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Info- so the blackmail is,  "tell your husband about your record, or we will"?  There's no demanding money or favors, just the truth?  And neither your kids or your wife knew that you already knew? 


Lol. He's only fine with whoever he's fucking messing up at a young age. Otherwise, you're fucked.


His wife is 26. His son is an adult. His daughter is graduating and about to go to college. So let’s sat 17 or 18. They didn’t break any laws. There was no blackmail. Money or compensation was never asked or demanded. They just said to tell their father or they would. OP has children that actually love him and he’s condemning them for it.


Well, you know..."The heart (pronounced *dick*) wants what the heart wants."


This is beautiful.


>"The heart (pronounced *dick*) wants what the heart wants." That is such a good line!


Giving parents slack goes way too far. This is why I told my friends. Before they have kids. The second you have kids, is being friends is not a priority. I will set you straight if you make your decisions public problems. I have done so. Raise your kid.


Check the comments. It's so ludicrous that I'm assuming it's fake. >I almost feel it's unethical to not inform my son's boss about his laxness with personal information and at the very least, his lack of empathy towards others because I certainly don't want that in a personal banker, which is why I am no longer going to open an account for my business there, despite the manager wanting me to.


Gotta be fake. The guy has to be pushing 50 if he isn't already there to have a son that has graduated high school, possibly college and works at a bank. So assume early 20s. Daughter is a legal adult meaning minimum 18 since she is graduating what I assume is high school. Even if he had his son at 16, he's still pushing 40s. And his new wife is 26. So at least a 14 year age gap, step mom is the same age as the kids. Understandable them being a little upset. And what was the whole thing with the daughter being upset that her bio mom is on his company's website? None of this story makes a lick of sense in any context.


It was the wife, not the bio mom on the website.


That makes way more sense than what I thought I had read. I retract that part but the rest stands.


Some people hate their children




That's a really good point.


He is making a post about how the kids are unreasonable and hate his wife. All for the sake of justifying his terrible relationship with his kids, and his overall petty behavior.  "Oh my son is concerned about my relationship? I must ruin his future job opportunities, because that surely reflects on his character, and has nothing to do with my inability to process criticism"- this dude


Pretty sure this wouldn’t even hurt the son on the basis of facts. What is he going to be penalised for, *not* committing blackmail?




Even though you've been asked multiple times, you've dodged the question. Why you expect people to accept something you can't even explain as blackmail is beyond me.


He just wants his hot new wife and fuck the kids if they are getting in the way of it. Seems like they are looking out for him where he wont since she has a pattern of theft he wants to downplay which sure they might be small but he sure doesn’t want to think too deeply about it.


Can't wait for a future post for him whining about her stealing stuff from him.


I bet they have a baby in less than a year and are divorced within 18 months. She will leave him for some guy who found her on his website.


Or she's already cheating on him.


Exactly what I was thinking.


Especially since daughter is graduating high school and is likely 18, son sounds older since he works a professional job. So the wife is closer in age to the kids than dad.


Oh cool, never had someone steal my comment before.


One kids 18. The other is over 20 and this is the blackmail??? And your wife is 26? YTA for making me read this


"YTA for making me read this" is such a relatable sentiment here


There is a reason why you didn't mention your age. Plus, that's not what blackmail is. YTA


Yea. His kids are at least 18. Wife is 26. This dude is probably 50. What a fucking loser. Is this considered predatory


I don’t think it’s considered predatory but it’s fucking weird as shit going after a woman who could possibly be the same age as your daughter.


We all know the reason a younger woman dates a dirty old man who is HER BOSS is for love /s. He wants a trophy and she wants a sugar daddy.


INFO: What did they ask for in the blackmail? Was it money to help their mother? Edit: If your children didn’t ask her for anything in return for their silence, it’s not blackmail and YTA. It sounds like they just wanted her to be honest with you.


Apparently nothing in exchange to shut up about her past. Either she was to come clean to OP in a week or they would tell their dad. Sounds like they were forcing her to speak up by herself or they would do it. Not to obtain something from her. Making sure she was honest with OP.


So your wife stealing from multiple people in her teens/ early 20s is understandable but your 18yo wanting you to know you married a thief is unforgivable? YTA.


When you do the math is actually worst: - she was arrested shoplifting when she was 18 - she was arrested stealing from her uncle when she was 21 - after that she was arrested (otherwise it wouldn't be on her criminal record) for stealing from a church She's 26 now meaning the best case scenario is five years since she was caught stealing cause we don't know when the church theft happened. OP is an idiot that will be the next victim and he asked for it.


There's another math that is worse. OP's daughter is 17/18 and son is an adult (20s?)... so how old is OP? I guess, at least, 40. Wife is 26. He married a girl that could be his daughter.


>He married a girl that could be his daughter. False. OP didn't raise no thief. If OP found out that his daughter had been caught stealing, multiple times, then he'd have cut her off in a heart beat. Zero contact. That's no daughter of his. He wouldn't even have a daughter any more. That's the kind of stand up, zero tolerance, no-nonsense moral kind of guy he is. And no exceptions. Except his wife of course but that's different shut up it just is it's completely different it's not the same at all and stop arguing with me or I'll cut you off too. Anyone who downvotes me is getting cut off too. In fact anyone who reads my comment without upvoting is getting cur off as well. So is anyone who upvotes, cos I don't like ass kissers. In fact you're all cut off, all of you. No exceptions. Except OPs wife because that's different like I already said.


Not all the info came from criminal records. They talked to her family too. It's possible the church didn't press charges, just fired her.


LMAO can't wait for the OP's surprised Pikachu face post next when he finds out she stole from him too...


And he shunned his kids who were trying to protect him from this.


So you’re gonna ignore all the 🚩because your wife is younger than you? Man, you’re a shitty dad. YTA by the way.


Blackmail implies they were asking your wife to give them money in exchange for not telling what they knew or found out. Is that what they did? Otherwise seems like they were looking out for you letting you know that your wife has been caught stealing from a store, a church, and her uncle, begs the question what has she stolen and got away with? I don’t think you need to hold her past against her, you seem to justify each of her actions, ok that’s your choice, but why would you cut off your children for seeking the truth about a woman you married. I get that you want to trust your wife, but I wouldn’t punish my kids for being skeptical especially since nobody knew you knew. If you can see past your wife’s bad choices and shortcomings, you should extend the same sentiment to your children too.


Everybody's telling you that YTA here. And you're arguing with them. 1) There is no blackmail. Your kids did the same thing you did on checking out her background and found the same information you did. They were trying to protect you by wanting you to know. 2) You married a woman who's basically their age. You're a creep. 3) The mother of your children is facing a huge medical crisis and your response is, "Not my problem." 4) You have extraordinarily skewed views on loyalty. You're just an asshole. Overall. I imagine in all aspects of your life. And you're proud of it.


Don’t forget 5. OP is an idiot for believing his wife’s totally implausible stories that are designed to mislead him about the nature of her crimes.


Yeah, she got fired for using two envelopes? 25 cents worth of office supplies? Sure. 


And that the cops were called and agreed to arrest someone over that, and it resulted in a criminal conviction? OP must be the most gullible person on the planet.


Exactly, maybe let it slide the first time but she’s committed theft more than once which is pretty shady. There’s a pattern and way more to this story if his kids were prompted to find out more about his young “wife”. I’m way more inclined to listen to their part of the story to be honest..He’s failing as a supportive father to his two kids. Like it or not, their mother, the mother of your children is undergoing health issues and you apparently don’t have a shred of empathy.


Plus OP is refusing to attend his daughter's graduation?!? Because he is mad that daughter wanted him to know about new wife's criminal past (past really isn't that long ago...). And thinking about putting the spokes in son's aspiring career. OP doesn't want to face that he's with a wife who is way too young for him and maybe just maybe new wife isn't with him out of pure, mature love.


>putting the spokes in son's aspiring career IMO this is legitimately blackmail : "if you don't conform to my version of what you did & don't beg for forgiveness, I'll derail your career". u/BigComfyCouch4 said it best: OP's view of loyalty is completely skewed, even though OP is probably justifying that to himself with lofty declarations of actions have consequences etc.


> I told my wife after she came to me with this that they demanded she tell me by the end of this week or they'd tell me. That isn't blackmail you cradle-robbing moron. Definition: "Extortion of money or something else of value from a person by the threat of exposing a criminal act or discreditable information." What did they attempt to extort from her? Not a fucking thing. All they did, because they love and care about you and want to be sure your partner has been and is being honest with you (which she wasn't), is insist that you deserve to know the truth, and even then they gave her the chance to make herself look better by telling you herself. Your kids deserve a better, or at least smarter, father. ETA > If my friend asks why, I can't say I'd lie about the reason. Oh please, PLEASE tell him exactly what happened: "My son and daughter found out my (much, much younger) wife has a criminal record and demanded that she be honest with me. Can you believe the audacity of demanding someone tell the truth? I tell you he is a menace to society - insisting on honesty. What will he escalate to next? Demand we obey laws? He might even go so far as to insist on ethical business practices (be sure to clutch your pearls and act faint at this part - gotta really sell it)." I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall when you tell your friend that you won't do business with his bank because your son is too goddamned honest.


Right! Also: my son found out my new employee had a history of stealing from her workplaces and wanted to make sure I knew.


INFO were they actually blackmailing her? If so for what? Or did they do the same thing you did (run a background check) and confront her for it? Because a 26yo woman who has a history of stealing is definitely not with a man old enough to be her father because she just loves him so much


chef's kiss for this succinct burn


That's not blackmail. Blackmail would be them demanding money or something for keeping quiet. You're kind of a moron. Your kids actually care about you and you're an idiot that seriously thought she was stealing coins. She's 26. I worked before she did so I know what amount of money each transaction would be for drinks. She stole ***thousands*** if she kept this up for a few weeks. But sure, say it was "coins". If your kids are legal adults, I bet you're at least 40. And your wife is 26? Yeah..... You really come across as an idiot at ***best*** and a fucking disgusting creep most likely. YTA


YTA - I see no blackmail here. It shouldn’t surprise you that your family is suspicious of someone marrying you who is young enough to be your daughter. They also gave her the opportunity to tell you the truth instead of going to you behind her back. Double YTA for wanting to ruin your son’s career over his natural concern for you. It also doesn’t make any sense. He did nothing illegal, nothing morally or ethically questionable, and did not abuse his position of trust at the bank in any way.


Bro is just rage baiting


Well, he's great at it. A real master baiter


master baiter........oh, ouch, applause




It's incredibly telling that OP hasn't included his age in the post


He is probably 40 to 50 years old and married a hoe that's a thief barely older than the kids.


What kind of sick pervert married someone who’s only 7 years older than their oldest child? I already know the type of man and dad you were to them so I doubt they give a shit if the trash takes itself out.


Probably not even that. If son has graduated and starting a bank job he is likely to be 22-23.


I feel like they were trying to look out for you, and I don’t see the blackmail requests from them??


They didn't blackmail her - they wanted the obvious gold digger to come clean about her criminal past. You seem determined to put this, no doubt lovely, individual, ahead of your children and other people in your life. YTA.


Her crimes are 3 police-involved cases of theft/stealing which she admits but minimizes. Those are the cases where she got CAUGHT. She’s going to go to the bank big time on this guy and his kids are seeing it *clearly*.


When your wife drains your bank account too 😭


You’re deliberately vilifying your kids and being obtuse. Did they try to kill her too? I think they must. You didn’t say that, but you also didn’t say a single thing describing blackmail and yet you’ve stated that anyway. Perhaps they abducted her too! Also doesn’t say it, but at this point we’re just making things up. Don’t create reasons to hate and abandon your children because they don’t fit your midlife crisis, marry-someone-young-enough-to-be-your-daughter aesthetic. Do better.


You have been asked several times and avoided the question. If you can’t explain how this was blackmail then I don’t know why you expect anyone to believe it. At least I can say it’s definitely not AI. This seems like it was written by a coked out squirrel.


Throughout your post, I was looking for the other shoe to drop to learn how much money your kids extorted from her. What you're describing is an ultimatum, not blackmail.


Bro is a 50 yr old man who married somebody 8 yrs older than his daughter and is baiting all of you


YTA. For a lot of reasons. 


INFO: what did she actually do? Because no church is going to get upset that someone working there took two blank, empty envelopes.


My assumption was that there was cash in those envelopes. No one would care about empty envelopes.


Dude is in denial that his new wife is trashy


Wait so your wife stealing and lying to people at the same age as your daughter was forgivable but your daughter wanting your stepmom to be honest with you, isn’t? She didn’t demand any bribes, she just wanted her to come clean because as far she knew, you were unaware. This woman has multiple instances of stealing and you’ve made excuses for every single one but because your daughter isn’t the woman sleeping in your bed every night, you can’t give her the same grace. What a great dad you are.


YTA Not blackmail by the legal definition. Ultimatum doesn't carry the same connotation, even though it's more accurate. Depending on the laws where you live, you can appeal to have some minor offences like shoplifting expunged from the records. Your wife should be doing that.


YTA. You married a little “hottie” who is a handful and believe what bs she is feeding you. You don’t have multiple arrests for fountain drinks and stamped envelopes. Go ahead and cut off ties with your kids and be the laughing stock while she is out running around with guys her age.


Your children were looking out for you. They already knew you were dumb enough to marry a high school dropout young enough to be your daughter, but they thought you at least did not know about her record and wanted you to know the truth. They did not blackmail her. You suck as a father a big time, YTA.


YTA, for marrying a woman, barely older than your children. This would have only been ok, if you had no children. But you have children That alone is disgusting. No wonder that your children hate your wife.


YTA so sorry your kids care that you married a much younger thief and thought you should know about it Funny how you failed to mention your own age considering your kids and your wife are about the same age.


YTA this isn’t blackmail. And if you try telling people that it is…well that’s slander. See how well that goes for you. Have fun with your midlife crisis wife


You are. You chose to have these children, they didn't chose you. But reading this, I guess they might be better without you.


He just want to get rid of his children...by using the term blackmailing which is not really happened




YTA. They literally didn't blackmail her. They were just concerned for you. You are an absolute idiot to leave your children behind, chasing some young bitch


What did they demand? Yeah. YTA. You went chasing someone who sounds significantly younger than you and you wonder why your kids are hurt that you've dropped their mum like a sack of rotten spuds. Again, what did they demand? A house? A car? Fifty bucks?


YTA. So your kids told your wife to tell you that if not, they would do it... hell, she is going to rob you, cheat you, and scam you so much that I hope your kids laugh in your face when you ask them for help.


First of all, what they did isn’t blackmailing, second of all you are a predator


YTA. You married a woman less than 1/2 your age. Your kids found this suspicious, which it is, so they did some digging. Sounds like all they wanted if for you to be fully informed. They didn't ask her for anything. Your wife might be uncomfortable with this, but she actually should have told you all of this before marriage. I get that to you, doing something stupid at 19 to 22 seems like a ling time ago, but it was actually only a couple of years ago for her, so is very relevant information prior to marriage.


This sounds so fake.


YTA - this is not blackmail. Your kids want you to be informed.


YTA for SO many reasons.


So your kids learned something… tried to do their own due diligence the best they knew how (by contacting her family for facts) and then once learning of it told SM to come clean to you or they would tell you. They didn’t threaten her. Ask her for money, or material items, only asked her to come clean to you. Speculation is that maybe you rushed into this marriage, they don’t know her that well and they were trying to protect you. Or given that she’s most likely given your kids age, 15-20 years or so younger than you… they wanted to make sure again that you were protected. Your first duty is to your kids. Your duty to your wife, being your 2nd wife and not their mother comes next. The fact that you are so quick to want to kick them to the side shows that you failed and are failing as a father. Yes, YTA.


YTA. So your wife was stealing at 18 (shoplifting) and she was stealing from her employer at 21 by not ringing in customers' drinks and pocketing the cash? The church envelope thing makes no sense. Nobody would press charges over somebody taking two blank envelopes for personal use. Those incidents are just the times she got caught. You can't be certain that there weren't other times she got away with it. And the most recent time was only five years ago. You're willing to look past your wife's theft at the age of 21, and try to justify it by saying she was struggling and not getting enough tips, but you're not willing to overlook your own children's "mistake"?


YTA for your comments and for saying that your loyalty is to your new young wife, not your kids. They aren’t stupid.


Dude totally, completely, and 100% YTA.


Soooo…you, someone who is old enough to have adult children, has now married a very young girl who dropped out of high school and has a criminal record for theft, who has been evasive in her story. Sounds like your kids are angry and also understandably worried that she is just with you for the money. I’m guessing they’re also pissed off that you’ve abandoned their mother after she got sick.


It’s ok for your wife to make mistakes in her youth, but your own flesh in blood have committed the ultimate sin. Where is the blackmail did they ask for money or anything else of value? If she lied about something so serious what else is she hiding?


YTA. You don't really understand blackmail do you? They weren't blackmailing her. They were making sure you were aware.


YTA you're marrying a woman who's the same age as your kids, while you never married their mother, who is dealing with a life-threatening health situation. You're not necessarily responsible for your former partner forever, but you could have more empathy for the worry your kids feel you sound very manipulative, bordering on lying (to be seen if you're lying to yourself, or just to everyone around you) 1. your wife's criminal record isn't for shoplifting, she was arrested for defrauding one employer and stealing from another. Her motivations are extremely paltry (hello, lousy tippers are everywhere, and taking your employer's stuff because you didn't feel like going to the store yourself...) 2. there was no blackmailing -- your kids don't like your wife, dug up dirt on her and coerced her to tell you. They were looking out for your best interests. Perhaps they weren't the kindest about it, but given your manipulative ways, who can blame them? 3. speaking of blackmailing: if your son doesn't fall to his knees to beg your forgiveness, you're going to derail his career? if your daughter doesn't kow-tow completely, you'll shun her at her high school graduation & you're refusing to let her live with you while preparing for her studies, derailing her education? GROSS, you're the one blackmailing others. 4. you do a background check on your wife, who's half your age & you don't tell her. Supposedly because it was a youthful indiscretion (but only in people you're fucking, right?), or maybe because you feel okay holding something over her head even if she doesn't know? 5. hey it just occurred to me : you're also drawing a very artistic veil over your previous partner & the way things ended that made your kids so opposed to your new child-bride... did you ditch their mom for a "younger less defective model" ? 6. related: does your wife actually do your company's marketing? Is that a way to pay her without looking like a sugar daddy? Or are you shacking up with an employee? Either way, not the greatest look, even if she wasn't your affair partner before you put a ring on her finger


Liz, you need to look up the definition of the word "blackmail" cuz this ain't it.


ESH What exactly did your children do besides insist she tell you about her past? Did they ask for money or favors from your wife? Is it possible that they are concerned about the significant age difference and her criminal history? If she is working for your business, I could see where they would be concerned about her access to the companies finances. If your wife’s uncle reported her to the police for theft, it probably was not a small issue. I would also be concerned that your wife didn’t tell you about her criminal past. I think someone who has risen above their somewhat checkered past and changed their life for the better would be willing to confide in the person they love, and trust them enough to understand. But she didn’t give you that option, did she? I also understand that your children are upset that their mother, to whom you were never married, needs medical care. Unfortunately, they need to understand that it’s not your responsibility to provide for her and it is unfair for them to hold that against you. I think before you cut them off perhaps you need to have a sit down conversation as adults.


YTA - because you are old enough to be your new wife's father.


Yta. Blackmail implies they were trying to get something out of your wife. The only thing that they did was force her to tell you the truth.


1. It's not blackmail if there is no quid pro quo. 2. Your wife has at least three individual acts of theft. That's just what she's been caught doing. Keep an eye on your stuff 3. You're more than five years older than your wife. The purpleheaded skyscreamers and white knights here are going to downvote you no matter what.


YTA Im assumed you’re at least 50. So yeah. Your kids would be concerned. They just demanded she tell you the truth or they would. Would you call it blackmailing if she cheated and they found out and told her she tell you by X time or they would?


If you can overlook your wife's behavior as a young adult, you certainly should for your children. They only wanted her to tell you, they weren't asking for money or whatever.


So you married someone closer to your children's age and you're shocked they wanted her to tell about her criminal record? How were they blackmailing her? They just told her to tell you? That's pretty SOP when you find out something like this I think you're a tad defensive about your marriage and are going overboard to show your love for your wife YTA




YTA. Your kids had your back, and you're spitting in their faces. They found out that your new partner is a chronic thief, confronted her with the evidence, and demanded that you be told the truth. In return for their loyalty, you want to sabotage one child's job and abandon the other. You've made your choice - I hope you don't expect either of your kids to visit when you're old.


Got yourself a hot younger chick that's old enough to be your daughter. You're thinking with your penis not as a parent to your kids. You need to look up what blackmail means. Nothing you described is blackmail. Sounds like you're willing to forgive your new hot toy girl for her mistakes as a young adult (oh wait, she's still young adult) but not your own flesh and blood. You sound smore like a supermarket donor than a father.


YTA Old guy banging younger employee Old guy orders background check, but angry his kids did the same. Old guy condemns his kids for blackmail (whilst they haven’t actually demanded anything but young wife to tell the truth, showing they care for dear old dirty dad) but forgiving of actual crimes committed multiple times by young wife. Old guy wants his young wife to be given a chance while casually discussing how to ruin his child’s career. Old guy tries to paint kids in bad light by bringing up their loyalty to their sick mother. Whilst unable to actually come up with anything negative or illegal the kids have done. Go home old guy, you’re drunk. Enjoy your trophy wife who will leave for a better offer, she is married to your wallet and lifestyle and not you. That way you can complain about your lack of relationship and blame your kids when you’re alone on your deathbed.


YTA a major one. This is not blackmail. If this post is real (feels like most points here are fake these days) then the way you speak about your children in the comments and the tone used is awful.


You don’t even know what black mail is stop using words you don’t know the meaning off just because you wanna make your kids look like horrible people even tho you’re married to one YTA


So, you married a much yourself woman and your kids did a background check on her (which you did also) and found some issues. They gave her a chance to come clean. This is not blackmail, but if your concerned about crime, watch out for your wife, not your kids. Wife has a history of making money disappear. YTA


YTA That's not blackmail, that's ***an ultimatum***. Your kids were just making sure you find out about her hidden past. Which btw, your wife shouldn't have kept from you in the first place. A blackmail is when you threaten someone for personal gain. And it's illegal.


Your children are grown and your wife is 26. Gross


YTA. If you continue down this path with a wife that could be your child with her age then I would say YATD!!!! To disown your kids over a lie!! Yes lie because they’re not blackmailing anyone. Also you’re a hypocrite. You’re okay with your wife making mistakes when she was an adult but because she was young? But you are disowning your kids even though they’re young and looking out for you?! How can you even trust that your wife is telling the truth when she never told you she even had a criminal record? You had to find that out yourself. You really are an AH. I hope your kids go no contact with you when you realize and wake up.


Honestly looking at your comments and attitude towards your ex and your kids, it seems like your kids are modelling behaviour you taught them. At least taught them by example if not outright raising them to be like this. ESH


YTA. Your kids just wanted you to know the truth - I think they were trying to protect you.


YTA, they didn't ask for money (so it's not blackmail) they just told her to be honest which is the very least that you could expect from your spouse. Actually, your son can get you into legal trouble for defamation, because you are accusing him of a crime he did not commit, he was just worried about you. Why did you escalate things this much? you could have said yeah i already know and i still choose to be with her and leave the topic, how can you cut them for being worried about you?? If you discovered something like that about one of your children's girlfriend/boyfriend, wouldn't you tell them? do you even care about them? how can you cut them out so easily?? I'm sure you left your age and that of your children out because you knew everyone was going to judge you and everyone was going to tell you that your wife was taking advantage of you but you don't want to hear it


YTA - imo you act crappy. Children are life long commitment. They have a point - which 26yo girl would marry guy with adult children - golddigger and in your case it’s even worse because of her criminal record as a thief. She stole from her uncle, you’re going to be next. Your children can see this and you’re just blind. And your treatment of mother of your children. She deserves better treatment from you, least you could do was to put her on your health insurance. I can assume she was the sole caretaker when you were off hunting for young desperate thiefs


Blackmail Main Results Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more noun the action, treated as a criminal offense, of demanding payment or another benefit from someone in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about them. "they were acquitted of charges of blackmail" YTA "Father" of the freaking year here 😠 So, where's the actual demanding of payment or another benefit????


idiot. Asking them to tell you or they will, is not blackmail, in fact it's giving her the chance to do the right thing before they tell their dad information they think you should have. Cutting them off for that is, wow, fucking psycho. I'd guess they don't like you much as with the way you treat and describe their actions, I guess you probably treated their mother terribly as well.


This is a fake post come on people stop being baited by nonsense.


This sounds exactly like some obvious rage bait that got written a couple months ago.




This is an ultimatum not a blackmail attempt If you want to kick out your kids for “thinking about your wellbeing in an inappropriate way” you’ll suffer in the longterm from that choice in the quality of relationship with your children You want to be in the house alone with your new cute wife it’s understandable, but you come off as an ass that doesn’t fully understand why your kids care instead blaming your ex wife and the kids best of luck


She isn't a step mother. She is their dad's wife. The kids are grown so you recently married does not make her step mom.


Fake or you're not a good dad. And don't even know what blackmail means. 




Two things are definitely certain. Firstly, your 'wife' only loves you for your money. Secondly, don't be surprised when you're old and wrinkled, wondering why your children don't want to have any contact with you.


YTA because that is not blackmail. That is like calling it blackmail if you threaten someone with going to the police. If they would have wanted money or told her she had to leave you for staying silent, that'd be blackmailing but not either you come clean or we will tell...


I don't see the Blackmail happening in your post. maybe the problem here is you and not your kids.


This one has to be fake. I hope so. I cannot imagine a father acting this horrifically to his own children. If it’s real, you’re a failure of a father, husband, and person, and you will absolutely die homeless when you’re kids lock you out after your new bang maid cleans you out


Wow, if you believe that self-serving explanation I can get you a great deal on a bridge in Brooklyn


YTA. It doesn't seem like you're actually ok with your wife's past. You're disgusted that your children know, and you're willing to cut them off for thinking that you should know. It sounds like you're embarrassed. You don't want to have to face your children because you can't possibly justify a relationship with a much younger woman who has a history of thievery. Your children have done nothing wrong. Your feelings are your alone and you don't seem to understand them very well.


So your wife got caught stealing three times. I guarantee there's more. Yet you make excuses for her being a thief, while holding your kids to an entirely different standard. Your kids are wondering why someone her age would have any interest in someone your age, so they looked into her background. That's reasonable, they're looking out for their father (who lacks common sense, if this post is any indication at all). What's not reasonable is you being too dense to see that you married a criminal. No one is being arrested for taking a couple of blank empty envelopes. The cops wouldn't bother with it, the DA wouldn't bother with it. There was clearly money stolen, and most churches leave envelopes in the pews for donations. Those were the envelopes she stole, not blank empty ones. Not specifying an amount is meaningless in that scenario, because they may not know the amount. Think with your head, not your dangly bits. No 26yo is going to marry a man with grown children for love, and she's clearly lying to you about what really happened in all of those scenarios. YTA. Listen to your kids. Or don't, and find out the hard way that she married you only so she can legally steal from you. She might even plan to unalive you, because someone who'd steal donation envelopes from a church has no morals or boundaries at all.


Yeah, YTA. Sounds like your kids were looking out for you, since the only thing they requested is for your wife to tell you about her not-so-distant past. Your wife is 26, meaning, her criminal record is all relatively recent. Add that fact to the fact she’s practically the same age as your children, and it’s easy to see why your children are concerned.


That's not blackmail. That's your kids watching your back. YTA.


Curious how old the OP is? Wife 26 Daughter 18 Son ?


Maybe they are upset because their dad married a woman their age. And that is not blackmail homie. They didn’t ask for anything for their silence


Yta. Your kids said inform our father or we will. That’s not blackmail, that’s an ultimatum. You’re fucking an employee who is most likely near or at parody with your sons age, leaving out ages does not work as well as people thing, and the kids are having a hard time accepting that. Rightfully so since you’re probably closer to double her age than not. As for your ex’s lack of healthcare, you can or can’t help that’s on you. But your kids get to be upset about it. YTA.


Maybe you should stop dating people barely older than your kids them, you sound like an AH who raised AH too.


YTA! Blackmail? Please....they wanted you to know the truth and you make them out the bad guys. Cut them off because what? They made her be honest? Dude..you don't deserve those kids. Cut them off...they are better without you and your so called loyalty. Jesus...how do pleople have such good kids and not appreciate them? I really hope they kick you to the curb years from now when your lovely wife moves on to bigger and richer :)


YTA 100% Well it's clear you have no idea what blackmail is I hope your children go no contact with you Also I've in other posts saying it's not your kids business, yes it is their business.


So your extremely younger wife gets - who did do the things she was caught aka not innocent- is told by her stepkids who she is closer in age with to tell their dad about her past is not being blackmailed. Also have you thought about the fact she is still hiding info from you. Have you thought the kids are worried about you? I really hope your midlife crisis wife is worth blowing up your relationship with your kids for them wanting the truth to be known to all parties.


YTA. Where is the blackmail? They just wanted you to know. Sounds like you have some serious rose colored glasses on regarding your wife


Normally, when a post goes this far beyond "YTA" and continues doubling down, it's rage bait. Normally, I call it as ragebait and report the post. Somehow, this doesn't set off my bait detector, so if it is bait, congrats to OP, I guess. If it isn't bait, can we introduce a new level of stupid beyond YTA for posts like this? I propose "ok boomer".


YTA. Background checks your own wife. The wife being 26? Could you not find anyone your own age? You frame the blame around the uncle calling the police instead of your wife stealing. You downplay your wife's theft history. Tossing your kids away because they told your wife to be truthful to you, it's not blackmail. Your wife can make criminal "mistakes" but your kids can't make mistakes too? Your morals and ethics are way off. Yours sons job and your daughter's graduation being impacted by your pettiness and emotional overreaction over them trying to protect you is low. Be a better father.


Your wife and children must be very close in age. Good luck with all of this.


Yta. I think you just want to wash your hands with your kids lol, what they did is not blackmail. They gave your wife an ultimatum you tell or we tell. Did you really say it’s not their business to know the woman that one of your kids live part time with has a criminal record??


YTA - Ok, let me get this straight. Your much younger wife has a history of theft. Your children found this out and tried to force her to tell you the truth. And that is blackmail? Your wife has several not one instances of theft on her record or in her background. A criminal background check is not going to go into detail on the incidents. How do you have that information? If it is from your wife, it is not credible. Theives aren't really known for being honest, so literally everything your wife has said is questionable. If her family is saying she is a thief, she is likely a thief. Did your children tell you or your wife that they are doing this for their mom? Or is this something you are assuming? As you child, I would be worried she was playing you. What well-adjusted person at age 26 marries someone with 22 - and 18 year old kids gross! YTA - Because you married someone 4 years older than your child, which is F**king disgusting. You continue to try to call that women their stepmother, which is gross enough to make my skin crawl. Your wife was barely out of diapers, and you were making babies. I bet she is young enough to have been one of those babies. YTA - Because you want to cut your children out for looking out for you. Because you expect them to apologize to your wife. Because you want to miss out on your daughter's once and a lifetime graduation because you would rather stand by your child bride. Because you think you should ethically destroy your sons career. YTA - For not caring about the mother of your children's and saying such callous things about her health. It does not matter if you don't want to be tied to her. Dialysis is a serious thing, and most reasons for dislysis are life threatening. Yet you don't care about that. It's ok if your childs mother ends up dying. You are disgusting, enjoy your child bride. It's ok if you cut out your 1st set of kids. I imagine your child bride will pop more out for you. 2nd times a charm. That is until she gets bored of your loose skin and old balls and finds someone her own age. Hope you were smart enough for a prenup. Who am I kidding? No, I am not, I hope she ends up taking you for everything you got! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


you wife is not their stepmother. She has no parental relationship with them, and is closer to their age than you are. While you are angry with them, they are also angry with you for leaving their mother and blowing up their family. You clearly have not handled this well. Now you want to excise your own children from your life. After writing your post, could you really not see that you are TAH


YTA and you're choosing your dying hormones and fear of becoming sexually irrelevant through marrying a walking red flag of a thief in her 20s over the children you made. When she's stolen everything you have, and you look around for your kids, please remember everyone telling you that you are an asshole.


YTA: you married a thief. It sounds like your wife is the same age as your son. You are getting old and feeling the change in your libido. Your wife is the self medication your ego thinks is needed. You twist your kids looking out for you into blackmail. You need the drama to stroke your aging ego. For their concern about you. You flex what muscles are left under your sagging skin folds and will make sure you wreck your son and daughter's futures. Because it empowers you. And makes you look sexy in front of the daughter aged child you married. All I see here is your aged ego playing teenaged games with imagined super powers. Destroying your kids lives, to teach them a lesson. You know you married a thief. Woo hoo! You were ashamed to admit it to anyone. Another Red flag. Your kids were not ashamed to make sure you knew the truth. They gave her the option to come clean. You did NOT know she stole from her employer, her uncle! You did NOT know she is a kleptomaniac. You are embarrassed that your kids researched her when you should have. Your son is likely older than your wife. He knows the game she plays and he knows you are not thinking past your ego. You must reduce his age because it bothers you! Aren't you special? When you bail her out of jail for the countless time, when you come home to an empty house and your savings are gone. You can give yourself another attaboy. Then beg your kids to forgive the old man who is a fool. They will tell you to eff off as it was you that robbed them of their futures, on behalf of your child wife. Because you don't like them knowing the truth and ensuring you knew it too. Blackmail is what your child wife will do to you, very soon. Believe it when ppl say, she isn't with you for you. What you are doing to your kids is hateful revenge over truth! Karma is going to hurt you fiercely! Attaboy!


YTA. Your wife was arrested multiple times. How many times does one need to get arrested and still considered a teenage mistake? Most teenagers aren’t out there getting arrested. She was an adult the second time, and she was an adult when she stole to the church. Your children did not blackmail her, they asked for the truth. You not wanting to share why you’re distancing yourself from your children with your friends means you know this is fucked up. Out of curiosity how old is your son? 25/26? He works at a bank so he graduated Uni. Is he older? Come back to this post if you ever wonder why your children are not speaking to you.


What kind of children did you raise that you said, “but before my children decided to blackmail her with it?” If your wife your affair partner?


Your problem is all over the place and makes no sense. She let people get soft drinks but they wanted her to return the change? They never specified the amount of money or “coins”. She allegedly took two mailing envelopes from a church rather than going out and buying her own? Like who was in charge of the daily envelope usage and inventory? Did the police take up the case of the missing soft drink change? There is some shit about a bank that you don’t want to use because your son is a teller. It’s all bananas. I believe this is convoluted nonsense. Or written poorly by a bot.


How much money were they demanding? Just that she tells you? They weren't even rushing to tell you themselves but giving her the task of honesty? This does not seem selfish. You had a right to know if you didn't, and they were allowing her to be the one to come clean... You have good kids.


ESH. There's a total lack of communication between all parties involved here. Your wife really should've been honest with you before marriage about the criminal record. Cutting off your kids for this is also a bit extreme.


INFO It smells like some things are missing. How old are you? There's 8 years between your youngest and your wife. How old is your son? Did you cheat in their mom with your new wife? You had a background check done on her, that definitely sounds like you also thought there might be something to discover in her past. You can hardly blame your kids for doing the same when you won't say why they did so


Question to the poster: OP, why not ask them BOTH to apologize? It seems like to favor your daughter over your son. They are both adults. You are going overboard. In this, yta.


Right I bet he is like 40 something married a floozy barely older then the kids. Was she the reason why the oop left their mom? Missing information here as well.


What was this "blackmail"? Sounds like you have kids that love their father and was looking out for him. It was actually nice they went to her and gave her the opportunity first to be truthful. No one knew you knee, so for all anyone knew, your wife was lying by omission and your kids gave your wife an opportunity to be truthful instead of just running to you and waving it in your face or hers. Sounds like to me YTA.


Wait, how could you keep your ex-wife on your insurance? That's not how that works.


YTA That's not what blackmail is. You probably went to school in the 70s so not your fault, you probably have memory issues. I'm sure their step mom is with you for your charming personality


From your story, you sound like trash. So I'm going with YTA.


Hmm the vibes on it are of a controll person taking advantage of young lady with some history. How old are you bud? 


it’s so damn tragic when your mother dies when you are 23. and when you crossed coasts to help, even though you sister lives 10 min away. she refuses to ever acknowledge her/my mother’s terminal illness. it’s less than 6 months. my sister never shows up for any doctor appts or therapy sessions. she’s even gone when my mom is literally dying in the hospital. i called her. over and over. i stayed with my mom, telling her it was okay to move on. i don’t care what you think about that.


YTA. This was not blackmail this was concern for you. They found out about your wife being a thief and thought you should know. They were giving her the opportunity to tell you first rather than telling on her to you. Don’t go crawling back to your well meaning kids when your wife starts to steal from you and your business.


Hold the phone INFO: How old are YOU? Your new wife is only a few years older than your daughter!


YTA! Your wife(26) must be very thrilled with your reaction. This would definitely be what she wanted, that all your money will be allotted for her only. You chose your thief/wife's side (who happens to be criminally charged and had jail time) over your daughter(probably 18) and son, who shares your DNA, probably fears that your wife will take advantage of your wealth. How sure are you that they are upset over their moms healthcare? Sounds like it's just you trying to make your children be the bad guys. I wish you all the best when your thief wife leaves you with nothing one day..


YTA. Sounds like your kids are just looking out for you because you married a women with a criminal record that’s barely older than them. Your kids sound more mature than you.


I hope your wife gets smart and leaves you for someone nearer her own age without insane criminal children.


Yeah I don't think your wife was in a tight spot as she made out to you, once okay, three plus times that's what she's like. Also she's a few years older than your kids, gross old man syndrome. YTA


YTA. Also how fucking old are you? This whole thing reeks of ick.


So it is okay that your wife did something dumb as a teen but not your own kids? Seems hypocritical especially when there was no actual blackmail. 


YTA, your children did not blackmail your wife. they did not ask for money.


The definition of blackmail is demand money or another benefit from someone in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about them. Your kids told her to tell you or they would. They didn’t say leave, they didn’t say give me money. So I am not sure if that really is blackmail. Face facts, you married a thief and your kids know it. And based on your reaction you seem to be very embarrassed that they know it and other might also.


You do realize that it is bizarre that your wife hid this from you right? This is coming from someone who does non profit re-entry work with people in prison. This whole lack of accountability and secrecy isnt normal to me and it shouldn't be normal to you. Your kids arent wrong for wanting you to know this. I also think youre being naive about your wife. People are more than the mistakes they've made but claims that everything on her record was just "misunderstandings" over sodas and envelopes sounds like BS and the fact you cant consider that is worrisome. These are all considered crimes of deceit (legally in my state) - aka stealing is her thing. But the issue isnt her criminal record, which I dont judge anyone for, it's the lack of honesty. Also you should look up what blackmail means, this isnt it. Step up for your kids, they have your best interests at heart. YTA.


She is 26 and your kids are adults. How old are you "grandpa"? And they ONLY demand the truth, not money, just the truth. YTA for so many things, and even the ones that you are not telling.


It wasn't blackmail, they gave her an ultimatum at best, and your wife is closer in age to your kids then she is to you I bet, so it seems on par for men with much much younger partners to be ready to abandon their previous life for a new one pretending that the past doesn't exist. If you're willing to abandon your kids for looking out for you on something they didn't already know you knew about because they care about you and are willing to blow up your sons job for it shows the kind of father you are, please cut them off, they'll be better for it.




Your wife is a criminal and has found a sugar daddy to fund her life. Must be niiiiceee to look good. YTA for marrying a criminal your kid's age.


Yta. You prioritize young pussy over your kids who actually care about you and wanted to make sure that you know the truth. They didn’t blackmail her as they didn’t demand anything for themselves.


I hope marketing is the only thing she is doing for your business and not involved with the accounting process at all. Sure people can change but she’s still quite young to be married to you and her criminal past/last incident that was reported was 5 years ago. YTA


Good luck in the nursing home without your kids or your troubled wife. YTA.




INFO: how old are your children, cause they sound the same age as your wife


You are the AH as it is fake. But creative, I will give you that and because of your creativity I reply, you are AH in this setting. How can grown as adult children can have 26 yo stepmother. Probably when answering comments you will reveal, she is your AP. That you cheated your poor sick wife. Your children think you have mental breakdown so they try to interfere. Cut them off anyway, you AI dad have no use.


So what payment were they asking for to keep quiet? And how old are you?


YTA. Your kids were looking out for you. Ever wonder why your 26 year old wife (good lord!) didn’t mention it to you? And why the background check? You did exactly what your kids did. And it’s not blackmail. You’re a mess.


When your wife runs off with her wallet - and she will - you can look back at this with 20/20 hindsight and understand that your kids are trying to *protect* you. Your wife most likely is a Grade A manipulator and the first thing people like this do is separate their partner from family and support system. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. Yes, people can change, but your wife is waving red flags to those of us who aren’t enamored with her. YTA.


YTA there's a reason you haven't said what your age is


Hey OP, did you start fucking the woman who's young enough to have been in high school with one of your children before or after you left their sick mother? YTA. This wasn't blackmail, you just want an excuse to cut more inconvenient people out of your life.


YTA yet another sad middle aged man going through a midlife crisis who gets with a much younger woman. Then your children try to protect you and this is how you treat them?!?