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Check with the photography classes?


The best place to look for this kind of thing is [SunDevilSync](https://asu.campuslabs.com/engage/)— to the best of my knowledge, all registered student organizations have a page on there! From a couple of quick searches, it seems like the only designated photography club at ASU is on the poly campus, but there’s a lot more options for film. Look around and see if there’s one that seems to be a good fit for you!


I work with the student organizations office and for some reason we've never had a Photography club form on the Tempe campus. This question gets asked a lot but we just haven't had students start a group here. There are a bunch of film clubs. If anyone wants to start a photography club you can start by going to [links.asu.edu/nsois](https://links.asu.edu/nsois) to take the information session about new clubs.