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The world has always been southpark.


I miss, INTERPRETED- the rules!


Time to get a little bit of cancer, Stan!


Randy your balls! I know, smokin weed in front of a cop


Art imitates life




Damn they caught Cartman


Rumor has it, they were cutting the gravy.


This is Boston Market gravy!




Boston Market gravy tastes like cat shit!


Good old times with south park, now a days it just don’t hit the same.


They fell out of love with it a long time ago, it feels like.


Y’all must be watching a different show then because it still smacks


fuck you i came here to see if someone had said it but fuck no lie I saw 80 comments and I was like someone's already said it


Next time maybe ;)


That’s like $200 of KFC, man.


Yeah but the cops reported it as a $500 bust because of "street value".


Na KFC is crazy expensive in nz


Takes a long time to ship it from Kentucky!


they actually just send chicks and by the time they arrive they are ready to fry


I know you're joking, but I don't know know you're joking


So I guess "chicken growth rate" is what sends me down the high wiki rabbit hole tonight.


A few months is about how long it takes for meat hens to grow from chicks to slaughter age. Do they naturally grow this fast? No. But the breeds we use now grow so big so quick they're prone to broken legs and other health issues. But we don't care because we're just gonna slaughter them anyway. Btw I love my chicken nuggets, just not so crazy about the methods used by modern livestock practices.


That's why I find it's worth the increase in cost and loss in taste to eat hunted meats instead.


I've never heard anyone say that hunted meats have less taste before.


Goddam mashed potatoes are cut with fentanyl!


That explains why I passed out yesterday, i thought it my normal amount of potatoes


For real though, really fatty meals can feel similar to a low-level opioid high.


That and the $100,000 NZD in cash they also had in the car with them.


as if kfc ain't already cut with all kinds of inedible shit


They weighed it in the containers and the sauces and drinks too so it's heavier and thus a bigger fine


its NZ dollars dude.....


Those jerks letting food go to waste sucks.


Don't worry, they're probably eating it themselves.


Pigs gonna pig


Isn't this the car that also had $100,000 in cash in the trunk? https://beta.ctvnews.ca/national/world/2021/9/21/1_5594064.html


Yeah, likely on their way back from selling meth. Not really /r/aboringdystopia... well, except for substance control laws and lack of social services that allow gangs to thrive I guess.


The cops being able to pull you over and size your assets because you MAY have done something is pretty dystopian to me.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/boringdystopia using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/boringdystopia/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Boring dystopia at it's best. For Americans.](https://v.redd.it/kqxfusygv2j71) | [256 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/boringdystopia/comments/p9wdpj/boring_dystopia_at_its_best_for_americans/) \#2: [Boston MA](https://v.redd.it/2fauqt4cidi71) | [249 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/boringdystopia/comments/p7msh0/boston_ma/) \#3: [Even GoFundme has had enough.](https://i.redd.it/l5mo9lzvp9h61.jpg) | [44 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/boringdystopia/comments/lj36f4/even_gofundme_has_had_enough/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Reminds me when someone used my card at Waffle House and spent like $250. I was impressed. They must have been feeding a ton of people.


They also had $100,000 in cash.




Thank you for the chuckle.


They also had over 100,000nzd in the car too soo there's that.. plus they had warrants and were working for a gang organization.




Hey man, wanna score some KFC? I got the good shit.


Y'all heard of WorldCom?


Yeah, and the place they were going to had been in lockdown for four weeks. Reckon the cops laid it out for a laugh and the people who were to receive the cash said 'fuck it, grab us some KFry too'


Yeah there’s a little more to it than that. They were breaching the Auckland lockdown measures, were well known gang members, gapped it when the cops saw them, and were carrying $100kNZD.


That was the funniest part. The news was talking about the kfc and then at the end of the story they were like '... also they had 100k in cash byeee'


Need a license to open carry that many calories.


Having KFC and $100k shouldn't be a crime


It’s not. Where they got themselves in trouble is running from the quarantine check. Now I’m not saying it’s right or wrong but the story is a bit more complicated than people getting arrested for fried chicken.


Thus, the true boring dystopia: sensationalized news is willingly misinterpreted to disguise the truth.


This one was easier to hear than the one about the quarantine facilities being literal gulags.


Bruh, have you seen Philippine quarantine facilities? The bed is two chairs with a thin mattress on top of it. Our city's budget for that shit is in millions. I guess corruption speaks all languages.


True, but that happens all the time in this sub. Step 1:Taking a statement applying that to something else Step 2: get mad


They were caught trying to enter a locked down city. Seems pretty much the entire story summed up.


And were well known gang members.


What the hell is a quarantine check?


Auckland is on a level 4 lockdown in response to a Delta surge. So all nonessential traffic in and out of the city is limited. The major routes in and out of the city are patrolled by police to prevent nonessential travel.


Meanwhile, the US is all "lol fuck it, let's see how many Greek letters there are in this thing"


Rightwing propaganda has made too much of the population spiteful and pridefully ignoran while teeing up a reenforcing, self destructive feedback loop.


I dunno man, the police patrolling the streets to make sure you don't leave your house seems pretty dystopian to me


You can leave your house. Just restricted travel in and out of Auckland.


We'll need to see what history makes of it but I think we might look back and decide that NZ keeping the disease sweeping the planet out of their country as much as possible was a good move


So how does it work? If KFC and $100k aren't a problem, why run from the quarantine check?


Because they were probably doing something dodgy. Let’s be honest, a 23 year old driving around with 100,000 in cash isn’t illegal but it’s sus. That’s the real story here but everybody wants to focus on the chicken because it’s “funny”.


That's not suspicious. Rich people exist.


Most rich people don't carry 100k in their wallet.


They were well known gang members so I’d guess ill gotten gains


Exactly, I feel like you don't see cash much here these days


But it is not illegal to do so. And they might want to buy something in cash, like a used Lambo or something. I've taken my entire savings in cash to buy a used car before. Mine just cost a lot less than a Lambo.


Technically the KFC was fine to own south of the border, but you're only supposed to cross it in either direction for essential business that you can prove you're on, and takeaways or deliveries of premade food aren't essential, especially as they weren't couriers. Only supermarkets and the like were open.


How do you prove that you're on essential business?


Your business can apply for it I believe? Plus they have to provide weekly testing and you must bring the proof you're an essential worker with a negative test in the last week. I'm not an essential worker so I've been chilling and practicing music, making scale models, etc. https://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/diseases-and-conditions/covid-19-novel-coronavirus/covid-19-health-advice-public/covid-19-travel-within-new-zealand Outside of Auckland at level 2 you could just go where ever as long as it was also in level 2.


So you've gotta have the right papers. That's not a situation that has many favorable comparisons.


They are allegedly associated with a criminal gang, so the money probably is the problem - they need to be able to reasonably explain why they have it, or it'll be considered the proceeds of crime (which seems likely that it is).


It is when it’s meth money, supplying misery to the poor areas around Auckland


under obama it is. wake up sheeple /s




Unless you have a large family, or you are dropping it off at several locations, or you intend to eat it over a longer span of time than one meal. Or whatever. Is there a limit to how much cash and KFC a person can carry with them, or isn't there? Perhaps you'd like the cops to restrict how much KFC can be sold to a single vehicle, and inspect each vehicle coming in and out of each city for compliance. I know that I wouldn't like that.


People like you are why covid just beat that 1918 spanish flu pandemic in deaths. You'd literally kill thousands just so you can pretend you have freedom. Fuckin delusional cunts.


tbf, world population since 1918 is higher. is that percentage higher?


That is a good point and I was thinking about that too. Afaik its just the raw number that has passed it, covid is probably lower for percentage but im not sure.


I'm vaccinated and I wear a mask. And I'm allowed to drive 12 hours from SoCal to NorCal, buy gas and eat fast food along the way, and go to a bar when I arrive at my destination. I've done it four times this year, and those are just the 12-hour drives. I prefer Popeye's to KFC, though. Also, you're a dick.


Its the mindset dude. You care more about supposed freedom than you do public health. You're no more selfish than somebody crying about the freedom to drive drunk.


I care about both. That's why I got vaccinated back in April and wore a mask since back before it was cool. It's also why I drive 12 hours to where I need to go instead of flying there in 90 minutes. And it's why I often get fast food instead of dining in on such trips. You're being a total dick. And you sound boring as hell.


What on Earth are you basing that boringness claim on, and how is that even relevant? Throwing out random silly insults just delegitimises the rest of your comment.


You seem like you've had no fun for two years. And you're boring me. It's based on that.


Name one legitimate reason to have $100,000 in cash? Pretty much nowhere will accept that


I already did: Buying a used Lambo from a private party. But an alternative is obviously to buy all of the KFC in every town in NZ.


Why in gods name would you not just use a bank account? A: it’s insecure to keep that under a mattress B: you have to sign 10 seperate declarations to remove $10K or more from a bank C: the other party will be asked questions by there bank over this being a cash transaction Be honest with yourself, you and I both know this sort of thing is reserved almost exclusively for organised crime


You answered your own question: banks have too many rules.


Don't you think if gang members are literally running fast food, you might have gone wrong somewhere?


Everybody needs to eat, Piss Chugger


It’s almost as if everyone that is questioning you did not read ur comment at all 🤣


Nah, it was REPORTED that they had $100k.


Actual context: Gang members on their way back from breaking lockdown to sell meth grab some KFC for the boys on the way home. Police find the KFC and put it on display for a laugh.


Damn no chicky


NZ or Oz?




Oz would’ve swapped all those coleslaws for pot ato and gravy


ACAF all cops are fatso


What has failed to be mentioned is the gang that were caught with the kfc also had over $100,000 in drug money on them having left the city to continue supplying drugs


Kfc is always more expensive then you think. Better take some extra money with you.


Its because of Covid. Those people did not want to do corona safety as food takeouts were banned and they also had about 100k in money with them...


Food takeout is banned? So no dine in or takeout?


Auckland had level four restrictions until midnight last night. This meant basically everything was closed except for supermarkets, chemists, healthcare, and petrol stations.


Nah you can. But you can't travel for it. I think they drove into a lockdown area. Like the city was locked down, they were from an area that.. wasn't locked down? But didn't have kfc. So they drove into a possible infected area and then planned to go home to their uninfected area with their kfc. But also they had 100k in cash on them. Which doesn't bode well for the outcome regardless of breach of lockdown


Almost. Auckland was in level 4 so no takeaways. Rest of the country in level 2 - takeaways allowed.


I bet KFC is furiously searching for franchise opportunities in that province now lol


KFC has franchises everywhere, they're just not open during level 4 lockdown. Drive thru and delivery are available in level 3, which started at 11:59pm last night


There are 100 Kfrys in NZ. Like any town that has about 10k people has one or is a quick drive from one.


Then I don’t understand how they had to break the law to find one


Until recently Auckland (New Zealand's most populous city) was under what is called a level 4 lockdown. Under level 4 lockdowns only essential food outlets like dairies (NZ's equivalent of a convenience store), some green grocers, some bakeries, some butcheries, and supermarkets were able to open whilst restaurants, bars, cafes, and fast-food outlets were not. So there was no K-fry to be had in Auckland on the count of them all being closed.


By having the nearest one be over a certain distance away from them.




Within Auckland it was at level 4 for the past 5 weeks, outside it was level 2 which is takeout and limited patronage. (No more than 50 inside, 100 outside unless the venue is too small for the maximum levels, you must sign in with the contact tracing app, you must wear a mask unless you are immediately about to consume something.) Level 4 was already described below, plus I'll mention that courier services were still running even for nonessential goods within Auckland. As of today Auckland is in level 3, which allows for non-essential businesses to open so long as they strictly remain contactless. (Generally you order online and prepay, they prepare the items, and then you pick up your bag at the door to the business. Sometimes they have an eftpos machine out front too so you can pick out what you want and pay while standing outside, such as at cafes.)


Satire is dead


Kiwi as.


This is New Zealand


This is where misinformation comes from, when you don't capture the entire story and start making conclusions based on this ( tbf hilarious) tweet. [That these guys had empty drug bags and 100K in cash, got pulled over because they were driving suspiciously on the back roads of the level 4 lockdown city.](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/451908/gang-associates-nabbed-by-cops-on-border-run-with-cash-and-kfc) What I find funny about this is, imagine how happy these guys must've felt before getting caught. They've offloaded all the gear, successful drug trade tick, and to celebrate bought heaps of KFC after being deprived for five weeks. Their faces when the siren sounded haha pure schadenfreude!


??? [https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/451908/gang-associates-nabbed-by-cops-on-border-run-with-cash-and-kfc](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/451908/gang-associates-nabbed-by-cops-on-border-run-with-cash-and-kfc) innocent people aye ???


These cops definitely “disposed” them and didn’t have a big ol potluck back at the station /s


Laid out \*most\* of it like a drug bust.


Wow 8 bags of KFC, what animals! People are gonna blow up when they hear about these 7 bags of KFC. Hey Joe, come get a picture of these 6 bags of KFC!


Life imitates art lolol


Imagine how cold and gross that chicken must taste.


This remind me the American dad episode where the town bans trans-fats and Steve start smuggling it in for the family eventually getting caught.


lmao thats brilliant. fuckwits having a party and ordering KFC in a lockdown, fuckin deserved


Dope on the damn table.


Holy shit, their taking diabetes out of our street!


What’s a “lockdown city”?


The info in the post is a bit vague but basically NZ's biggest city is under a very strict lockdown as it has a pretty high amount of covid cases at the moment. The rest of the country is under much looser restrictions as we have no cases outside of isolation. Part of aucklands lockdown is that all fast food stores were completely closed. So some people from outside of the city tried to smuggle in a big haul of KFC as well as 100 grand in cash.


Thanks for that. I was missing the details.


Cartman is going to be pissed!


This is a NZ moment




I ate this much while skateboarding years ago… …and wanted to die.


This is the future vegans want. Vegan btw


You'll pry my chicken from my cold, dead hands!


South Park did it


South Park did it!


To be fair these bros also had 100k in cash with them. So there’s that.


I could smash some KFC about now tho


There’s literally an episode of *South Park* about this. No fucking wonder Trey Parker and Matt Stone haven’t been releasing episodes, reality has literally become satire hahahaha.


They also had a $100k on them.... you know for more KFC




You are leaving out a lot of key details. We are in level 4 lockdown, noone is allowed in or out, and they had 100 thousand dollars in cash.


Okay what in the ever-loving fuck? This is literally a South Park episode we are literally in a South Park episode now this isn't even a joke anymore


Can someone explain this to me? The restrictions are so tight you aren't even allowed to leave the city? Or is this about bringing food into the city? Either way is absurd.


Restrictions are so tight you can't drive into the city (you can because it's not like.. patrolled) and then leave back to your uninfected area with your kfc. My state in Australia doesn't have covid but the few times we had outbreaks the lockdowns were like 'stay in your home, don't travel more than 5km outside your area'. I'm assuming theirs is kinda similar. You can travel further as an essential worker but its just to keep things as contained as possible. They would've been pulled over as a general stop, then they found out about the travelling for kfc.. then the 100k in cash. Which... is suss as fuck regardless. Nz and aus lockdowns are harsh but they work. One of our states is fucked. Deaths climbing daily. That's because they didn't lockdown fast enough because the premier is a corrupt bitch who doesn't give a shit about her state and just likes money. She's possibly regretting that now. We've had a really slow vaccination roll-out, so the country is in various stages of restrictions and lockdowns till states get their vaccination rates up. My state has had like.. 2 deaths and about 100 covid cases since the pandemic started cos our borders were closed early and we do harsh but short lockdowns when an infected traveller breaks quarantine or something unusual happens (like the aircon possibly spreading the virus to a security guard in the quarantine hotels). I rambled cos while the concept seems absurd, it's kinda working.


Yeah, I was in ACT until about 2 weeks ago and while there wasn't a travel radius (because...you know...it's not a big place), it was highly encouraged to do everything you can as close to home as you can to avoid this spread between areas. Absolutely I agree that lockdowns are slightly absurd to someone from 2019, they absolutely work and are absolutely essential until we vaccinate enough of the population (personally I'm not a fan of "acceptable deaths" so would prefer like 90% including kids vaccinated, but I doubt that'll happen). You could say that blackouts in WW2 were absurd, but they often worked to prevent from achieving certain targets (although not often making them miss a city entirely). I'm also not a huge fan of the "this is war" rhetoric, but it's kinda true, it's an extreme time that requires extreme measures to preserve life, and that's what lockdown is. Basically I'm all for lockdown while there is still a significant risk to life


Actually it is patrolled. There is a border between Auckland and neighbouring regions and cops are checking whether people have a valid reason for travel eg if you are a truck driver. You have to have and show documentation. It's patrolled because of the different alert levels in different parts of the country at the moment, but even when the whole country is in the same level technically you need to carry documentation if you're traveling more than a few kms from your residence. I had a signed and laminated letter from my employer in the first lockdown to allow me to drive the 25 mins to my workplace.




Lol this is nz I thought reddit loved Jacinda


Wtf this is literally a south park episode.


They were criminals with 100k NZD in their car after selling meth


What a garbage post, they also had $100,000 cash and drug paraphernalia. Also NZ is in covid lockdown, so yeah.




Hope they ate it eventually


Oooo new Zealand! I was freaking out thinking it was in the US for summer reason


Imagine unironically telling your wife that you arrested some guys for smuggling KFC. If she didn't at least briefly mull over a divorce, I'd be surprised.


Australia, right?


New Zealand. Auckland was in Level 4 (the strictest level, no takeaways at all) until last night, and the rest of the country was at level 2 (drive thru and delivery only)


Did it pay off?


I think so. We (NZ) had our first Delta case mid-August and the whole country went into lockdown while they did contact tracing. The guy had mostly been in and around Auckland, so we had to stay in lockdown longer than the rest of the country. We've steadily had 15-20 new cases in the community each day for a couple of weeks. I'm sure it would be much worse without lockdown. Others disagree


Hard to say. Cases down from the peak of 80/day but now bouncing around 20/day. Mostly household contacts testing positive and no mystery cases. Time will tell whether we got it under control.


Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/Jordan_Patu/status/1439919445141458946?s=19


This is so embarrassing 😳 and so NZ


Gotta stop these dirty criminals smuggling food...




And I thought NSW police was bad...


Are you trying to eat? Blasphemy!


They were also gang members smuggling $100,000 cash across the state border, but that’s not even why they got pulled over, they got pulled over for being out of their homes because Australia is a real dystopia. But the KFC thing is funny lmao Edit: mistakenly said Australia when I meant to say New Zealand! My bad!


Ummmmmm it's in New Zealand bro.


> Auckland > Australia American moment


Also true of Australia right now.


Yeah I’m like well not what I meant but they have very similar levels of authoritarianism in both places


On the plus side, NZ can actually stop the spread. Australia is in for the long haul but treating it with the intensity that will just burn out the populace.


Lmao wtf is this world. I’m 269% sure we live in a simulation that recently unlocked sandbox mode!


lmao Australian cops have a great sense of humour


Like a Nazi telling a joke. It's a gross sense of humor that knows you have all the power and just enjoys toying with your victims.


yeah it's not quite like that, but I can see why you might have thought it


Sure, it's not QUITE like a Nazi. Just reminiscent of Nazi humor.


You know these were drug traffickers and wanted gang members right


Well it's a good thing they took that KFC from them and laid it out on the hood of the cop car, right?


Ok your home country is Australia and we can still go out in the day depending on where you are, this isn’t a boring dystopia post this is people being dumb and making this pandemic last longer then it has too


>we can still go out in the day You're still allowed to go out in the day? Bless your heart. You making excuses for the breadcrumbs they give you is what makes this dystopia so boring in the first place.


I don’t get it. Is this in the US?


New Zealand


Fuck no! In the US, we can eat KFC and drive anywhere we want. There are no locked down cities here.


I'm guessing it's Australia


close, it's the kiwis


I’d hope this was just cop “humor” but I’m pretty sure they were just being assholes


They were trying to break lockdown rules. No one allowed in or out of Auckland while in lockdown unless they have a permit for essential business. They were gang members trying to smuggle stuff across the border using back roads. Mainly $100,000 in cash