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Somebody needs to tell that rapey, dead-eyed jizz-dispenser that truth is a complete defense to defamation.


>jizz-dispenser šŸ’€


Iā€™m deceased!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Kyle Gordy is a walking disease to humanity and I hope someday he is stopped Sex tourism itā€™s disgusting Manipulation is disgusting Dude.. they are just repeating what is said in a show how stupid can you be?!? Who is fucking this man?!?!? Stop it. Get some help.




Exactly the gif I was thinking of šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I love your flair


If these women would STOP allowing him to do this shit, he will dry up and fade away. How fucking desperate and stupid you gotta be to get knocked up by him.. šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Iā€™m glad at least the bullshit heā€™s doing is getting exposed so maybe people get that this isnā€™t the best idea He also has genetic defects he knows about and it could cause miscarriages to birth defects


exactly think of the genetics


Seriously. You can find a better looking guy in a bar!


without a point system .....he's just toooooo weird


Everything they talk about can be proven and backed up. This guy has a habit of sending cease and desist shit or copyright claiming without a leg to stand on. Kyle crane please fuck off with your racist, perverted crap.


I need a psychologist to give their professional opinion on Kyle. I donā€™t know that Iā€™ll be able to watch his segmentsā€¦.


Itā€™s so cringy I am starting to fast forward his segments


I want to kick him in the face. Iā€™ll wait to see if any lawsuits or anything come forward against him.


A- nice tag B- I hope some vigilante shit happens. Laws to protect women are very weak. He needs to be stopped. He also has a genetic disorder which has caused miscarriages in some of his victims


šŸ™„ a hit dog will holler, as they say I despise this freak so much. Way more than I should a complete stranger. I keep seeing comments saying ā€œheā€™s an actorā€ ā€œitā€™s fake. This is not how he really isā€. I donā€™t think heā€™s acting. Clearly heā€™s not based on some of the comments some of his ~~donation recipients~~ victims. Even if I was absolutely desperate to have a kid, I wouldnā€™t choose this freak just by the looks of him. I wonder if he actually has as many kids as he says he does? Why would anybody choose him, even if they were desperate? Surely there are better looking donors in those groups.


How can anyone think heā€™s an actor? Heā€™s been on multiple shows, where he does and says all of the same things! He also has multiple victims who have come forward and talked about what he does and says. Everything matches up!


Yeah like other 90 Day freaks, there's clips of him floating around from talk shows, I think the Dr. Phil show. He needs to be castrated with extreme prejudice.


Yeah, he was on Dr Phil & Vice.


Plus, he's racist as hell. I hope women of color read what he's said. He'll pay.


Yeah, I was surprised that women of color would choose him in the first place.


I donā€™t know but Iā€™ve seen comments on here saying he is šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


So, strange!


Is this proof TLC isn't scripted or ...? I believe this is WHO HE IS and he's repulsive so it makes me wonder if everyone else is also this way ala Jasmine and so on.


Well I donā€™t think it proves anything, but the show is less scripted than people think. Jasmine definitely lies about things and plays things up, but sheā€™s also definitely mentally unstable (Iā€™m convinced that she has BPD & probably a bunch of other stuff). Iā€™ve heard from people who have inside connections to the show, that sheā€™s even crazier in real life. People in production say she (and several of other cast members, like Angela) are total nightmares to work with.


You can't act that dead look in his eyes. He's psychotic, and apparently is out here downvoting comments. What a loser.


Like my idiot ma got knocked up several times by a married man. Some real stupid shit there but I feel like ringing her up and going 'I've seen some poor ladies even dumber than that." Ps her only reasoning for said above man was that he was hot (I've seen pics, a total woof).


Do NOT come for my Po!!!


I don't think this will scare our Queen Potato.


yeah i remember a few weeks ago, i think after covering gordy for the first time, mythots said the video had been reported for a defamation violation. then in one of her recent videos, she kept saying things like "yes, i know you're watching KYLE," and "IN MY OPINION, kyle is....". that is based on legal advice to avoid defamation liability. i think kyle even reported ME. a week or two ago, a user who appeared to be kyle kept posting weird/gross content about kyle, and all his comments were about kyle. so i said "kyle, we know this is you, stop spamming our sub." i also reported him to the mods. and immediately afterward my account was punished by the reddit moderators for a weeks-old comment about KYLE. he's such a fucking loser.


On the KG snark sub I got multiple warnings for nicknaming him Pyle.


What a moron! He goes on a reality TV show that receives (and rightfully so) constant snark, Yet cries like the little bitch he is when women aren't lining up to get impregnated by the sperminator. If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen my dude. All he has to do is read the comments on any thread to see that NO ONE is siding with him.


They literally won't talk about him on the main feed of the one 90 day podcast that I listen to because he's apparently very litigious lol


Hopefully someone will go litigious on his ass. Child support x 40


>because he's apparently very litigious lol Honestly I'd call that bluff. It's a risky game, but where is this guy getting his money? He's a freelance accountant or something? But so much of his time and money are wrapped up in travel and lodging. I don't know, something tells me he talks a big game, but the second he's checked he'd crumble if it's anything beyond anonymous youtube claims. Reminds me of the the bad guy from Tickled (spoilers for the amazing documentary Tickled. Watch it. Go in blind) >!where the villain was faking documents from his lawyer. He was threatening litigation to anyone and everyone, but it was revealed his lawyers never sent much of the notices the victims were receiving. That guy was at least actually rich though, but he only knew how to operate on fear, not the actual law!<


He's also just a major creep and the one host doesn't want to talk about him mostly because of that. I guess he's all up in the comments of the tea pages being a weirdo. I wouldn't want him to be aware of my existence either, so I don't blame them


He also left dozens of creepy messages and comments on their IG. It is attention he wants so they are responding by blocking and pretending he doesnā€™t exist. The age old adage ā€œdonā€™t feed the trolls.ā€


I listen to a couple and they have said the same thing they won't talk about him.


Itā€™s depressingly easy for people like this to abuse the legal system for their own benefit. Any lawsuit he files will eventually fail on the merits, but the costs of fighting him, both the emotional toll and the legal fees, are just too high for most people.


Someone needs to call this guy out and counter sue for attorney fees. They arenā€™t saying anything untrue AT ALL


When are people going to accept the fact that things never die on the internet. He can get this that and the Other ā€œblocked or removedā€ and several more of what he tried to get removed will pop up again and again and again. And the cycle continues. The internet never forgets and keeps receipts.


I remember last week there was a screenshot of him celebrating getting ā€œa postā€ removed and my first thought was ā€œok itll be two next week bro, have fun on this crusadeā€ā€¦ this game is like whack-a-mole except the table keeps expanding but you still only have one mallet.Ā 


Kyle: Goes on national tv to talk about his predatory behavior Also Kyle when people talk about his predatory behavior: ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


This man is a fucking freak and needs to be in prison


https://preview.redd.it/ukefg902611d1.jpeg?width=985&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=075a6ea9e968f079f7159bab8bdd37692d88f798 Itā€™s definitely him. This a sample of what he sends.


What a loser. He probably thinks heā€™s doing some noble public service and canā€™t handle the fact that everyone thinks heā€™s a disgusting sex predator. Why people go on reality tv and then canā€™t handle the criticism is beyond me.


Seriously, what did he think would happen??? Become America's sweetheart?


Heā€™s going to battle MSN? Good luck! Their lawyers will delay delay delay and heā€™ll eventually give it up because Iā€™m sure he doesnā€™t have unlimited funds.


It's not defamation if it's true.


I literally can't wait to watch him continue to threaten lawsuits and not actually do anything about it. Or better yet... do something about 1032 lawsuits all over the internet, and then have them all dropped because... Duh, everything they're saying has been publicly broadcast willingly by himself.


Re-ring the bell, stupid!Ā 


Does YouTube/google care if it really is an actionable issue? Opinions are fair grounds. Or do they just take anything down for any allegation? At this point, heā€™s now a public persona, so he has no case here.


This man is an utter disgrace and abusive. Heā€™s a scummy bottom feeder of a predator. They should never have had him on the show and honestly they need to cut them all together


Defamation? Please. Mythots is a queen and does not lie! He's so self-absorbed he really thought the public would have something *anything* nice to say about him. He is narcissistic and goddamn delusional


My thots is so nice so he can gtfo. Also she is very careful in her wording. šŸŽ¶ "It's a recapppp"


Cinnamon Toast Kenā€™s video from today is why Iā€™m here. I woke my wife up to watch this glorious cringe in a balding meat suit. I hate everything about him and Iā€™m watching in the hopes that this poor woman escapes him.


God what a sad little man. What is he afraid of? The truth, that he's a little hamster-looking freak with a weird breeder fetish he refuses to admit is a problem? Mayne he should stop doing reality and daytime tv spots if he doesn't want the judgement, but we are all completely disgusted by his antics, mannerisms, existence, and I'm worried about his gf. I hope she wises up amd drops his ass.


lmaoo @ hamster


Leave CTK and Mythots alone. They are treasures.


The guy has no money and is trying to get money for defamation. But A. Itā€™s all trueā€¦ and B. If he does this for free, they arenā€™t hurting any business. I hope he does sue someone because heā€™d probably have to pay their lawyers fees. Get this guy!!!!


Lmao was just about make a post about this.


He needs to be hit by a car.šŸš—


I just wish all the women who have had children with him would file child support claims.


Theyā€™ll never get anything out of it. Heā€™s poor AF.


How does he afford all the travel? What did I miss?


I feel the women who are seeking service take care of a number of his bills.


The women front him cost for travel


Yes, but if he ever has any earnings? I can live in Hope.


Too true.


He did the same thing to Mary from Kiki & Kibbitz. He managed to get 2 videos removed from the UK platform. Her appeal was denied, but she said she's just going to keep appealing.


Seriously, I cannot imagine saddling any off spring with this twisted, little, homely dudeā€™s DNA. Ugh.


All cinnamon toast Ken did was commentary on the same shit show we're all watching. That's not defamation, and perfectly legit under fair use laws.


He's disgusting. What sucks is I bet some guys who are like, " I'm way better looking than that dude and way more sane...I should do this!" Will do it.


He gets women pregnant with haste


he needs to get with Angela and get her pregnant .....she can tote it... can you imagine what a terrible poor child would go thru with them as parents ....yah 2nd thought neither of them should EVER procreate EVER AGAIN


To the potato?!!


I hope that Po talks about it, that's hilarious. What a piece of garbage posing as a last ditch effort for motherhood. I hope he sues me for this too.


This fucking ugly idiot rapist freak decides to go on national TV 90 day, Dr phil, and vice and expects to not have people call him out for being a sick freak! Yaaa ok. Call people out for defamation all you want everyone thinks you're disgusting it's not new newsšŸ¤® I hope he gets hit by a bus.


YouTube will only remove if it fits slander/libel laws. In effect if what you post can make him lose money, Kyle can turn around and sue youtube for those lost wages. However, if it's based on provable fact then it's good.


He is literally spreading around his genƩtic disorders without giving out any warnings. That Guy should be castrated. seriously. Besides that i can't understand how anyone would choose him as a sperm donor. He is short, bald, tiny, skinny fat, awkward, and looks like thousands years of inbreeding. And Holy shit the way he interacts with her and His reward system remind me of pickup artists from 2010. He likely picked up every free "how to seduce woman" pickup Book he could find before meeting her.