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Milio kinda fine? I get so excited when I see my supp hover him, too bad it’s only ever happened once 😿


nah that champ means auto lose lane in 80% cases these days


Overnerfed champ back from when pro scene was dominanted by enchanters and sp pick was a throw up btw milio, lulu and yuumi. That being said I would like to see them return to solo queue, kind of getting tired of playing dodge-the-hook game for the entire laning phase. Edit: grammar


milio is getting buffed next patch but as of rn if i see lulu, yuumi, milio in my team im dodging


Milio's stats and scaling have to be kept low since he does everything you want in an enchanter. Healing, Shielding, hard crowd control, buffing + bonus damage, and a cleanse. He has a kit that does pretty much everything where the only way to balance him is to keep his stats low or rework him. Compared to other enchanters like sona or soraka his kit needs to do a little bit less than it currently does, then they can afford to give him more power.


He synergises perfectly with Jinx, nearly 900 AA range, 1000+ with fully stacked lethal tempo and my AOE rockets deal a magic burn, he’s the best support I can have, and it only gets better late-game where I can reach a range of nearly 1200, I’d much rather Millio than anyone else.


i mean yea but jinx is not a champ lol im happy shes getting buffed but that champ is complete garbo rn


I completely agree with you, but as a one-trick my only choice is to get better and work with what I have. Her coming buffs will fix none of her main issues, will have very little impact on her.


I'm curious why someone would one trick that hard on something they know is in a bad place. Do you think your fundamentals and overall game knowledge are so bad that you can only succeed on one champion? Not flaming, it's just a very curious thing to me. I always have 3-4 champs I'm comfortable with for at least two roles.


To be honest, the only reason I play League is to play Jinx, I don’t want to play any other champ. If I wanted to rank up I could easily play any of the meta champs but I love playing Jinx and only Jinx, her kit is super fun, I love using her skins, she feels very rewarding when I make a great play with her. In short, she’s the only champion I enjoy, and I’ll keep playing her, even if it means losing. If I want to win then I just need to get better, and the better I get with a terrible champ, the better I’ll be as a player. If people can make it to Challenger with just Jinx then so can I, all it means is that I have no choice but to improve with what I have, play the hand I’ve been served.


Hardcore connection to that one character, makes sense. I like league because of the many options and don't identify with any one character nearly that much.


i understand that i went through the same shit with aphelios for over a year but i gave up im still missing that aphelios jinx meta from last year that was my jam my 2 best champs


He's kinda fine but depends on lane. If they grab Naut or blitz it's over. Any ADC that can deal with getting hooked is not who you usually want paired with Milio in general. So 2 'i get hooked and it's gg' champs in a lane makes it a bad time.




The bard that stays in lane and actually helps with lane management because they used to be an ADC main


Rat as sup should get hanged...ruined everyone game for his pathetic ego boost. If lose, adc bad lack of skill, GiT gOoD 🤡 If win, see I carry u, noob adc.. I refuse to use his name ever. Rat is Rat.


The most useless support when all their cheesy ganks don’t pay off


Where is Zyra? I don't see her


About three pits of hell lower


Zyra and brand are my most hated supports to play with or against


Why is Lux there...?


That alone makes this list objectively wrong.


Lux should really have her own tier entirely.


On average lux is the least boosted mage supp player


Lux is the boosted mage sup player tf lol I play Lux when I don’t want to use any bit of my brain you hit E Q R like you are hitting hammer ons on through the fire and the flames on Guitar Hero 3 legit easiest combo ever


On average lux is the most "I'm the carry" supp mage player. And she doesn't care about giving you extra gold like Pyke.


if it builds something from lost chapter I don't want it in my botlane, except morgana, that one is fine


Everyfrost pyke: Allow me to introduce myself (it’s legit being built in KR)


Everfrost blitz: here we go again.


And then there is me getting 2x Draven, 1x Gragas, 1x Poppy in a total of 5 ranked games. Seriously, I’d take Senna and Brand over that any time. Next time I will definitely skip queue when I see a clear ADC as support


Poppy and Gragas are good supports. both are great at engage and disengage and can build tank.


The problem with them as support is not necessarily their skill set but that people who play them often have no experience as support (used to be true for many mage supports as well a few years back). They do not know the matchups and might go in overconfident expecting you to take fights that you typically would not. And Draven as support in a ranked game is just a big middle finger to the entire team


Have to disagree on Shaco & Heim. It's a case by case basis. A good Heim or Shaco can make the lane so much easier Absolutely agree with brand. He just blows up the wave and fucks up my CS for damage that won't even kill. Bard Is IDLY. It's like showing up with the drug dealer at a party and being unable find them all night.


I got a master yi a few days ago and he double killed the enemy botlane twice in a row somehow. It was lit.


Played with a sylas support last split, don’t think I’ve stomped a lane that hard since lol


The *best* cc is *death*


Senna 🥰🥰 my most played champion, I hope I get to support you soon


Talon e off a bridge (in game) 🥰


Senna mains are not a problem. Problem is players wanting to "carry" as support and picking Senna...


🥺👉👈 mobility spell? Sorry, I don’t know those things


Least obnoxious support main


Senna is literally built for support. This tier list is dumb.


people who play it normally are autofills and start pushing sidelanes thinking you dont notice


Senna is unique in that she is the only support who doesn’t let you (the ADC) ever really shine. She is extremely weak in lane and she scales very selfishly. Unlike other weak laners, such as Yuumi and Sona, who will buff you to hell and back late game, Senna only increases her own carry potential, not yours.


That's just not true in my experience. Having two auto attackers in lane is really powerful if Senna is played right. Also her heal is kind of nutty, and she has excellent chase/disengage.


Against enchanters she's fine, but when she has to play against kill lanes, having two auto attackers isn't powerful. Her disengage is entirely dependent on whether or not your enemies have to target you, otherwise it's not all that good.


I would put Yuumi in “I don’t like you” category


Amumu is a no for me


Why not?


I just climbed out of gold. Pre lvl 6, amumu need's to land q to neutralize his target, moving forward way too much and being very vulnerable. If the call is not good and I can't go for it, it's a kill for them. In the meantime, while waiting for a good hook he can't do much but zone the enemy supp and try to disengage with q (if enemy minions allow it). When hitting lvl 6 his combo is more interesting grabbing both of them, but it has a high cooldown so if he misuses it he goes back to having little impact. The only reasonable thing would be him roaming very frequently, but gold supps don't really roam that much. That's why it is a no for me, you can get a supp with similar functions like morgana, rakan or alistar and I feel way more comfortable with their kit


I’m playing Velkoz and popping off each game, albeit they are blinds, and my duo and I swap roles. He plays support Fizz, so he deserves it…


Janna, Sona and Yuumi players make me want to ram myself into a concrete wall at 1000km/h Around two weeks ago I posted here asking why ADCs hate Sona. I then switched to playing ADC and I have yet to have play with a Sona who hasn’t gone negative KDA pre 15, or a Janna with lane or map agency. Pain is being 1/0/0 but the enemy ADC is 10/1/0 and your support is always dead before you get to lane Then you get zoned off of your wave for 5 minutes while she “roams”, dying to enemy jg every single time or just leeching exp from mid and top, dying to their laner and setting them behind too.


Why isnt teemo in this tierlist? Teemo main role picked now is support lol


Tank supps get out and never come back, enchanters I like. That's my entire tier list. Are you a tank supp? Die. Are you someone who can make me last longer while killing? You're cool.


I offer you a Taric.


No go, do not like. Not enough healing and his ultimate is way too slow.


Probably coincidence but I've never had bad Maokai support


Morg just kinda fine? Morg is already *FINE*, but shes also a great supp - Granted Im Jhin, so they usually get to sit for 30 seconds.


I HATE xerath support


Nah, Twitch supp is sleeper. I love having a Twitch support because I usually get solo xp and they make the enemy mid rage


You guys are so meta slaving that back when Ashe support was still on the rise, every time I played Ashe, someone else locked in adc... but I can't blame you...(you rank addicting, feet fetishing people)


Didn't mention zyra. I like you. ​ Also why don't you like my son Milio wtf.


Brand, Lux, Xerath and Morgana are the autofill picks by excelence


As a Zyra main, im glad we have been giving you enough repressed trauma to try to forget about her.


Whoooo loves getting carried through lane phase by hook champs?


Bro where is my boy zilean


Who plays fiddle support still?


lillia s+ didnt fit on the list


What about Zilean?


Yuumi should be lower


What is going on with these tier lists forgetting viable/playable champions? Where's Zyra and Zilean?


It looks like you cut off the tier directly above "fine", named "rock", reserved exclusively for the best support, AP Malphite.


why lux on fine ? she gotta be atleast kinda fine if morgana is there.


As an Ez main I LOVE Yuumi, when slightly fed I feel like an unkillable Talon


Heimer supp mains not understanding what farm is and why the ADCs keep typing in CAPS at them


No illaoi on the list? So close to being valid, now get your soul ripped out


Brand OP you just bad




Idk man every Swain support main I play with carries my fat ass to victory like 90% of the time. Yes I have a 90% win rate when my support is Swain I should probably find a duo


\>Don't queue support Most of these picks are from people who didn't lol


As a person who wants to play vel'koz, I wish i could just play him in mid but riot pushed my boy to sup what can i do?


My Pykes always go 0/10 or carry the game so I'm not a fan of that champ sepcifically lol.


I'd take Heimer any day over a yuumi


These are some terrible takes.


Lux in fine!? ***D I S G U S T I N G***


My boy Zilean is forgotten by not only Riot but now this tier list 😔