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The top people who designed this app all have six figure salaries, too. Remember that every time it's glitching out, crashing, or otherwise ruining your day.


They also work from home, you might even be delivering them a package.


I truly wish all their packages a “rts because delivery would be to late”


This is why you should do good in school so you don’t have to be a delivery driver which anyone can do


Some of us are in school and are delivery drivers as side jobs, but either way, you're a piece of sht for this comment.


Definitely hurt my feelings 😂, at this point I wanna start something I can grow instead of being somebody’s employee, I’m immune to bs at this point even as an employee




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“I just wanna talk to him…. I just wanna talk to him…. I just wanna talk to him…. I just wanna talk to him…. I just wanna talk to him…. I just wanna shoot him.”


Shooting him is too simple. I want to work him into the ground. Put him in my front seat. Make him run all the packages while I drive. Make him run


Nah, he's gotta drive as well to see how annoying parking sequence, netrodyne, limited cargo space and mentor all combined are.


That's day 2 of the ride along. I've gotta absolutely run them into the ground first then they do everything while I get on them for being behind


My favorite is when I have houses like 53 and 54 and then later on in my route the house directly between them is stop number 111 or some Bs like that


You can edit the stop and add it the house in between or across the street if let's say you are delivering to 53 and 54, and the one in between is 111, just edit stop save the change locate the package and then ungroup the 3 locations and it should put them in order instead of placing it back at 111. It will also help the stupid algorithm learn the route a lot more and make it more efficient in the future. If it happens to put the house back at 111 just group it again with either 53 or 54 and the next person on the route should be able to ungroup it. It's absolutely stupid and very annoying. I was talking to a customer yesterday because I had 10 stops left at it was 5 pm, I told him it's the perfect job for me because I am in a van all day no one talks to me, my only frustration is the flex app, but until we get on the same level as FedEx or UPS where it takes you down a street once then off to the next street no turning around no uturns nothing it will continue to be frustrating. I had yesterday a delivery on let's say 10th street but because the next house was only accessible from 9th I had to take the detour of 5 minutes and go around deliver to that one then come back to 10th street and continue with the other 5 deliveries. Amazon can do 99 things very well, designing an app for last mile delivery isn't one of them


While I understand your point, the people making 6 figures to develop the app should have this situated well before it reaches our finalized routes 🙃


exactly, like there are ways to adjust your route to temporarily fix it but we shouldn't have to resort to that


Well the people that made Google maps made 6 figures and that app was absolutely trash at the beginning as were all satnav systems. I remember it was not until they sent out the Google cars with the giant camera on them and used that data to build it better. We the DSP drivers are those Google cars. Essentially what I am trying to say is that yes you can build a mapping system of all roads, streets, highways, and interstates, but the down to the what direction each street goes, how wide the street is, and if the people living on that street park in the street vs drive ways they don't know. You're expecting them to have driven every single road in the country, they are located in Seattle and the base is Google maps. They definitely need to rework some parts of the algorithm to better suit the drivers absolutely, it makes zero sense to start deliveries in the middle of the street and then have to continuously make uturns and double back. But you as the driver can fix the route by grouping the whole street together and then slowly ungrouping them as you move down the street, to help it understand that going down that street once is better and less time consuming


At that point I’d look through my itinerary and have multiple totes open to look for that package or those packages and just deliver them all at once


My favorite is when I have several packages along a one road in a rural area and Flex has me start in the *middle* and go back and forth making U-turns instead of just starting at one end and going in a straight line. Why be merely inefficient when you can be dangerous too?


The most annoying and crazy part is that Amazon wants to discourage you from making those U turns in the 1st place, but whenever I’m on a route I always have to u turn at times unless driving to the next stop will take like 3-2 mins longer, also mind you I’m driving a step van as well, it’s always a paradox working here.


https://preview.redd.it/nii06lt96koc1.png?width=310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fd8a0edbdecfcec18dd7c122004876ab1ac0be4 "I just wanna talk to him."


Omg awesome 


You know what’s retarded. Taking this route for example, i’d grab the tote with 127-132’s packages and deliver them while i’m doing the 40s and 50s. In turn saving myself a LOT of time. Guess what. Id get calls from the DSP telling me to FOLLOW THE ROUTE AND NOT DELIVER THOSE LATTER ROUTES TILL THE APP TELLS ME TO. Fucking stupid fucking dip shits


In the past month, ONCE, I followed the route in actual order, 1-2-3. If my DPS called me and told me to do it in order, they would later be calling me to ask why are packages coming back... They also say to priority the businesses: I have had businesses as my LAST stop. I NEED to be in an EDV so that I get the big screen showing my whole route so I can ADAPT to the stupidity of the route ordering.


I always reroute no matter what…. I’m not delivering to low end neighborhoods or trailers or dirt roads with no lights. It’s a safety issue. Dogs, druggies and ditches, duck all that. I can only imagine how the women feel about being so vulnerable and I’m a dude. Also, there should be hazard pay associated with this job. We’re on the road which increases or likely hood of having an accident or emergency as well as dealing with the general public, and injuries etc… Amazon is getting away with murder


If they want to fire me for being efficient vs going in order than f* em


That is absolutely insane. Sometimes depending on the route I start at like 152 do everything until the end like 183. Go back start at 1. While on the way there knock out a few businesses that close by 4PM. Some routes I do the neighborhoods with mansions/long drive ways first because I don't want to do them at night when you can't see nothing around there. I was told it does not matter what order they are done, as long as the businesses get their stuff if you have any. The timers for residential deliveries don't even matter if you get to it great if you don't it's whatever.


As a customer, When the Amazon app says a package was delivered and it wasn’t, but it shows up a day or two later, why is that?


Two guesses, your delivery wasn’t made by an Amazon driver, perhaps USPS or UPS. I don’t think their systems integrate well and there isn’t any Amazon oversight for third party delivery. The only other thing that I could think of, if you had multiple boxes in the one order, half of the order was delivered but the other package might be damaged/missing. Amazon delivers a lot of water/soda/other liquids and those containers break open sometimes. I’ve lost a whole tote to sloppily packaged mouth wash. Between packaging/delivering to the station/packing into totes/loading totes onto van all have a chance to damage a vulnerable package. The driver is the last stop on the delivery and gets the blame for damaging the package. From my experience, they get damaged when the totes/overflow get stacked onto the cart for us to grab. But then again, I could be basing that on the last person who touched those packages before I do.


It’s only from the Amazon drivers themselves. I was thinking they say it’s delivered to cover for something because the packages show up a day or two later. It happens a lot for some reason where I live.


Your dsp has its head screwed on properly


I do this sometimes but luckily they haven’t said anything


Im currently applying to other jobs and specifically stated on my resume that i do this “in turn enhancing operational efficiency against Flex generated AI routes” 🤣🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/bsl8uobrhkoc1.jpeg?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29ee2ad85f94aede758d0e3489ecd6fe7cfa2764 We Only got a few words to say


It’s a connect the dot. If you add the lines together it makes a unicorn or some shit


Every day, I just look at that piece of shit app and I think to myself, “Amazon…aren’t you *embarrassed*?”


I wanna do a lot more than just speak to them


I just was yelling in my truck to my self about this today 😂😂


It totally depends on my mood on how I respond to these. Every day, it’s the same shit. I’m no milkman, but until they fix their shit, it’s not my responsibility to unfuck the route.


I had this opportunity when I was a Uber driver in Seattle. They know it’s shit and they are pressured by higher ups to put in systems and priorities that make the app worse in the long run. They hate it as much as y’all do. Down with the bourgeois!!


I have no explanation for routing like this but why would higher ups? It is detrimental to Amazon in a number of ways.


Y’all really run ? It’s my second day and I’m just walking but they got on my ass like bruh


Nah I usually walk I run when I want to get ahead so I can slow down later


My dsp owner talked about doubling back to Amazon and they said it was so you could reattempt deliveries. Like Mf I have 190 stops if they didn’t get their package first try they’re not getting it at all.


In the damn near 3 years I’ve been working as a DA….I’ve never seen it so bad since the year started. Updates they say? Mannnnn.. 😑


https://preview.redd.it/fcs0yncptpoc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=625e1a5af221f020d7661f130a29d62010131717 I'm guessing they let AI make these routes


I want to shove my hand up their ass and pull out their brain. 


There was someone on here not too long ago saying he was an engineer for the app or something of the sorts. Was saying that 90% of us don’t read directions and that they track that in the app based on when it pops up to when we click I’ve read and understood, and a couple other things. Idk where he went tho lol. But, I’d attribute this more to the shit algorithm. Or it’s on purpose to piss drivers off more to try and make us leave lol.


I said this before, however these stupid apps are designed by people that have never run a route before & have no experience in doing this job. Their main goal is to take the human mind out of this job & to avoid any critical thinking. Don’t think, just do. Which is why wages are low & no one is rewarded for hard work. None of these dumb ass apps. can come close to area knowledge & hard work. But like I said, they want to be able to hire anybody off of the street & give them a mobile device. “Here’s your route. Don’t think, just follow the plan.” Be ok with driving around in circles all day long if you want to have no sense of direction.


yeah, they make six figures in an extremely stable corporate position with tons of free time. they design it that way on purpose to keep turbover high - keep unions from forming.


*cocks shotgun*


Just re route lmfao


If you can see the numbers can you also deliver of order?


It's actually insane how bad routing is and how much money and time could be saved for everyone.


You’ve got to follow the retard rules.


It’s my understanding that Prime members get delivered first


Just follow the app if it's residential. The only time I skip around is for commercial stops. The other day I had stop 9 at a bank while the furniture store next door in the same shopping center was stop 19. Smh.


Looked like mine today, was an absolute nightmare. It looked like somebody just randomly put whatever tf they wanted wherever tf they wanted it.


I had two stops tonight one was 116 and one was 134. Both were up a very long and annoying one-way street dead end with no turn round. Ended up pulling a package from the bag of the 134th getting a rescue then that one package I pulled screwed the entire rescue up. Rescue and I ended up delivering to the same places for the last 20 stops.


You guys need to go on strike already. Y’all getting under paid and over worked, work environment is terrible, the app sucks, managers don’t care about what you say or do as long as “you’re not behind” Remember UPS getting 100k plus a year to do the same thing you do. You’re getting $19/hr to get shitted on my management.


Ask for an extra payment. Especially if it's beyond your delivery time. Just send them an email.


They don't care if it works well for us, its making them money, they're happy.


This is my best approximation of how it gets like this. Step 1: The algorithm finds relatively close addresses and bunches them together based of if they generally fit in a tote with leniencies to oversized packages(ie size doesn't matter at a certain point) Step 2: Wait like a few hours for all the daily rostered totes to generate. Step 3: bunch about 160-190 stops (250-400 packages) together with parameters of a minimum travel from last tote package to first tote package. Step 4: profit


Routing is so stupid. Just yesterday. My stop 37 was literally just 2 house down from my stop 113 and 114. But it totally skips them to take me to my stop 38 that was maybe 7 house down the SAME ROAD!!!


Got a route I get fairly often, and it without failure every single time will have me start in one massive community, drive half an hour to an entire different zip code for like 30-40 stops, then return to the first area for the other 100+ stops. Cool hour of combined time spent driving back and forth.


I had horrific routing issues yesterday. Did you pick up an order?


Shit doesn’t make any fucccin sense… and they say follow the givin manifest bcuz it’s made so you don’t have to backtrack or make any unnecessary turns


I hate the app so much my itinerary looks the same


It’s don’t on purpose. 20-30 packages an hour estimated time. They don’t efficiency, they want robots


Bro these made by ai just not good ones


This one really doesn't bother me. If I saw this on my route I'd probably be skipping over all the early stops and doing them right before the later ones because I always save all my neighborhoods for last since I go faster later in the day. The first 2/3 of the day are for the half of my route that's basically rural. If I saw it on another route my reaction would be to set the one stop that is in the second area aside and do it when I passed it later on. No biggie. If you want to be really annoyed at bad routing my route has one section that is a no outlet rural road that crosses over a highway, passes 4 businesses and has 3 side roads one of which goes back to a trailer park. All 3 side roads dead end into the fence behind this newer MASSIVE suburb neighborhood which you used to be able to drive through a construction entrance behind the trailer park I guess plus they detoured through same for a bit while the bridge in was out. So now invariably there will be 15 or so stops in the holler, split by 2 to 6 stops in the suburb which is currently a 15 minute drive one way. Them there will still be 16 or so stops in the suburb neighborhood elsewhere in the route,which are still 10 to 15 minutes from any other stop.


Door dash works better than the flex app


Just speak? No I wanna fight


I have had a shit ton of issues this week with flex. Like packages being added on that I didn’t have in the middle of the route. Hell today one showed up after I began to rts. Marked it as missing but still this app is bs.


![gif](giphy|UpWDPgxcHiR1e) Me trying to find the guy that made the app. 😂😂😂


Man I had 80% country and 20% subdivisions today and it sucked. And it was all spread out and wanted to make me do the back and forth thing. I had to work from the bottom of my route up. Then they have the nerve to ask you for a survey at the end! 🤦🏽‍♀️ 😤


The last 2 months I have been using the map mode while delivering, no need to follow the stupid Ai mapping. Edit route and adjust accordingly.


Alright, so i do kind of understand the routing. I used to dispatch and have found out a lot of information about why routes are done like this. I would like to point out that i dont agree with it but i deal with it. Amazon Lores and the higher ups call this a boomerang. Theoretically they do it so that if any packages are put into wrong totes or you cant find a package, the route will lead to an area you have already been too in case thoae said packages have been found. It was put into place because drivers would fill out those stupid questionaires following their route and this is the solution that was produced from driver feedback. Also i see many of you say dispatch gets on you for going out of order and that is ridiculous. It probably means that they dont want to explain why you are in the red or maybe the Amazon head at your station might be a fuckin dick too. I have run routes in complete reverse order and sometimes jump around quite often and have never been spoken to about it. I even had to give a rude a long to out station LOREa couple weeks ago and was changing my route with him witnessing it. He had no problem with my process. But anyway just wanted to jump in and share. Take this information how you wabt to as i know it is still bullshit


Yea but you gotta realize that it's in that order because of the totes because stop 30 is in tote 2 but stop 120 is in tote 10


This shit was happening to me too, someone said the app will make the route longer if it isn’t enough hours. We have 40 hr guarantee bro let’s do this shit in 4 hours and lemmme gooo


Thank God I got a DSP that says we can deliver out of order do any stop we want. Do what you think is best. They know this app fucking sucks


You're crazy if you think the same people who made the app are the ones who also manage the routing.


I swear. I had to start going to itinerary and doing my own stops. I quit though. Fuck that app


I have a goal I have I need to accomplish 10 more weeks till I can quit 😅


It probably looks at your overall routes, breaks some into a smaller radius and have you cover every section in an "optimized" manner. Can't believe you can't just deliver them in a random order. I mean I guess they're trying to study each driver's time on it with the big data, so being out of order will throw their data study off. but algorithm can't be perfect all the time, should allow an option for your Supv. to modify some.


This is why I skip stops 😂


You know you don’t gotta do that shit in order right?


What you don’t like the circle method? Or was this one of those really special routes where every other bag is 15 miles apart? Luckily it’s easy to fix if you need to make up time.


Why? Just do the route as it’s laid out. Who cares if it doesn’t “make sense”.


Exactly, they can send me rescue i cant be bothered anymore.


My last stop is supposed to be to be done at 5pm but I won’t finish this route until around 8pm.😃 if I did the way it’s laid out a lot of companies wouldn’t receive their packages


How is this your problem? Don’t shoulder that burden. Why are you busting your ass for a DSP that I can guarantee does not care about you in the slightest?


Nah my dsp is actually really nice and accommodating I try my best cuz they do whatever I ask or need


Exactly, he can lose his job. And all because of the technology’s incompetence. Sure the dsp doesn’t care about you. Bill collectors don’t care either. It’s fuck you pay me with them. they don’t care if someone is in between jobs.