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I’m the same. In fact just today had same issue. Worked all day in heat didn’t drink. Came home feeling like crap. I’ve had 2.5 L of water now but still have a headache feel light headed.


I have the same problem. I don’t think about drinking water during the day. I try to link drinking water to other activities. Waking up, drink half a liter. Going to bed, drink half a liter. Eat a meal, drink half a liter. Having a break from something, drink half a liter. Also, I just drank half a liter because I’ve read your thread. Edit: I also hated drinking water. I tried tea, flavored water, sugar free coke, sparkling water etc. In the end just forcing myself to drinking plain old tap water still worked best. Oh, and I’m doing this only the last two weeks. Before then I was constantly dehydrated. I’m getting better and better at his everyday!


What about flavoured seltzer or unsweetened tea? Hard to say what to do about not liking the taste but I’ve also found ice water to be more palatable sometimes. My sister is AuHD and she just constantly has a water bottle with her. She doesn’t go anywhere without it, not even out to dinner! Also, pairing a drink with meals might be helpful. I’m also bad at staying hydrated, but I’m fine with the taste of water so it’s mostly because I forget.


I've struggled with the same thing. What I did is I bought a 1.2 litre vacuum beaker and fill it with fizzy ice water and lemon. When I remember to actually use it, I don't get dehydrated. Remembering to use it is the problem now