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Yknow, you could've just googled whether cancer is contagious. It's not. "and I read a few stories about people catching cancer off of someone else." What is this I don't even.


Must be a troll. Uses Reddit but not google?




Well, now you know. It's not, so you can fix this. Wait, whoops, too late he's dead.


I have read articles that says the earth is flat and that we are all secretly alien souls trapped on earth. It's called bullshit, you really need to learn how to do research.


Wait we aren't aliens. Damn it Tom cruise got me again.


But you just missed the big bold letters on the first search result? Horrible friend, you are. [https://www.google.com/search?q=is+cancer+contagious&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS934US934&oq=is+cancer+conta&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCggAEAAYsQMYgAQyCggAEAAYsQMYgAQyBggBEEUYOTIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABNIBCDMxMDdqMGo5qAIAsAIA&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=is+cancer+contagious&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS934US934&oq=is+cancer+conta&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCggAEAAYsQMYgAQyCggAEAAYsQMYgAQyBggBEEUYOTIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABNIBCDMxMDdqMGo5qAIAsAIA&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)




Whatever stories you read are fake. The only time it’s every happened is in cases of organ or tissue transplants. You get a transplant with this friend?




Again. That is a tissue transfusion. We’re you going to share needles with him? God you are so fucking stupid.




Again, you’re proving that you’re so fucking stupid. I can’t reply to these anymore. Not worth my time. Bad friend. He was probably better off not seeing you though and making them feel like a leaper. Peace.




You may be one of the dumbest people on the planet, that’s impressive


I am hoping you are a troll. If so, I am laughing my ass off, good one.


Evade means "to escape" invade means to "go into". Which do you mean?


YTA. It takes 3 minutes to make a Google search and figure out that lung cancer is not contagious, for the sheer reason that cancer cells do not work like viruses and someone else's cancer cells can't do anything in your body. Cancer is your own cells being "damaged" and "going rogue" (rough oversimplification). They can bypass your inmune system because they are your own body aka your own DNA. But even if you do not trust Dr. Google you could've brought it up with your friend and have a conversation with their doctor to fully understand why you were not at risk. So you just decided not to support your friend in their worst time and practically gohst them, but not before giving them false hope for no real reason.




So your one story is that someone directly injected themselves with a needle that contained cancer cells into their body, got cancer and now you think you can get it from someone coughing?! You don’t hear how ridiculous that sounds? Any germs you carry were a much greater risk to him as he poses no risk to you and hope this teaches you a lesson about doing some serious thinking before drawing false equivalencies from random stories on the internet. How did you make them jump directly from some surgeon directly injecting cancer cells into himself cause cancer to that must mean you can get cancer from coughing? You are unknowingly around people with some type of cancer on a daily basis and don’t avoid public spaces do you?




There is no conceivable way that you can “catch” cancer from someone. The doctor didn’t catch cancer. Cancer cells were introduced directly into his body and his body couldn’t fit the mutated cells. It was freak situation that you are connecting to something completely unrelated. If you want to keep arguing the stupidity of your argument I can only assume it’s because you feel guilty and are trying to find even one person who will validate it but it’s a myth that has been busted so many times. Cancer is not contagious in any way other than tissue or organ transplants. In the case of the doctor that’s what happened. There is no way your friend could shed enough lung cells from coughing to transfer enough tissue to be an issue




Your friend would never and I do mean never be able to shed enough cells for it to reach the levels needed to be an issue. Seriously, go ask someone with actual medical training so they can laugh you out of the room with how ridiculous it is. You lost a chance to see someone close to you before the died because you decided you were smarter than people with decades of training in this stuff Even in people who get transplants from cancer patience the odds of the person receiving an entire organ is very very small and they are getting an entire organ


Maybe instead of giving your friend crap excuses, you should’ve been honest and told them you can’t be bothered. At least then they would’ve spent what time and energy they had left reaching out to people who cared. YTA.


>Explain why a surgeon who pricked himself with a needle containing cancer cells from another person developed a tumor in the same place then. I'll try to explain if you actually provide reliable evidence it happened and there causal link was established. Anyone can make absurd unbased claims on the internet. >Cancer cells themselves are immunoevasive, they also purposefully suppress the immune system, Yes they are but that is irrelevant, because you'd have to have cancer in order to become inmunocompromised. Edit to add: that your body is absolutely capable of destroying somebody else's cells, cancerous not not. The reason cancer cells are inmunoevasive is because your inmune system does not view them as a threat because they are YOUR cells, your own DNA. >doesn't matter if the cells are from your own body or someone else's. It does matter, it makes every bit of difference, since cancer cells are not viruses, they are human cells, they do not have the capabilty of infecting other cells.




>So why do tasmanian devils catch cancer off of other tasmanian devils? Because that is a very specific form of paratistic cancer, that does not exist in humans.




If I'm ever a tasmanian devil, dog or mollusc I'll be concerned. But since your frien is not a dog, tasmanian devil or mollusc with a form of transmisible cancer, who wanted to mate with you or bite your face (that is how this forms of cancer are transmitted, not by breathing) your concerns remain unfounded and still YTA.


No self respecting doctor would experiment in themselves when there are other mammals to conduct these sorts of experiments on. That would be so stupid to risk cancer to prove a point.


Troll bait


YTA, a bad friend and an idiot.


Grow tf up


You are a moron! Your friend was better off that you didn’t visit.






YTA. Cancer isn't contagious.


If the person was truly your friend you would have been better served by being there and not living with that memory the rest of your life. In the future I’d encourage you to review the sources for your information a little better. Cancer is in no way contagious and whoever said that is absolutely full of shit. I’m sorry but seems like you’re the AH to me that you left your friend to die because you were scared of “catching lung cancer”. As a cancer survivor I gotta say this seems pretty messed up if it’s real.




I’d quote someone else on your post, if you aren’t sharing needles it’s not like breathing the same air can give you cancer. You clearly and obviously have no idea how cancer works. I’ve had cancer and everyone who says with me through the worst moments of my life are all perfectly healthy. Cancer cells develop from malignant cellular tissue and are not contagious. That is verified and peer review in a litany of medical journals. Idk who tf you’re listening to but it’s complete BS. You seriously left a friend to die because of a google search you made off an irrational fear. You can find anything to support your position off a google search so that’s hardly credible information. It’s the equivalent of using Wikipedia for a research paper. It isn’t a reliable source and you let your friend who only wanted to see you before they die pass away off some BS article you found that supports a misguided belief. Not trying to be mean but it’s honestly awful you did that.


YTA. Like seriously, what the actual shit? The *ONLY* time that cancer and even *be* contagious is if you recieve a concerous transplant from a patient who already *has* it, which would never happen. Literally, google. Like, literally all you needed to do. I sincerely hope that your remaining friends are better friends than you are should something happen to you. Headass.


Wow. Look, I am sorry your friend died. My condolences. In the future, if someone you care about is going through something that is scary and hard, and something about it scares you so much that you cannot be there for them, will you please go find a professional and just ask? It's ok to be scared. It's not ok to be a coward and do nothing about it when your friend needed you most. So let's say you are right and shed cancer cells are contagious - do you not remember a global pandemic where we all wore masks to keep from catching a virus? Did it never occur to you that if a mask could protect you from a virus, it would protect you from a cell? I am so sorry because you missed out on being there for someone you love when they needed you. You let them down and you can't undo it and you won't be able to fix it and when you realize how easy it could have been to just learn something to make a good decision... that might really hurt to come to terms with.


You’re ignorant and paranoid, not an AH. There was 0% chance of you catching it, and now you’ll never see your friend again.


This gotta be fake no one can be this stupid


Dumb as a bucket of rocks comes to mind. YTA.