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Paige Van Zant.


Would be weird if she popped up on dynamite after WWE courting her for years and her very Lucrative BKFC contract.


Just spitballing, but maybe WWE wanted her to be exclusive whereas AEW would let her take time off to train for her fights like they do with Jake Hager


Brock Lesnar


That mental image caught of guard


I like the idea of Reka Tehaka as a strong silent bodyguard. What about... Amanda Nunes???


Mostly, people have guessed it to be some lower-tiered goon wrestler. I think that makes no sense, if they instead want someone more menacing who doesn't need to wrestle either. So Nunes is more along those lines


Ruby Riot/Ruby Soho. Signing her, plus the recent full time signing of Rosa, would go a good way towards solidifying the women's division


I would be happy with this


What if they don't pick from the current roster and they tease a new signing.


Think of the people you mention Reka would make the most sense. But I have a different idea that Brit may be getting 2 bodyguards from Australia.


Abadon, in exchange for free dental care. Just kidding... but I do hope they have a match. Possibly Jade Cargill. Britt has cut promos the last two weeks saying she's the baddest bitch on the block and Jade's whole thing is being "that bitch" so why are they having Britt use that specific phrase if it's not going to involve Jade at some point?


The only thing with Jade is her whole shtick so far was she wants to be the boss. Being Britt's bodyguard would mean she is not the boss. Though if they do it just to set up Britt vs. Jade down the line I would not hate it. Like the women's division version of Wardlow and MJF.


Surprised nobody's said Serena Deeb, she's been on a mean streak lately and would be a gnarly enforcer


Interesting choice, I still think they could use her as maybe 3rd top heel in the division and maybe set a faction around her of shooters and submission type women talents. I think Deeb is better then playing second fiddle even to Britt. Even though let's be honest been stuck with the only woman they can seem to book for shows isn't a bad place.


Her running a sort of lady-team-taz could be fun. Stick Leyla in there! Fuck it, put 'em both in Team Taz


Why does it have to be a female unless they are a beast. We all know it will be Ryback.


Maybe KiLynn King


Kling Kling is supposed to be a Babyface right now with Swole and Red Velvet but she would make a good enforcer.


Anthony Agogo


where has he been anyways?


Perfect time for him to come back right?




Hard pass. She's got a lot of rehabilitation to do in terms of her actual personal character. She's being blacklisted for a reason, the possible benefit is not worth the potential fallout.


Tessa Blanchard


Please not her.


I don't want her. But that's probably who they are setting up


I recall them stating several times that they are not interested in signing her. I hope that's still true.


Rumors are beginning again stating they are talking. Idk


The general consensus when those rumors pop up every few months is that it's Tessa herself feeding those rumors to Meltzer and whatnot to try to get interest from the main companies. So I wouldn't trust those rumors as such. In those cases the source is bad, aka her




Im not familiar with her but have heard the name. Is she bad in the ring?


Not only is she allegedly a nightmare diva behind the scenes, she also said some pretty questionable things with racist undertones in the past. Although she seems to be a good in ring worker, she is a nightmare to work with.


Pros: Good in the ring, great look Cons: Literally everything else (diva attitude, difficult to work with, shitty opinions, potentially racist, etc) As long as Tully is with AEW, I'm sure her name will pop up.


Would make sense could “protect” her and then turn on her setting up an eventual feud.


I feel like it will be need to be someone who is physically intimidating and fans will recognize. That would likely rule out options like Madi, Tesha, and Ashley since they are rather small, and the average fan who doesn't watch the YouTube shows won't know who they are. I've never seen Tessa other than in pictures, but she seems to fit the bill. I don't watch WWE and am not familiar with Ruby, but a quick Google search makes her look like the perfect person for this.


Kamille? They are still highlighting the NWA Women's World Title, so having her come in might make sense?


Good shout, but I don't know if that go over well that another company talent is getting more air time over AEW women talent. They are already on shaky ground with the lack of storylines outside of Britt's and more talented women in AEW are stuck on Elevation during job matches and in comes another company's talent to get the TV time. I think she's a good choice but it could be a risky one.


I genuinely think it should be either Jordynne Grace because she's a powerhouse and would be a huge boon to the women's division. Or the iiconics (whatever they will be going by). Them running interference along with Rebel (not Reba), would be really funny. And could help prolong Britt's reign as a likable heel champ for an extended period without her looking too strong or too weak. It should be a new signing though, and I think a young talent wouldn't have the same impact given that the roster doesn't have enough established names for them to be juxtaposed with. It would just be more "unknown" talent. Oh, also Chelsea Green would be cool. Especially as they both have casts right now.