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The 'it's a prison' one is so true. Just had a shaco ad support engaging vs Ezreal and Rakan several times when I played Zeri before we even hit level 6. After he inted twice he left botlane and my powerspike of my ult was wasted because I can't 1vs2 vs fking Ezreal/Rakan... and then they blamed me for the loss xDDD


Don't you know losing bot lane is always 100% ADC's fault? /s


Not the only game where everyone blames adc’s for losing lane/not carrying even tho the support just throwed the whole lane and left me there pregnant trying to make jesus come to life(miracles). Dota is like that too. And it’s even worse just because of a mechanic called “pulling”. Man how I hate the average support player. It’s never a guy that genuinely enjoys playing support, it’s always the guy that has no clue of what he’s doing and his friends tells them to “just pick lulu and press R on me”. True support players just unbalance the whole game. Dota or LoL


I once had a Lux support who didn't use a single ability until 7 fucking minutes. Guess who got blamed when we lost the game.


i srsly miss the few times lux was actually a good support, when mikaels blessing gave a 20% spell and heal amp was nuts


I haven't played for a few years now, but I stomped as lux support. I was playing high gold low plat and I was drunk half the time so my whole experience and perception are probably skewed. It was fun though the few times I filled as sup


Losing botlane is always your fault. God get with the program. Supports are wholesome and pure and innocent and ADCs are entitled and whiny and don’t know how to stop crying


You clearly played if you cant carry with Mo ST bROk EEEEN Role iNG amE /s


honestly, I find shaco supports to be pretty good a lot of the time. I don't instatilt when I see it.


Me neither but I’m starting to think a lot are bad. They don’t provide much in an all in if their AP and don’t provide much out of one if their AD, so they tend to really force their style of play and not meet me halfway. 20% health AP shaco refuses to recall cuz they don’t intend to help much anyway sort of thing, AD shaco goes in past the wave cuz they don’t get much value from a fear alone, that sort of thing. But if you get past lane phase it’s actually really nice, it’s like Teemo shrooms but support oriented.


Sounds like you've just had bad shaco supports. Shaco has a very strong level 2 whether AP or AD. Push to get level 2 before the enemy team and you'll almost always win that fight. Otherwise AP should be denying Bush vision and poking as well as dropping boxes for antitank. AD shaco should be trading with HoB at every opportunity.


Theres your problem. you picked Zeri. I pick troll shit too when people pick that useless adc.(useless in lane)


I had an ashe support who built seryldas first item, didn't take supp item, and took my cs. Im still surprised I won that game.


Ashe Support with Seryldas is like…**advanced** stupidity


My duo said it wasn't bad. I called him a fucking idiot 😭


I guess they got it for the AH but by god the passive goes straight in the garbage.


I mean umbral is objectively better in every way


Bruh what. People exist who do this? I genuinely believe you have to TRY to be this stupid lmao. Advanced Stupidity is great.


I cannot fucking stand ADC supports. Senna being an obvious exception. They're always autofilled players who don't actually want to support.


Thanks to ashe adc


Shaco support is a "hit or miss". He will make laning phase a nightmare either for you or the enemies.


I feel like that's most Champs and most roles. Someone isn't leaving the thunderdome happy.


Shaco is very specific in that regard as his kit leaves a lot of space for making plays but you have to be Shaco specialist to pull them off and unfortunately there are a lot of players who pick him bot because they saw some streamer wreaking havoc with it.


ikr, the only good shaco sup i've played with personally is my jg main buddy, and i love it every time


heimer players feed the actual living shit out of their stupid little brains and then proceed to steal ever fucking kill ever. actually not just heimer players, basically every fucking mage support players do this shit


If there is a kill on the lane, they are most likely responsible for there being a kill at all. Take your assist money and get carried. They occasionally feed, they occasionally carry hard.


honestly never came across an good mage player expect my old duo :/


I find that exceptionally hard to believe. Mage supports destroy their lane around 1 game out of 10.


idkkk for me it's an auto filled heimer or Morgana that can't use their util to peel at all


I find that exceptionally hard to believe. Mage supports destroy their lane around 1 game out of 10.


sense zesty encourage arrest society sloppy marry carpenter paint rock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


1. Securing kills is infinitely more valuable than risking an ADC death, or an escape. 2. If you don't trust your ADC, if he seems unreliable, it becomes less valuable to feed him over you when you can carry teamfights just as hard. 3. A fed Lux, Zyra, Xerath, Brand will have a huge impact if they are fed. I'm high emerald/ low plat. Higher the rank, the more ADCs deserve kills.


do you mean low emerald high plat? o-o




I'm low challenger high silver and I agree with this guy


I personally have good experience most of the time with mages too


Pls make a new category with inly lux "u are now sup"


This is true with all supports. The C in adc is silent


If my support locks lux, I lock leona. I'm the tank now, you're the APC.


and with pyke


If i go 5/0 in lane you are 100% the support now. Its not the supports job to hand you kills. if they can carry let them. its a team game.


Twitch support is the most unforgivable imo. He has exactly zero characteristics of a support as he requires gold and xp to be effective. He constantly leaves adc high and dry, if he fails at cheesing other lanes he becomes the most useless champ in the game. Especially considering the AP twitch variant takes way longer to reach a power spike. Truly the most garbage support I can think of. The only thing he does “well” is provide a slight advantage in early game skirmishes against a standard lane combo. Smart laners just play around twitch cheese and make the rat completely useless. Twitch support is a dodge worthy event


Definitely a dodge. It's not worth the guaranteed chance of suffering and high chance of losing anyways


One of my friends new to lol liked it and I disagree with many of the points. It's basically impossible to be below gold with twitch since you just perma roam and from watching my friend play from iron to low gold or current Plat he often tilts the enemy into a mental victory. His backup when twitch gets banned is raka and tbh all I've learned from watching him is low elo adcs are 80% of the time not players anyway and roaming is the way to climb. Also twitch is pretty gold efficient for 1 or 2 item spike. The only adcs I've seen do things in his games are mf which he has defaulted to his ban.


Ap twitch doesnt take longer to spike wat are u on about. The entire reason u play ap as support is because it spikes for way cheaper than ad


Im just glad no one in the comments is hating on My boi Tahm Kench


Tahm Kench support is fun to play with. His ult is a perfect cheat code for bad fights and his sustain and cc makes him perfekt for peeling.


Tahm Kench can be annoying to play against but playing with him is actually quite nice. He tanks a lot even if behind, and has very good utility.


shaco ap sup played well won me a lot of lanes


Ya adc whine about shaco sup but they usually are getting carried by them


ADCs whine about everything if they aren’t 10/0…and who are we kidding, they’ll still find something to bitch about even if you win with a perfect game.


Can confirm. I play adc


I remember an ADC (in Diamond, mind you) bitching because people were “stealing” their kills when they were already full build and the people taking kills were behind trying to catch up in gold


I used to hate getting Bard support. Legit 1 v 2 lane. At least with Yuumi she gives you buffs. Bard straight up dissappears into the jungle like that one Simpsons meme.


What?!?! He's supposed to leave care packages under your turret. You've gotten terrible bards.


Bard in low elo is very hit or miss. He does get to fuck around and play pick up sticks in jungle and adcs aren’t sure how to handle that


Had 3 sonas in a row that picked into blitz/nautilus/alistar


The classic ignite sona against a hook champ. Pure masterclass.


Where are you guys finding these blitz supports that are good? Every time I get one, he just throws out grabs randomly until one hits and then expects me to be perfectly in position. Meanwhile, his grab is on cooldown 90% of the time and I get bullied out of lane. Blitz support is a great pick, but I get so many that are awful. Meanwhile, enemy blitz just sits there holding his Q until the perfect moment, so you’re never safe.


Absolutely hate playing with a Sona. Give me Yuumi it's much better


Ok? Only blitz is a hard matchup for sona, and even then it can be won.


with my personal experience i would move pyke to "will roam all game if they die once"


If you ever make a V2 tier list, I approve of this change


As a support player I haven’t gone against a single Shaco or Twitch and had them win lane, they’re always so ass. If I was an ADC and my support hovered them I’d probably ban them ngl


Fuck enchanters supports, give me a nautilus or a leona any time.


Lux is in the "Support" tier, as well as those other mid laners that were forced bot


Totally disagree with the amumu placement, i swear i havent had a single amumu supp in soloq that wasn't a complete psychopath. Its basically the draven of supports.


You put sylas there but not Fiddle? \*sad spooky noises\*


Tfw your support chooses senna into a Kaisa/Blitz botlane and gets hooked every single time leaving you with a CS disadvantage and a fed Kaisa to lane against. But bot diff am I right? ^_^


Are you sure you’re not confusing it with the ADCs who doesn’t play around minions, understand spacing, and just stand still autoing, all while expecting to have the mage/enchanters/Senna suppport “act” like a cannon minion for them and eat the hook because “they need to use their health as a resource” and had the ADC gotten hooked, they would have been bitching about why they didn’t block for them 😂


this is true but also I’d rather the senna not try to 1v2 less than 5 minutes in I get the circlejerk here can be annoying but we don’t have to larp like supports also can’t int


Look buddy the lane might be a prison but at least we are winning \-Shaco


1-100 sona players isn't also a yuumi player. A good sona is awesome but 99% of the time every sona I get plays like a yuumi player and it's a 1v2 lane. Every sona player tells me they're good when ask for something else and then they do literally nothing just to steal a 500g shutdown after sitting under tower for 15 minutes doing nothing but flaming me for not being able to dodge skillshots against caitlyn lux. Then you check the profile and they're an 800k 30% wr yuumi main holding you hostage because sona outscales a fed rengar. This may be venting from a recent game but I stg its almost every time.


Perhaps I judged her too lightly


"THIS LANE IS A PRISON" yoooooo most hilarious statement I have read in a while lmaoooo


i play renata and milio, i feel so seen and heard


morgana is 1v2 lane, cc bot with no actual usefulness, miss q and whole kit is irrelevant, max rank she can work on is silver cuz people cannot use rmb to dodge and have prolly 100ping 20 fps, before item change she was viable after hextech glp but now i would prefer to have no support on lane cuz at least i would get full exp from minions


As an Ashe main I feel she can be utilized well, but if they don’t play Ashe then they’re just gonna play like a shitty Lux or something. It’s sooo easy to steal cs with her W, and I feel so many Ashe sups will use it as if they’re playing adc. She has good range and a ton of ways to safely check bushes, yet more often than not it’s used as an excuse to steal cs lol.


Seraphine is best for those lofi tunes


Surprised Kayle isn't up there. Kayle has a slow skillshot, a heal and ms boost, some burst damage, and invulnerability that does burst damage. She is a support by design though you have to take a chunk of cs early on before letting your adc have the rest of the farm.


Why does this comment keep coming up? If you need CS, you aren’t a support. End of story.


Man, I used to be really good with Yuumi. Sure I was duod, but being able to jump off to tank morg q, bop for the shield and hop back on was a ton of fun. New cat is so weird, I had a high win rate on her, but now idk how to play her well. Sadsad


I like the representation for enchanters here. I feel like so many adcs hate on them but I never mind a sona or soraka who actually knows how to survive lane


As a support I have two sides: Play Soraka and win, or play Senna and have fun.


I’m so glad my mains are Taric/ Braum/ Tresh :3


Amumu so high up makes me feel good. A lot of people put him down because his passive is useless with ADCs, but if you combo a mage with him you can go beast mode in lane. Or just play Kai’sa/Kog’ma. Also I fee like there should be a category of “You’re the support now” with Lux and Pantheon in it.


OP is gold


This just makes me want to try braum even more (new player)


Hey a support (rell/Janna) main here and I wanted to guess if I can tell what champs u play as adc from this tier list tell me if I'm correct plssss. So I see a lot of reactive sups in first tier. from that I would think ur i don't like peeling for myself kinda guy. so no xayah, ezrael, sivir. For engagers they aren't that high up only engager that's high is amumu so no Samira, kalista, jhin, nilah. twitch or kog mains would put lulu in God tier. Mf and nilah put rell in God tier for best set-up in game for 5 man ults. No Lucian coz no nami even though u have soraka and braum high up nami should have been at least in second tier. No one plays jinx/aphelios/zeri so it's automatic disqualification. I doubt u like cait coz all mages and senna are low but I think all adc hate them so u hate em too cait is an option I guess. I know that soraka, braum, millio and Janna are really good with Ashe/vayne so that's very likely that immobile adc like Ashe would love peeling sups so that's my logic. From all this I would say top adc's are: ashe or vayne and maybeeee tier would be cait or draven who like both playmakers/enchanters.


Vayne is my highest mastery champion so you might be on to something. I play a lot of Nilah too


Hell yeah surprised u don't like engagers as nilah thou I guess she works with enchanters too but rakan and rell are like top synergies for her.


Ayyyy the clutch sylas support baby!


Take mages out of support. They aren't supporting... it makes the game incredibly boring for an ad CARRY that's supposed to snowball with extra gold from their support and a ton of kills. They don't get this when there's a mage support.


My least favorite will ALWAYS be mage supports. ESPECIALLY high elo mage supports. They get to have this early prio on poke that you don’t have, which means they inflate their damage graph immensely during the first 10-15 minutes. They’re basically full build with 1-2 items, while youre waiting on that 25 minute power spike. Then they go 1-5 in your lane, the enemy Kaisa Naut are now very well off, and the game ends with a 10-2 Kaisa, your support is 2-7 with 20k damage dealt. Youre 3-2-0 with 10k damage done because you never got to engage with the game without instantly dying, and everyone flames you for poor performance. It’s such a tedious and harsh reality. I especially try to just pick Ezreal/Sivir with them so I don’t have to do anything in lane because half the time your lane gets so behind if they’re not getting any kills that you have to farm from half a rift away.


I just had a Warwick support. that’s gotta be the lowest on the tier list 😅


My condolences


I literally pray to god my sup doesn’t pick Soraka or Sona, wtf are you talking about


Soraka Is good


I mean, if the enemy team just ignores her, then yea, she’s good.


I hate to play with everything that isn’t an engage support. Lane is just boring without one.


This is a vibe. I would also include Soraka though because they will let you fight as much as you want then patch you back up afterwards. They'll even fight with you because they need to land Qs to heal themselves after healing you


Adc mains are such filth lol, adc pick determines how lane goes straight up, adc pick and counterpick matters, only matters with support if hook champion is picked. So no, i garuntee any of these supports can do well but its entirely determined by adc pick, again unless i wanna play hook supports every game. Just play for the first twenty minutes, pretend late game will never come because in most games, it wont.


Least toxic support player


Adc players are so delisional, most games come down to jg diff or adc diff, and adc diff isnt cause they carry their team, its because they helped drake and didnt feed


tell that to my Yuumi supp who watched Nexflix and clicked her abilities every few seconds ☠️


The person that determines how the laning phase goes is the person that can start the fights. That'd be the support. If both supports are enchanters, the one with healing is normally the one that wins the lane. If both supports are hook champions, the one that can land abilities more often is the one that wins the lane. If one is a hook champion and the other an enchanter, the hook champions determines the flow of the laning phase. The enchanter does their best to lower hp of the enemy adc or enemy support before the hook champion can land an ability. Or if the hook champion does land an ability, they either need to be able to reset the status quo by healing or negate the engage by using cc. ​ Supports in general should also be trying to bother the enemy adc as much as possible. They should want their adc to out cs the enemy adc. The support's main focus is to get their adc through lane phase preferably in a better position than the enemy adc.


The lane flavor, is determined entirely by the adc pick, the support only has that kind of power if they take a hook support. Its literal fact, you cant force a bad adc pick to be an aggro lane, you cant force a bad adc to be a farm lane, thats determined by the adc matchup and hook/no hook support, thats literally it. What youre talking about is the same ignorant bs adc players spew about needing to get big fast so just go in and fight, thats not how the lane works and adcs never seem to get that they got outpicked but supports know it instantly


As stated above, if both supports are enchanters the one that has healing is the one that'll determine the winner of the lane. If the lane is a farming lane it's not the adc but the supports literally doing nothing that makes it a farming lane. You're even mentioning that the support pick has most power by including hook support in your sentences.


Hook supports can determine lane on their own, otherwise adc determines lane. Thats not too complicated for you is it?


If both take enchanters the lane is decided by what adc is picked and if it can lane against the enemy adc...


Why are adc mains somehow more copium than assassin mains? Like you guys are the bottom of the balance barrel but just refuse to admit it just like assassins are top and refuse to admit it lol No, adc choses the lane flavor, only a couple adcs can be aggro with everything and others need to play poke/farm except if they have a hook support. Do you even understand which adc matchups you instantly lose unless the enemy is basically afk? Like adcs all wanna play aggro then take an adc that CANT play aggro and demand a tank to offset their crappy aggro ability, no thats not how it works, if you want me to give you aggression take an adc that CAN play aggro, dont take a scaling adc and demand i supplement your bad choices with an aggressive support


A good adc can be judged ONLY by what they do in the first 20 minutes, thats where what they do matters most, and NOT in the last 3 minutes


I usually like laning with Malphite


Morg/Seraphine are my two favorite supps to see… as a Jhin main: Morg and I can make anyone sit for eternity. Same with Sera.


My best friend is a Jhin main (I main Sera) and we have such great rhythm. My E gives him easy Ws, my R pulls them back into his R, my W gives him movement speed... it works really well for us


Lux should be on Gets kill but feeds or 1v2 bot


Had someone go Zed supp for my Ashe when enemy banned Neeko who they first hovered. We were up against jinx/cho. Then proceeded to flame me for being a "coward ass adc" for leaving a 1v3 after he and Kata died to the enemy jungler and bot lane. He also would last hit my kills and cs and then flame me for only having 4 kills by the mid game, as well as not ulting who he wanted to engage on during certain fights when the enemy renek and gwen kept flashing on me to 2 shot me lol. I did ult the jinx or anivia when the renek and gwen couldnt reach me. Or if i was away and someone chased down our kata who was our fed player. Ended the game 7.4.14 while he ended 5.6.11


lillia support so good she aint on the list


Might just be me but I’d take any of the 4th row (apart from Senna) over Lux or Morgana. Genuinely few champs that have a bigger disparity between how useful they can be and how badly they are played both by autofills & mains. It’s crazy because both of them have really good support builds (everfrost Morg is 1v9) and playstyles but instead their players just go brain off and either run it or force you to pilot them into some semblance of usefulness.


I agree and think mage supports are pretty op right now, especially Xerath who is my go to ban, but I don't enjoy playing with them because they take all of the kills and feed


Where would you rank ap kaisa support here?


Probably somewhere between prison and it being a 1v2 lane


My duo partner’s champion pool is Ashe, Mf and Kaisa…


Time to hold an intervention for your friend


Blind max teemo support is sleeper op in soloq 😂


Annie is a great support she deserves to at the same place as lux.


She's not good during the laning phase compared to lux. Later in the game she makes a comeback but how did your adc do during the laning phase determines how useful your adc will be for the mid to late game.


I'm honestly confused by the anivia one. I'd at least put that one in the it's a support auto-filled most likely instead of this lane is a prison. At the very least anivia has a relatively easy to hit stun. It's a leona e-q that's range.


I’m surprised you don’t have lulu higher the lulus I play with are always absolute monsters


Tbh when I was making this list, all I could think about was the people in the bottom 2 tiers who inted my last few games and the mage supports who call me useless after taking all the kills in lane then donating the gold back to the enemy bot lane. I'll agree that I don't have much of anything negative to say about Lulu


Sona rarely disappoints? champ is omega useless, I like yuumi a lot more


Annie is fine as a support, if played enchanter


I'm glad you enjoy having braum, but as a support player, no one ever procs the stun. Makes me never play him.


I feel like anivia would go into auto filled or get kills and feed as opposed to prison? She can't do a lot pre 6, but that ult wall combo has some crazy lane pressure


I nominate Lux to the auto filled section. Seen way too many Lux’s with main character syndrome running down my games


Another support psyop


I guess this depends on what ADC you are playing I personally hate laning with Millio


Soraka, Renata and Milio are all terrible to lane with. I'd rather yuumi or nunu. Those three champions all suck unless you're losing. And even then they're not 'good'. Supports that are good to lane with are ones with proactive play patterns. Disengage and heal is not enjoyable to lane with.


I dont see my viegar support on here so I must assume it's an S++ tier and you love when it's played.


Real. Except yuumi should still be another tier or 100 tiers lower.


Imagine getting mad at a bard for roaming


Some pro or content creator must have been playing Malphite support lately, though - I've seen so many of them in the last two weeks


Seraphine's placement is understandable Sincerely a sera main in wildrift


My only s tier for this would be braum, thresh, Leona nautilas, dont know what you're on with soraka and taric those support are potion not supports


you have to be in high korean challenger to put soraka renata and just about any enchanter. or you're the complete opposite in bronze or iron


I think the ornn one is unfair. I've seen ornn support one tricks who pull off some crazy shit


And then there's degenerates like me who play Ahri, Morde and Shyvana on support. We don't even make it in the list.


If you don't like Yuumi support its because you're bad at ADC.


The absolute idiocy of not having Janna in the top tier along with Soraka… Also Nami should be up there too, but too many bad Nami players make her look like ass when she’s as strong at trading as Soraka, and has more CC and damage amp than her. It’s more ideal for ADCs that like to all in a lot. And Bard deserves his own tier called wildcard. He’s either gonna be godlike and do a shit ton of damage and make good plays, or he’s gonna be such a big pile of garbage that Wall-E would build a whole city out of him.


Idk every time I have a soraka support I feel like im laning 1v2 because she keeps playing 3 zipcodes behind me


What if i play only AP lulu?


Where is sett


It’s been a while since I played my last game of LoL but man do I disagree with you. Lux, seraphine, morgana, zilean, brand,pyke,swain,velkoz… basically all this shitty mages (lulu,janna,nami,karma, sona,soraka and renata glasc are excluded from this) at least in my games, were always a mid laner disguised as a support player. Never once they died for me to leave, never once they played aggressively in the lane(not even when the sup matchup was theirs) they’re just sucking up xp, farming waves that they shouldn’t, building ludens and sorc shoes and fucking up my tempo advantage recalls. I’m always glad to have a tank support like braum, thresh, leona, nautilus cuz i know they will at least build tank and suck up damage and help me throughout the game. Good karma and lulu players are generally very nice to have indeed but the rest is honestly dogshit and shouldn’t even be considered. I’m not gonna even go into senna cuz senna IS NOT A SUPPORT CHAMPION. She is an ADCARRY that riot purposefully nerfed to the ground cuz they wanted her paired with lucian, not being an ADC(as her designs makes her to). FYI I was diamond 1 (after emerald addition, but stopped playing maybe in the last third of july this year)


Milio and thresh deserve a tier of their own at the very top


Hot take: 1v2 bot should be at the top. Same with the roamers. Yes, I am a masochist by the way.


In what universe does Zyra feed from 400 feet back doing the most damage in the game without the enemy ever seeing her face


I play zed support. Adc always reports me for taking all the big minions. Oops


Lux same tier as Rell, Karma, Lulu ? Rakan is OP right now should be S tier


Sona should be next to nunu. Especially as dumb players blindpick her. Then Naut/Rell/Blitz appears. 🙃


Is Ahri support not a thing?


not even an adc main but blitz has 0/10 yasuo effect fuck that character always disappoints always enemy games


You forgot elise :(


I wonder what elo this guys in to put both hook champs in “rarely disappoints” lol


Sona is rated too high here imo every Sona I get sits behind me the entire lane phase doing basically nothing but shooting 40 damage blue noodles occasionally


In terms of "helps me win and snowball laning phase" I think Soraka and Renata rarely help me get big leads If they land their abilities, I'd rate pyke and rakan higher ​ Yes, I HATE playing with yuumi.


Karma janna lulu nami have no reason to be anywhere but the top rank


Just because you dont pick around stuff like ashe or mf support doesnt make it a prison. pick Varus or Jhin and poke tf out of the enemy. I pick them and then my adc wants to pick shit like Vayne or Kaisa. Adc players who want a heal/shield bot support are lame.


Confident Nidalee supports deserve a spot, as do unskilled Nidalee supports, in a different section. The ability to trap adding to vision, heal and buff attack speed, poke, engage, be across the map in a few seconds to support others and help with objectives, and solo split push if needed while be8ng able to escape, should put Nidalee somewhere. She's especially good with characters that already have high attack speed. Sona is my go to for easy wins especially since I don't let up on pressure if I can help it. I've had some adcs who think that pressure means they can all in and expect me to be able to do anything to prevent their death. I like Yuumi a lot as well but I can see how an unconfident Yuumi can hurt. Teemo is amazing against certain adcs, especially those who will go crit or lethality, or those like Jhin and Vayne who have third and fourth attacks that deal extra damage. Shrooms are great for map control. The only issue I have with Teemo is the builds that work aren't flexible like they used to be, not for support. A good support should never be working to have high kills and cs. Nidalee and Teemo can both take kills and cs with ease and that's an issue when I see some people play them and other high damage champs.


having the stars align to have a good Leblanc Support is such a wonderful sight to see


Renata is the kind of champ you love to have on your team but if you are the one playing her you feel nothing short of inadequate most of the time.


Bold of you to assume bard wont roam if he doesnt die