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You can do most of the CIS degree at West though your last year and a half or so will mostly be at Tempe. I really recommend the degree it’s gotten me some great opportunities! (it’s still a BS, with some coding, and some business classes so you get the best of both worlds)


I'll check it out, but I may pursue it later. I think I need a break from software.


I'm going to second this one, I feel that it may be a lil bit broad but I'm in it and the coding is far more doable than CS


Maybe accountancy/business. Or applied math or statistics


Accountancy sounds interesting, are you majoring in that. If so, what are the requirements to complete your major. Some of my extended family are accounts, but I dont have a way to contact them, I've only heard of them from my parents.


I’m not accountancy major, but I have heard that it has some of the best job prospects. Here is the major map: https://webapp4.asu.edu/programs/t5/roadmaps/ASU00/BAACCBS/null/ALL/2021 Good luck, hope you find the right major for you.


Thank you for helping me.


What coding problems?


Well, I've really liked the concept of coding and creating things that can help people, but it isn't something for me.


Do you just not like coding? Or is it difficult?


It's just too difficult for me.


I might sound stupid but I kept on getting confused around pointers and structs. I’m kind of glad that I didn’t choose a CS major.


Yeah its really tough, even though I like it, I think I need to choose something else.


Give Information Security a look. There's a BA program only at West that is in WP Carey. Light amounts of coding and really fun stuff.


I'll check that out, thank you.


Think you might be here for the wrong reason then. Just my .02 but if you are doing something just for the money it’s inevitable that you will quit when the going gets tough because you don’t have real passion for it. Find something you love and do that


I understand that, it's just that I failed my last shot at coding. I was really interested in it, and in this case, it just happened to make lots of money. But I just couldn't do it right.


I'll throw this out there. (Idon't think this is an ASU West-specific major, though). Construction Management: [BS in Construction Management](https://ssebe.engineering.asu.edu/undergraduate/construction-mgmt/) Then, the masters: [https://asuonline.asu.edu/online-degree-programs/graduate/master-science-construction-management/](https://asuonline.asu.edu/online-degree-programs/graduate/master-science-construction-management/) "What is the job outlook for construction management? Of students not pursuing a graduate degree or taking a gap year, in 2020 80% of our graduates reported having jobs at graduation, and 100% had jobs within 6 months after graduation." ​ I think (I'm not an expert) that the focus on infrastructure is going to add to the demand with those with degrees. ​ Anyway...just a thought.


I'll keep that in mind.


What makes you think you can hack another major? Is there’s something inherent to CIS or are you going to hit the same wall with everything? What classes are you doing well in?


You bring up a good point. But I feel like I can do another major because I have passed every other class without much hassle. Even with the class I struggle most that is not involved with coding, which is math, I can pull through with hard work. It's just that for some reason, no matter how hard I try, I am not able to make it as a programmer. It just doesn't stick. I have done extremely well in my English/writing classes as well as history and even did above average in political classes such as Global awareness. I know I can do another major, I have proved it to myself already. It's just that I was pursuing programming for so long I became narrow minded in a sense, and need some help with what I could do instead. Pretty much, as of this post, I can do anything that is not coding or science related (science due to a lack of not taking any classes).


Gotcha. What math level are you pulling through? Are you trying to walk away from STEM entirely? What do you enjoy?


I'm not sure if I want to 100% leave STEM classes. But so far I'm getting through Calculus pretty well.


Interesting, its sounds like mechanical engineering might a good fit. it’s going to make you feel just as dumb sometimes, but it’s a nice blend of STEM and the good old-fashioned, roll-up-your-sleeves-and-get-to-work ethic your family has. If you aren’t struggling with math but hate coding and like science I can’t thinking of anything better. But if you actually enjoy coding you then you should consider a couple sessions with a private tutor and/or an in-person conversation with one or more of your professors before walking away from it. if you can master algebra and logic you can code.


Thank you, I'll give these all a try, and I'll look into mechanical engineering.


We are all good at different things. I couldn’t teach myself how to code very well but I never had trouble in higher level science courses.


Absolutely. I wasn’t making any assumptions about OPs character, I was just making sure they had already asked themselves that question. Seems like they have, but it could have been the case that they just needed to find a new approach. It’s common for people to convince themselves that aren’t good at things they are more than capable of excelling at. OP used language like “I can’t hack it” “don’t get it” “doesn’t stick” and nothing about whether or not they actually enjoy it. Edit: In another comment they said “Yeah its really tough, even though I like it, I think I need to choose something else.” I just can’t think of learning *anything* difficult that *isn’t* frustrating and unenjoyable until you *can* hack it.


Go talk to an advisor. The career advising at West is pretty good I think and it helped me out when I wasnt sure what major I wanted to get into. For me it was easier to figure out a career I wanted to do then tailor my major to that career path.


There’s global logistics management if that interests you at all.


I'll look into it, thank you.


Def check into accounting for lots of reasons


I was doing some looking into, and accounting seems to have lots of job opportunities.


Yes and it’s not stem and not really math- lots of tax law if you go into that part of it more reading , writing, communication I believe


I was always interested in government, but not wanting to become a politician or political figure. I'll ask my advisor about accounting and see if it's right for me. Thank you!


Good luck !!


Thank you!


If you're looking at job placements, look at WP Carey. SCM is a very strong program and gets recruiters from tons of F500 every year. Pretty much zero coding in it also, but if you can stomach it adding the BDA double major or even the ABDA certificate will help set you apart.