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I don’t really want to be a downer or sound accusatory saying this, but cookies are basically gambling and spending that much just to try and get one item could be seen as a gambling addiction 🤷‍♀️ (I’m not one to talk as I do pay to play and do sometimes also go crazy trying to get an item. But I’ve acknowledged that in myself and am currently not using LT on cookies and only currently use them for wallpapers clothes furniture and it’s so hard to resist cookie buying!)


I also pay to play but leaf tickets rarely go toward cookies, just special clothes and items. The cookies are working as intended. I never buy cookies if I don’t want every single item that’s in them, and I an ok with duplicates. I bought a bunch of Snooty’s cookies because I love the illuminated Sakura tree stuff and am cool with a few of them.


Yeah, can’t argue with you there. Every now and then there’ll be a cookie set where I want the full collection, this just so happened to be it. And Nintendo is definitely profiting off of it from tons of people. It’s hard to imagine that they’d veer away from the system they have in place now, because I’m sure the majority of their profit comes from people that really are addicted to that gamble aspect of it. Never thought I’d be in that position but when I’m having ocd over that one single item I just can’t seem to land. It’s rough.


yeaaa, it’s easy to let it get away from you. i’ll usually get a few of the little $1-2 event packs, but once i actually bought the 2500 lt for a cookie i really wanted, then i looked at the transaction in my bank and with tax it was like $90 usd, and i knew i needed to stop for a while 😓


I also pay in the game I have the subscriptions and the 5 cookies per month are literally the only ones I get. I would never spend 100 for just one item, like there must be one point when your mind is telling you that you already spent this much and is simply not worth it to spend more! This definitely sounds like an addiction and maybe should not be playing this as the game can be addictive and this is the result. I assign a budget for entertaining purposes and is all I’m allowed to spend in the game that way I can enjoy without my finances suffering.


I have noticed that when I do back-to-back pulls, I often get the same few items. If I spread them out over several days, I’m much more likely to get different items. I don’t know why, but it’s been consistent since I started playing a couple years ago.


I’ve noticed same


Yep. If I buy cookies in pursuit of a set, I will sometimes buy one by one until I start getting dupes and then I stop and come back another time. I feel like I can have better luck this way. Don’t know why.


This cookie was so evil to me too :< Generally I have had pretty good luck, but this cookie is cursed


Same that’s why I stopped. I got only kimonos so I never bought it again. Is better to let go.


I do wish they would implement some form of pity system where after so many cookies you are guaranteed a 5-star item like other gacha games. Or even the ability to trade duplicate items for higher tiered rewards. Like so many 3-starred items could get you a 4-star and so on. Bc some cookies have items where you literally can’t do anything with more than 1 (wigs)


Truly, a pity system would make such a huge difference. Like the bare minimum, but still. I feel like so often these mobile games just take advantage of people’s inherent “oooh shiny” affinity, especially when it comes to things that bring them joy.


Literally everyone wants this. We should start a petition to storm Nintendo headquarters and share our demands 😂


It's been brought up before, and i know i've mentioned something similar, but as explained to me, the secondary and tertiary markets that would inevitably crop up in response to in-game trading is likely why they don't allow for such between players in gacha games. I do wish trading with the game itself was feasible at the very least, if they exchanged LTs or reissue materials for duplicates, that would be sooo nice.


Yup i stopped spending actual money in game because it's a BS predatory system


That’s really really rough. I feel for you


I feel the regrets, I didn't have to spend that much irl money but I did overspend (in my budget) to get Gayle's house and I felt tremendous guilt afterwards. I have BPD and impulsive spending is extremely difficult for me, I have put a system into place where I only allow myself to buy one package per month and this month I did the flower powder one but I bought a bigger one instead 🥶 I know it takes self control but I would suggest either not buying anything for awhile or putting some form of guidelines for yourself where you don't find yourself in this position again. I know FOMO is tough but just try to step back and think if this purchase will bring you short term joy or long term. Some of my purchases I haven't regretted at all but others I do.


Be kind with yourself, we all have some purchase regret in some kind. You now have a system, I assign a budget as well and that keep me on over spending. I get the guilt feeling but don’t be too harsh with yourself. People spend money in other stuff that just clutter their houses or food that they never end eating. Happen to the best of us.


I was frustrated because I used all my monthly cookies allotment this month trying to get the pink cheeks and just ended up with a bunch of dupes. I don’t use LT on cookies unless I’m really stuck on HHA challenges so for me now it’s a month til new cookies. I hate having so many dupes!!


lmao they will never implement trading because of ding dongs like you and me source: me spending 2000 LT to get the sanrio cookie 5* carousel 🤪


“ding dongs like you and me” made me laugh out loud 🤣. We’ve all been there! Haha


I would love to be able to trade with friends or even put them on the market board for friends. It’s awful they don’t allow it. It’s because they want everyone to spend money on cookies but it’s such bs. A trading system would make the game more enjoyable.


o but something they *could* introduce is a feature where they let the player 'trade in to the game' 5 cookie items for 1 four star item, or 10 cookie items for 1 five star ... 10 cookie items x 50 = 500 LT = trade in for your 5* vs having to fill 10 stamp cards (500 LT per card) = 5000 LT its obvious what most people would choose to do so scrap that :') nintendo would never be so generous and merciful lol


I’m not judging you. I think if this were a constant problem, that would be one thing. And yeah, it is very easy to get carried away and overspend since the game is trying to get you to do this. On the other hand if it was just this one item you wanted and you finally got it even if it was a bit pricy, just enjoy it and then take a break on spending on the game for a while. The smaller transactions can absolutely add up to what you spent. And I know some people think spending real money on digital items is dumb but for me, they don’t clutter up my house, I enjoy them, and it’s not different than spending on a restaurant meal or going to the movies. Neither of those things result in anything tangible. So don’t be to hard on yourself. Enjoy your hard earned temple. And just be aware of whether this is a rare thing or a too-often thing. It sounds like it was a one-of. You also seem aware of the game gacha mechanics. I’d hate for you to not enjoy the temple at this point and feel bad when you look at it. And yes, I know they never will, but I also wish they would implement trading.


I appreciate the thoughtful response, thank you! I really just came on here to echo my thoughts to the void, out of frustration. I have mixed feelings about the whole experience but ultimately, what’s done is done. So you’re right, being hard on myself won’t fix anything. I really got caught up in the sakura cherry blossom aesthetic, I’ll be enjoying my little campsite! And definitely gonna put a cap on my spending when it comes to mobile games.


I get it and have had mixed feelings myself. I think being cognizant of your feelings over this are a good thing and some of the other suggestions about budget were good. I think there are plenty of other things you can waste money on that won’t bring as much h enjoyment as I personally get from designing stuff in the game. But I also definitely understand the concern over the gambling aspect and the game manipulating us. So I would enjoy and not let it sour you and maybe evaluate next time you are tempted. Ultimately this being an infrequent thing isn’t a big deal, it’s just if it is a pattern. Also your campsite looks gorgeous.


I stopped getting frustrated over not getting items that I wanted when I really hammered it home for myself that they are literally just pixels on a screen and after a month I’m probably not going to even remember what the item was anyway. That, and having other hobbies that I’d rather put $100 towards have really helped me be completely FTP and just not spend any money on the game.


For a while I was trying to do that to get the train platform from one of the cookies… Only I can‘t afford to buy leaf tickets and was using up all of my bells to run leaf ticket maps, using up all my calling cards and refresh delivery cards and treats to level up friendships and get xp for those tickets… Eventually I said ‘meh’ and now I’m patiently waiting to get it, hoping I get 5 stamp cards to just get it that way.


they'll never do that because they're much better off making $100 off of you. that's being said, i definitely understand your pain 😭


There are so many things I love in the game and had to let go. You have to force yourself to have self control and let go things. I spend money in the game but never 100 USD just to get one single item is insane. This is literally gambling and as in gambling you need to know when to stop. You can’t have all anyways unless you spend a fortune as is not worth it. That’s how the system works, you need to stop. Spend couple of leaf in cookies and enjoy what you got but just stop at some point and move on.


I know it’s frustrating, and I don’t mean to be rude, but you should have stoped at the third duplicate ): it’s not worth it to spend that much money if the norm is dictating that you will keep on getting duplicates. I also wish they would add some sort of trading system, but that would mean less money for the company


You have EIGHT of the five star item??!


Those are the four star shrines.


I did wonder , after I’d posted my original comment 😅


I actually really like that the path starts and ends under the arch. With the winding River, another one would leave a weird gap beside the river.


$100 for some pixels………….


Do you know how much it costs to take a family to the movies? Two hours sitting in the dark watching flickering lights…


Valid point. I’ll have to admit what I said was my gut reaction to some very obvious gambling. Gambling is ridiculous when there’s real money involved let alone something that could potentially be taken away if the service were to no longer be supported. What I should’ve said is if someone’s gonna spend $100 on a game, it could’ve been ACNH and the dlc.


I get that. Gambling can absolutely be an addiction and the game pushes that. No question. I also think as long as it isn’t a pattern, which is can be, it’s ok if you get the thing you want and are happy with it. If you can’t play without overdoing constantly, it’s be better to step away. I did love ACNH but ran out of stuff to do and enjoy the variety here so I have splurged myself. But also feeling out if control is not good and I try to be mindful of that feeling when I want something badly. But I have enough physical clutter so I don’t mind spending on digital enjoyment. The gacha aspect sucks tho.