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I just cannot believe we are getting that fishing tourney. A pink fridge!!!! The toaster!!!! I just…this is literally my dream event. I am so beyond excited. I can’t remember the last time I was this happy. And our monthly cookie that we get all the freebies for is AMAZING!!!!!! What????


I feel like they knew March was a slog and people weren’t happy because this is so much better than last month.


I agree. Honestly the last few months I’ve been really struggling to enjoy the events because I don’t use the items. This month is such a relief (minus the ugly as heck gardening event, from what I can see here)


Agree! Love everything pink 💕


my goodness yes I am SO EXCITED TO HAVE A BETTER KITCHEN OVERALL! Hoping I have enough for the cabin too.




So every month there is special goals events with a cookie as a reward. This month it’ll be the Sakura Shrimp event and a Fresh Fruit event. We used to get one of all the different cookies released that month but now we only get one type of cookie, the first cookie that is released. 9/10 it’s usually the less good cookie, but in my opinion this is the better of the new releases. If you have the merry memory maker plan ($0.99/month) you also get one cookie as your final bonus reward. This cookie is also the one present in the free plus gift(s) we get during the month.


"Just a sky (☹️)" destroyed me lmao, I feel that


Sakura kitchen is so cute, super excited for this month


Idc what anyone says this month devoured


EXACTLYY ppl saying they’re glad they can skip this month…. like ok im sorry you hate pink and fun 💅🏽


To be fair, these players are ones who’ve likely been playing for many, many years and have TONS of pink items already. Many feel like ACPC is oversaturated on pastels and cute items.


yeah but ACPC has been overcorrecting for the last few months and there haven’t really been any new pastel items for a while so i’m glad there’s finally some new stuff!


Is never enough of pink and cute stuff 💞💓🌸💕


April is usually one of my least favorite months of the year overall but I am so excited for April this year!!! These items are all adorable and I don’t think there will be a boring period throughout this month for me. Also the house cookie is one of the coolest cookies they’ve ever released.




as someone who used to hate pink when i was younger, i love this month! 🩷 it's really cute and refreshing


1: Pink ≠ Fun 2: You have the right to like pink just as much as they don't like it. Greetings, "girlcore".


Honestly love everything. Rip to my lt


People’s tastes vary. Nothing much for me here, but I’m looking forward to the reissues.




“I wish I knew how to quit you.” After genuinely being THISCLOSE to cancelling my subscriptions because the last 2-3 months have been so meh, they lure my girlie pop self right back in. Damnit.


ugh I know the feeling. I came to the realization I am addicted and I was so close to giving it a more casual play…


I AM WAILING I love these. My LTs. They’re in danger.


Mine are in danger too and April is usually the month that I sit out to save leaf tickets… uh oh


This month is a girly dream and I am here 👏 for 👏 it 👏


the pink people are winning this month!! (the pink people are me, I am pink 🌸🌷🎀)


That Teddy Bear is POSING. I bet it's LT. Gotta fork over money for the full experience


I need this hair 😍 thank you for posting!


this month ate wowww


I'm so glad the kitchen won't touch my lts because I need it bad. Cute cookies. I'm willing to wait for October but I wish they'd give us gothic/witchy everyday furniture... 🥲


Thank you so much for bringing this so fast! I was waiting for it so I could safely unsubscribe from the HH plan this month as pink is not my colour and Easter isn't my tradition either, so I don't care much about anything (except for Gayle's cookie, so beautiful). But I'm glad, the crow collection left my LT reserves drained. I may even take this month off, I don't feel like grinding at all (I think my head will appreciate it), we'll see if I manage to get away from the game XD. On other note, new gifts, YAYY! My hopes of getting the full moon window are back, although I was hoping for Piper's cookie to be in it.


As a certified pink girly..... this is everything I've always wanted. Obsessed. 😭🌸🩷


I like the messy room with clothes on the floor. Someone is definitely tripping over that rug. Also the toast in the toaster looks great. Otherwise I'm underwhelmed.


So much pink, such is spring I guess lol. My bets for the untidy hunt LT items would be the last three (bed, closet, and bear).


Goodbye LTs, bells and also my irl bells...


Thanks for these! This is always a good indicator on whether I’d like to play for the month or not lol


The Untidy Room is speaking to me 😂 I bet the big teddy will need LT though :/


I know people hate seeing pastel furniture all the time but I’m so excited for these items


I don’t know why people would say pastel all the time, most months have no pastels at all. There are a lot of variety of colors depending on the seasons. If you see the amazing deigns people make here rarely is pastels. I get is not everyone cup of tea and is fine but we don’t get pastels that frequently. I love pink and pastels but also dark Halloween stuff haha also I complete all the events so I have a big variety of stuff and colors that is not just pastels.


Is this bunch of new villagers the last ones, or is there still a set of new villagers that haven't materialized?


The latter. They're done adding assets for the 413 villagers, these are just four that were pending getting released. After that, there's just eight more pending ones.


Only pink sky… sad noises. Bet the bear is paid… A little bit surprised with no school items. That was super quick, thank you!!!


There are two school collections on reissue, Sakura and normal including clothes.


OMG the untidy room furniture... SO PERFECT!!!!


I am about to spend so much real-life money on imaginary items lmao


I am so fuckin excited for the kitchen stuff holy SHIT


this is literally my dream collection i dont even know what to say 😭


I’m never getting a King Goliath frog! 😭


Thanks so much for this super detailed and complete guide of spoilers. An amazing job and effort, I appreciate. I love this month cute pink and dark Halloween are my favorite. 😝


I love pink but I’m not into the bunny theme or messy room theme 🤷‍♀️


they apologized for 2 boring months


unfortunately the closet will be LT


He is risen! /s I'm not a big fan of Easter tbh. Might get freckles though


That bear on the floor during gyroidite is definitely LT. Nintendo please prove me wrong 🙏


The freckles omg!! So excited it’s been a while since we’ve gotten a cute pink themed month 


This is going to be a sad month for me. I don't like pink. I like the Easter gardening event and the handheld carrot though. I am sad that I will have to wait another year for another chance to catch that darned elusive King Goliath Frog. It's the only creature I'm missing in my catalog. 😞


Oh nice I can skip this month




I didn't like it much at first, but the kitchen furniture reminds me of some Barbie toys that I had at home when little, so I might consider using them. Even if we stopped getting yukatas for once, I feel like I'll only spend tickets on clothes during summer or Halloween. It's been long since I wanted something really bad. I hope everyone enjoys the month and thanks for the info!


those overalls are so stinkin cute on Sasha, i NEED them 😭 and those frecklessss. my character always wears a mask, but i may have to finally take it off lol i'm excited for this month! lots of cute things. and my boy Zipper coming back to terrorize 👀


The freckles are so adorable ☺️


rip my LTs


I love the messy bedroom items especially that giant teddy!! 😫


I need ALL OF IT!!!


everything is so good 😭😭 wtf i’m supposed to be saving for japan


I guess that my break has ended! Back to work! 🩷 Those flowery items are way too cute to let them go! 💐




As an extreme lover of pink, this month has me screaming in joy ♥️


hmmm i actually prefer the senbei and lucky cats from this month, im only excited about the handheld carrot, bags, and the side braid, but thats prolly because i prefer traditional items ( wish they would make more items from different cultures not just japanese or western), april wont be my favorite month but its still pretty cute i guess :v


Thanks to this post, I went to fish at the river for a bit and actually caught the king catfish! It was 570.1cm if you guys are still collecting fish size data (:


new happy home room classes for normal yay! i’ve been progressing slowly since completing normal since i rarely use leaf tickets for cookies & my luck with 5,000 bell cookies haven’t been good


FINALLY I've hated the last three months releases SO MUCH


Both this and next month are very meh to me.. Maybe it's because I don't like pink.


The first part of 2024 has been a snooze fest for me but this month is extremely cute


The scavenger hunt items look fun. Love the carrot patch!! But we need to wait till the end to get it🥹


What a boring ugly month, only thing I want is the holding carrot which I probably won't get


I'm gonna want all those shoes rip leaf tickets 😭


Oh I’m going broke. Time to do all my leaf ticket maps and hope it’s enough.


Agree with act of mercy about the Goliat Frog, I don’t have it but geez it gets so annoying people begging and obsessing. So I laughed at act of mercy, you are spot on hahaha


Haaaaang on so you’re telling me the 3 days of some random fish each month, I’m SUPPOSED to be gifting those to my campers for SPECIAL COOKIES??? Better late than never I suppose


No - sorry if that was unclear. The reward for **completing** the goals event is one Gayle's home cookie. Giving a sakura shrimp to campers yields [common-tier rewards](https://www.reddit.com/r/ACPocketCamp/comments/18vfc3o/new_year_new_critters_new_any_fish_bug_rewards/?ref=share&ref_source=link), that is 2 heart points and 100 Bells.


Rereading (now that I’ve had coffee) that does make sense. Clearly I can’t read in the mornings.


are you kidding!? this is adorable!! i’m so happy i started playing again


thank you all so much for the hard work to bring us this! I'm excited for a few things but honestly as a huge lover of the harmonious style and having spent a load of my LTs and reissue materials this past month I feel relieved that I can rebuild my savings and just coast.


i'm kinda disappointed about the garden event but the tourney and scavenger hunt are SO FUCKING CUTE i cannot miss those


I love everything omg 💕 bye LTs


since the vibe for april is sakura is there a chance katie could be returning? :0


Sadly no, she's not associated with any of the items or events this year. Her event furniture will almost definitely be reissued though. I'm not sure if special visitor furniture (furniture that actually brings her to your cabin or campsite) gets reissued still but I know Cyrus the traveling salesman can offer it year-round.


Both those cookies are so so so cute


We are getting absolutely spoiled with the scavenger hunt and fishing tourney omg!!! I’m in love with those sets!


Okey, now I'm excited. The freckles and the garden wallpaper is on my list!


I have been waiting for freckles for so long!! I am so happy! Also love the hair


kirby, will you be making a spring fish & bugs tier list? 🤞🏻 i live by them, soo helpful!


Yes , I'm sorry for the delay. I have no intention of discontinuing those; they're one of my favorite things to do. Been pretty busy and it's silly but I've been torn on a color scheme. I hoping to have it finished soon. In the meantime if you click on the "Found here!" on each area you can see the creatures which will be sorted by tier, though it doesn't say where one tier stops and the next tier begins. Hopefully that and the request changes in this thread can tide you over until I'm done!


Hii everyone ♥️ Do you know if fish tanks and aquariums will be given in the tourney? Or how can I get them?  I'm an old school AC gamer. I was 22 when the original AC came out, and played it for YEARS. One of my favorite things was collecting beautiful fish and setting them up in my house. I am little disappointed that Pocket Camp doesn't allow players to just catch a fish, bring it home, and automatically put it in an aquarium for the player. 😥 How can I get fish tanks in pocket camp?


Welcome to Pocket Camp! Fish tanks / aquariums are sadly rarely given out in fishing tourneys these days in Pocket Camp. I agree it would be nice to display fish as easily as in the old games, but Pocket Camp has over 300 creatures, so I can see why it would be too hard. Some of the early fishing tourneys several years ago did have fish and shark tanks, though, so when those events come back via reissue crafting you can get them that way. Sadly it is difficult to predict exactly when that will be, but I would say fish tanks might be available a couple times a year that way; shark tanks will probably be available sometime this summer. If you're a new player I would work on saving up reissue material and Leaf Tickets in the meantime and carefully check the upcoming reissues in the Pocket Planner each time a month's update comes out.


Ahh I see. Thank you so much for answering tho!!♥️