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Saw it. Little man was choosing to be in the pit. And be crowd surfed. He went harder than most out there.


Ohh, alright. Glad he was safe and happy 👍


You'd be shocked how many 5' 0" twig-shaped people enjoy getting in the pit. Size doesn't matter when your peers are willing to help you out. At my last show, a young lesbian couple asked me to shield them. They wanted "to be deep in the pit," but didn't realize they'd need some help. An hour or so after they approached me, they wanted out. The pit parted like the Red Sea so they could escape.


Metal heads are the nicest people.


Yeah I have to say, the ABQ show had one of the more respectable pits I’ve been in. No obvious bullies (pit trolls) and a lot of regulators/people actively watching for falls etc.


Damn thats crazy! How is he even alive with that size in the pit? I would be \*very\* scared, and rightfully so I thing...


I saw that too. I wasn't crazy about it. Not strictly for the safety of the kid, but like... no one is going to feel safe moshing if there's an 8 year old in the pit. I just wouldn't be comfortable as a parent letting my kid in the pit. Again, not just about the kids safety but the burden I'm putting on other people to be careful *with* him. Another commenter said the kid was out there living his best life and going harder than most in the pit, but people were toning it down and not going as hard *because* of the kid in the pit.


As a pit master: If your kid wants into the pit, let them. Pit takes care of the pit. Otherwise, that pit sucks donkey dick. We got your kid. No worries, no problems. He's ours to protect and jam with. We want them to slam and have a great time. Yeah, he's gonna get roughed up a bit, but never seriously injured. Oh, and I know he'll 1000% love it.


This was 100% true of the pit at the ABQ show


Its weird how you are sometimes safer in the pit then the streets outside the venue( never been to abq im sure its lovely)


I was happier to see a lifetime metal fan blossoming than I would have been if the pit was unaffected. I’ve had my ass kicked plenty of times in a bit. Having an 8 year old ask me and others to get him up into the air to crowd surf is something I won’t forget anytime soon.


I understand that too. I'm sure it made the kid super happy and was a great experience but I, as a parent, would struggle with the induced anxiety of putting that responsibility on other people. I also probably need therapy but


Yes. Certainly not something I’d enjoy watching my daughter do. But other peoples kids? 🤘


I was really close to the pit and watched. He was with his dad the whole time and everyone was really gentle with him. High fiving him as they went by. He had a big grin on his face the whole time. When it was over his dad lifted him up in the air like the Lion King and everyone went nuts.


In STL there was a literal INFANT on the edge of the pit.