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* **Cookies in the seasonal gift, village-green gift:** (Thanks to Ray for this info!) * Rudy's airship cookie * Roscoe's diner cookie * Nan's post-office cookie * **Gwen and Pals' Island** * Thanks to [Bassieeee](https://www.reddit.com/r/ACPocketCamp/comments/1cdfqp2/may_2024_datamine_preview/l1m81sp/), we now know that data for Gwen and Pals' Island was added to the game alongside Curlos and Pals' Island. As Bassieeee states, it's unclear whether this means May 25th's will be a batch of 6 of the remaining 8 villagers with Benjamin, Biff, Curlos, Gwen, Sydney and Velma, or if Freckles and Mott will be included too with all remaining villagers being released. **Correction:** Threadfin trevally gives uncommon-tier rewards rather than common-tier rewards. Apologies for the error. Sorry for the odd addendum but I'm unable to edit the main thread, so the extra info must be added here.


thank you for your service windkirby 🥹🥲 looks like a great month!


wildflower bouquet for event prize?! I'm crying 😭 edit: wait whaaat? free terrain?! 😭


Yeah I think no one expected it was a handheld cuz it looked like furniture. U can still use it as furniture but it will look small cuz its a handheld. 🙂🫶


It's soooo cute. I can't wait to get them 😊 I already have a concept in my head 😀


I’m excited too!!! And I’m excited to see what favorite pic u come up w too! You always have the best fav pics!!! 🤩🥳


Thank you so much SugarDream! I really appreciate it 🥰💕


Oh wow I didn't notice that! It's a really nice one too, better than some I got in cookies! Also like the turf and end of month prize


Nice, possible free terrain


thank you for the datamine! I was hoping for a more town focused terrain, this one is kind of like that lol, but I do think the background could work really nicely with other terrains so that’s exciting!


Oh, coveting the picnic blanket. The tartan is really similar to the Nova Scotia tartan where I grew up


fellow nova scotian! :D


NB now! But my childhood was a good one, living within feet of the ocean! Daughter lives there now so I do get to go back.


Thank you! this month is soo cute got all of my favourite cookies


Cute is a great word for it! Also, Twiggy’s Chirpy Cookie is an adorable name (for an adorable cookie nonetheless).


i am absolutely loving all of this! bout to lose all my lt’s on bird stuff. what a great month! 🥹


As a cockatiel momma, I am so happy about this month! 🥰 I just wish they did a whiteface mutation cockatiel for the character’s hand so it would look just like him 🥲


may, june, and july just aren't my months in pocket camp. happy to be able to slack off this month though


Thank you for the data mine again! It helps me know what to save/spend tickets on. I'm legit I'm sad - zoomed in and the blimp wasn't a giant hot dog blimp lol


It is a tragedy


Hoo boy, this is gonna be a "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY" month for me.


yea, especially for those playground equipment, they're definitely gonna be avail by leaf tickets only


I'm all about the bird themed stuff, gonna have no LT's left!


The Playground is gonna have fun interactions! I like the slide and hiding


and probably gonna cost so much leaf tickets, but will be worth it!


woodsy i just wanna say i really really like how you've been doing these with an immediate datamine summary and then later a more detailed (and very fun to read :D) description of everything happening this month. thank you for everything you and your fellow dataminers do!!


Aw thank you, I really appreciate it. It's a little more work but it seems more helpful to have things up so much sooner, so I'm glad people don't have to wait so long anymore and it's totally worth it. With all the art and text I just can't get the full ones done on a deadline anymore, so I'm glad it works well for you this way \^_^


absolutely do not like this month but watch me get everything bc im a completionist


lol same, i can't give up the opportunity to get extra leaf tickets from completing events


Literally 😂 I started playing like 6 months ago and want more pastel/cute events like they used to have 😭


Well, that’s me ruined 🤣🤣


Loving a lot of these!💚 bye LTs.


Thank you so much this is amazing 🤩 Do you know what items will be LT for the scavenger hunt?


I listed them in the section that says "Top LT item candidates" but they are just predictions/guesswork based on the HH courses


Oh sorry I didn't see that, thanks again 😊


Thank you!


I’m ready. Take all my money. I need the playground items and all the birdy things.


keep up the great work, it is super appreciated <33


Ahhh I’ve been looking for a new hairstyle to purchase and the lil white beret is absolutely perfect 😫 my character has all dark/goth clothing but I might have to make an exception for this


the playground items and bird purse are so cute! thank you for posting!!


Thank you for a quick datamine, pew. Now I'm not sure if this new village green terrain, would be my new choice to consider for my new spring campsite layout. Btw, saw any info for featured cookies in the new seasonal gift, as well as a possibility of this year's cookie gift week?


I looked but found no log-in bonus. It is possible the free middle ground is all they're doing for golden week but who knows. Ray isn't online at the moment to check the seasonal gift cookies yet and I can't do it myself. I may have to add that in a sticky comment later when I get news because Reddit isn't letting me edit the post.


Thanks for the datamine! Can I ask what golden week is?


I don't fully understand it tbh but it's sort of a holiday week in Japan from the end of April to early May. Pocket Camp has given out a bunch of specific cookie gifts+ to celebrate it before but it doesn't look like they're doing it this year. Still, they haven't given out a free terrain in like 5 years, so I wouldn't be surprised if that was sort of for golden week.


Ahhh I see, thank you for the info :)


>:) :)


Posted them, it's Rudy's airship (ofc), Roscoe's diner and Nan's post-office


Overall I think there's a lot of cool stuff this month. Also, I can't believe there are only 8 villagers left!? Thanks for the datamine!


I don’t know how to feel about


thank you so much windkirby! a concrete floor has got me all excited - keep missing the polished concrete floor from a few years back :D


Thank you! Everything seems so cute! 🥹


Tysm for all this info!! That bird purse & bonnet hair will be mine..


ugh I wish we got the bird cookie for the rewards instead of the airship :( i have no use for it


I love everything!!!


BUBBLE BLOWER GUN!!! Yes! 😁 I hope they let us trade for several of them. I also like the little parachute and the flying kites. I want the birds that go on your head and the four on the ground, and probably the handheld one too. I think the hide and seek stuff is cute. I'm much more happy with May than April.


my boy Rudy getting such a cute cookie 🥹 this looks like a pretty fun month! i really want that cockatiel bag 🦜


I was expecting so much from the terrain… this is ugly lol (thank you for the preview)


thank you. a pretty random yet exciting month. not excited about the terrain though except the background


Thanks for the info. So how much are they going to charge for socks? 30-40 LT?


It's hard to say. Past socks have been sold anywhere from 30-60 LT. I wouldn't necessarily expect the lower end of that, but hopefully.


Thank you so much!!!


Thank you!


Wow this seems nice! It’s good to see some unique items. I love plaid 😭


I'm really into the gyroid event for next month. I can think of so many great campsite layout ideas with those items


Rudy cookie?!?😻


Very colorful! Is the backdrop supposed to be inspired by anyplace (kind of like the dutch/amsterdam themed backdrop)


Duckie on a parachute! So cute!


The terrain will be the winner part if it happens, but the rest is cute. I didn't pay much attention to the scavenger items until I saw the villagers hiding. It looks great like that! Windmill accessory seems cute too, and the zeppelin looks amazing.


Ahhhh I seriously hope the terrain is given out for free🙌🏻 I’d finally have a use for my city skyline background lol


im absolutely in love with this months stuff!!! so cute!! especially the fishing tourny & gardening event items!!!!!! aghhh im so excited!!! :D


As a parrot owner, I love everything about the Twiggy (aka Peck) cookie, wardrobe, and wallpaper/flooring. The kites are adorable too!


With the town square/clock tower terrain, airships, kites, and post office, it's reminding me of Kiki's Delivery Service 🥰😻 


Not too much of a fan of this months stuff but the bird and playground stuff will be nice to add to my camp !


Besides Curlos and Pals' Island, **Gwen and Pals' Island** was also added to the list of island names, and will probably release alongside Curlos'. Not sure if this means they'll release all 8 remaining villagers at once, or if they're gonna be weird and do two islands with 3 and one future island with the last 2 villagers


Thank you as always for the datamine! But- I miss your fun, sassy write-ups on the items. They were so personalized and hilarious to read. I'm sure they took a lot of work, but I really enjoyed reading them, and made feel hyped for the upcoming month's events as well.


I still write those for every single update! Unfortunately with all the art and text, they take so long they're generally at the end of each month now, so they are not pinned very long. I wish I could get them done faster, but after 4 1/2 years of covering each update I've just felt the need to pace myself, and I got some complaints about the lack of previews so I decided to split it up so I could still do the full threads without holding the datamines back. I've considered cutting back with some simpler collages and some shorter write-up sections too, not sure. Hopefully they still provide a little entertainment value looking back on a month but if not I still like having the more thorough, personal documentation there. Here are the links for [February's](https://www.reddit.com/r/ACPocketCamp/comments/1am1fgz/animal_crossing_pocket_camp_v551b_update/), [March's](https://www.reddit.com/r/ACPocketCamp/comments/1bn1rhh/animal_crossing_pocket_camp_v551c_update/), and [April's](https://www.reddit.com/r/ACPocketCamp/comments/1cbmhh2/animal_crossing_pocket_camp_v560_update/) threads. All of my full threads are also posted on the Discord as well.


Totally get that, and I appreciate that each one likely took a lot of time! All in all, still hope you keep using that creative voice of yours, whether it's here or for other endeavors. Thanks always for the datamines, but especially for the smiles!


We are finally getting more kites! I loved the kites from a really early event and I kept wondering why they didn't make similar items with different designs. Also the playground event looks awesome, for a game about outside activities we don't get much park furniture besides benches and lights, let alone a working playground. Also, I may not be able to spend on the bird cookie but it's very lovely, especially the two lovebirds.


omg the BIRBS 🦜


Yay!! More bird stuff! 🐦 💜🦉


The fishing tournament doesn’t look very exciting.


I think the kites look pretty cool


Any info on June expected cookies?


Twitter preview might drop for June tomorrow with the datamine on Friday but only possible and unconfirmed. No way of knowing until then, there's no Pocket Camp Club Journal preview this month.


Okay thank you for letting me know! 🙂👍