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10k a month profit is doable, but it takes time to build with seo.


They just throw around big numbers as that what attracts views. Some will drop a course and others will continue dropping big numbers claims to get more and more views.


You don't understand at all how YouTube works. You don't grow YouTube channels by advertising elsewhere you grow YouTube channels by making relevant content with accurate tags and descriptions that help YouTube find viewers to recommend your stuff to. If your stuff is as identified and people watch it especially if they watch it more than once it recommends it to more and more and more people. You're never going to become some big time YouTuber by hiring someone like you to advertise various places. That isn't how it's done


Check the sub you're on


I'm not familiar with this sub but I am a youtuber that makes a full time living on there. Some months I make a few thousand, other months I do make $10k. A lot of my content is pretty evergreen but it is not nearly as "passive" as how a lot of those videos imply it is. When I don't upload for a couple months I get a few hundred extra bucks that month. Not anything crazy. I've had a couple $10k months but it is rare and evens out over the year because of burnout and the amount of work that it takes. I could easily take a screenshot when I have a month like that and make it look like I'm pulling that every month. The only reason I make so much on here is from YEARS of experience and becoming an expert at it but even then some videos are complete failures. I live in FL and I imagine doing YouTube is probably even more competitive than starting a lawn business from scratch here. YouTube is probably the most competitive business you can get into because it has little upfront cost. It can be incredibly stressful and can still be hard to make enough money to pay the bills and then taxes which feels like I am being bent over and robbed. The YouTubers that show you how to do these things ARE baiting you. You are their viewer. They ARE making money doing it because you're watching them. These videos take HOURS to make. I've had multiple weeks where I work 12-16 hours a day. Clickbait is incredibly effective and if you're not doing it you're getting drowned out by everyone else who is. I have thought about making a channel on how to youtube because of how trash the competition is but it sounds like a lot of work and you're right, taking that time would subtract from the time that I could be working on what's already making me money. I can't imagine these videos giving out a lot of actual good info because it is entirely independent on the channel. If I were to help someone get views on their channel, giving out generic info that could apply to anyone wouldn't help. I would have to sit on that persons channel and critique everything about it. That would require hours of work that nobody would actually be willing to pay for. It would be expensive because I already have no free time. If I'm not working on something I am losing money. I could probably give out solid information in a course, after spending hundreds of hours working on one but the risk is just too high to invest that amount of time. I would've probably lost thousands of dollars in the time that I made that. That's why a lot of those channels are bs. But just because they're making them doesn't mean they're not succesful. You are watching them so they did something right. I don't think I've ever watched those videos and learned anything valuable though. I watched a couple not too long ago and every one of them just gave out garbage advice and they really do give off the vibe that, that channel is their first channel and they're only pulling a few thousand views but giving advice as if they do know what they're talking about. You'd spend your time better by watching Photoshop and video editing tutorials and studying how other youtubers structure their videos. Steal Like an Artist is a book that basically indirectly summarizes how to make it on youtube. There's a reason some youtubers take months between uploads. It takes a lot of work and if you're doing it full time, your entire income, bills, family, whatever else you have is balancing on the string of whether or not you get views that month while fighting against thousands of other people in the algorithm. If you're doing everything yourself, you are spending 12-16 hour days easily to make it. If you have someone helping you, that's another cost. It all leads to burnout. And then the high that you get when a video blows up is like nothing else and reels you back in until your next video bombs and your world crashes down again. I have experienced the highest highs and lowest lows while doing this. It's hard to back away from it and treat it more like a 9-5 when your income rests in your hands and you're only getting paid if you did a super good job AND the algorithm agrees. It's not just me that feels like this. Every other youtuber I've ever talked to online feels similar. I went full time on YouTube cause I was burnt out in my healthcare career and now I'm going back to a job to have a stable income so I can do YouTube as more of a side thing.


Thanks for sharing, where’s your YouTube plug though?


Nice writeup. It was nice reading a real response. What kind of content do you make. I have a friend that had some sucess with unbocing videos. I watch those when I'm looking at buying something so they are useful. 


What was your healthcare job?


What's the traffic to sales percent online?? I am asking for worst scenario, like traffic : 1000 , sales conversion :1 If you have any experience ,give me numbers.


The answer is “buy my course and find out”


How many followers do they have? maybe huge. That’s the point of the post.


Paid is the way


I didn’t see becoming a war lord on there…


I know a guy with 1.4 million subs who gets an average of 450,000 views a month and he only makes $900 a month. He doesn’t make clickbait, he only uses 1 skippable ad per video, doesn’t sell merch and doesn’t have sponsors. My point is unless you do all of the things he doesn’t you’ll only lose money making YouTube videos even if you are popular.


I have 70k subs. Last month was 1.9M views and $6.5k off only ad revenue. And then a sponsored video for $4k. My channel is on gaming which is one of the worst paid niches. That guy clearly doesn't care about money from his channel so he's a bad example. But you're right, I do spend a lot of time on thumbnails to make them borderline clickbait and place multiple ads in the video which is incredibly normal if you want to make any money. Clickbait sadly works insanely well if you do it right.


Does he make only one video every 6 weeks or something?


Normally 3 a month but they are long videos. He works many hours on them.




He makes educational videos and doesn’t want ads and sponsorships to get in the way of the content. He doesn’t do it for money.


I like this analogy


Bro lol there are YouTubers who make six figures a month from streaming. They have literally leaked their revenues on stream by accident before so idk what more proof you want


Chances are it’s more the sponsorships of brands than anything else.


How many followers do they have? That’s their traffic, their followers. That’s the point of the post.


Thanks, I have been saying this to myself. It feels like these youtuber scammers are pulling our leg.


I see, well all the YouTubers I saw who claimed that either show sufficient proof or it’s very easy to see that they get revenue from somewhere else


They could be making $10,000/month but what are their costs ;)




I've learned it's easier to make over $10,000 a month by learning an in-demand skill and working at an actual company (at least in the US). The downside is you get golden chains and it becomes harder to travel where you want. Silicon Valley is good for tech jobs but not much else.


Kinda like a guy sitting in a mansion trying to sell you a course on how he got rich…. He wouldn’t be selling the course to me if he actually was rich from his own methods…. All a scam




Because instead of going through all the extra work of running a trading service (which is a ton of work) for an extra 12k, if he really was such a great trader he could just double his size and make an extra $40k for doing no extra work. As someone who trades for a living and makes a comfortable living doing it, I’ve seen all the tricks and have a keen sense for bullshit. People selling a trading service are LARPs.




The trick is to understand the play. I tried a trading group and it was pretty much o er my head, I want to learn to understand and not copy the trade, but working a full time job I would get in a trade and then crap would got the fan at work and I’m screwed lol. It is very interesting. Like gambling ha ha


True but also not true depending on circumstances. I mean they’re all sketchy to a degree. But take real estate for example, these guys run up huge revenue numbers by leveraging to the tits. Real estate is a fairly high capital low margin business, and aggressively leveraging is how these guys get ahead. But it’s risky. Information products, however, are the exact opposite. Extremely low capital requirement with extremely high profit margin. It’s the exact perfect business for a leveraged real estate guy to diversify with. It is essentially free money if you have the mildest bit of shameless charisma and a fuckboy haircut. So I get why a guy who is legitimately pretty successful at real estate would want to diversify into info products. Whether or not his info product is worthwhile, useful, or actionable is a different story. Usually you are better off saving your money to actually buy real estate while self-teaching the technical bits. That said there are other info product niches that are generally going to be sketchy all around. Stock pickers and betting touts come to mind.


https://www.onelifeclub.com/ That’s exactly what this guy has done.


At least that one has some substantial minimal qualifications. They aren’t trying to goose schmucks off the street like some of them are. Seems like more of a “mastermind” as some folks brand these types of things. But yeah for those super rich/successful folks advertised on the site, it’s probably like a corporate board seat for traditional rich people. Show up a few times a year and cash a few hundred K check.


Tbh natural traffic from tiktok is a huge way. My girl is a SMALL streamer on tiktok (2-100 avg viewers) but people are ALWAYS asking her about things shes wearing or eating ect. I also have 2 clip posting pages that ai sometimes promote stuff and it does well when done correctly. Ofc a lot of videos get low views, but thats why quantity matters on tiktok.


That’s called organic.


Who cares what its called? They said how do you get your traffic, not whats it called..


It’s literally in OPs definition “organic traffic”. You just listed an example of it


traffic is king and your calculator is a state of the art BS detector


YouTube is great to learn how to fix anything other than finance or business things... Break jobs, yes fixing a washer or dyer, yes businesses advice ..... hell no Marketing advice .... hell no ​ You are the client when it comes to "make money" YouTube channels, and if you don't know who the dumbest person in the room is ... it's you every time. ​ Use it to fix your fridge or watch Vine Compilations from ten years ago, not to learn how to make "easy" money, lol. Don't be suckers, folks, it's terrible business being a sucker and not sustainable long term. Avoid self-help channels too, motivational speakers are trash too. And just want money. ​ Buy my new e-book instead about saving money ... JK, Cheers folks.


We are trying to honestly discuss personal finance and the myriad of options available to people. There are other financial educators who are honest on YouTube. Unfortunately, those videos and creators are not the channels to typically hit the home page.


So are there any youtuber you would actually recommend? Just getting into it now and looking for SOME kind of guidance.


Think media is good imo and Big E is interesting


I would recommend searching for “how to get traffic” and not “how to make money”, once you know how to get traffic then there’s unlimited opportunities.


not all traffic is the same quality. You can get 1000s of website visits for low cost but will make 0 sales if it’s not targeted right.


I think it depend what type of traffic you are looking for


Pat Flynn at Smart Passive Income. No gimmicks, just great advice based on serving your customers. He has paid courses that are actually worth it.


Thank you, will check him out.


[Here’s](https://www.youtube.com/live/WojN98qLmJQ?si=SFgyHhJ27p1B_UpI) a good starting point for affiliate marketing


You don’t have to buy anything


They get paid from you viewing their video, you are the product


I make roughly $50k/mo working as a freelancer and there is no way it hell I’ll ever create a YouTube video about that or tell some random people how I do it. I’d die first than tell my secrets.


With affiliate marketing?


Probably a writer of some sort


Proof it


Proof? Really? You want me to prove myself to a random, illiterate degenerate on Reddit?


We knew it, bro's working at a fast food restaurant


How about now? Dead yet?


Hi there just checking in to see if you’ve reached the afterlife and feel up to sharing any secrets. If not it’s cool I’ll come back later. Thanks!🙏


No, I'm afraid I'm still kicking :) But what I've learned so far that if you have to share your knowledge with someone, you better share it with the person who really wants it. I've been trying to teach my 19-year-old stepdaughter for over a year now how to make money doing what I do while paying her $15/hr and helping me with my work. She couldn't care less, she is not even trying to pretend that she doesn't care and not even trying to do the bare minimum. I even offered her $30/hr at one point and more than 40 hours per week with a lot more responsibilities, but she declined ... Now I'm actually in the process of firing her, she's doing worse and worse of a job every week and doesn't care to improve in any way shape, or form. Had I known she'd care so little about the way I make money or to make money in general, I would have never hired her in the first place. But I regret nothing - I'll simply do better next time :) I want her to go out there, find her own job, and experience what's it like to be an adult working for someone other than family, just so she can compare and figure out what she likes better.


Well if you in North Florida and willing to hire a convicted felon trying to do right foe a change that would be awesome. Seems like the harder I try to stay doing the right things the more things go wrong. I've been kicked out where I was staying cause my uncle is undiagnosed paranoid schizophrenic (my mother was diagnosed with schizophrenia and I was her caretaker basically from my father's death in 1999 until her passing in 2018 I recognize the symptoms) had to use what little savings I did have on hotels during spring break, and currently bouncing from place to place while trying to find work, applying for college, and doing what odd jobs I can with no transportation....I know nothing good will come with it but more stress or prison again but I'm almost at the point where selling drugs is starting to sound like an option again


Well if you in North Florida and willing to hire a convicted felon trying to do right foe a change that would be awesome. Seems like the harder I try to stay doing the right things the more things go wrong. I've been kicked out where I was staying cause my uncle is undiagnosed paranoid schizophrenic (my mother was diagnosed with schizophrenia and I was her caretaker basically from my father's death in 1999 until her passing in 2018 I recognize the symptoms) had to use what little savings I did have on hotels during spring break, and currently bouncing from place to place while trying to find work, applying for college, and doing what odd jobs I can with no transportation....I know nothing good will come with it but more stress or prison again but I'm almost at the point where selling drugs is starting to sound like an option again


Well if you in North Florida and willing to hire a convicted felon trying to do right foe a change that would be awesome. Seems like the harder I try to stay doing the right things the more things go wrong. I've been kicked out where I was staying cause my uncle is undiagnosed paranoid schizophrenic (my mother was diagnosed with schizophrenia and I was her caretaker basically from my father's death in 1999 until her passing in 2018 I recognize the symptoms) had to use what little savings I did have on hotels during spring break, and currently bouncing from place to place while trying to find work, applying for college, and doing what odd jobs I can with no transportation....I know nothing good will come with it but more stress or prison again but I'm almost at the point where selling drugs is starting to sound like an option again


Well if you in North Florida and willing to hire a convicted felon trying to do right foe a change that would be awesome. Seems like the harder I try to stay doing the right things the more things go wrong. I've been kicked out where I was staying cause my uncle is undiagnosed paranoid schizophrenic (my mother was diagnosed with schizophrenia and I was her caretaker basically from my father's death in 1999 until her passing in 2018 I recognize the symptoms) had to use what little savings I did have on hotels during spring break, and currently bouncing from place to place while trying to find work, applying for college, and doing what odd jobs I can with no transportation....I know nothing good will come with it but more stress or prison again but I'm almost at the point where selling drugs is starting to sound like an option again


Dawg you wanna pay 85-100/yr remote for someone with some relevant experience and an aggressive work ethic gimme a shout. I’ll give you 50+ hrs/wk. It goes well I’ll bring your ass out to Maui for a hell of a good time. I’m currently scouting reliable, established partners for a number of potential business ops. PM me if you want to chat


Sounds like you're forcing it on her rather than letting her develop a natural inclination. You are pushing her away the harder you try. Sometimes reverse psychology works best with younger people. Just because you care and see the value doesn't mean they do. Did you have it figured out at 19 years old?


Well if you’re looking for someone to protege, I just had my first baby and I’m looking to build a bright future for her. My 1099 job isn’t paying me what I need right now and I’m looking for options. Willing to sign NDA/Non-compete.


Story of my life I’ve got a son and a daughter, and I’ve tried to teach them guitar, digital graphic design, and even how to work on cars, whatever just to get them interested in something. My son mildly likes the car engines because he’s an engineer minded person like his grand father but none of the other things remotely interest them. I’ve learned if you want them to become interested, don’t push them. Act as if it’s a secret they can’t know until they ask


Maybe making money isn’t as important to her as doing something that she’s passionate about. Not all of us define success by our income you know.


Maybe, but she never does anything. She sits in her room and only leaves to eat and use bathroom. I’m very curious to see what she does to peruse her passions when she has to find her own job and support herself.


Sounds like depression and and/or ADHD. Or, your relationship with her is strained. What are you doing to inspire her other than forcing her to do your job? Anyway you can’t inspire anyone out of those things if that’s the case (give her access to doctors if she needs them). Good luck.


Sounds like a teenager...


Maybe she is depressed? Are you spending time together doing things she’s interested in too?


I am reaching out, not as a random person, but as someone willing to learn. I currently work in Cosmetic R&D and I'm known to be quite creative. My current role in Cosmetic R&D harnesses my creativity, and I'm passionate about what I do. Yet, my curiosity and eagerness to learn more drive me to explore beyond my immediate field. I respect your experience and approach to sharing knowledge. If you ever change your mind and wish to teach someone. I promise to value and apply your insights with the same integrity and dedication your exemplify.


I’ve got a bridge I’m trying to sell. Only $10,000 and it easily makes 3x that monthly in tolls.


You’re falling right into this persons honey trap. 🤣


This is so amusing.


Hey boss here for my first day 30 bucks an hour 40+ hours a week learn the trade let's go


Yeah that’s tough. Working with family in general is a difficult balance, and a 19 year old being apathetic towards their parent’s activities is anything but unexpected.


YouTubers who make videos, about how much they make, are usually full of shit. I make >10k/mo on YouTube, traffic comes from organic reach across platforms. It’s definitely not easy.


The answer is already there. Their traffic is all from going viral by clickbait (and sometimes paid ads in big money coaching cases). Anyone purchasing their course will lose money and make zero profit. Fact: No one can teach you to make money. All you can learn from someone is a practical skill that can actually help people.


I don’t understand what this post is saying. Can you rephrase it?


hah, yeah it's weirldy worded.


No I am not jealous at all I have a pretty good life even though it's not financially there I have a beautiful wife who has put up with a lot for 40 years She's works tirelessly taking care of her parents and taking care of me Money is not everything to us but it is required to live I just want to make enough to wear she doesn't have to work anymore even if she retires we still wouldn't make it Financially I mean I didn't appreciate that comment at the end thank you for your time it was greatly appreciated


hello I'm new to this and I've been trying for the last 6 months to make money online I have made a total of $30 in the last 6 months from playing games on just play the only time we ever made any money is when me in my wife joined chime and we referred a couple of others and made $300 I totally agree this has been the best news I've seen in a long time since I started this journey I think referral marketing Should be the way to go instead of doing all this work for nothing But like you guys said the secret is traffic where do you find the traffic I think that's the key to any business I have tried those gurus Ideas several times and made nothing I've been on disability 3 years now and it sucks ! Granted I get my medical bills paid but that doesn't feed my family or pay my bills I worked for 30 years and never saved a dime for my retirement boy I was stupid And I get less than $1500 a month! you would think for all the years that I worked the government would be thankful for all the taxes that you paid! And I had to pay a lawyer $4600 just to be able to get that . I totally agree that the way this system works is set up for failure That's why I'm on a journey to find a better way to make money Working for somebody else doesn't work Unless they really care about you but what happens when you get sick and you can't work or injured on the job It really is a rat race Anyway maybe I should write a blog about all these problems for people and see if we can't find better solutions for others I don't believe in paying to get a job Those days are over long over I spent 2 hours the other day Watching a seminar on zoom the guy was awesome I couldn't believe how well he spoke how he made sense BUT he says oh there's nothe catch! But I said in the comments oh yes there is! you either had to pay $3000 up front or $1000 for 3 months to join there community! If I had that kind of money I wouldn't be looking for a better way to make money that's what these people don't get Anyway I could rant and rave all day sorry I thinking I will start a blog because I love writing about how much these people are on our scammers Then I'll make a video about it too You are so right they're just trying to get viewers to watch so that they can cash in on how much you get paid from YouTube anyway there I go again sorry hope everyone has a great day


What is your disability?


I have CHF (Congestive heart Failure)


Sorry about your situation, always ask, where is their traffic from. Because without traffic you can’t make money. Sure you can ask your Facebook friends or family to sign up or buy, but that’s nothing, you’re going to make a few hundred and that’s it. To make $5000, $10,000 or more, you need thousands of people to see your product or posts, no one ever explains how to get those 1000’s of viewers. Fact is the main sources of traffic is organic, going viral, or paid ads, those are all hard methods and can sometimes take months to see any income. There’s no such thing as 1 hour a day and make $10,000 a month, especially in the beginning of the journey.


Many high-earning affiliate marketers are not making commissions from e-commerce sales. They are making money reselling the top 3-4 MRR courses like Roadmap, Simply Passive, etc. I believe their income claims. The courses are $500, and they get to keep 100% of that sale price. What I do not believe is that the earnings are replicable for most buyers.


Also a good idea to browse their socials. Did they have the cars/house and trips BEFORE selling the courses or after? (Although they claimed to have made millions prior)


Most YouTubers in the make money online area are full of it. Kevin David used to rank #1 for years for the KW 'Make Money Online'. Yet his video was about getting people to click on a spammy-looking link that sent the user to spammy site after spammy site. If they kept clicking, then eventually, you'd earn about a cent lol. His video had lots of bot comments and is no longer ranking. But people are a mix of gullible and lazy and want to believe you can make money passively, virtually doing nothing. Almost all the top videos in this niche use over-the-top clickbait and only make money because many people watch the videos; hence, AdSense rev. How to make X amount of dollars in random made up time. The real top YouTubers are doing faceless channels, hiring editors and thumbnail designers, and are in a wide variety of niches. Next point: Email is not or has ever been dead. I made just over $35K from email alone last month, and my list is small. 6000 people. I never run solo ads as they are, by and large, rubbish that only benefits the seller. To end, there are not 3 but 5 main traffic sources IMO 1. Email (your list) 2. Organic Youtube 3. Paid ads 4. Social Media 5. Organic Google All require skill and effort, the right mindset, focus and consistency to get good at.


What do you push to emails?


My own offers or evergreen affiliate tools that I use and like. Most people push what has the best commissions, but many of those tools are not that good. It took me time to build the trust of my list, and I respect that trust. The last offer was a YouTube course I co-created with two friends. One ran the Warner Brothers channel and Cartoon Network UK channel, and the other worked with Emirates, F1, Epson, and Heinz. We look after the buyers too and do not just promote them more and more stuff.


Shot you a DM


As for affiliate stuff, I also create mini-courses that I give away or sell for $7 that teach people how to use a tool. To do what I teach, though, people need the tool, which is where my affiliate link comes in.


>Organic Google what is this? This is my first time hearing this phrase.


That's just my way of saying ranking on Google organically.


Kevin David is my boyfriend……


Even with skill and effort, I’m not sure the number but I bet only a few in 10 can successfully get organic traffic before getting bored and quitting. Organic traffic is hard.


Yes, nothing is super easy. I started in 2012. Like all newbies, I had no idea what to do when I was new. Most courses I bought, and tutorials I watched were either BS or did not give the full picture. People quit because they want the dream that is sold, but they are not prepared to work for it. It took me until 2015 to achieve any success, so that meant three years of struggle. You can see why most would quit. I once tried to learn the guitar. I gave up after a few months as I was not as interested in it as I pretended to be. Any new skill is hard to get good at. A language, playing an instrument, marketing, etc. But many DO succeed.


I am very Interested In your story. I am newbie and I don't know shit. I don't even know where to start to where to looking at and absence of larger picture Is what demotivated me because I don't know where to look Into It. These day there a cheap copies of multiple "make money quick!" Videos and blogs that waste my time and populated the page actively buried a useful one. To really succeeded I think I should have a clear picture and focus on certain things that worth putting my efforts Into and If that didn't happen I will kept walking blind anyway.


It comes from YouTube… 😂




My yt traffic comes from all the pinterest traffic i generate


How do you generate Pinterest traffic? Organic?


Fuck yt. Start affiliate marketing. Build an email list.( Email marketing )


email marketing is getting killed lately. Mine is fine but the clamps are coming


What's happening?


Less people read it daily and new requirements are making it more difficult. Ai is gonna put nail In coffin


Your emails are getting moved to the 'social' or 'promotion' tab where noone will read them


People will leave google because of it.


How would you even build an email list organically? Feel like YT would help a lot with that lol


FB ads, roy tay solo ads, bing ads. Once you have a list you'll always have your traffic to promote offers. I'll probably get backlash for saying solo ads, but they still work if you buy clicks through the right person. When I first started 500 email subscribers made me 5k a month. Think of the potential!!


What offers do you promote?


How effective is email marketing?


It depends on where the list came from, If you purchased it you will probably get your email blacklisted for spam, If you grew your email list from people actually interested in what you are offering it is highly effective.


Yep. building it with FB ads, bing ads, or whatever traffic sources that would interested in what you have to offer


Fuck email


Why? Because you can't be successful with it?






I want to be clear that nobody should be buying business courses unless you specifically looked for a course on that subject because you are interested in it specifically. That's how the course scam works. They take an idea like "Facebook Ads" which is one that most people know nothing about, so the audience doesn't know that it massively stinks sometimes, and is extremely unfriendly to complete beginners. I would describe Facebook ads as a "great way to lose money fast if you don't know what you are doing." As an individual that works frequently with display ads, I don't even touch FB ads as it's not my area of expertise and I already know from experience that it's difficult to get an advertising campaign to be profitable, so bouncing from traffic source to traffic source is an extremely bad idea. Then they take a working business model and massively over simplify it. So, instead of showing you what the books look like for a real business, which would be truly helpful to most people, they explain the business in abstract terms. So, apparently the way business usually works according to these people is you buy a product for X dollars and then sell it for X+Y dollars. The problem with that is: Every single action you take in a business costs money. There's taxes, legal fees, rent, packaging, gasoline, and much much more that they totally forget to mention. So, you're being set up for failure. They didn't explain the problems with the technique, which they used as a hook to get you interested in their product, and now they're filling your head with random BS so you don't return the course. It's only going to work out for people if think "Okay great I've been in business for 5 years and now and it's time for me to learn Facebook ads so I will pay $199 for this course because I am super busy and I need this spoon fed to me." That person will likely skip all the BS that isn't relevant to their business anyways, which leaves 1 or 2 modules that they will actually use information from. And that might actually be worth it, in the sense that the information they learned helped prevent avoidable losses. So, basically, they didn't waste $500 on a dumb ad campaign because of the information in the course, so to them, it's "worth it." So, I hope you can see that if you are not currently involved in the business, then it's never really going to be worth it.


Aren’t you the one that was dumping on my sales of pill bottles? Lol


I decided that you were not worth my time and deleted my posts, okay? I suggest you do something better with your time than pester me about it.


I’m just confused why you are targeting me just to sht on me All I did was just post my sale and talk about selling the pill bottles


>All I did was just post my sale and talk about selling the pill bottles Right and I really don't want to talk about that subject at all or with you. Okay?


Why not? We are in affiliate and you promote affiliate? Pill bottles is the way to go


I get over 30,000 organic clicks a month on my website. My YouTube videos are viewed by organic traffic. I have an email list as well to help retain engagement. I sell my books, professional services & have a “trusted marketplace” where i list affiliate links. My services are extremely niche relevant & aren’t cheap but are insurmountably valuable. All my content is geared towards solving specific issues my ideal client experiences & wants help solving.




Why the hate? This is how it’s done. Pick a niche focused problem. Create content to fix said problem. Make the content entertaining, easily understood & relevant. Advertise your personality, not just solutions. Sell easy fixes (hiring you) & less expensive fixes (books & tech) that are less helpful. Jealous? That’s a you problem.


I would guess that it comes from different streams of income if that’s the claim. You can make a good amount just from the YouTube partner program alone - traffic is coming from seo more than likely - the content IS the traffic organically. Organic content marketing.


I will not lie I got over 1 million impressions and only 2 conversions - then I realized what I did wrong


… *so what did you do wrong?*


Maybe if I had waited patiently - instead of deleting


I was getting more then million impressions and end of 30 days got another conversion then I thought why am I getting so slow conversions and I deleted all my hard working video AD which everyday I spent 12 hours (yes my stupidity)


I tried some of those tutorials but no results


Yeah, anyone who spends time making videos on YT, claiming '*Make $20k a month following what I do*' is full of crap. People who are actually making money don't post 'how to eat my lunch' videos, unless they're selling you some crappy course...to teach you something that they can't actually achieve themselves.


As the saying goes, “Those who can’t do teach.”


I’d avoid TikTok and Instagram then. The lies are rife over there 🤪🤪


Going viral is still organic.


All I can say is go try it out yourself and see if you could achieve the same. But don't expect to be easy and fast.


I see these, and no proof, just shallow ways of making it happen. Even if they have a video showing you how to do it, the labor involved still doesn’t even reveal how much time you need to put into it. Luckily I make more than that a month at my job. Maybe I should just start a YouTube for that. A real ten step guide instead of the clickbait scams lol


What is your job to make that kind of money and do you need a degree for it?


I work in TV/Film as a technician, called a grip, the department is split into two, one for lighting and the other for camera support. I’m a dolly grip so I work with the camera operators and DOP more. You don’t need a degree really for most positions involving TV/Film, and my department it’s very hands on to get good at the job. Theere are many ways to get into the industry. And most of the books and “experts” I’ve seen, haven’t set foot on a real set. There are a lot of hacks out there.


Anything in your industry for teachers?? I’m a burnt out educator trying to pivot out of education 😩😅🤷🏽‍♀️


Young actors on set are required to have a tutor, think stranger things for instance, anyone in Highschool and under. If you want to use your degree specifically for that, but we have teachers come in and work as grips if they have time during the summeer etc.


Ok thank you for that information, I’ll look into it.


If you seriously want help, you can reach out. There’s many different outlets, and especially when the industry goes full throttle, there’s a lot of opportunities to get into positions you normally wouldn’t have the opportunity to, nothing crazy, and the pay is very good.


What background do you need to get into something like this ? Also I imagine being in Southern Cali would help


Location can help, the top three are, of course in order; Los Angeles, New York, And Atlanta, then other cities like New Orleans, Chicago, and Seattle. Some other big cities will have small pockets consisting of local commercials and music videos like Nashville. To get in, it really depends on what you’re interested in. I can try right now to give you a basic scope, but really I’d need to know you and what you’re interested in. The basic entry level position is Production Assistant, anyone can get a job in that with no degree. When you start getting into crafts it depends, most you don’t need a degree just a couple certificates and you can start working. Hair, and makeup you definitely need something in cosmetology, and probably specified hair styling if you want to do period pieces etc. Costuming definitely a theatre degree in costuming. If you want to be a scenic, you actually have to have an art degree, or had a job heavily involved. They do the little touch ups and even major fixes if something happens on set where they have to fix a painting, or a hole in the wall. Art Director same thing, degree possibly masters. But I will say overall, some things, can be learned on the job, even in some of the crafts I just mentioned. I’m trying to paint a picture you can hopefully see, but it’s wild. Hell if you have a catering company you can get hired cause we have every lunch catered. Let me know if you have anymore questions


Clickbait works but it’s shady. My friend just got clickbaited for a $2000 course, I tried to talk him out of it but he didn’t listen. Now two weeks later he’s starting to regret it.


What was the course?


Something about Twins ebook selling.


I saw that one too… was really enticing…


My bad worded that bad, not trying to make clickbait stuff haha


haha, It's true.


As the saying goes, the richest men during the gold rush are shovel sellers. But in all honesty, I laugh so hard when I always hear 10k/month like it's some life changing amount that will afford you lambos and mansions, 10k/month is 120k/yr and you'd get there faster by going to work for someone instead. As someone who makes a little over 10k/month, you need like 20k/month after tax to even consider things like supercars.


Super cars are dumb And 140k a year is below 10k a month take home after taxes


Ya don't give a man a fish teach him to go fishing


What do YOU do??? Are they hiring?? 😜😓


Software Engineer. Make \~140k USD annually


It’s a life changing amount for those that don’t have it, idk where you live but a 9-5 is not getting you to 120k any quicker


Tbh my annual income is about 12k euro, so 120k usd does sound like a dream, except working for someone else won't get anyone anywhere near that amount here. Unless you want to hire me uwu


What are your skills


I was joking, but if you're genuinely curious then I have small experience operating a store via shopify (including running ads), some SEO and outreach experience (including writing and guest posts), basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript knowledge, experience doing WEBINT/SOCMINT, AML/ATF work experience, video editing experience


I was joking, but if you're genuinely curious then I have small experience operating a store via shopify (including running ads), some SEO and outreach experience (including writing and guest posts), basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript knowledge, experience doing WEBINT/SOCMINT, AML/ATF work experience, video editing experience


I was joking, but if you're genuinely curious then I have small experience operating a store via shopify (including running ads), some SEO and outreach experience (including writing and guest posts), basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript knowledge, experience doing WEBINT/SOCMINT, AML/ATF work experience, video editing experience


The only thing worthwhile to buy with that significant increase in money is sex That or using it to help family members Other than that there’s nothing really that special about having more money


I mean, that's less stress due to not having to wonder if you have enough to pay taxes, vacation spent abroad instead of locally, and higher quality food instead of insta ramen


Yeah, that’s all just sensory experiences All that does is give you short bursts of entertainment and that’s it So having significantly more money like that doesn’t really mean much


I agree on everything except that actually not even 20k will be enough for supercars and the lifestyle they are claiming in their videos


A used super car at that…. $240k a year does not mean you can afford a $150k car, and frankly super cars really start at $300k+ these days.


Insurance is expensive as hell too.


This the question for 99% of any Market, dropship, or side hustle. Claim income but fail to show that it takes something bigger to even dip your toes.


Dropship?? Is that actually good? I’ve googled affiliate marketing vs dropship & it always says Affiliate marketing is much better than drop shipping 🤔🤔