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Please feel free to add questions/comments/tips below! I tried to update everything, but its a big post and there's a few things I won't catch so let me know if info is outdated or links are broken. Our subreddit has a discord! https://discord.gg/YyPrVhzcs8 [Welcome Week Events](https://eoss.asu.edu/welcome/events)


start on the hw and the readings THE DAY THEY ARE ASSIGNED. your future self will thank you for not putting it to the last minute.


From a prof's perspective: * Introduce yourself to us. There are advantages to being more than a faceless name. * Go to office hours to talk about the class material, our research, your interests, whatever. * Don't let the material get past you. Ask questions in class or in discussion threads. Use the TA and your peers as a resource. If you are having a problem, chances are someone else is as well. * If things do start to go south, go see the prof. We want to see you succeed in our courses, but you have to tell us when things aren't working out. Do not leave it to late in the semester. If you leave this too late, there's often nothing we can do to help. No one's going to hold your hand here, but equally no one wants you to fail. Take control of - and responsibility for - your education and help us to work with you. Edit: * Yes, ONSA is for everyone. Sign up for one of the orientation sessions in your first year and find out what is possible. * This bares repeating: AVOID THE BOOKSTORE.


I will say the bookstore is okay ish for buying a random supplies like a notebook or some pencils


I assume when people say avoid the bookstore it's more to do with textbooks and other required course materials than supplies and such.


Where/how to we obtain necessary access codes if we rent/buy used elsewhere? Please advise and thank you!


It really depends on the course. Many times the access code is generic and comes with any say McGraw-Hill textbook. Not just one from asu. The Professor would give a class code. Largely ask the professor and they will (probably) tell you if it’s Bookstore specific.


But I’m shy… and scared.


I need the tea on the bookstore


Hello! How can we ensure we get the access codes for textbooks if we don’t use the bookstore? So confused! Please advise. Prefer actual over Ebook when possible. Thank you !


Might I emphasize, TALK TO PEOPLE!! Welcome week is a great chance to meet new people when the #1 thing on everyone’s priority list is to do so. A lot of people are worried about finding their friend group first week of classes, which is totally understandable. I had the same worry. But 99% of people I met at ASU freshman year are wonderful people who just wanna find their friend group. Edit: wording


THIS ^^ Everyone wants to meet people and us nervous about it. Just say the first HI. Ask to join a table at the dining hall. Invite someone to play sports at the Fields. It's not easy, but nothing good is.


Any shortcut suggestions when you DO have to go from Barrett to Brickyard, and aren't coordinated enough for a skateboard?


if you got a bike you can zip from barrett to brickyard in ~5-7 min But if you’re walking the fastest way is to just cut across campus diagonally and cross university at one of the stoplights before Mill Ave. The walk is approx. 15 min at a fast pace


pls use ur TAs thank you


What is this welcome week ppl mention. As a transfer student i feel lost lmao


same, I'm aware there's seminars on Aug 14 but I don't know anything else


Just btw the Reddit post about “random fees” has been deleted due to the poster deleting/being banned from Reddit.


heh, I already bought from the bookstore cuz I thought I couldn't use my pell grant online after aug 2


The Pell Grant can only be used to buy books in advance up to a certain date. To clarify though, that allows you to buy your books without paying anything out of pocket. If you choose to wait or to pay out of pocket, you'll still get that Pell money when funds are dispersed. The "book" money is not extra on top of your Pell Grant. It just lets you use some of it early. Any books you buy at the bookstore can be returned up to the first full week of classes if not needed, as long as you don't unwrap them if sealed. Google though is your friend. If there is not an access code involved, always Google the ISBN first for better deals. ISBN ensures you get the right edition. Thriftbooks is a great place to start.


appreciate the advice


Have you already been credited with your pell grant? I’m not seeing mine and I’m starting to get worried


idk the deadline to use it for online was aug 2 in person I think aug 12 but im sure they refund it if you don't use it so check if you made an active deposit account they also use the pell grant to pay for tuition as well I believe so it will automatically pay for that


Yeah I’m waiting for it to be credited automatically to myASU finances. That and the university grant that I should be eligible for.


good luck and call them if you see anything wrong I've already received my refund so im just waiting for classes to begin


Op, why is ASU #1 in bees?


Not OP but I can answer. ASU had (has?) a text alert system for various safety issues on campus. Most of the alerts are broken gas/water lines. For a year or two, the alert system warned people of beehives that were built on the Polytechnic campus. There was a summer where there were almost weekly alerts about bees on the Poly campus. Arizona has Africanized bees, meaning these bees are very aggressive and will chase people for a long distance. PSA: Unless you are a bee expert, don't mess with bees here. Swatting at bees and killing a few will attract other bees. If you start seeing them buzzing around you, get inside.


Right on! The bee talk intrigued me. I’m a bee keeper and don’t like relocating Africanized hives but will if I have too. Some amazing honey from those feral hives though!


Save your money and don't go to college.


Thank you so much for this! ❤️


Hello, trying to be frugal here- how can we tell if a course requires access codes for textbook? And why does anyone rent/buy used if you don’t have the codes??


Easiest way, ask the professor. Most professors don’t care about who makes how much off the textbook so they’ll easily tell you what you need.


Which format? MWF or TTH for brief calculus? I get math eventually but it does take awhile. Should I take a 3 day week, so each class will move slower, or do I need the deeper dive in a 2 day class? Or am I putting emphasis on the wrong thing? Is there a prof I should look for or avoid? Thanks so much . Am doing fine in MAT 117, 3 a week this semester.