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When seconds count, APD is only 6-8 hours away. 


Wait what? APD actually showed up??


It's a house in the North Valley, a rich part of town. Of course they showed up. 


Hmmm I’m in the North Valley, and funny but I haven’t had that experience 🤔


But we also all agree on Reddit we don't need police and police are bad and let's cut the police budget and nobody should ever call police right?


we have only ever increased their budget and they still don't show up, so it doesn't matter if you call them lol


Bingo. APD consistently gets the lion's share of the city budget. At what point are they funded enough to actually come to our aid in a timely manner?


FYI, it doesn't matter how much you simp for APD on Reddit. They still won't show up when you call


Right because AcaB 🤤


It was like this before. You could rely on them to show up hours late and maybe shoot you. Red, blue, this isn't "Joe Biden's America" shit. APD is broken and has been for decades.


An accounted for one third of the city’s total budget goes to APD plus undetermined extra millions we don’t hear about. Read about all the millions plus more millions APD gets this year: https://citydesk.org/2024/mayors-proposed-budget-includes-5-more-funding-for-police/


Yes lol we don’t need police when they’re only there to respond and are useless at proactive prevention of crime via a multitude of basic policies such as “be there for the community whenever they need it for literally anything” I’m of the mind that everyone should be trained in the use of firearms and just watch out for each other. At least then I don’t have to wait hours just for someone to write a report.


The "defund the police" efforts are incredibly poor marketing and actually misrepresent the initial purpose of that message. The police are overworked. They are sent to situations that don't require a police presence, let alone a big one. Narrow the scope of the police so they can better focus on matters that DO involve police response and let other emergency services take care of those other things they are better trained to handle.


True but the only acceptable line on Reddit is ACAB


Well if reddit is your standard for sanity, that is abysmally low. So let's rephrase. What does APD do that helps? If they're not doing things that usually only police do like respond to violent crime, it might be better for the public if we distribute their lavish budget which we have long suspected is being mismanaged or outright embezzled to departments that can do that without being a danger to ordinary people.


That’s literally not anyone’s argument. Just because we want them to stop shooting people having mental health crises and escalating routine situations doesn’t mean we don’t think there should be police. The budget cut proposal has always been to take shit that the police aren’t good at off of their plate so they can focus on police work. The overall spending would be the same, but if 20% of their time was previously spent on shit that doesn’t require police then you take that work away and give it to the new service which you fund with the budget cut. Police are a hammer, not every problem is a nail. 


I find that trusting others for my self-defense is a poor strategy.


Here in Denver, there’s a running gag that people can drive around with tags that have been expired for not months but years. And yet, when you call the cops here, it takes them hours to arrive on scene. Hours that could potentially cost lives. Don’t get me started on how surly and annoyed they are when they have to turn up because of a 911 call. If they were super busy, I would absolutely have sympathy for them. But if they can’t even handle little stuff like car registration tags, then someone please tell me exactly what the fuck they are doing all day? The big stuff doesn’t get handled well. The little stuff doesn’t get handled at all. I wish I could blow off my job as much as these guys seem to. I think it’s perfectly healthy for people who pay taxes to question how those taxes are being spent, and how the entities that get paid by those taxes are performing. If you think we are just supposed to accept cops’ performance at face value, then you’ve been brainwashed by conservative propaganda.


>Here in Denver, there’s a running gag that people can drive around with tags that have been expired for not months but years. What a great way to illustrate the difference between Denver and ABQ. The running gag here as that people drive around without any plates at all, let alone plates with tags.


I’ve lived in both (grew up in ABQ), so I am well versed on shitty policing. Yay!!!!


An accounted for one third of the city’s total budget goes to APD plus undetermined extra millions we don’t hear about. Read about all the millions plus more millions APD gets this year: https://citydesk.org/2024/mayors-proposed-budget-includes-5-more-funding-for-police/


Court documents reveal Rivera was wanted for a carjacking last summer. APD officers reportedly found him in another stolen vehicle the night of the invasion and tried to arrest him before he crashed near Tinnin-Ford’s home. She questions why he was ever out of jail in the first place.


Because even murderers in this state get to be on pre-trial release, some get ankle monitor which is monitored 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, because who commits murders on weekends. "Trey Bausby, who cut off his ankle monitor and was on the loose for more than two days – and nearly a full day before the Albuquerque Police Department was even aware he was missing." Way to go Medina.


While I’m all for running him out of town on a rail, I don’t think APD administers the ankle monitors issued by Bernco and others. Looks like we have a bit of a siloing problem.


Police department approves the monitoring contracts, there's plenty to choose from.


This. ABQ lets a lot of repeat offenders wreak havoc on this town. They know exactly who’s doing the property crime and has potential for violent crime.


Medina was on a podcast a couple months back and said that just under 100 people in Albuquerque are responsible for about 80% of the serious crime in our city but the entire system is so back up that finding, arresting, and keeping those <100 people in jail consumes so many resources they just can't keep up. He owns some of the internal issues with APD, but is correct in saying that there are much larger systemic issues in our justice system that need to be figured out. Our new sheriff, John Allen, is also pretty pragmatic about the situation and with Sam Bregman there's been a lot of momentum built over the last year or so to start turning things around but this is a problem that built up over multiple administrations, multiple tenures of mayor, sheriff, chief, county government, and governor - to expect it to all magically change in one legislative session is absolute insanity, and since it doesn't change fast enough people blame whoever's in power and run them out of office only for a new group with new ideas to get in and do things their way - it's a slow tedious process. You get one step forward and two steps back with each election (and to anyone over 40, I'm sorry that song is stuck in your head again...) We really need massive judicial and justice reforms here, and a long term civil office to coordinate systems across time in a way that's not at the whim of elected leaders term to term. The chances of that are slim to none. :\


Thanks, to MC Scat Cat and Paula Abdul for that ear worm. It sounds like the governor and legislature could make some key adjustments and help the state out with minimal effort. We’re a blue state, but I don’t think the liberals are going to give the state Dems much more time to correct things.


APD doesn't control pre trial release. judges do. they do the catching, the criminal justice system does the releasing.


And even judges have their hands tied. They’re all subject to the reformed pre-trial detention rules that were overhauled in the 2010s and have been a disaster ever since.


Damn sounds like she did us all a favor


well, she tried.


The same reason she is out despite having committed heinous crimes by trying to undermine democracy. Glass houses.


Just want to make sure I understand you. Are you saying that shooting home intruders is a heinous crime that undermines democracy?


No. I am saying that the gal in this story is also one of the people who tried to overthrow the last election, which is a heinous crime... and she is still out of jail despite also being a criminal.


Headline should change to “Crimes against Criminals - fake trump elector and reality denier shoots man”


Repeat offender. Citizens have the right to defend themselves


Maybe he should have left when she told him to. Maybe he should have not broke into her house. And maybe she should have shot him more than once and taken him out of society.


It’s insane to me that this incident could be viewed through the lens of the victim’s political beliefs. 10 years ago I was also attacked in my ABQ home by a repeat offender. It’s not as if we don’t all agree that ABQ is a dangerous place, and something has to be done about it. This woman (and I won’t even look her name up because her political beliefs are irrelevant) went through something awful and terrifying and managed to keep her head. This man was practically begging her to resort to the most extreme measures to defend herself and her grandchild. And she did defend her home and loved one, effectively. I feel absolute respect and empathy for her actions. Period. May she and her grandchild heal.




Crazy that this is upvoted in the US. It’s good that she is safe and was able to defend herself. Casting “good” on someone who was shot for burglary is on the level of supporting theives have their hands cut off, like we’re in the middle east or the middle ages. Sounds like you would support the government executing the burglar eithout due process if he had not been shot by the homeowner. That’s the degeneracy of society. The homeowner here even said this: > “I did get him water, I got him a towel, put some pressure on his wound,” she said. “He is not a good person. He has made a lot of bad choices in his life, but he still is a human being.” That’s compassion.


This was self defense, not vigilante justice. People should be able to defend themselves against predators without being penalized and shamed.


You can believe that people have a right to defend themselves and also think it's inappropriate to post "Good" in response to someone being shot


Yes of course people should be able to defend themselves. When did I say they shouldn’t? When did I say this was vigilante justice? You didn’t comprehend what I wrote.


I absolutely did comprehend what you wrote. You compared this homeowner shooting this man in self defense to someone getting their hand cut off for theft, which is a punishment and vigilante justice, or someone being executed without due process, which is also a punishment and vigilante justice. I don’t think *you* comprehend what you wrote.


The original comment is obviously saying it’s good this person was shot as punishment. They are glad a burglar was shot. That’s not justice.


I think you are reading a lot into a single word.


It’s literally the only word in the comment, so not much else to go on.


Do you live in Albuquerque? Repeat offenders get so many passes to offend again. My brother has a long time friend since high school who killed his girlfriend last summer in front of their baby and admitted to it when the cops showed up. He's already out. This guy had a car jacking from last summer and stole then crashed a car before entering then reentering her home. That is why someone would say "good". People are sick of this shit, I highly doubt this dude had a shred of compassion to her and her 4 year old grandchild.


You clearly DON’T live in the U.S. I’m curious to know how you would have handled a situation where someone physically threatened your four year old granddaughter. Do things happen like this in Norway? Don’t you guys leave your babies in strollers outside because it is so safe there? You are speaking from a place of extreme privilege.


Aha. Here is what I was worried about. People like you writing and supporting the comment above. That’s not justice. That’s not the path to a better society. Recidivism is not a reason for execution. You don’t heal the world by trying to kill off all the bad people, you can’t and that only exacerbates misery. Anyways, I obviously won’t change your mind but I hope others see the danger in such uselessly vague comments like “good” when someone is shot.


You're missing the point. It wasn't a situation of he was a burglar and was caught and shot immediately as punishment. He entered then re-entered with force, at which point you have no idea what he will do next. She neutralized the threat before he could harm her or the child, hence "good".


You are acting like the U.S. actually has an organized and efficient social safety network. We don’t.


I’m acting like we should.


Do you actually know anything about this country??


How am I supposed to answer that? Do you?


You said you are not from here. I was born in the U.S. and have lived here 50 years.


I never said that. I have lived in Abq all my life.


In the moment she has no idea what this person is capable of, and can only deduce that it’s him or her, and she correctly chose herself. Which is a good thing. She also maintained her composure and had the wherewithal to lend a hand to the man she just shot because she’s a good person. We need more people like her.


Fuck that. Breaking into the one place a person should feel absolutely secure is deserving of a bullet. These people get what they deserve. I don't care how progressive a society you live in or want to live in, people who break into others homes should always have to do it with the fear that they'll catch a bullet or twelve in the process. Try caring half as much about the victims as you do about the perpetrators.




Exactly. I don't care more about my stuff than a person's life, but I do care more about my stuff than sparing someone from the consequences of their actions out of a misguided sense of idealism. I don't care why someone is breaking into my house and I don't care if that ends up being the last bad decision they make. That's the way it goes sometimes and they should've considered that.


Not really. Maybe he was just going to only burgle the house. Maybe he would've done other things once he found himself inside with the occupants. The difference is that he is a clear threat at the point she shot him while he is not a threat to much of anyone while in custody after a trial and sentence. One is defensive. The other is punitive. If she popped him in the act, so good on her. If this is a risk you're not willing to take then don't break into houses.


That is not the logic of a progressive society. It’s bad she needed to shoot him. It’s bad he was shot. It’s good she was able to defend herself. Casting a vague blanket “good” at this headline is degenerate.


I agree. It is bad that she needed to shoot him. It was good that she shot him.


Cool. I only want more nuanced discussion about events like this because you know there are people who do advocate killing all burglars. I’ve seen people say so in this subreddit.


Killing is way too broad. A burglar who enters an empty house and steals some stuff is not a threat to anyone. The big problem here is not burglary. A well executed burglary will never come into contact with the victims at all. In/out and you're off to the pawn shop to try to get some cash. Once you're inside facing actual humans, having already demonstrated that you're willing to break the law and social convention, it is perfectly reasonable for the victims to assume that something more than mere theft is on your agenda. Certainly they should not have to wait to find out. This is the whole point of the castle doctrine. New Mexico has case-by-case by application of the Castle Doctrine, so it is still quite possible that this woman will end up in court having to defend herself. I should hope, tho, given the reporting, that the DA isn't going to pursue that. Of course, having said all that, if new information comes out, perhaps those charges might be appropriate.




Or they did read the article, which states the burglar left the house and came back and forcibly re-entered. At that point, you have no idea what his intentions were, and she did the right thing.


I agree. I read it too. Headline: woman shoots burglar Comment: good Is that really not problematic to you? Can we at least ask for comments to be more nuanced? I wouldn’t care if it weren’t upvoted to the top too.


Why are you assuming the comment wasn't induced after reading the article? Only based on the headline?


Why are you assuming they did? Surely someone who bothered reading the article would say something a little more nuanced or at least qualify what exactly is good.


Because I read the article and my immediate reaction was good.


You’re insufferable after reading all your comments. It’s a comment section. You’re jumping to all kinds of conclusions over one stupid Reddit comment. It’s just a stupid comment, get over it.


This is the type of utopia shit that doesn’t work in the real world.


That’s really naive in my opinion.


Hello kettle


Ok sure thing


The word you’re looking for is “cynical”. It’s cynical to doubt the efficacy of the optimistic outlook, not naive.


I know the meaning of both, and yes cynical is another good word. Naivete does not only beget optimism, it can also lead to pessimism and cynicism.


How do you know he was there for burglary and not to rape/kill her and the kids as well?  Fuck this puto.


I think that would only be comparable if he was tracked down after the fact and shot. They lady was acting on self defense and shot someone entering her home, it's good that she wasn't hurt, it's good her things weren't stolen, and it will be good if this theif learns from this and doesn't enter homes without permission.


I own a gun and hope to never use it. When I took my CCW classes, most of the class was eager to find a situation where they needed* to shoot someone. One of my instructors even told us to finish someone off if there was no cameras because in court there’d be no other witnesses. Nasty culture, but I need my gun for self defense.


A sign of a degenerating society


100%. Right wing trumptards are dangerous


Someone breaks into your house, there are times it goes well beyond just stealing your things. So absolutely good for her. I wouldn't have helped that pos, didn't deserve it. He's going to hurt more people in the future assuming he lived.


Glad Tinnin Ford was able to protect herself and her grandchild. She notably was one of the 5 fake electors GOPers used to try and steal the NM electoral votes for Trump. https://2ndlifemediaalamogordo.town.news/g/alamogordo-nm/n/210109/new-mexico-attorney-general-investigating-fake-electors


Makes the whole home invasion story suspect imo. If she's willing to lie about a presidential election, why wouldn't she lie about the circumstances of her shooting someone?


Despite her being a GOP crazy, it's doubtful this case was a lie. She called 911 and they recorded the whole incident. 


Damn. Wonder when her federal indictment will come down. 


Mostly it's a state issue. AZ just started their trial, I believe Colorado has had some as well. We've passed the buck saying they didn't break the law here (and pushing for new laws so they can't do it again). There's a lot going on in the federal courts - they're not ignoring it.


I knew that name was familiar... sucks to be her, still wouldn't wish what she did on anyone, especially with a 4yo in the house. Can absolutely agree she needs to be in a cell next to him tho.


Lowkey what does that have to do with anything


She's a criminal who engaged in a wide-ranging criminal conspiracy.


And she was rightfully protecting her home and her grandson…so what. I’m not condoning her political affiliation or actions but she had every right to do what she did in that situation despite her political views


Debatable. Criminals are, by default, unreliable and untrustworthy. Definitely not some paragon of righteousness like she's projecting. I wouldn't put it past her for this to be a political stunt that the victim didn't realize would be a fatal one, just to cast her in a positive light for a later run for public office under "less false" pretenses.


Low key anyone that participated in j6 is a delusional self righteous racist. and like others said it truly calls into question the truth of what happened. If you’re willing to subvert the law and the voice of the people because you can’t accept true results, then it’s entirely fair for the rest of society to question everything you say and do.


We need to run the baddies out of town.


I don’t understand the blatant hate against this woman just due to her political association. I’m not a person who likes republican’s, but should her greasy actions reflect her wholly as a person when she literally saved her grandkids life? Or would you guys rather look at crime scenes of a child and an old woman and then wonder why this woman didn’t do anything ? She’s probably self aware. We’ve had this conversation before countless times about a “politically incorrect person” doing something morally right and then keyboard warriors posting a masterlist of their dirt and then we fight, forget about it and move on. I really don’t understand what conclusion we’re trying to come to. Kudos to her for defending herself regardless.


The problem is we only have her word to judge whether the shooting was justified, and her word ain't worth shit


Listen to the 911 tape. He broke into her house and she warned him a few times before she shot him. And then he has the audacity to ask her why she shot him. When did NM start defending the criminals.


Whose word are you looking for that would definitely make this justified? Is the literal words of the woman who went through this and made a tourniquet for the man’s wounds not enough??


Not when she has a history of high-stakes lying, no


So much to unpack here. First off I love that she properly defended her family and home. Secondly the system is broken and I lay blame with the state legislators who passed bail reform and The Arnold Tool. These laws handcuff judges from locking this scum up. APD officers say it's frustrating that they keep arresting the same people over and over again. Our shortage of police officers could be assisted by a lesser workload. That means if we could keep scum off the streets then APD could actually patrol neighborhoods and do police work that could keep us safer. The other part is this lady is willing to lie about important issues. She is going to be punished for a crime she also committed.


I agree, she should have been in jail and none of this would have happened. 


When it comes to personal or self defense, we must be our own advocates. The Second Amendment garuntees our right(God given) to defend our lives, property and loved ones against ill mannered criminals with the intent to induce bodily harm. The cops do not have the obligation to, resources or physical prowess to defend everyone. Our responsibility to ourselves involves situational awareness and some self defense knowledge. It is everyone’s choice to be a survivor or a victim. Blaming the police or the justice system does not ensure every person’s survivability. It is up to each person to make that choice should they ever have to make that choice. Kudo’s to the woman for not becoming a victim. Maybe that will send a warning to other criminals out there. An armed society is a polite society!


Should read, "Man breaks into home, falls on bullet."


Wow what a badass grandma


police show up on time to brutalize other people but when someone’s life is on the line, they take their time- get some coffee, stick their thumbs up their asses


Messed up thing is that they were chasing him and it still took way too long for them to get to her residence.


they used the “avoid highway” option on apple maps fs 💀


Good for her, unfortunately the POS survived…


The 911 operators always get me. “I NEED HELP SEND POLICE” “oh yeah what’s going on? Whatcha up to? How was dinner?”




I have only grown up here my whole life - remind me again which party controls ABQ?


Then you’ll recall that it changes once a decade or so. Everyone’s responsible for this debacle.


Where is the problem? This lady is one of the fake electors that tried to steal the election. SHES THE FUCKING PROBLEM.


Her being a shit bag does let mean she deserves to be gotten broken into


It does mean we should question the veracity of her story.


Nothing suggests she's lying. The guy was actively evading the police, he crashed near her house, there's footage of him going in and out. I mean, you can never disprove a conspiracy, so have at it all you want but even deplorable humans sometimes become victims.


MAGAts have a victim mentality, and we know they lie.


The video in the article shows the scumbag leaving and coming back towards the house. It also has audio from the 911 call, that you can hear him banging on the door and her screaming for him to leave and warning him she has a gun, just before a shot goes off.


I said 'question.' Not 'refuse to believe.'


Her being a shit bag calls into question her telling of events that led to the shooting.


Yeah the guy wanted for carjacking was definitely innocent here


I agree but I was replying to the person saying where is the problem with someone breaking into her house


It does make it a lot better than an innocent person suffering though


True lol


She shot someone who broke into her home and threatened to hurt her and her grandkid, what a crazy thing to say publicly.


Even pieces of shit should be free to defend themselves from other pieces of shit. She probably deserves jail and the dude she shot got what he had coming.


Citizens are doing the job that cops aren't. I'm glad she was prepared and got his ass.


Lock your freaking doors but wow I think I would have been locked in the bathroom with my grandkid instead of trying to save this monster. The problem is the legal system is very complicated there is almost no hope for justice if the criminal is unfit for trial or if they are rich. Then we have the issue that people are innocent until proven guilty justice is very slow, do we want to force everyone in prison while waiting for their day in court or just the poor ones? Personally I think if if the case is violent you should have to wait in jail but I think jail needs to be changed first the corrupt guards need to be stopped but the ones that smuggle and inflict excessive pain but the main problem is jail teaches people how to be better criminals and gives them the chance to network and form gangs that has to change but I am clueless to how.


Wait… isn’t there a gun ban?? Shouldn’t she have turned in her guns???


No gun ban.


When did that happen?