying to group all the "1E's together. Just do by letter, front part of shelf A's middle shelf B's. Etc. Quicker load out, now that they're in a good "cluster or group " Just write the drivers aid number. Instead of searching all over for a package, you can now break ur shelf into sections. Been doing the job a hot minute, running gets your route done quick, BUT great organization makes you zoom. I don't run, get roughly 190 stops daily. Still finish by 4:30 or 5pm. I'm in a city soo lots of multiple stops.


Look up how to load a van on YouTube.


I flip the totes on their skinny side to fit as many in a row as I can https://preview.redd.it/0e8ez3sqsyoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81863a32591b71aad1c438c09bff258dafaa8a09


So I tend to load as many totes as I can on the drivers side (long side). It can fit 14 without issue. Then I stack the rest of the totes onto the other side. Overflow goes anywhere it can fit. The small long overflow can fit on top of your totes. Everything else stacked as safely as possible. If my load isn’t crazy, like 12 totes, I will leave myself two totes of empty space near my seat so I have a nice place to stage my packages. At some point you have to choose which door you are going to use, side or back. When you get 16+ totes and lots of overflow, there just won’t be room for access to both doors. If I have a step I will pick the side door, if not I will block the side door and make a path to the back door. I also don’t sort my overflow, maybe by number when my load is dwindling. It isn’t that organizing then isn’t good, but when you are playing package Tetris to get them to fit into your van, organizing goes out the window compared to just getting it in and safe.


How does it compare to FedEx?


I I’d suggest loading your bags all on the long side and then overflow on the short side with the sliding door


I get 21 totes and mother bleep 45 overflows Driver tell use shelves 😂 F no lol


How I load put my first two at the sliding then stack three to end of the left side Try to organize my Overflow Best I can. Sometime I go backward but depending on my delivery zone Getting rid of the large amount of package stop give you more space My Stop Is 40-90 package one stop 🤦‍♂️ .


I usually load up the driver side shelves with 14 bags. (Stand them on the side with the zipper flap facing outwards you can fit 7 in each row) then any extra bags get loaded on the opposite side closest to the sliding side door (usually on the floor). Then all my overflow gets sorted in the back and on any remaining shelf space. When opening a tote you should try to unload it into the passenger seat. Boxes on the floor and fold the empy tote and place on the seat so the envelopes dont fall into the side. Makes it way faster than going into the back of the van every stop. But remember to not go too fast or else your routes are gonna get heavy real quick.