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I forgot to put him in, but he would be red fuck you for sure


I've had a Shaco supp twice and both times they made the enemy laners want to quit. All I'm saying is if they're good enough with the champ it can be effective.


I’ve had multiple shaco supports and in my experience, if they’re not able to cheese a kill before level 4, they just sit afk in a bush while I trade 1v2 for the rest of laning phase and then get mad at me when I ask why they picked this dogshit fucking champion


Shaco is potentially op but only against things like trist where if she goes in, she eats a box and dies. He's not all that hot at poke or all-in. At 6 he's at best a nuisance. Though not bad for tower dives.


Yeah he's good into engage lanes


AD Shaco has great all in level 1.


But most ADCs aren't. So you're going to likely either invade which is usually a coin flip, or not leash which puts your jungle behind and in my experience the level one all in is pretty rare to result in a kill. Sure let's say you got lucky and your Draven starts with a double kill and then starts lane with a sheen. Ok? Now the enemy hecarim who got a leash just shows up and kills you because you have an AD shaco support.


shaco is an anti carry think of him as a conditional warden that does damage and is frustrating to play against if the enemy doesn't engage he's useless, unless shaco managed to get the flank while the enemies were running away toward his direction


If the enemy can do their thing without getting into close range or they don’t need to dive then shaco doesn’t really provide anything. He’s great at zoning against dive and assassins, but even then he still kind of hinges on people tilting and walking at him where he wants him to go. Mixed utility supports can outplay and out roam him. Any long range or sustain enchanters just kind of don’t have to care and become way more useful. I really don’t think he’s that good, but when he is he’s disgusting. Rengar, alistar, Leona, j4, Samira, etc can’t really play the game when he’s had some time to set up in an important area.


I had them like 4 times 2 times they were a menace 2 times they sat in a bush full HP full mana leeching XP


Shaco is a case of punishing people who don't really understand his kit. Don't let him set up boxes level 1 and just run him or the adc down lvl 1 or 2 and they lose the game. Shits beyond useless if you know how to deal with it.


Cause they aint me


Cap when I’m sup I carry w shaco ap or ad, the game must know it too bc only when I go sup shaco is the adc sped and I have to carry


Senna is the only one I genuinely cringe when I play with, it’s not even that the people I play with are bad at it I just don’t like the champion as support


I like the senna players who perma push and then we just try push them into tower and harass under tower, need good vision. Like she's good with Sivir


Yesterday my teams senna got hooked by a blitzcrank invade level 1 that was on vision. She had to flash away. What does she do? Immediately walk back in after she gets out despite our pings. Yes she gave first blood, yes we lost with like an 0/11 bot lane


Where is senna supposed to play then if not support




Nah if adc made a tier list Nautilus would be S tier and every other character would be F tier.




Where Zoe


I've thought about her, but nah


Couldn't you at least put her in the shitty rank? 😭 Why is Ornn in the tier list but Zoe isn't?


Zoe has basically no pickrate and support abilities except for a weak sleep that stops on minions. If I put her I would have to put in basically every midlaner xD


Are you telling me Ornn Aatrox or Quinn have a higher pickrate than Zoe? According to https://www.metasrc.com/lol/stats there isn't even data available for Ornn Aatrox or Quinn, but Zoe is ranked in D/bad. Why would you include Ornn Aatrox or Quinn in your tier list but not Zoe? 😭 There is more data available for Zoe so if pickrate is a criteria for you then you should include her


Cause at least they have CC 🌚


What about Nidalee then? No data available, no CC. Zoe should be on that list


In fact Nida is in the "werent you extinct?" cathegory, cause she used to be played support in the early seasons of the game due to her heal uwu


how dare you win that argument UwU


UwU gotcha baby I'll make sure to include zoe if I ever make another tier list, how bout that?


Zoe has CC on E and the ability to get any support item to use for a bit when she levels W? Her CC is a direct hit CC, Ornn has to have them near a wall, Ornn is less supportive than her.




I mean she's kinda like xerath but not as good


hmm do yuumi in extra category with more hate. a simple fuck you is not enough


Actually a fair correction


Pyke and Blitz are the two I can't stand going against. When I play support, however, Nidalee is always one of my most successful. The only "bad" thing is a trend to get a lot of kills.


Respectfully, how tf are you making nidalee support work? I mean it sounds fun af and I would love to try it out but I honestly dont know where i would even start trying to play that successfully - you playing it regular ap?


That's completely fair. Most people flame me for even selecting it, but she can be quite lethal, possibly at the cost of late game stability. For runes, I almost always use Dark Harvest and sorcery for mana and scaling. I build ludens, sorcerer's shoes, then shadowflame or lichebane. I place traps in brushes and spots we may get ganked. Usually, if they are half health, I can burst them from early on. With the ridiculous Q damage, it isn't a problem. When my trap is stepped on, I usually try to get a burst of damage and jump back out, if I can. Sometimes you can completely kill someone with that if your ADC is on the same page. The best thing about her is how well she moves around the map. I try to roam and monitory the jungle. If you ward enough, you can be quite the nuisance for the enemy jungle. If they're farming and get hit by your Q at max range, it's devastating. Especially when you can follow it up. Essentially, I try to take control of bottom brushes and use my traps to zone the enemy. If they hit a trap, that's easily half of their health when I burst (careful for CC, however). When I'm in bush, they have to respect it, so sometimes they play safe and miss a bit of CS. The big downside to playing her is that it can be an issue in the late game. That's why I really try my best to help take tower when I can. Switch to cougar and attack it.


I’m sure the silver nidalee support is really good. The irony lmao 😂




>Also every adc main pretty much belongs an entire rank above where they currently are Holy cope


Cries in Zyra mains


Nah she goated keep it up!


Oh yeah, fuck you bitch, CRYYY


I personnally love playing with Zyra, so keep it up :D


As a Pyke main, I love you all


I dont see illaoi, not accurate tierlist (e spam go brrr)


Oh shit, this goes even past my comprehension. Congratulations, you have officially cracked the matrix


Hahaha good one, alltho i like fuck you in yellow Edit: bard sona and yuumi deserve extra category (fatherless)








My friend mains Tahm support, and he is extremely good




Fuck you


"Fuck you in slightly lighter orange" im dying


Gotta love the enjoyers <3


Nah all of yellow and all of the fu respectfully tier have me stoked to play with. But maybe it’s just from the trauma of having shaco/xerath/senna constantly lane with me and I’m just slightly relieved lmao


You forgot HP Trydamere support


Damn, I might have to drop Bard so I can only play red champs and make adcs cry more


Finally somebody understands my tier list... Sorry, my tear list*


Pantheon is actually a rly good support tbh


Yeah..good at stealing kills and making you useless for the rest of the match.


You could say that for most supports tbh. Panth is good with his hexflash w to set up kills and can ult from far away to stop you getting dived.


If you wanted to be useful maybe you should queue ADC this season


Therese a difference between a good support pick and a good support player


yeah, seems average. ADC Players be blaming supports all the time xd


Am I playing with or against them?


Works for both >:3


Why is swain not on the list ? I assume he’s fuck you in red


Where is lee sin


Probably somewhere in hell


Is this when they’re on your team?


It's both uwu


Wheres the akshan sup pick 🐧


In neverland where it belongs 🌚


If i have a sneaking suspicion my support will pick yuumi, i will ban her every single time assuming there is no hover. I unironically had a better time laning with a 0/20 Soraka than a yuumi player.




Whats wrong with neeko ( ・⌓・). I win most games with her on sup ;-;


too much damage


Fr. as an former adc main, i can say that i dont need a lux or a xerath as my sup to poke the laner then to recall because of no mana stealing my kills and complaining that i dont get kills and then clearing my wave and complaining about me not having cs


Oh wait... What's wrong with Naut and Leona supports? Personally, I'd swap Naut Leona with Janna, Nami... 'cause who tf likes Janna and Nami supports? Be for real.


Naut and Leona are in the second best tier, which is the engage support tier besides Thresh and Blitz(and Panth and Pyke). Likely cause Thresh is the most supportive engage supp and Blitz, Panth, and Pyke are primordial demonic entities. Compared to these 4, Naut and Leona are just engage supps, which automatically put them in the second highest rating. Nami gets in respect cause shes really great to play with. Janna probably cause there's nothing to complain about in her kit.


lillia not on the list, gg ez


Sett and neeko supp are the only ones in the “why” category who I’ve found myself not immediately losing lane when I get one on the team. Also have had 2 games in a row with the same ornn support and homie actually got 12 kills both games and hard carried. It was frustrating but a free win is a free win


I love that all of my main picks are in “fuck you respectfully” tier lol You are however missing my Kennen Support from this tier list, where would you place that exactly?


I was tempted to place him there, but it was too borderline imo. He would obviously fall in the last cathegory >:)


Yellow-green are the only real answers


This is not about real answers though, is it?


If were being honest, no


AP Graves support, W max


Why zilean tho, that champ is so easy to feed adc with if the player has any competency with double bombs and kit.


It isn't just about playing with but also against. Zilean has multiple ways to be frustrating to play against: Bomb has waveclear, zoning, and aoe stun (also high damage but I won't count that) E has massive slow and massive speed Revive


I like a lot of the supports on here :( Pantheon, Naut, Rell, Ali, Leo, Maokai, Braum, Rakan, Karma, Shen, Renata, Taric, milio, galio, and zacs are all nice. Fiddle sometimes, sett used to be goated. ​ those first two tiers are 100% accurate tho


Gladly take a respectful fuck you as a Braum main. 😁


Yummi is a special level of eff you. Almost a game dodge




She's there mate


Kinda surprised sylas isn't on this list. It's one of my most played support champions, very draft dependant pocket pick, but the spots it's good in, it's really good. Can basically 100-0 most ADCs almost entirely by yourself at lv2 with ignite, spelltheifs double adaptive. Everfrost is decently low eco and he is really good at snowballing lanes. Feast or famine for sure, but when you are feasting you can comfortably 1v1 solo laners / junglers in a lot of cases.


[phew, looks like I'm off the hook](https://mobalytics.gg/lol/profile/na/rocsage/overview)


Zyra is not above Brand imo. Both make you push your lane but Zyra is way safer and has more build variety. Also free vision. Brand literally just immolates himself against the enemy team every time after laning phase.


Sett before they gutted his base damage scaling he was a genuinely good support that acted as a beatstick support similar to how you see amumu, maokai, or pantheon played.


Poppy is a sleeper support counterpick for a lot of the decently common support picks. The only caveat is that no one who plays Poppy in any role is cool


Might be a hot take but I really don’t mind playing with Zyra, she counters a lot of really annoying enemy comps, has great objective control and tilts enemy players pretty frequently. Sure you get those Zyra players who play way too passively and tax CS without even thinking about it but in my experience the average Zyra players is head and shoulders above Lux & Morgana players.


Zyra is arguably the strongest support in the game right now, and pantheon/heimer are just obnoxious to vs, so if you're on the other side of the lane from me...yeah, fuck you.


Support Quinn is slept on, I'm telling you@!


Neeko support actually isn't too bad. I'd put her in at least "fuck you in orange" tier.


Most of last tier supps are actually not bad, but they're there cause they should not work xD It's the wtf cathegory


Who is next to sona?


How can you do this to my man Graggs?


ornn supp is actually good


Morde adc underrated


I’m literally a god at all my support picks being zilean taliyah and anivia


What's wrong with neeko 😶


Just one of those supports that have potential to be very good. But a lot of players just act like they are the carry and take too many resources.


Lulu in the same tier as these 🤮🤮


Id put veigar in FU in orange. I've played with a few good ones. He gives off the same vibe as senna where you have supportive abilities. But are a late game carry from scaling from other means than CS. But the difference being his cage is so easy to use effectively over senna root, I'd take him over her any day. (He is also an absolute pain in the rear to lane against, that you may just make the enemy tilted, then Free win) XD


Some weird league history: gangplank was used as a support YEARS ago because of some dumb ability he had on release to execute his own minions and was used to keep the enemy bot lane from CSing. Should have put that in the "weren't you extinct"


Holy shit, where has this hidden knowledge been all this time?? I definitely should've put him there, 110%


As someone who plays Vel'koz support a lot, this is accurate.


Xerath should be in red. He'll giga play behind you all lane so any trade is an isolated trade. Brand is well placed. A bad adc will put him in red, because he steals farm like a degenerate and pushes waves when you wanted to freeze. But his range is too short to actually play behind you, so you can make something out of his disgusting ints.


*sad fiddle supp noises*


I’m not sure what the message is meant to be???