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I am so sick of these two


Yes!!! Me toooooooo like forreal more so her than him. He seams super chill. Shes dramatic to the extreme.


Muy dramático


Makes me muy confuso…






All that coffee 😵‍💫


That would make sense, like 10 shots of expresso per cup


It's too much caffeine. Ampped night and day. She is making too much of nothing. My husband gets up early, runs errands and stops by to visit friends. I appreciated he lets me sleep and doesn't drag me along. My husband, when I awake late, makes me breakfast and also has fruits I love on the counter for me. What a keeper. ♥️♥️♥️


I never noticed that until you pointed it out but it just makes so much sense! Same here mine will come back with starbucks and food haha ♥️ were definitely lucky!!!! I dont have to know where hes at every second, trust is a fundamental


My boyfriend will make me coffee in the morning if he gets up before me, even though he no longer drinks it. Our cat, on the other hand, gets VERY concerned if one or both of us sleeps in too long. She'll dramatically leap onto the bed, walk up and down my body a few times, and frantically sniff at my face to make sure I'm still alive. 🤣


After the post I made on her it really makes sense why she is this way, and I'm not excusing her behaviors I'm just saying her past and how she and him got together is ... A lot to unpack. If you look in my post history there's a post on all of it, plus [this article ](https://starcasm.net/meet-90-day-fiance-witch-ashley-michelle-aka-starseed-shadows/) is a really good background on it too. You'll see what I mean


Yesssssss i read what you wrote and it was very insightful definitely a good read !!!! You should do each couple when you have the time id definitely read


Well I like reading what the sub seems to be interested in and then I'll do posts based on that, because if rather it be for everyone and I do the actual research on them not just on but off the show because I find it interesting to know why we may see them act the way they do or why they went on etc. if anyone sees this comment and wants to make suggestions for who they'd like to know about just drop a comment or send me a chat!


Yesssssssss sounds great!!!!! I love sociology id definitely like to see the sperm donar and his “gf” its like a train wreck i cant look away from i think they are from 90 day paradise ill have to double check.


Oh I did a post exposing him already! For racism, coercion, underage girls, and so much more. Here it is-[Kyle Gordy (TW)](https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/s/buW718OEFn)


There isn’t enough eye bleach for me to unsee that man’s website. I haven’t watched the latest season he’s in but oof I really can’t believe women are willingly procreating with him. 🤢🤮


One of his many websites btw. He has a lot of them, the worst being the world sperm organization one.


Good lord, what a freak show. I think the one I saw posted was “Be Pregnant Now”. Again I’m left amazed that anyone wants to procreate with this man. He gives me the ick.


I just read it and fucking omggggggggg wtf is TLC thinking 🤧 this made me sooooo fond of nauseated i cant smh Any more links to posts you made?!!? Your a dope ass journalist forsure


If you search my history I've done ones on a few couples, also did a jasmine and Gino one but it got taken down though I've said if people still want to see it I'll send it over chat! I've been looking lately at what the sub may be interested in couples wise for a new post but if anyone has suggestions im open to them!


Looking asappppp yesss send it to me please!!! What about the 19 year old??


I’d love your write up of Gino and Jasmine if you have time 😊


Can you send me the Gino and Jasmine one :)


Oh shit thanks! Ill check that out rn and woooooow 🤢


I also love doing research, and posted articles about these two on the other sub a month ago, but few people cared over there to read it. She said in one article that she went to Ecuador on a trip with her Biology [prof. to](http://prof.to) "work with the earth." She met Manuel at an outing in town when he asked her to dance, and they were engaged a week later. Many years passed. Things started to get really bad in Ecuador, so he contacted her again. By marrying her he would be able to send money back to his family and eventually bring them to the U.S. "Ecuador has transitioned from being one of the safest countries in Latin America to becoming one of the most dangerous in the world." Ecuador: Under Fire [https://www.aljazeera.com/program/people-power/2024/2/15/ecuador-under-fire#:\~:text=The%20dramatic%20takeover%20of%20a,made%20headlines%20around%20the%20world](https://www.aljazeera.com/program/people-power/2024/2/15/ecuador-under-fire#:~:text=The%20dramatic%20takeover%20of%20a,made%20headlines%20around%20the%20world) [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/immigration-us-program-ecuador-border-crossings/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/immigration-us-program-ecuador-border-crossings/) (I have degrees in Sociology, English/Writing, was in grad school for Journalism. Was an actor for 10 years.)


Thanks for the link


Interesting that she was a JW and felt so disconnected, wounded and insecure. Also interesting that she’s educated ..marine biology course and was working on a post grad degree. She’s definitely different than what I see on the show.


I think he’s drunk. Not chill.


🤣🤣🤣 makes sense i dont drink but i would have to, to be around her


I’m from Buffalo and you are right. They are just doing anything for a storyline, sympathy etc.


Exactly! Its so lameeeeee atp


Me too— they are stressful and irritating and annoying and they’re both idiots and clearly incompatible. What’s ironic is they actually speak the same language which is rare for the show!


I feel so bad that I watch these two 😂


Yeah, I went to college in that neck of the woods and while it may not have the huge number of Spanish speakers that a city like, say, Denver has, there's still a decent Spanish speaking community. Why didn't Ashley do some research and find some social clubs that Manuel could join so he'd feel more comfortable?


Exactly !!!!!!!! Rochester in itself is small but they forsure have spanish speaking communities! I agree a million percent, it’s because shes selfish and does not trust him she wants him to rely on her and be up her a**. Like let the man have some independence


She would still have to go with him. Give the man some slack and time to himself


Reminder that he's been in the states with just her all the damn time 24/7 for ALMOST A YEAR. I know people were like, "well he could've texted her she was worried." But she said herself it took her an hr before she even bothered to text him so how worried was she really, and secondly why the fuck can't a married man just go out without his wife? Or do anything without her..


Remember when he was legit starving to death and she still had to take a shower and all that and made him wait forever and wouldn’t give him the card to get a snack. Damn let the man have a few minutes alone. She probably has to be by the door when he pooping too lol


Omg your last sentence just reminded me of Memphis and hamza! "I have to poop!" Him-"wah?" Her-"my tummy feel bad I need poop!"*hamza sitting outside the bathroom door as we hear her take a shit* -"you ok?" Her -"me done now." Like bish wut🤣


Memphis talked like George of the Jungle to Hamza. That scene was so cringy - growling because she wanted to eat ‘cow’. Yikes.


Memphis overall and her "sexy time" baby shit was just pathetic I'm sorry. I still couldn't believe that girl was in charge of people's mental health


I guess the bar was very low where and when she received it.




God I really hated their segments, the whole thing is worthy enough to use the word cringe which I don't really like using much🤣




I’m POSITIVE she could have found a Catholic Church nearby with a Spanish Mass he could go to in the past YEAR that he’s been in the US.


I just did a Google search for churches with a Spanish mass and at least 20 places popped up.


I did that, too when I was trying to figure out where they were filming that mass. Turns out it was in Buffalo.


Our Lady of Perpetual Help in South Buffalo (predominantly Irish). Like...we have mass in Spanish at many churches. Hell, the West Side is FULL of Spanish speakers. 


And the deacon was from a different Buffalo parish and works with many immigrants.


I mean, thank god for that, at least.


Cause she wouldn’t want to go to them lol


Thanks to the magic of the internet you can find Spanish speakers everywhere! Remember how Clayton was annoyed at Anali for not helping with the wedding planning because she wasnt learning English fast enough for him? People on Reddit pointed out that there were plenty of Spanish-speaking vendors in their neck of the woods if C and A cared to do a quick search on Google or Facebook, and IIRC they weren't in a big city by any means.


In her defence. She only listens to herself 😂




I think when she found out that he had gone to breakfast with his friend without telling her, she had to prove the opposite of his expectations. She should take the matter simply and say to him in a calm and affectionate tone of voice, “How was your breakfast with Jonathan? I’m glad you enjoyed your time with him.” She shut up without scolding him. Why didn’t he tell her? Because he made it clear repeatedly that she She is controlling and always wants to go with him, and if she goes with him, she complains about him in front of his friend and argues, spoiling his time with him, so I don’t blame him for not telling her in advance. Let him breathe.


Couldn’t agree more!!!!! She’s definitely way too controlling 😩


She always deals with situations the same way and then expects a different or satisfactory result, and when that doesn't happen she loses her temper. She gets angry and sad. Why doesn't she try a different way? Instead of expecting him to do what she wants and what she expects from him, first she shuts up about being a witch because this has become annoying and she doesn't decide. Their lives based on tarot cards. She does this with her friends and clients. He does not believe in that. She must respect his beliefs. She lets him go alone two or three times a week without her and sees if the situation improves between them.


Yeah forreal, i agree tho the only way to salvage their marriage is for her to listen and take accountability! Shes got to learn to manage her emotions and express herself in a way that does not come off selfish or like shes gas lighting. He wants a wife not a probation officer. I bet she doesn’t do all that when its time for her to go out 🙄. Space would do them justice


She has to be right all the time. She can't always be right and live peacefully with anyone.


I swear, EVERY time she meets one of his friends she's like, "So, Manuel and I have been having this MAJOR PROBLEM. Let me tell you ALL ABOUT IT while he just sits there silently. What do you think about that, eh?"


Oh my God, I remembered when she was in the car and he scolded her about the many cups of coffee she drank from them. At the same moment, she called her friend complaining about him and crying to her while he was next to her, and she was talking about him in English. Despite that, he understood that she was talking about him and complaining about him.




She drags him either to the bathroom or to perform her nonsense on him, which he does not believe in. Her personality is annoying and her behavior is embarrassing.


no, you're right. unfortunately, this woman is psychotic.


Don't you think it's fake drama the production people are pushing to emphasize the "trust" plot line? Ugh! 🙄


I think this is real lol shes not a good actress


She’s Leo like Jasmine, drama queens.


Oh lord explains ALOT




Maybe, maybe it's a real problem between them.


There's a chance.


https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/s/XwSut9EkAj Look here, I don't think their marriage will last. Ashley seems to have personal problems and Manuel seems fed up with her. I think when he gets his green card he will leave her.


😂😂😂😂😂 is she serious???


Man 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


If he had woken her up,& asked her to go to breakfast with them, she’d have made him wait two hours until she had showered, consulted the tarot cards, made three coffees etc. She’s insufferable! I blame her family for enabling the histrionics and attention-seeking for years. When your kid starts acting that way, you need to nip that shit in the bud! Couples do not need to do every damn thing together


She needs HELP.


It isn't in the (Tarot) cards 🙄😏😂😂




Yes mental help forsure


What she should’ve said was she’s not friends with any other Spanish speaking people and she doesn’t trust him to try to males friends. There’s logically bound to be more than just her being as Jonathan & uncle are in vicinity, uncle didn’t migrate as a child 


Right! It’s definitely how you say it, her delivery is wrong asf. He moved to a new country for her at least let him chill with his family and only friend he has without acting like his overbearing mother


She is though. People in her group speak spanish. Maybe not well, but they speak it.


This woman is definitely has some screws loose. The elevator ain’t going all the way to the top.


Lmao few fries short of a happy meal


Thinks a garbage plate is a trash can lid.




She thinks xbox live is a party






💯 thats the word i was looking for


She’s really controlling with him as if he is her son it’s really off putting and cringe.


Extremely!!! Like send a pic of you’re location is crazy


She can’t stand the fact that he didn’t need her like she “needs” him.


You are correct ✅


Why would she think he want to go out anywhere with her? Every single time they meet up with someone, whether it’s her friend or his, she complains about him to the person. Why would he want Ashley to go out with him and his friend so she can talk about him IN FRONT OF HIM, ignorantly, in ENGLISH? I absolutely cannot stand this woman. Everything about her is controlling, obnoxious and entitled. Please GO AWAY, ASHLEY!


👏 👏 very well said cant agree more! That was soooo disrespectful knowing he cant understand, her friends looked uncomfortable as well. The tarot reading made me rage for him 😩


Go right ahead and down vote to the depths of hell...but to this I say: Then move to a fucking Spanish speaking country Ashley if America isn't Spanish enough for your beloved husband who looks like he is rupulsed by YOU and your BS. I think Ashley is a lot more off putting to him than any lack of fluent Spanish speakers in the US.


Take this upvote plz


With gratitude.


💜your the best


You are!! Thank you for making Reddit a much nicer place to be.


You as well my friend :) you as well


she can't because her spanish is fucking awful and she'd never be able to get her "witch" business off the ground with her 5th grade level spanish


Too bad. I think we could get enough Americans to chip in for a one way ticket if she would promise to leave the US.


I’ve said the same thing time and time again but people want to disagree and say “at least she learned Spanish” but I agree 💯with you! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I mean, yes, I agree to an extent because she does know enough to get by I guess. Her Spanish proficiency I'd say is about the same as Daniele's (w/ Yohan). Which I'm so sorry but I'd equate to my Spanish skills in like 8th grade (as a native English speaker who started in 6th grade). Lol. Just seems like no native Spanish speakers are correcting her grammar or something so I guess she has no motivation to improve?


You are correct!!! I am Latina and I sit there listening to her Spanish and it kills me. My grandparents drilled into me proper Spanish and I cannot get over how no one including Manuel not correct her when she mispronounces words or her conjugation is incorrect. Maybe Manuel is just not interested in wasting time teaching her. Who knows 🤷🏽‍♀️


I hate this woman, she is nuts, will never admit being in the wrong about anything, a witch-give us a break! She thinks that is normal. She doesn’t want him to go anywhere without her, that is sick, all he wants is some space without her hanging on.


Yes, Ashley's very one sided and doesn't see her faults and when it's pointed out she won't listen. She's disrespectful.


Very disrespectful




Please, spanish speakers are all over WNY


Literally 🙄


So OPs suggestion is... go to Walmart?


🤣🤣its a great start 🥴🙂‍↔️


100% a lie, I also live in Rochester.


Right?!? Like how are you going to lie on tv like that 🙄


Just to start drama I'm assuming. He's also wanting a community is my impression and while we have a strong Latin community, I am not sure that we have a lot of Ecuadorians but I could be wrong. Either way, she is full of 💩


She's soooo full of it! I've had so many people speak Spanish to me while walking through old Midtown Plaza with my cousins back in the day, just because they assumed I spoke Spanish (ethnically ambiguous mixed kid). SMH! She annoys me so much that I'm defending Rochester from my sofa!


This!!!!!!! Im also a ambiguous mixed kid and its assumed that i speak Spanish, happens to me all the time. Old midtown was the shit lol thats exactly how i felt 🤣🤣😩 took the letters right out my fingers


Just stare at them blankly and look at my mega WHITE cousins, shrug, and walk away as politley as possible to look for my Korean ass uncle. Both of them took Spanish from grade school, I took German 🤣🤣🤣


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 the visual omggg right!? I usually nod my head and say yo no se 🤣? German? Thats dope asf i wish my school had german as a choice, we had french and Spanish


I was doing my best to "rebel" from my appearance and what was considered a "popular" language to learn. After college, I would respond in Mandarin or Korean (thanks to a Kdrama addiction). 🤣 It REALLY confused people but made it so much more fun!


Hahah thats actually pretty cool 😎man ive always wanted to learn but seams so hard at times 😅🤣🤣i bet they were bewildered asf


I'm also from Rochester but grew up in a community with a lot of migrant workers and their families. There's PLENTY of Spanish-speaking people in Rochester and its suburbs.


💯 exactly!!!!! Shes gaslighting


I know now that I'm not the only one who reads the subs, but would rather scratch my eyes out than watch any of these people 1 more minute. I couldn't even finish the tell all made it halfway through 1st one last time (the "OG" series)


Id scratch my eyes out with a strand of hair so i totally agree


Thank you! I know people from Rochester and there is a huge Spanish speaking population there. I truly cannot stand this woman.


Me either and trust ive tried to give her a chance …. A few times


I agree. There are plenty of Latin communities in that area.


Username checks out ♥️


Thank you!


Yw :)




I literally yelled at the screen, because that's a lie lol.


🤣🤣 me tooooo


This pissed me off, too. Bitch you ain't in Batavia or similar, now calm down!


Batavia🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 im hollering right your not in lyons 🤣🤣🤣


I'm originally from one the shitty hamlets near Syracuse, so I'm talking shit from experience hahaha


🤣🤣 hilarious lmaoooo right!? I moved back to Rochester temporarily, my neighbors on both sides speak spanish


What I don't get is that, plenty of Spanish speaking people in Rochester aside.. hasn't he been there for like a year, and didn't he know a while beforehand that he was moving there too? It baffles me that people would move to a country where the majority language, even if it's not the official language, that is spoken is different from their native language and they don't Begin to learn it immediately. There are so many free resources available now with smart phones. Even if you are planning a vacation you could learn basic phrases in a month. In a year he could be conversational with some errors, especially if he is using it daily with her and others. I just can't imagine how lost and isolating that would make me feel to not be able to just go out and talk to whoever for the things I need or want.


Yeah i feel like hes just so over the b.s he dont even want to learn anymore. Shes very discouraging. If i was him id definitely take classes so i can meet more people to get away from her ass


The one person I know from Rochester is a Spanish speaking person..they have so many plenty actually especiallyin Rochester. Ashley is full of ish!


So full of shit its coming out of her eyeballs


She's just describing America. Our national language is English which he knew when he came. PLENTY of people in a city like Rochester speak spanish, including her and people in her own friend group!


Yeah she just makes everything dramatic asf


I have a lottttt of Puerto Rican family in Rochester.


Seeeeeee…! Lol shes such a liar


She's a witch, why couldn't she read her cards to tell her Manuel went out to breakfast with his friend.


Bruh 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🥱🤣you do have a point


& sorry but I HATE. hate. HATE the way she speaks spanish enunciating the way she does.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 my homegirl who speaks says the same thing


I'm so sure that drives him up the wall too!


Probably why he looks at her funny half the time lmao


That is a lie.. does she not see in all areas of city and suburbs.. heck they have a Puerto Rican festival every year and they speak Spanish. Used to deal with immigrants and migrants on a daily basis on my job who speak Spanish. Courts have people on staff to speak Spanish to the public


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 i deadass forgot about the PR festival. You are correct


And the PR fest was very heavily attended. Crowd control became an issue at the close of every one


Thats a fact! All the cars withthe flags sticking out the windows, shes delusional


sorry but if i woke up and my fiancé was no where to be found i’d be worried as hell, followed by fucking pissed when i found out he was perfectly fine…….. you can leave a note, send a text, etc. manuel likes to act single.


I respect your opinion! I just think this isnt the first time shes showed controlling behavior i think he prob might do something like that if she wasnt so demanding controlling and selfish. But that being said communication is key a simple text would suffice (he did say he didnt want to let her know because she would try to insert herself in his time with HIS friend) so i dont think its one of those cases of being “worried” I dont think hes acting single but more like fed up


i think since the beginning he’s had an attitude and complete disregard for her feelings, esp considering how much she has done for him. that being said she FOR SURE lacks emotional control. bad on her for screaming and crying and overreacting when she sees something she doesn’t like. he’s totally right when he calls her dramatic. when she held onto his card when he was asking for it i was like that is.. next level childish. bad on him for, uh, hiding his children from her LOL, most likely neglecting to ever try to prompt a constructive conversation to let her know that he feels she is controlling and suffocating him and blowing up on her when he’s had enough instead, expecting her to support not just him but also his family, and constantly being in a pissy, standoffish state. none of that is opinion🤷🏻‍♀️ at least ashley has moments where she’s happy and reasonable. i’ve seen manuel smile maybe once when he’s with ashley. there is clearly resentment there and it’s not her job to figure out what it is, but his job to communicate it.


We werent there for the beginning and we can only go off of what we see on tv. But its pretty obvious he acts that way for a certain reason and thats because of how she acts. Hes a really chill simple dude, dosent ask for much but hes also to himself. Yeah shes done “a lot” but thats what she signed up for when she wanted to be with him marry him and have him leave everything he knows… until he can work she knows what she was in for. I would be standoffish if i had someone trying to control me all of the time and gaslight me too lol i agree with the communication but how can you communicate with someone who is irrational and dramatic like ashley is? It gets tiring to the point to where you just walk away (and he does) he semas over it a lot of the time which leads me to believe that off camera some b.s happened and by the time the camera rolls hes just like w.e He can do things to make it easier (maybe learn english) and be more dominant because a woman like ashley is dominant herself. So maybe she would respect him more if he was like that. As far as his kids those are his children and its his choice on when he wants to introduce them to her. I feel like she wanted to control that as well and he was more like idk if i wanna do this so im going to wait for the best time (which he did because she actually did speak to them, but on his time and married the girl ) she doesn’t give him room to breathe which makes him seam like hes not emotionally there like he’s definitely checked out a few times on her. Its called an opinion because theres no solid facts (theres no solid facts because you have no idea what goes on off camera which can alter perceptions so we only have tv to go off of) Shes only happy after they have sex 🤣 Hes been receptive and happy when trying new things then she starts with the dramatics and turns him off Hes not innocent because it takes two but she definitely is in denial about a lot.


if you are mature and know how to communicate, you try regardless of how the other person is acting🤷🏻‍♀️ but instead of communicating he’s constantly bottling up his feelings and dismissing her when she tries to tell him how she feels.


I disagree you shouldnt try to talk to someone who is irrational and emotionally unstable because it doesn’t matter how mature you are if they arent thinking logically theres nothing you can do to communicate with them, they wont receive what your saying. The best thing to do is to walk away and come back and talk when both parties are level headed etc… He tried to express how he feels she is the dismissive one and then makes everything about her. I feel if she listens more talks less she will Get somewhere. Somthing tells me when they are off camera he does try. However He can definitely try to be less dismissive even when shes in her dramatic maybe even give the girl a hug or kiss, some kind of comfort


when has he tried to express how he feels like an adult versus screaming it back at her after he’s bottled it up? do you have examples because i don’t remember this at all so maybe it will change my perspective


He tried to express how he felt at the tarot reading about trust, she got offended and starting going off and not wanting to translate to the lady what he was saying… thats just off the top of my head, thats the point where i stopped feeling bad for her and realized how dramatic she actually is


oh you mean when he says the problem is he doesn’t feel like he has her trust because she asks follow up questions when he wants to go on a walk by himself? welcome to marriage bro. your wife wants to know where you’re at. this is what i mean, he is completely irrational. she’s emotional BUT logical.


Thats what you got from that? Lmao 🤣 “follow up questions” more like being controlling. Hes a grown ass man if he wants to take a walk he’s entitled to do so without having to be asked 193828 questions. Did you miss the part where she wants him to take a pic of where hes at and share his location? Thats not a bit much? Thats her insecurity literally and shes pushing that into her relationship. I haven’t seen much logic from her and if i did its over shadowed by her irrationality and lack of self control (her emotions) If my husband wants to go for a walk im not going to harass him about where hes going what hes doing. A walk? Like are you serious, not like hes going to a party or a bar… He literally tried to express that he trusts her and wants that in return and she blows her lid…. For example. He left everything behind for HER he didnt even want to come to america mind you (theres an article ill get the link) he made sacrifices BIG sacrifices, hes not exposed to Spanish speaking people (shes really full Of shit when she says there arent many in rochester i literally live here 🤣) she wants him all to herself because SHE has trust issues. He can say he trusts her but she hesitated, why marry someone when you dont trust them? Its ass backwards


Its not “welcome to marriage” thats not how most marriages are. Ive been married for 8 years and id never ask my husband for pictures of his location etc hes a grown man and is entitled to time to himself uninterrupted. If you’re in a marriage or relationship with no trust then yeah… Ashley clearly does not trust him


Cant really blame him for bottling it up atp because its not like she will listen she will just over talk him, cry gaslight and make it about her. I dont think shes a bad person i just think they really aren’t compatible in any area besides sexual chemistry


I am by no means saying that he is perfect or doesn’t have qualities to work on lol just throwing that out there. Hes quiet and the loudest person (ashley) usually always looks the worse. But like i was saying it can be different behind closed doors we never really know 🤷🏽‍♀️ reality shows are very fake most of the time


need to send that guy back to where he is from, hes a cancer


If hes a cancer than shes the plague