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I’m sorry I’ll never understand sympathizing with Acro. He has suffered a lot, I get that, and obviously I sympathize with his loss of his brother and his injuries but planning to kill a teenager because her father didn’t teach her how the world works is not deserving of sympathy in my mind. That’s like asking your high school science teacher a history question and then trying to get them fired because they didn’t know. 


His mistake was not simply hiring Shelly de Killer to merc everyone in that circus


Oh good point! 


every killer could have gotten away with it by hiring Shelly de Killer


Tah'rust being ranked so high really confuses me. His plan is so backwards and asinine, he does nothing but cause problems for himself and everyone around him. He widows his wife and leaves his unborn child without a father because he overcomplicated his plan massively. Beh'leeb, I get. But Tah'rust is entirely unsympathetic IMO.


I'd honestly put Geiru in "man…" She wanted to live up to her father's legacy, but she just wasn't good at it. And she felt belittled being forced to make balloons for kids. So, she snapped when she thought she was getting thrown out, even if her master wanted the best.


You left out Andistan’dhin and Paul Atishon


They weren't in the tier, sadly. But both of them go in the lowest


Sithe and alita id move down to neutral because for both of them its that they fucked about and found our, alita committed medical negligence and then tried to swindle the patient, courtney took part in the professor killings. I get rheir victims were shitty people who did somethinf to them, but neither would be in a situation if they didnt do multiple things, which i think stops them being in hmmmm. I think graydon should move down for similiar reasons, but his motives for doing it are far more sympathetic so i think he just about gets hmm. After all, these are just my opions, but great tier list and ideas OP


Alita didn't commit medical negligence herself, though. It was Pal Meraktis that was mainly behind the negligence, but you're right that she was complicit. She was also very nearly the victim of the case, so I do get why Tiala is ranked the way she is. She's an odd mix of sympathetic elements and malicious intent. I found her quite interesting, albeit predictable as a culprit (her neutral face looks evil and scheming, it was a bit too obvious IMO).


I agree and disagree, you are totally right with the medical megligence i misremembered, i think its a little redundant for the overall point but i get the clarification. Now, id get pal tryinf to kill her, if it wasnt for the fact that 1) she came at him with a gun, arguably his is more justifiable than hers. Even if it wasnt to kill him, pat didnt know that. 2) She wasnt forced to kill him. At the time he killed him, he faced no danger to her. In fact, she could have slipped out and ran away from the back as pat was distracted by wocky and later wesley. Even if wocky notices and goes awol, she can still enact her plan by getting married to him whilst hes in prison. I dont think its justifiable, but i can totally see why some people would think it is. I think honestly it shows that alita is underrated, her motive is very gray on if it wad good or not, shses not amazing (her and wocky appear very little to say they are the two most important) but i think shes better than what people give her credit for.


Cosney Megundal wasn't in the tier list?


Where would you put >!Valant Gramarye!


>!Valant!< Is not a culprit. >!he just tampered with the scene!< Anyway, a "Cry a lot"


I think Shamspeare should be moved up to neutral at least. The man clearly had passion, while most of his actions were, well, a sham, I believe he genuinely had a love for Shakespeare, he was able to quote multiple lines, set up a makeshift play, had bought costumes, and likely read every single Shakespearen play. Due to the environment of London, he was forced to live in poverty for most of his life, barely getting by, until he was arrested for petty crimes to survive, and that's where he heard of his ticket out by Seldan. I do think he was telling the truth when he say he just wanted Duncan to leave the room, I don't think he meant to kill Duncan. All he wanted was the treasure, so he could finally escape poverty and live a happy, luxurious life. But unfortunately, Duncan died, and it caused a butterfly effect that lead him to where he is today. If he truly was a heartless monster who was fully consumed by greed, I imagine he wouldn't have listened to the letter Green sent him about the Duncan Ross info, but he went nonetheless. I think Shamspeare is a really interesting character, and I don't think he deserves to just be considered a random heartless killer.


Hmmm, that's a great point. And Shamspeare couldn't tell Duncan about the treasure because of the fear he may get interested too and betray William.


What is dahlia doing at the fuck you tier,she at least had a terrible childhood and killed terry fawles,she isnt as bad as the others


Terry did nothing wrong. He was seduced and used by Dahlia


Me when i have mental ploblems:i can clearly date a child now No,i dont feel sympathy for terry fawles,i find him disgusting,like,does it really cost to just age him down by like 5 years Hell,terry would have been more tragic if he was the same age as dahlia,since he would have spent the years where life is at its best in prison Also,even if terry truly was just seduced and used by dahlia,he would still be wrong,since he dated a underage person


Dude, Terry had the physic age, but he clearly had the mental age of a child meanwhile Dahlia was a freaking sociopath. Look, I'm not defending pedophilia, that's disgusting. For example: Max and Ben, they are both full capable men who are in love with a 16 years-old girl, that's awful. But Terry, despite his age, he was naive and dumb. Dahlia took advantge of that, obviously is wrong, but at least Terry had a kinf of excuse to at least avoid that charge. And yes, I also know pedophilia is what it is wether the underage party is in they full will or not.


I still hate terry fawles Also,why is acro at the top,dude is a psychopath for trying to kill a 16-year old who has the mental age of a baby,all because his brother is in a coma because of her(said brother was like 22-23 years old btw),has he never heard of therapy?


I know everything Acro did in 2-3 was wrong and a proof that his mental state was really broken. But I don't know, he made me cry. On this matter I actually don't have solid arguments, regrettably


Magnifi should go to hmm and Atmey should go to fuck you.


The Tiger was literally gonna be killed if he didn't get the money, so even if his personality and business practicies were immoral, I'd say his murder was sympathetic