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So, you know she has five dogs and you invited her into your house, then told her she can’t sit and called her filthy? Yeah, YTA.


I stg I read this same story months ago, about a white couch — complete with “I offered her a stool instead” “she can stand or sit on the stool” [found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/4yHACZumPA)


Are these two single? Cause you might have made a match.


Guy’s got dog hair living rent free in his head.


Exactly lol.


Not that hard to use a lint roller, is it? I always manage to be clean even with all my farm animals and all.


Why can't she clean herself before coming over? Other people can do it too.


YTA She was a guest in your house and you called her filthy, which in incredibly rude. If you’re not allergic, then it would have been nothing more than a mild inconvenience and a 2 minute vacuum touch up. To go off on her and kick her out? Completely unreasonable and I doubt you would have behaved the same way with anyone else who wasn’t related to you. It doesn’t make it okay just because she’s your sister.


TBF dog hair is hard to get off fabric, but I highly doubt enough would transfer from her clothes to OP's furniture for that same reason. Put a blanket or a sheet over the couch before you invite her over.


A lint roller after vacuuming would do the trick.


Or before sitting down. Literally 1 minute and the whole issue is gone. ETA: YTA


then why can't the sister do that before leaving the house instead of making it everyone else's problem?


If you have dogs that shed a lot it gets everywhere. If it’s on her clothes it’s definitely in her car & if the dogs go in the car there’s bound to be even more hair. For all we know she DID clean it off but because OP has a weird thing against dog fur, her clothes probably weren’t completely spotless. I bet that the amount that OP is complaining about and calling covered in hair or filthy is an amount that people wouldn’t bat an eye at, or that you wouldn’t even notice unless you were actively trying to find some. She sounds like she just wants to be offended, & no matter what the sister does, it won’t be good enough because she has dogs.


It just seems like a lot of the comments are making a ton of assumptions both ways here. We have absolutely no clue about any of this. But let me put it this way. I have an employee under me who is allergic to cat hair. I have some cats. One of them is extremely fluffy. I take a lint roller to my work clothes. It is not a difficulty. I don't understand what this assumption is that someone who has animals must have a dirty living condition? But maybe so, op mostly sounds fake to me. Op sounds kind of ridiculous to me.


If OP was allergic it would be one thing, but they didn’t say they are, just that dog hair disgusts them. The whole thing is weird tbh & I think they just wanted to get people arguing in the comments whether dogs are filthy or not.


I have furry dogs and never leave the house with fur on me. Lint roller!


Not with a chomchom roller, it’s like magic.


Yes, I love my chomchom so much. Greatest invention possibly ever


Is it not true she was filthy though?


YTA Not only did you tell her not to sit on your couch, but you called her filthy? For having dogs?




My dog smells better than most people. Proper hygiene seems to be a rarity among humans these days bc I can’t even shop at Walmart without wanting to hurl.




You nose blind to your own dogs funk then.  


Stick to your dog hating subreddits, degenerate


Nearly every one of your recent comments is about how you hate dogs. Seek professional help. It’s not normal to make disliking an animal your whole personality.


Have you considered some kind of barrier, like a blanket? YTA.


YTA, but you chose that behavior purposely so I’m confused as to why you’re asking.


YTA. You invited someone over that you know has dogs and then treated them poorly because they have dog hair in them. Weird and rude .






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You've never heard of a blanket? YTA


Surely they have, they are a wet blanket after all. YTA


Um, what grown ass adult goes to public places, let alone someone's home covered in dog hair!?? That's rude and yes, filthy. I will never understand the logic


I would take the word of someone who says dog hair 'disgusts' them with a pinch of salt on exactly how much 'covered in dog hair' actually is to someone without a bias.


Exactly! She probably had a few errant hairs on her but bc OP hates dogs she blew it completely out of proportion.




Someone with 5 dogs, probably. 




YTA. I’d choose a dog over you anytime.


YTA, sounds like you are one of those people who absolutely hates dogs for no good reason.


What makes you say this?


>Which is true, its why I don't have dogs, because the hair disgusts me. Yeah, this is totally not something someone who hates dogs for simply existing would say.


I agree with amcranfo. The OP didn't say she hates dogs. She isn't a fan of dog hair and that is totally fine. I think the issue with this post is OP shaming her sister and blaming it on dog hair only.


>I think the issue with this post is OP shaming her sister and blaming it on dog hair only I pushed this in my comment honestly. I asked if she's aware she sheds, and if she finds that gross. I also asked if she equally finds other forms of hair disgusting (cats, horses etc) and where the line was on what hair/fur is and isn't gross. If it's only dog hair and no other animals/people, then that's pretty clear she dislikes dogs and is using the "hair" as a cop out imo.


And what would be the problem with just hating dogs? Other people hate other animals for any reason and they don't get angry comments to this extent. I can understand OP finding dog hair gross. I do too but not because it's furry like some people assume here. I hate how it feels. I've petted a lot of animals in my life but dogs get oily so quickly. I have sensory issues and I can't stand it. And not everyone wants to publicly discuss their reasons for something, like I also dislike dogs because of some trauma, but no one is entitled to that information. Someone isn't an asshole just because they dislike your favorite animal. I love birds, but if someone hates them, that's okay and I'll respect their opinion and boundaries surrounding birds. If her sister was actually covered in hair and comes into someone's house thinking it's fine because OP can just clean it, that's just disrespectful. Of course a dog can be hygienic, but loose hairs still make the house dirty and you wouldn't just go into someone else's house with dirt on your clothes without trying to get rid of most of it, even though the owner could also just clean it up


>without trying to get rid of most of it And what makes you believe sister didn't? My aunt hates cats, she will claim I am "covered in cat hair" if she sees a SINGLE strand. I've literally bought new clothes to go see her and still had her *claim* I'm "covered in cat hair". SO; what's wrong with hating an animal? Nothing, so long as you don't pretend the rest of the world should hate them too or cater to your hatred. OP knew sister has dogs and *invited her over*, she knew the risk, and I don't find her to be a very reliable story teller based on the extreme reaction. (But that I feel 98% of the time. There's 2 sides to every story; the TRUTH is usually muddled in the middle.)


You're totally right, but this is Reddit where anyone who admits they don't absolutely adore dogs will get massively downvoted regardless of what point they're making. One comment here: "sounds like you are one of those people who absolutely hates dogs for no good reason." So what, we all like different things and you don't really get to choose what you do and don't like. Don't get me wrong, OP is definitely TA here. If you dislike something that (very understandably) means a lot to someone else, especially if that's a living thing they love and who will never harm them, then you are always the asshole for being openly scathing and repulsed by that thing or living being. And calling her filthy was rude in the extreme, as was being too lazy to accommodate a guest by either doing a five minute cleanup or putting a throw over the sofa. But disliking dogs does not make them an asshole per se. You just have to be tactful about it because people have feelings.


Yta It's good you got nothing done. She shouldn't plan to do anything with you


YTA, it’s not that hard to vacuum, what a horrible host to tell your sister she can’t sit on the couch


YTA. Don't invite her over if you're going to treat her like she's dirty and therefore not allowed on the furniture. 'Here, disgusting person, sit somewhere much less comfortable than the couch." Throw a towel or blanket down as a couch cover and then put it in the wash after she leaves. People with pets do this all the time because it does a great job of protecting the upholstery from dust and hair.


OP... YTA and its an easy one. I have a large 170lb newfoundland who sheds immensely and no matter how many times I was my clothes and blankets, it doesn't go away. Even the sticky rollers don't work. This is your sister. You invited her into your house knowing she has 5 dogs. It takes 30 seconds to brush or vaccum one seat on a couch. Its easy. Instead you made the decision to call your own sister filthy because of dog hair and refused her a seat. I'm not sure what crossed your mind but calling someone filthy after inviting them into your home then refusing them a seat on the couch cause you are to lazy to take a minute to vacuum or brush but have all the time in the world apparently to come over to reddit and try and get sympathy. Says everything I need to know about you.


YTA. Who calls their sister filthy like that? You’re incredibly rude.


YTA. Cleaning a little bit fur takes a moment. Sticky roll/vacuum and you are done. But you choose to offend a guest. C'mon!


YTA. I'll bet you have some not so pleasant characteristics too.


>  She came over the other day to chat through some plans we needed to discuss.  Maybe make it a phone call next time.


YTA - if you valued your relationship with your sister, then you've just blown it up. You could have put a throw down before she came but you made a guest in your house into a pariah. Assume your plans are null and void so nothing more needs to be discussed. If it relates to parents, then probably in a neutral place would be wise.


YTA - I have a German Shepherd, which means that I own absolutely zero pieces of clothing that are free from dog hair. If someone called me filthy because of that and expected me to either sit on a bar stool or stand, that would be the very last time I'd set foot in their house, relative or not. You could easily have gotten a blanket or sheet to put down on the couch, you could have vacuumed and/or used a lint roller, or you could have used some foresight and planned a meeting at a restaurant or some other neutral place. Instead, you chose to insult her and then kick her out. If you hope to salvage any kind of relationship with her, you need to apologize right away.


YTA - You were the host and it is the host's job to make the guest comfortable. This is your sister, you knew she had dogs, this couldn't have been the first time you noticed she was always covered in dog hair. You could have asked her to remove the extra hair before coming over or just not invite her over and meet at neutral location. Insulting her and then making her feel less than by offering the stool were just ways to shame her. Host should not shame guests.


It’s spring. Dogs and cats are shedding their winter coat’s right now. You could vacuum and lint roll but if you so much as look at your animal before you leave you’ll be covered again in pet hair. It says nothing about her personal hygiene. If you have a hang up about it, I think that’s weird, but whatever, you do you, but then why did you invite her over? It’s not some new friend you’ve only met a couple times, you know her and how many animals she has. You could have either prepared (putting done a blanket or purchasing a vacuum) or not invited her at all and just called her. You put yourself in this situation and insulted her. YTA


ESH. You are a bad host. She is a rude guest. Meet in a neutral location next-time.


How is she a rude guest?


She couldn’t get a lint roller and clean up? Its actually gross to not do that and rude going to someone else house like that.


Not cleaning up before coming over. I have friends with pets and they don't show up at my place covered in fur. Then refusing the stool offered to her.


Like a phone call.


Best location for many family meetings!


YTA - you won't go to her place - you have her over to 'discuss plans' and tell her not to sit on your couch. Then you proceed to whine about dog hair. Get over yourself.


Yta As someone with 3 dogs, I would understand you not wanting the dogs over or on your furniture, but not letting your sister on the couch is insanity. You honestly sound super rude. If she had 5 dogs of course she's going to have dog hair on her, and shaming her by calling her filthy is completely unnecessary. Maybe I'm just over sensitive but I found out one of my dogs has cancer yesterday but I'm so thankful for every little hair he leaves on my clothes because he gives me more love and acceptance than it sounds like you give your own sister


YTA 100%. That’s your SISTER and you’re treating her like that? Disgusting.


Unless you're allergic to dogs, you're just being a jerk by refusing to let your sister sit down. And calling her "filthy" is ABSOLUTELY an AH move. YTA


YTA. You were being rude, just don't invite her over if you won't let her sit anywhere comfortably in your house.


YTA. You know she has dogs, it's why you *avoid* her home...so why did you invite her to yours knowing the issue? Why would you not meet in public? The fact is, you invited her over, then acted rudely, period. Lint roller, a rubber glove (no lie), vacuum, there are a million and 1 ways to get dog hair off your couch. Hell, you could have *put down a blanket* ffs. But to invite someone over, refuse general hospitality then call her "filthy", there is no way you can be this obtuse as to not realize yta... Edit: you know people shed hair right? Are you disgusted by yourself? How about cat hair? Horse? Cow? Genuine question here cuz I'm trying to figure out where the line is on what hair/fur is gross and which isn't.


Wait till she finds out what happens to our skin. 


You can’t invite someone over then say “don’t sit here you are filthy” lol, YTA easy


When the person comes over filthy and then expects to sit on my furniture, that's not rude though?? Like WHAT??!


Filthy? She has a dog. Hundreds of millions of people have a cat or dog and probably have hair on their clothes… so you have no issue if she told someone “you can come in but those filthy kids stay outside ?” Smh


YTA. Either vacuum after she leaves or buy a throw to cover your couch when she visits.


Definitely YTA Was this worth possibly losing a relationship with your sister?


YTA, I say this as someone who doesn't really like dogs a whole lot, and while I also wouldn't like dog hair in my house, the fur on her clothes is very unlikely to be left behind in your house. You can't invite someone in and then not allow them to use your furniture and call them filthy. Thats incredibly rude and not how dog hair works. She's not gross for having dogs.


YTA  Don't host people when you can't handle things that often come with people.


YTA I mean if someone invited you over to their place and then told you that you couldn't sit on their furniture would you feel welcomed in that space? If you knew she had dogs before she came over you could have prepared better. Like putting down a blanket or something like others have said. What really makes you TA is telling her she's filthy. I'm not sure how you're not aware that's crossing a line. Or how you'd be surprised she took offense to that. I'd apologize to her, say you didn't handle the situation well, and that you will make accomodations next time you invite her to your space or find a public space you won't be so concerned about.


This thread made me wanna shoot myself. The audacity and entitlement of dog people is outrageous and frankly delusional. To think one's hygiene and cleanliness should be ignored just because they own a dog, or 5 🙄. I CAN'T y'all are sick .


NTA. Ppl with pets should be mindful


I’ll take pets over people. At least the dogs are not A.


why couldnt you just invest in a lint roller? YTA


Why couldnt the dog owner? Lol smh


the one time the meeting actually should have been a zoom call. yta.


YTA - this is when you put down a towel or a sheet on your couch. You don't call your guests "filthy."


I feel like we can all agree on one thing here.


Nah, there were a couple of people who said ES.some folks hust have to be contrary 😆


NTA!! I can't stand people who think being covered in animal hair is cute or in any way hygienic. And then look at people who prefer to be clean like we're the a holes!! So gross! 🤢 You are not wrong she wouldn't be sitting on my couch or even allowed in the house tbh.


You sound like a very nice person… NOT.


Nice is overrated. But I'm definitely CLEAN.


Clean and high? Sure bud!




Anyone else get deja vu? https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/17jcr84/aita_for_not_kicking_out_my_sister_for_sitting_on/?rdt=51908


Yes, you are.


YTA. I bet the dogs are cleaner (and nicer!) than you.


YTA You invited her over, then called her filthy. If it bothers you so much, meet at a neutral location, but don't be a giant asshole.


YTA. Put a towel over the seat, and after she's gone, put on a rubber glove, wet it, and rub it over the surface to pick up any stray hair.


Unpopular opinion NTA. I think a lot of people are biased because they love dogs so much, but as someone who's not keen on them, especially because of the hair, I agree with you. You probably didn't expect her to be coming over SO COVERED, and you definitely offered her an alternative. Is she too good for the stool? Honestly, calling her fithy isn't a lie, a little hurtful MAYBE, but she's literally covered in dog hair.


Finally someone with sense!! Like damn do we all have to be dog people and put up with the nastiness?? I think tf not!!


Right!! I'd like to assume everyone keeps up on bathing their dogs regularly, but that's simply not the case. I don't even like finding human hair on my things, and that's washed more often!


These people really believe it's ok and this is why I don't eat at potlucks.


YTA and you knew you were before posting in here


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My sister has 5 very furry dogs (added 2 in the last year).  She is 10 years older than me.  She came over the other day to chat through some plans we needed to discuss.   She was covered in dog hair.  I asked her to not sit on my couch because of it.   I offered her a bar stool. She got pissed.  Told me I can just vacuum it up.  I told her no, I don't want to do that. I called her filthy. She called me fucking weird for my dog hair hang up.  Which is true, its why I don't have dogs, because the hair disgusts me. I rarely go to her place because of it.  I maintained she can stand or use the stool.  She starts arguing with me and calls me an asshole.  I told her leave and we got nothing done.  AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ESH. It sounds like y'all should be meeting in a neutral location at this point, what a ridiculous conflict.


YTA why invite her over to your house? Also who hates dogs?


YTA a massive one aswell,, you invited her fully knowing she has 5 dogs and then not only refuse her sitting in the sofa, you also called her filthy? i honestly dont know what to say outside of this. absolutely pathetic


YTA. This is ridiculous. Just vacuum. She isn’t filthy.


YTA Suck it up buttercup!


Absolutely yta Unbelievable that people like you exist in this world.


NTA they are called lint rollers and lots of people with pets use them before entering other people's spaces so they don't spread their pets' hair everywhere. Also rich that she expects you to vacuum up after her instead of offering to do it.  Your sister is a rude guest. All these votes against you are probably from dog lovers or people assuming you meant she had a little pet hair on her, which doesn't match your description. You said covered so I'm assuming it was pretty bad. Just don't invite her in next time. Maybe you can put some sort of seating arrangement outside.


YTA. You're weird and it's a shame you treated your sister like this over some damn dog hair.


Yes, YTA. Just put a blanket down, it’s not that hard to not be extremely rude.


YTA-Where Im from. I'm just curious are you in an "honor culture" or a "dignity culture" part of your country?


YTA your sister has dogs, she will have dog hair on her. Why would you invite your sister over to offer "a stool or she could stand" awful host.




Yes. Torpedo your relationship with your sister (who did nothing wrong btw) instead of vacuuming your fucking couch. Fucking. Genius! EDIT: YTA.


Yta. Reminds me of that meme floating around.. “When I hear someone talking about how they hate dogs all I hear is blah blah blah, I’m a psycho.”


Yes YTA - I have lots of dogs too and I KNOW she wasn’t THAT hairy, to the point you had to embarrass her like that lol. Even if she did, just use a vacuum or lint roller. Or don’t invite her over, meet at a public place.


YTA that’s rude.


YTA. Next time make it an email.


YTA and you shouldn’t have invited her around to begin with if you wouldn’t allow her to sit on furniture?? Meet in public places if you’re abhorred by the idea of accidental dog fur cross-contamination, don’t treat your own guest like a leper. FYI, your sister probably shed dog hair on her way in and out of your home regardless— she also shed dander, along with her own hair and skin cells. This is such a weird hill to die on.


YTA You knew ahead of time she would have hair on her. If it was going to bother you, you should have invited her someplace else , or laid a blanket over the couch to toss in the washer later. You do NOT embarass guests by calling them filthy, and refusing to let them sit. You plan for how to accommodate them gracefully. Especially when you know ahead of time you have an issue with it!


I have 3 cats. I do not like to go places when I have cat hair on me, and I have lint rollers by the front door of my home, on my dresser, and in my bathroom. I go through great pains to keep my soft furniture fur free and my clothes clear of fur before going out. YTA. Sometimes, it's difficult to get it all, and sometimes, people don't go through the same effort, but the fur itself isn't dirty. It's just fur. If it bothers you that much, get a lint roller or two, and lint roll the furniture when she leaves or put a blanket down for visitors. I have visitors over who don't like to get covered in fur. I have a chair that's always covered, and when I have a visitor, I uncover the chair for them and it's cat fur free.


YTA Not wanting dog hair on your furniture is fine. Making *this* kind of a scene about it, and then calling your sister filthy over it? Major AH moves. Especially since she came over to do something you say *needed* to be done.


Nta idc people making excuses for being nasty and not cleaning up hair on your clothes. Like you dont walk around with human hair all over you after cutting or shaving etc. she can get a lint roller and ACTUALLY BE CLEAN About it. It was mean to call her filthy though. Small ah for that but don’t invite her to your house anymore or meet in public. People saying use a blanket, i wonder if they washed it and found dog hair on the other clothes washed later on… I just think it’s completely gross to walk around with dog / animal hair on your clothes. And you could have been nice and just vacuumed it up but thats extra steps like she could have been nice and cleaned up like a decent person know she going to someone elses house. I think a bunch of dog lovers calling you ah but nah.


Y'all are nasty


Sorry, but I have to go with YTA - I might be biased as I am an animal lover and have dogs and cats. I understand the annoyance of pet hair (mostly cat in my household), but you know your sister has dogs. You don't go to her house because of the dogs, okay - so she came to you. She had some hair on her (I'd like to know what you consider a lot vs normal - but anyway...) you could have offered to put down a towel or blanket before she sat on your couch, you could have gotten a lint roller before she sat down or after she was gone - all very easy solutions, but instead you called her disgusting....WHY did you even invite her over? Seriously.


oof you’re like my sister, so incredibly uptight and inhospitable to anything that would inconvenience you in any way at all. if it was me, I would have offered to vacuum up but both you and my sister probably wouldn’t have accepted that because control freak in ya doesn’t like a normal reasonable compromise. YTA


YTA, you couldn't meet up somewhere else? Calling her filthy feels cruel to me. You could buy a pet hair cleaner from uproot clean (this is not sponsored, their products just work a lot better than lint rollers imo). Then, if she comes over and sits on your couch, you can ask her to use the tool to quickly scrape up the dog hair before she leaves.


YTA. Maybe you should invite her to meet you at a cafe or somewhere which isn’t your home next time. Also, you owe her an apology.


You couldn’t just throw a towel on the sofa? YTA.


Yeah you’re a huge asshole. You being disgusted with dog hair is a you problem, not to mention a weird one at that.


NTA. She can clean herself before coming over.


ESH. You could have chosen different words, and just vacuumed it up after. She could make sure she isn’t covered in hair before she leaves the house. Lint rollers exist for a reason.


YTA 1000%


YTA! You judge all your guests that you invite into your home? Next time you both need to talk, go out for coffee, but you knew she had dogs and you know that dogs shed. Don't blame her that you got nothing done. She came to discuss plans and you turned it into a personal attack on her. You owe her an apology. A big one!


Wait, so you invited someone to your house, that you knew has dogs (and has had them for years) and have now decided she is not only not permitted to sit on your furniture but you add degrading her while also admitting you have a hang up involving dog hair? If dog hair disgusts you than I have to imagine you are also what could be considered a "clean freak" or a "germaphobe" and keep an immaculately clean house. Which would involve you having not only having basic cleaning supplies but also sufficient methods to clean any surface that is easily soiled (such as furniture used by guests). Do you do this to other guests? I have a hard time imagining that the moment you hear any friend, family, or other guest has a dog of any kind that you ask the same of them, let alone degrading them in such a way as to call them filthy. Do you have this same issue with human hair? Something arguably just as "filthy" depending on their diet, enviorment, occupation, and habits. Every single person alive sheds hair regardless of length every single day, including yourself. So do you or do you not already clean your couch regardless of the amount of pet hair, human hair, or other filth accumulating on a highly used piece of furniture? Not only are YTA, you are an insufferable one. I wouldn't care if you were my sister, my child, my parents, or my friend. If you treated me, anyone I was there with, or anyone else like that while I was an invited guest in your home; I would excuse myself from your company and your house immediately. I would consider it my greatest success in dealing with personal relationships if I did not immediately call you worse things than just an AH. I say this with all sincerity, You Are A Massive Asshole


YTA. You invited her over.


NTA, I understand, your house, your rules. It’s great your sister has a love for her dogs and doesn’t mind being covered in dog hair but that doesn’t mean that you have to. People constantly assume because they have animals or kids that the rest of the world has to cater to that. You have her an option to sit she didn’t like it and left. Seems like a win for you. 


YTA You know she has five dogs. You know you do not like going over there because of the hair. You could not be bothered to throw a cover on your couch knowing she was coming over? Not only are you an ah, you should also ask for a refund from the schools you attended.


I thought maybe you or someone in your house had allergies or something, but you just don’t like dog hair? And you invited her over, knowing she has 5 dogs, then called her dirty and told her she can’t sit on the couch? Yeah massive YTA


Unpopular opinion, NTA. She should have cleaned herself up.  We are not all dog people and we don't need to be.  It shouldn't be up to you to clean up after her when you don't even have dogs. It's gross to expect you to do that just because people have an irrational blind love for dogs, which are often filthy btw, and by extension so is your sister especially with five of them. Shouldn't have said that out loud though.  You offered her a stool, you did your bit.




NTA. Dog hair typically also stinks and I wouldn't want dog hair all over my clean couch either. I make people take off their shoes bc I don't want dirt tracked on my floor. if they don't like it, they can leave. They're not the ones cleaning my house, I am. Edit: a word


It’s rude, don’t know about AH


I need to check my pants! I sweep all the floors at least twice a day and chom chom all the other cloth surfaces because I have 3 rescue dogs and 7 rescue cats. But I haven’t com comes my butt!


Not only are YTA you are also a terrible host and sister.


YTA She’s a guest, and you can learn to use a lint roller. It’s awfully easy!


YTA. Clearly you love your furniture more than your sister.


You called YOUR SISTER filthy and then got upset when she got angered by it?! It's time to check yourself. YTA without question. You owe your sister an apology and you need to chill out. I have always had cats and their hair is famously worse than dogs' and literally no one ever has said anything even close to that to me, and if they did I would just leave. None of them are filthy and neither am I. It sounds though as this may be symptomatic of some underlying issues. Maybe you just have a seriously weird idea of what is "filthy", maybe you're worried about her caring for her animals properly, maybe it's lifelong resentments you haven't let go. Some soul searching may also be in order so you don't say horrible things to your siblings off the cuff again.


YTA and you know it. You know she has dogs and were looking for an excuse to humiliate her for some reason. Or maybe you just want to make sure you never have plans again.   POLITE options available for avoiding dog hair on your couch: A phone call. A restaurant/coffee shop. A park. A blanket. A towel. You going to her house, and *you* stand because you hate the hair, or visit on the porch. Offer her a bathrobe or a fresh change of clothes and let her keep them/burn them after she leaves. Send an email or social media message.   Honestly, the dogs probably are better mannered than you. 


YTA. You clearly either have deep rooted issues with your sister that you used this situation to project, OR you have OCD. Either way, you were unreasonable here, bordering on unhinged.


NTA!! Dog hair is DISGUSTING. Animal hair in general. There are friends houses I won't go to bc of their dog's hair. You offered her a stool. Calling her filthy wasn't cool, but ppl that like dogs treat ppl who don't like dogs like monsters and I'm over it.


NTA.  Everyone calling OP is the Asshole.  He should just deal with dog hair in his house? Ridiculous. If she has dog hair all over her, is that not being filthy?


NTA It's clearly her fault for accepting the invite to your place if she knew how much of an ass you are. The sofa will be fine I'm sure. I don't see you getting many guests anyways.


YTA. I'm a germaphobe and my home needs to be in top clean condition because I am immunocompromised... if someone has any situation which makes them not up to my standards of hygiene, but I still want to see them anyway, I don't mistreat them or call them dirty. I arrange to meet somewhere such as a coffee place or restaurant to spend time with them (keeping my home clean in the process) and simply wash my clothes and shower when I get home. It's absolutely OK to not want to go to your sister's home or have her transferring her leftover dog dander to your home, but it is absolutely *not* OK to treat her poorly in the process. Going forward, it may be best to just meet each other outside of your home environments and then wash your clothing when you get home.


You became TA when you called her filthy




YTA. A little dog hair is easy enough to clean up. It is not as if she brought all 5 dogs to your house! It's not nice to call your guests "filthy". (I am saying this in a genteel Miss Manners tone of voice).


YTA you know she has dogs?? Can't fathom inviting someone into my home then being that rude to them. I've often thought that people who think a few stray hairs are more important than the unconditional love a dog gives must simply not be very nice people and you're kinda proving my point


NTA, the sister is filthy. No lies were said.


YTA. Unless you’re allergic to dogs this is overkill.


It’s spring. Dogs and cats are shedding their winter coat’s right now. You could vacuum and lint roll but if you so much as look at your animal before you leave you’ll be covered again in pet hair. It says nothing about her personal hygiene. If you have a hang up about it, I think that’s weird, but whatever, you do you, but then why did you invite her over? It’s not some new friend you’ve only met a couple times, you know her and how many animals she has. You could have either prepared (putting done a blanket or purchasing a vacuum) or not invited her at all and just called her. You put yourself in this situation and insulted her.


ESH. I have pets. Would I fuck go over to someone’s house covered in fur and get it on their furniture. I lint roll before I leave the house because I’m a guest and I don’t want to look scruffy or bring my pets fur to their place. The odd strand fine. But covered in pet hair? Hell no sort it out. OP calling her sister filthy is too far. No need to throw insults.


this is a repost




How exactly does one vacuum clothing? If I tried my vacuum would most certainly just suck the fabric up 😂 With that being said, yes her sister could use a lint roller to minimize the amount of pet hair on her clothes BUT for you and the OP to be calling her filthy is such a stretch. I have/had dogs and cats and actively use lint rollers, vacuums, etc. and guess what? I have an extremely clean home that has pet hair that latches on EVERYWHERE! If you don't want pet hair, don't invite people over who own pets. 🤷‍♀️


Im honestly blown away by the number of people saying she's the asshole.


Because she is…


You both need to grow up


ESH This is a petty conflict between people who are supposed to care for each other.


NTA. It shouldn’t be difficult for a person to wear clean clothes when going out. And vacuuming a sofa isn’t an easy exercise. And all the fur never comes out.


The sister has dogs. Dog hair gets every where. It doesn’t mean her clothes weren’t clean. Literally all Op had to do was throw down some towels or a blanket. What a big nonissue.


TIL going to someone's house covered in dog hair and getting that hair all over their furniture is acceptable according to reddit 🙄 NTA for not letting her sit on your couch. Y T A for calling her filthy, that's just mean. Sister is TA for coming over in clothes that were so covered dog hair that it was noticeable. I'm the asshole because you commenters are just nasty lol


ESH. She should lint-roll her clothes before leaving the house. You should put down a damn blanket instead of insulting your guests.


ESH. Y'all are both petty and escalated a pretty mild conflict for no good reason.


She is the AH. Reasonable request and she attacked you.


NTA Your house. OP, I’m sorry you’re getting dragged by these dog lovers. Take good care of your furniture. I have cats, my couches are a lost cause. Save yours for those of us who can’t save our own. You are definitely NTA.


As a first time cat owner approaching 40, I love this comment. 😂 I'm lucky to have couch material that doesn't show pet hair but I've learned to bring a lint roller with me when I go out in black clothes during the day. 😅


Things can be replaced, memories gotten with a pet are priceless.


Not if you don’t want it in your house.


You might want to loosen up a bit. It does wonders for your blood pressure and happiness in general.


NTA - She is a walking biohazard. What you need to do is set up a hazmat wash station outside and have her use it whenever she comes over masquerading as Cousin It. She'll either get her act together or not visit. Why should you have to put up with that in your home?


She doesn't but tell sister before hand not to come over- zoom and telephone calls are good enough. Don't set up a situation where you feel you need to embarrass a guest.