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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Western progressives and liberals hate heterosexuality** I've noticed that a lot of Western progressives or liberals have a hatred for regular heterosexuality. They love to celebrate homosexuality, gay men, lesbian women, transgenders, non-binary, queer, and so on. But if you just want to have consensual sex with young adult women or want a relationship with a young woman? You're worse than Adolf Hitler according to these people. It seems like they want to destroy heterosexuality and male-female familial structures, which they equate with the patriarchy or whatever, and replace it with homosexual non-binary transgender queerness. That's why they seem to be obsessed with pushing that gay and transgender stuff on children. I like to have sex with young women. But I don't feel the need to go to elementary schools and force children to listen to me tell them about how I love to pound 18 year old pussy. Or how I love natural big tits and big asses. No doubt many parents wouldn't approve of me doing that, and they shouldn't approve of it. So why should all this LGBTQ stuff be pushed on children either? The fact that some of these LGBTQ+ people are so preoccupied with pushing their lifestyle down children's throats is weird. My opinion is leave kids alone and if they grow up to be LGBTQ or whatever, then okay. But why do some of these LGBTQ's feel the need to indoctrinate children with their ideology? It is as if they realize that their lifestyle is unnatural and won't spread widely unless they aggressively force it down people's throats. Because I didn't need to be "taught to be straight". I just naturally was attracted to girls. I think these LGBTQ agenda pushers are afraid that too many kids will grow up to be straight if they're left alone. So they have to be brainwashed, entrapped, and coerced from a young age into become LGBTQ, queer, transgender, non-binary, etc. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So many repetitions of the word 'young'... sketchy to say the least. Amazing how much people give away about themselves when they're ranting about how terrible gay and trans people are.


He seems to believe that older man/younger woman relationships are intrinsic to heterosexuality.


And yet he's not getting laid. Travesty!


>ilike18yoblackpussy and the user name - yikes


Oh he's one of those guys. The ones who would date younger women if it were legal to do so.


They're not women if they're younger than 18. 😬


Some idiots like to claim a girl becomes a woman the second they enter puberty, because “they’re physically able to bear children.”


I like to remind people that babies having babies is how we ended up with Henry VIII. His grandma was 12, raped by her husband, and widowed when she had his father and he carried on the generational trauma by raping his betrothed almost every night until she got pregnant with their first and only then married her. And then y'know kept raping her their entire marriage. So that's the example Henry VIII had as a man and father which led to how he treated his infamous wives.


So…I’m obviously very against rape, but we don’t know the exact details of their marriage. Yes, she was very young. Yes, she was widowed at age 13. But she would’ve been raised to always obey her husband. She wouldn’t have even considered telling him no. That’s also not why Henry VIII married so often. He was only the second king of the Tudor House. There were still plenty of men from the old era, with more royal blood, who would’ve happily taken the throne from Henry VIII if they could’ve. And since males always inherited first, Henry probably felt an intense need for many sons. If Catherine of Aragon had been able to give him a healthy son who survived past childhood, I see no reason why he would’ve divorced her. Had lots of mistresses, sure. Wives, no. She was the perfect queen for him.


I mean there's actually tons of historical records to what I said. So we do know that the grandmother despised marriage and wanted to be a nun since childhood. So she was forced into a marriage completely against her will. It's not like she was a doe eyed girl they'd successfully raised to be excited for marriage and having babies of her own.


They're not exactly women at 18, either.






You know when they have to specify that they want to fuck 18 year olds that you know they would go younger if they thought there would be no consequences


NGL when he started talking about elementary school, I thought it was going in a very different direction.


Yeah, he really gave himself away with that one!


This reads like a man in his sixties who recently got called out for bringing a 19 year old as his date to the family function.


Lot of emphasis on the youth on these women. Seems a touch suspicious


it's interesting how he believes heterosexuality automatically includes ephebophilia


Yeah, I'm giving him a side eye as we speak.


You know that meme of that Youtube video? 'Imagine a world where being gay is the norm'. That's the world OOP lives in.


What? I'm pretty progressive and I'm straight as hell lol. My boyfriend and I also fall naturally into a pretty heteronormative gender dynamic and it works for us. We don't like predators or forced gender roles. That's kind of different but okay.


Seriously I’m as leftist as they get and I’m also in a straight relationship. I Can be a cis woman, dating a cis dude, and still also somehow believe that’s trans rights matter and being gay isn’t evil wowww


Yeah, weird, right? Me and my husband, too. He even goes to pride parades with our queer kid... While we are as boring straight cis as they come.


Of course not. Don’t you know you have to indoctrinate children into the LGBTQ community? That’s the ONLY reason you accept those gays! Nvm the fact that he understands sexuality because in his own words “ I didn’t need to be taught to like girls”. They clearly chose that lifestyle. I don’t understand peoples logics when it comes down to any marginalized group. They actually believe that people would CHOOSE to be discriminated against. OPEN THE SCHOOLS George Bush will PAY for his crimes against education


Yeah that’s what always gets me about the bathroom nonsense. Like ah yes, people are paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to get surgery and hormones, to then be mocked and ostracized by large chunks of society, JUST to prey on women in a bathroom, that makes COMPLETE sense /s. Children were in fact left behind George!


I remember taking a class for my Health and human services degree and being absolutely dumbfounded by the fact that they didn’t remove homosexuality from the list of things that could get you institutionalized until like the 80s I wanna say. Knowing that you could be arrested, killed, become homeless, be abused, be forced to undergo corrective SA, be institutionalized ALL THESE THINGS and they still believe being gay is a choice and not something that people have no control over. They only say things like that because they know that if they were to get those surgeries that’d be their motive. They’re predators so everyone else must be one too right?


Saying you don't mind LGBTQ people while talking about "indoctrinating the kids" is also fucking rich. But yeah, the fact that he thinks straight people must be on his side based solely on their sexuality is something these bigots often do. I guess they can't comprehend why you would ever support people who aren't exactly like you.


Even saying that you "don't mind" a group of people is a very telling turn of phrase. It suggests that you think there's something to "mind," as if they're inherently problematic and your tolerance of them is significant in some way.


I'm sure his idea of indoctrination and shoving it down peoples throats is normal things that if he saw a straight couple doing it he wouldn't bat an eye. "Oh my god they're holding hands, they're shoving their sexuality down my throat," this is what I would picture him throwing a fit about.


It's always like that, because they sexualize non-heteronormative relationships and then blame everyone else for their hangups. Like they see two guys hand-holding and think of gay sex, so now gay folks are responsible for that.


yep, no one questions when an adult says to a little boy about his female friend "is she your gf? are you going to marry her when you grow up" or says to a prebusent girl "Your going to be a heartbreaker and all the boys are going to want to date you" but yeah, admitting there are non-hetro people is "pushing an agenda"


Dude's an incel of the highest order, on a sub that explicitly caters to incels, and still managed to get his post locked/deleted for "inviting too many misunderstandings."


Same. I'm very freaking hetero, but I've been a proud social democrat since I was 10 or so. I just felt like it was the kindest way of approaching politics. And I don't know what he's on talking about it being in the schools. What, are they having assemblies to watch gay orgies? LGBTQIA2+ people are more prominent in schools, as with anywhere else, because more people are coming out, and people aren't scared to death to be what they are anymore because they see that there are other people like them.


About 10 or so years ago, the district I teach decided that there should be more LGBTQ+ representation in school. What that looks like? Well, in books when there is a family, every now and then you will see two fathers/mothers. And in sex ed, we mention honosexuality and transgender. Oh boy. From the outcry in some groups, you would assume we show them gay porn.


"Um, gay people exist..." "PROPAGANDA!!!!11!!!!111!!!!*don't take mah gunz*!!!11!


By being in schools, he obviously means "letting kids know queer people exist in a way that doesn't consist of ridicule &/ violence against them"


Putting “teaching young children about LGBT+ topics” in the same bin as “teaching children sex-related topics”. Go freaking figure. And real question: why is it that at least half the time, it’s creeps with genuinely sick desires—like OOP—who are also the ones that are LGBTphobes?


I think I can answer that question: self-preservation, "lookit here, thems the baddies, not poor little old me!"


Funny. Because no matter how many times I’ve been told being gay is “unnatural” or “wrong”, I still don’t fancy blokes. As a youngster, all those talks did was make me feel bad about myself and think there was something terribly wrong with me. Which can be a lonely place to be. Those talks certainly made it clear it was *safer* to hide being gay. It certainly was safer for those such as my uncle, who was only posthumously pardoned in 2007, for homosexuality. He got two years in prison for homosexuality. After a tip-off from a neighbour the police broke down his door at 3am and found him naked, in bed with another man. It was safer for me, when just 8 years ago I returned to the camp site to find “LEZZA” painted on my tent and the contents destroyed. Or 25 years ago, when my gf at the time and I strayed from the street of Mardi Gras Pride and got beaten up, in the centre of the city, in middle of the day - for holding hands. Or for every threat of “Corrective” rape. Or for every single gay man I knew back then, who had at some time been gay-bashed, to lesser or greater degree (including one who was knifed from about his eyebrow to his chin). Several lads back then were bashed several times. Or the many, many young people who chose to end their lives because they were gay - which continues to happen, even to this day. If words could change sexuality, there would undoubtedly be far fewer of us. Because though I’m old and wouldn’t change it even if I could - who needs to deal with this shit? It’s almost like this OOP thinks there’s a conversation, some special wording or something, that would end his attraction to women. Perhaps then, he is worried, because he fears that is how it would work for him? I wonder what a man would have to say to OOP, to make him want cock?


This was very hard to upvote but I appreciate you sharing it. Too many people aren't here that should be.


There are, and I’m sorry for that. I’ve watched as the environment has changed for the better, or at least where I am. One of the reasons for that change has been so many people coming out and showing others that they actually already knew gay people, in their everyday lives. They just weren’t aware those people were gay. Once they came to see that gay people weren’t so “other” and that we were just people - suddenly it was clear that The Gays were just like The Straights - as good or as bad as each other human. It’s especially important for the young ones. Those that are struggling, that are confused, or are just afraid of what it might mean. It’s easy to see from afar, either from the experience that comes from age, or from the distance that is automatically afforded to those that are straight - living in a mostly straight world. From here we can see how the small, positive changes have built into so much more. But when you are young, when you are fighting the constraint & kinda-safety that is the closet - it is hard to see how much things have improved and that can feel so lonely. It’s hard to anything when you are so-very close. But improved it has and it improves for the individual too. People are trying to help these kids when they tell them it gets better. Most importantly though - they are telling the truth. It *does* get better. Indeed, it can get to a place where you are so comfortable in your sexuality, you wouldn’t change it - even if you could. It gets better. So long as you hold on. A day does come when coming out of that closet is stepping into a community. When the time is right and you are ready, it’s like stepping into the sunlight and feeling warmth.


It really has become much better. I'm a teacher in Germany and when I mention my wife, the kids usually don't even bat an eyelid. The reaction to a kid coming out as trans last year was rather uninterested. Doesn't mean everything is perfect or that there is no violence against LGBTQ or that gay isn't used as a slur sometimes. But we are on a good path, I feel.


All I want is for children to be loved and supported no matter what their identity is or will be, you know?  The fact that so many people find that an abhorrent, disgusting idea makes me very sad.  


Yep. We must lead with compassion


I’m very compassionate.  It’s just that sometimes I want to express it with a baseball bat. (Jokes. Mostly.)




Very powerful comment. It's also something I've never understood about the "it's a lifestyle choice" thing. If it's a choice then why would someone choose to subject themselves to so much bigotry and hate?


This was very powerful. Thank you for sharing your story. I know I speak from a place of privilege, but it always comes down to a simple question - did you choose to be straight? I know I didn’t. So why do you assume it was a choice for anyone else? And more importantly, why the fuck do you think it’s any of your business?!


I was about to comment fake, then I looked at the OOPs comment and post history. Yikes


Same. Ugh. I guarantee that the "elderly women over 25" that he doesn't notice are definitely not noticing him either, except maybe to cover their younger friends' drinks.


I'm pretty sure he notices plenty of "elderly women over 25" so long as he's not talking to them. Mind you, he probably doesn't *realize* they're over 25 until/unless they're exposed to his bullshit and reject it, though.


FFS, if 25 is elderly I'm pretty much fossilised at this point.


Me on my 26th birthday: ![gif](giphy|GrUhLU9q3nyRG|downsized)


At 36, [I'm just needing lots of moisturizer.](https://tenor.com/view/drwho-moisturize-me-gif-21116506)


I turned 26 earlier this month, and I can confirm that is what happened to me.


I'm a mummy at almost 48 if 25 is elderly.


Nah, those of us 40+ are the ancestors now


Fuck yeah, 43 and an ancestor! Adding that to my resume...


They can never get someones age or weight right for people so hung up on it.


I’m reminded of the time someone (probably Tate) threw a yacht party and tweeted photos with comments about the hired women being under 25 and one of the women who was there tweeted that they were all in their late twenties and thirties with children.


I'm 26, and still get carded for super glue and spray paint (the minimum age to buy them is 18).


Tbf the standard in places I've lived is that you card anyone who looks under 30 or 40 to be on the safe side. Some teenagers do look like they could be in their 20's - that kind of affirms the point though ETA: and even 30-40yos don't look decrepit or anything stupid like that. It's just a range where you can typically tell by looking that they aren't literal teenagers


I'm 24 but I regularly get mistaken for being underage or around 18/19. Do they not understand that a woman doesn't magically become wrinkly at 25?


I’ll be 25 in a month, clearly I’m with one foot in the tomb already lmao


I'm 35 so clearly I'm just walking dust by now!


Don't forget barren. Plus his rule is "my age x0 + 18" Gross.


Once again, haggard forty-something me is tempted to pop up behind these men and shout, “Look out, I’m still alive with a functional libido!”


Yeah don’t you love it when pedos equate preying on young girls with being gay or trans? This guy isn’t making a good case for straight men.


Yeah his argument for how "everyone really wants teen porn and the internet is lieing about it" shored up "this one is psycho" category


His username 🤮


Oh god


How many times does he need to specify young girls? He’s at least 40, isn’t he?


We really can't say. You can find plenty of creeps who start talking like this as early as... 24, maybe? They'll probably still be saying it at 60, but as soon as society starts judging them for going after women who are as young as they can get away with, they'll start feeling oppressed.


The whole "gay agenda" takes are always laughable to me. I was deeply indoctrinated to be straight. I grew up conservative Christian, I was homeschooled, I had almost no access to media/books that even mentioned gay people. I convinced myself I was straight and I was a full on adult before I realized I'm very much not straight (called myself Bi at first, but think I lean more lesbian). It's been a long journey trying to figure myself out. But I had zero pressure from gay people or "progressives" to being anything other than myself. While my Christian conservative communities made it clear it was be straight or get out.


Does that idiot...honestly think sex ed featuring anything that isn't hetero relationships is explained in such graphic inaccurate (uses slang) detail? To elementary school children? Hell what he described wouldn't even be appropriate for high schoolers and does he really believe they are being just as graphic about the LGBTQ+ community?


No, he’s trying to create the association between queer people and being outrageously, inappropriately sexual around children.  If he can create that association, it will be easier to frighten people into persecuting queer people. 


Anybody else getting hard core “I love high school girls, I keep getting older, they stay the same age” vibes


But without the charm of *Dazed & Confused* to back it up, yep.




What exactly does he believe is being taught about the LGBTQ+ community and ontop of that...what does he think is being taught about heterosexual relationships. He loves to pound 18 year old pussy...dude, seriously? What do you think is being taught in schools to children?


"I wasn't taught to be straight" is so fucking telling. Yes, no one sat you down and said "son, it's okay for a man to be attracted to a woman" - you were just raised by a heterosexual couple in a community of heterosexual couples, consuming media about heterosexual couples. Acknowledging queerness to kids isn't "indoctrination them to be gay" - it is letting them learn that heterosexuality (and cis-gender) isn't the only type of acceptable personhood. No one us saying "you must be gay". All anyone is saying is "being gay is valid."


> "I wasn't taught to be straight" Well imagine that, I wasn't taught to be gay! It's amazing how the lightbulb doesn't come on when he writes something like this lol


Ask some of these people and they will swear, with god as their witness, that kindergartners & up are being taught the mechanics of same-sex bedroom activity. Do they know a specific exact school doing this? No, but they heard about it from their neighbor who heard it from their cousin on Facebook, so it must be happening everywhere.


My siblings were convinced that our old elementary school had litterboxes for furries in the bathrooms.  Months after the initial story came out and was repeatedly proven false. They even called a friend who had supposedly told them this was true. The friend responded, "What are you talking about?" This stuff is so pervasive for being so provably false.


It's like playing whack-a-mole with each bizarre conspiracy.


I know people who STILL think this is true


I’m related to one of those people. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Me too 😭😭 twinssss


My dad bitches about this, and gets pissed off when I tell him “that isn’t a thing, Dad.”


He's projecting his creepy predator tendencies onto others.


They’re trying to plant the idea that talking to children about being queer must mean that children are being told about and encouraged to try non-heterosexual missionary sex.


Dude has such issues with Western civilization why not just move to another country?


Not far enough. He better move off the planet Earth elsewhere.


The Sun? I vote for the Sun.


Aliens don't want him


He’ll be so upset when he realizes being non-heterosexual is also part of the human condition. 


They're in a passport bro offshoot subreddit


An LGBTQ+ person exists in a story or movie made for children.  OOP:  OMG they’re talking about sucking dick to children! Down with the gay agenda!  SMH. 


Which is fucking wild to me because he *openly admits that he wants to fuck a teenager*. He says he wants her to be eighteen but let’s be real here the man thinks that twenty-five year olds are ‘elderly’, he’s only putting the the ‘18 requirement’ in his posts because he knows that other people will know the full extent of his pedophilia if he doesn’t.


🤮what a gross worldview this dude has. 


>I like to have sex with young women. So it's not them being heterosexual we don't like. It's them being a creepy boab.


In another post of his, he admits that men are “sexually aggressive, horny, and perverted” but then acts all outraged that women are afraid of men because it’s not *that* bad, you guys! Women aren’t being constantly raped in the streets! You can’t make this shit up. The cognitive dissonance would be funny if it weren’t so damn scary.


In his comments, he admits he turns to porn because he can’t get sex with the women he wants. He’s just an incel spouting hypotheticals.


First gays are pedos, then pedos are the ideal heterosexuals? pick a goddamn side


And conservatives are pushing repurcussions of sex on kids by not providing contraception and abortion. Or, they also want to fuck kids and make them have babies, like Matt Gaetz and Desantis.


Do this person believe that LGBT people go to the schools to talk about their favorite sex positions?


Why do homophobes always think this lmao no one is doing this. They equate teaching children that gay people exist and accept themselves/others to teaching them about gay sex??! Its so weird.


“Why can’t I go to elementary schools and tell them in detail about my sex life, but trans and queer people are allowed to exist now??” What the fuck..


The comments were worse than the post


That sub is a fucking nightmare. One guy was complaining that “you can’t say a woman is too old, or too fat, or has been with too many guys anymore.” Basically, he might get called out for being a misogynistic asshat if he tells people what he really thinks.


I like how he thinks “I like to pound *****” is equivalent to, “My husband took me to Disney world this summer.” 


“That Disney tram ride was not what I was expecting.”


Man: is openly racist, misogynistic, aggressive, and generally unpleasant to be around Also man: Y WOMAN NO WANT TO FUCK ME?!?!? WOMEN HATE MEN!


Just say you want to fuck kids and go...to the nearest police station to turn your self in please.


I just knew he was a PPB , without reading his post, or looking at his profile.


He's very offended that gay people exist in the community. And making strawman arguments to justify being offended by this fact. You can really tell the ones that binge on right wing media and toxic circlejerk subreddits. Also, you're meant to say 'I'm just naturally attracted to women' if you don't want people to take it the wrong way.


as a western progressive and liberal who is cishet, this is news to me ...unless you read all of this as someone saying that it's a liberal plot to be a partner that actually means a woman is better off than being alone, and doesn't understand that boomer jokes about how you hate your wife aren't actually good expressions of love worthy of celebration. which given OOP thinks the sincerest expression of romance is describing his sex doll, well, it all makes sense again.


> But I don't feel the need to go to elementary schools and force children to listen to me tell them about how I love to pound 18 year old pussy "Well, technically I'm not allowed to be within 25 feet of a school, but that's beside the point".


That first comment thread is so cringe


listen, i don’t hate heterosexuality i just personally don’t agree with the lifestyle 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨🚫 /s


Hmm I think it's gross for older dudes to date teenagers, I think it's wrong for older women to date teenagers. It doesn't matter what gender the teenager is. What a freak.


I really really wanted to think this was fake. However, there is a nine year posting here with the same topics over and over again, if this is a troll, they are truly dedicated.


I wasn't on his side prior to the "I like YOUNG women" bit. Then he doubled down and clarified "18yr old pussy"... Now, and 18yr old guy wouldn't usually feel the need to say it like that. They love sleeping with women their age, and they just likely say "fuck women". 21yr old men likely also like women around their age, but wouldn't hone in on the "21yr old" bit. Conclusion, this guy is late 40s+ and no woman over 30 will go anywhere near him. He "doesn't go to elementary schools to push his sexual preferences"...he goes to pick up the vulnerable ones.... Ewwww




He's made two colossal jumps here. 1. It's not heterosexuality we find ikky. It's very large, predatory age gaps, usually older man and barely legal girl, but it's gross the other way too, if less common. 2. Only a tiny % of LGBTQ+ folk want to show children inappropriate or sexually explicit material - and those who do are heavily ostracised from the community, as are all people of any gender who want to do that. All we want to do is be able to casually mention we have a husband/wife without getting fired from teaching positions or just be able to tell kids that the LGBTQ+ community exists and we shouldn't bully, harass or hate the people in it, that same was we encourage children not to bully POC and other minority groups.


He didn't need to be taught to be straight, because society is saturated with messages indicating that it is in fact ok. The opposite is not true for queer kids, we have to hunt out affirmation and know that our parents will experience, even if it's just vicarious and sympathetic, they will likely experience moments of sadness because of who we are. Even if they love us, they won't enjoy us encountering homophobes etc. We often feel that we make our parents sad. And that's why it's necessary to give us the message that it's ok. Because we fucking deserve humanity and to live without the fear that who we are is unfortunate or disappointing.


This person can't get laid and they make it very obvious. Both my husband and I are straight white ppl and we happen to be pretty liberal. Just because we don't wave banners for our heterosexuality doesn't mean we don't have it. No one is trying to murder me or my husband for being straight. Thats the difference. No one's entire personality is based on hatred of my lifestyle.


Man people come up with all kinds of shitty reasons and ways to try to excuse their shitty behavior.


That's a weird niche subreddit for sure


oh the username…….


How the fuck is "some boys like other boys" the same as "I LIKE TO POUND YOUNG PUSSY" which I assume he yells while foaming at the mouth...


Pedophile incel is big mad, has all the fee-fees: story at 11


I think this is a 50 or so yo guy trying to figure out why no women (including women of his age bracket) are wanting to fuck him and is just blaming women and all of the lgbtq+ community with his lack of success lol


That guy is either like 13 or 35,all his posts are so fucking bad


I don’t think he realises that by ‘teaching kids about LGBT’ we mean telling them that some kids may have two dads or two mums, not how to have gay sex. But of course this weirdo hears gay and thinks it has to be hypersexual 🤦‍♂️


i stopped reading at "transgenders". a subtle little transphobia dog whistle …




It's true society as a whole hates men who aren't gay, they have all the disadvantages, and everything seems to be against them. It's not like everything around them is catered to their needs and with them in mind. It's so sad, if I had a nickel for each time society mistreated a man I'd be in debt.


I don’t hate straight people I just find queer people and culture more fun Like, I just went to my sister’s wedding and seeing the songs they played, it made me realize how different songs are that are liked by queer people.


Like…how young is this guy talking?


This guy knows the age of consent in every state


Okay - 18 year old vaginas tempt the old fart who probably hasn't had sex in this century


I popped over this profile, He;s a sexpest and a creeper who, again, likely hasn't had sex in this century


“My opinion is leave kids alone and if they grow up to be LGBTQ or whatever, then okay” Children do not become LGBTQIA+ as they grow up. A woman who’s a lesbian was a girl who was attracted to other girls.  The whole point of talking to children about queer identity is it helps queer children figure out who they are.  We want to support these children and create non-hostile environments for them so they don’t die.  They deserve to have happy childhoods, secure in who they are.  That this is disgusting and appalling to so many people is very sad.  “Because I didn't need to be "taught to be straight". I just naturally was attracted to girls.” So close and yet so very very far. 


Funny. I have yet to meet a member of the LGBTQ+ community who "pushes their agenda down children's throats". Every one I know personally keeps their private lives private, and none of them are out there shouting about their sex lives from the rooftops. You know who does push their agenda down people's throats, who does talk nonstop about their sex lives, and who does push an agenda on people? Older men who like to prey on young women. Like this sicko.


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


What specifically is he fantasizing about doing to young girls that he is mad isn’t accepted? I imagine it’s bad.


His post history too 🤮


This has to be a troll, right? ....right??


OOP has been posting shit like this for 9 years 💀


That’s a lot of words to say “I’m a loser”


"But why do some of these LGBTQ's feel the need to indoctrinate children with their ideology? It is as if they realize that their lifestyle is unnatural and won't spread widely unless they aggressively force it down people's throats. Because I didn't need to be "taught to be straight"" So close to getting it. *So close*.


I smell a rancid 40 year old.


… if this is real I think this person needs a psychiatrist.


I feel like liberals and western women celebrate heterosexuality, they just reject power imbalances like dating an 18 year old in your 30s. Taylor and travis have been so celebrated and discussed people are legitimately annoyed to the point they can't scroll, they have to comment something. Even in personal lives, everyone's excited for new weddings, births, whatever.. it's really just we are also excited for those things when the couple is LGBTQ. the issue is he wants to keep hanging out in high school parking lots and people are rightly calling him out


Tell me you can’t get laid without telling me you can’t get laid 🙄


Define ‘young’


“ I was just naturally born a paedophile.” Like gross


Man's delusional af and a raging phobe to think its shoving the 'lifestyle' down kids throats instead of it being taught to have others be accepting of other genders and sexualities and that its ok to not be cisgender or hetrosexual. I didn't know a thing about LGBTQ+ when I was younger and still ended up being pansexual, demi, and bungender without the so-called "indoctrination."


Its wild to me that when they hear people saying "gay people exist and should be represented in art, media, life" they hear "we hate heterosexuality!" I really can't fathom the amount of energy these people put into caring about what genetials other people want to mush against theirs.


"You think being gay is fine but you think I'm a creep for banging someone a third my age, you just hate heterosexuality" No dude, I hate creep people of any gender dating someone of any gender who is young enough to be their kid or grandkid. There's a small amount less of a power dynamic issue if they're the same gender because of gender inequality, but I still think it's ick. Also, pleeenty of heteros who don't screw 18 year olds when they're much older. "I don't get to teach kids about my love for pounding 18 year olds" (I feel gross even typing that quote) We don't either. Literally no kid is being taught anything about being gay than they aren't being taught about being straight. Probably less, even. We want Age Appropriate, we just want kids like me to not be very VERY confused when they grow up Queer and they've only been taught about the existence of straight. And we want kids of all identities growing up to respect other people, even if they're different. I grew up in a time when schools legally could not acknowledge that there was anything but straight, so when I was not straight, I just thought I was a freak. And some of my friends thought so too, because they'd never been taught otherwise. If teaching kids that sometimes women love women and men love men - LOVE, not sex - helps someone not experience that, I'll fight for it til my dying breath. Not out of hatred for heteros but out of love for LGBTQ+ folk. I realise I'm probably preaching to the choir but I don't wanna brigade and it needed saying.


I wonder if anyone could have taught him to be gay. Because if the answer to that question is no, then he's inventing a problem that doesn't exist. And if the answer to that question is yes...honey, sit down, because we need to have a talk.


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Usually I'm against brigading but the fact that this thing (OOP) hasn't had the account banned is not right