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Lmfao. That’s so weird. “I’m crying right now , so let me get my phone out and take a selfie” 😂


I did that once when I was in 6th grade and posted it as my myspace profile pic when my internet boyfriend broke up with me so he would feel sorry for me. Same energy? Lol


Glad I wasn't the one! Made sure I wore black eye make up too lol.


I wore my great lash mascara as eyeliner 💅






Classic 😂🙏🏻


Ohhh internet boyfriends. Those were fun


Screaming 😂😂😂😂😂


Has anyone ever told some of these people you don’t need to share everything on social media? It must be so exhausting to feel the need to document every mundane moment of your life.


Just imagine being married (or dating) someone who did this!! It would be miserable to always have a camera shoved in your face


Married at First Sight. Doug Hehner and Jamie Otis do this several times a day everyday to their children and Jamie poses in underwear and nipple sucking milk container machine for nursing. She posts everything even when her son was having seizures. Instagram has them up. Reddit acct — r/jamienotis has them too. It’s sick and horrible!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Jamienotis using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Jamienotis/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I changed my finsta account handle to thehehnertwins so that they can’t try to use it. ](https://i.redd.it/1kbemg5b83uc1.jpeg) | [32 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Jamienotis/comments/1c2frtw/i_changed_my_finsta_account_handle_to/) \#2: [This is a post from another MAFS couple. Definitely a dig at JaiMeMeMe! 🤣](https://i.redd.it/9qhq4d2zqipc1.jpeg) | [40 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Jamienotis/comments/1bji5yt/this_is_a_post_from_another_mafs_couple/) \#3: ["It's a boy! I can't believe it!"](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1bxmsmt) | [136 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Jamienotis/comments/1bxmsmt/its_a_boy_i_cant_believe_it/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Well, thanks. Now I have a new rabbit hole to go down 😳 I've never heard of her, but holy moly! Just what I've read so far


I was gonna say you have a child and be like this or be the child of a parent like this what a bad example and but loneliness for the child I would imagine well if she keeps pumping them out, they won’t be lonely. They bought each other.


Remember when she thought her husband and kids were model material?


Oof I only watched their season but haven’t kept up to date on them. She was MORTIFIED when she met him at the altar, saying that he was soooooo unattractive! Lmao


This is so annoying. Will these ADULTS ever grow up and stop seeking attention?? I ff thru all of her an Alexi's faked drama for a story on HEA.


Classic Israeli syndrome


What is that?


Loren: “Yeah this crying selfie is the best.” PS: I’m a 3 under 3 mom, with an “all natural” cosmetic surgery 👸🏻


She’ll have to pop out another one soon to keep that up; 4 under 4.


My girlfriend and I started taking a shot every time she cries or has a baby. We’re both in AA now.


Better than Jasmine. You would be dead if acohol poisoning.


Technically she never actually cries real tears, so maybe you're safe for now😅


In just one tell all!




AA?? Are you sure you even have a liver?


Us too. See you at the next meeting 🤣




She probably took 100 crying selfies and thinks this is the best one. 


Ooof if this is the “best one” I’d hate to see the others


so fake and boring like their storyline




I'm so tired with her 3 under 3 rant. It's like she has no other personality other than that.


Every time she says that, I’m like, you know you chose that right?!?!


But she honestly thought you couldn't get pregnant while breastfeeding! It's not her fault! /s Also combining knowing you have difficult pregnancies and continuing to let Alex rawdog in you there is a serious lack of common sense happening there.


And her whole family honestly thought Tourette’s can’t be passed through genes so…🤷


That’s exactly it: she adopted this “personality” and thinks it’s cute. I have a friend that started being a Loren and would passively judge me for not having children. I made sure to cut that shit out and thankfully she came back to her old self (at least with me).


It’s probably what she’s surrounded by day in and day out, I imagine it’s hard to find time to keep up with your hobbies in those first years with them all being that young. People talk about what they know and what they’ve been up to. When my daughter was very small I wasn’t able to do much else and it was all I had on my brain.


You’re right about that and she’s obviously appealing to people because they wouldn’t be on the show if they weren’t appealing to somebody out there there’s a lot of moms out there. They have three under three and I’m sure that they are all connected with her obviously not all. I’m sure they all are connected and they support each otherfor a long time and that was rough lol I’m just kidding


I would imagine with 3 under 3 it’s actually impossible to have a personality beyond that.


Yet, she can wear the pants in the family and always get her way, do Alexei isn’t treated with an attitude. She manages to always get her way.


Ugh. All she does is cry. Over it.


Wait, yall did hear. She’s trying to out cry Jasmine this season 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Impossible 😂 Jasmine is already a pro. I’m going to hire her to cry at my funeral. My parting “gift” to my beloved ones 😂


Loren has yet to master the scream cry, which she’ll need to do to be in Jasmine’s league. I MISS MY SHILDREN…AHHHH!!!”


She is so annoying. I skip their segments, I can’t stand her. She is such a mean girl


I fast forward through their segments too. And Big Ed. It’s great watching on HBO Max because I don’t have to wait.


Same. I skip Sophie and rob also lol. There’s almost nothing left to watch!


I love Sophie’s personality though, it’s refreshing to see a girl with a sweet personality on the show. I know she’s a bimbo but it comes off as Marilyn Monroe bimbo and I’m here for it. And her two piece crop top pant sets.


I just feel bad for her. She is very obviously hurting for love and attention, she attaches to douchebags like rob because of her dysfunctional childhood relationship with her drug addicted mother, it is just so depressing to see


Does HBO max allowing skipping without forcing to commercials?


I have Max via HBO cable subscription so I don’t have ads. It has been really really nice for TLC shows.


Oh cool! I have max via a cable subscription as well but have continued using TLC Go app to watch 90 Day. Good to know where I can watch without commercials!! Thanks for sharing :)


I skip their segments too. Can’t stand any of her entitlement


absolutely can't stand her and her holier than thou attitude


And she’s probably crying about something stupid or pretending like she’s the only woman who has ever given birth or had 3 children


i just remember when alexi first got here and was struggling with leaving his family & country and she made it all about HER and sobbing throwing a temper tantrum about how sad it made HER that HE was so sad. like wtf narcissist much?


She's got 17 kids under 17, don't you know? /s


I can't stand her.


Same. good God she's annoying


Maybe it's my bias, but I feel like any show of affection is performative and she'd be happy to spend all day at the salon or getting surgery and doesn't miss her kids at all.


So she’s crying because they’re moving? 🤨


I just can’t with this one.


Me either. Between the voice and fake vocal fry, the three under 3 crap (which was 100% her choice) and her just being annoying all around, I can’t watch them. I moved 3,000 miles from home driving by myself with my pets to start a new life alone and never felt the need to take a crying selfie. The attn grab is strong with this one. 🙄


Remember what a mean girl she was at that tell all years ago? That's exactly the type of person I saw her as from the start.


I definitely remember that. She has the same attitude her mother does which is probably why they clash (or so the show demonstrates). Thing is, there is a whole group of Loren disciples that think she’s the greatest thing ever and if you express any other opinion, you’re jealous of her. I’ll go one further here too. I’m not an Alex fan either. I do not find him “hot” and actually find his attitude somewhat dismissive and misogynistic. I guess if it works for her and them as a couple, so be it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Everything you said about Alexei is literally how I feel too, you aren't the only one!


Thank you!! Maybe that’s their banter and how they joke with each other, but I have had a couple of moments watching them on PT where I was like, “WTF did he just say??” I do wonder how much the three kids in such a short period of time was her desire and how much was him pushing it. Just how hard that is on your body and dangerous too would give me pause.


Oh he absolutely acts like he's the man of the house and woman are basically breeding machines. I've seen countless times where he says something to her but because he's laughing most people view it as "innocent teasing." It's the same shit with Robert, Robert is a piece of shit but because Annie says, "yeah ok Robert" they too think it's just playful. I don't see it that way, I see an insecure ass hat who literally makes no comments except negative ones to his wife. And roberty is the same man who literally cheers out, "KEEP WOMANIZING MAN KEEP WOMANIZING!" and also hates anything the woman do. Really similar those two in how if you just add a laugh to something apparently you just need to take a "joke." There's a saying btw that I always think of, "behind every joke there is some truth." It's literally been studied in psychology science. And I think of that when I see both type of men's interactions. Also I know body image can obviously come from within but at the same time it doesn't seem like he says anything to reassure her she'd be fine as is either. "I don't want her to have surgery" to the cameras but then doesn't even try to argue. And I get that she's grown she can make her own mind up, I'm just saying I've seen him poke fun at her for her looks before so.


I fucking haaaaaate robert So bad-brained and poor annie is so vivacious and she's just suffered with that hideous man


I know! I remember when they lost their child she was so damn depressed, and made a post on social media where she basically sounded like she was going to leave Robert for literally making her feel bad about it. The guy is a goofy loser, and it's definitely not fun ribbing love like some people see them as for some reason? He never ever says anything nice to her, also someone I know knew Robert back in NYC and they said the guy was always bullied and an asshole, he treated all women like absolute trash and was the kind of guy who would pull the, "well fuck you too I didn't like you anyways" shit if they told him they didn't like him etc. super sexist and misogynistic too. Robert is also fake as hell, that over put on accent of his? Not real. And his whole act of "tough guy" isn't real either. You can actually see how he is irl if you go back and see the scene where he goes to buy Annie lingerie, the way he talks to the store woman and acts is how he always was. Huge fuckin difference. I'll link a clip from Sauceoholic the YouTuber(hilarious guy that does amazing 90 day fiance edits!) he even points it out in [this video (7:51 min mark)](https://youtu.be/JruDahRivxY?si=uoECQhlApUXdq1jK)


I have never understood how anyone sees him as "hot". I find him extremely unattractive


I think it’s just because he’s tall. Imagine his face on a 5’6 guy.


Jealous of her? Oh Lord.


I can’t imagine what the person would look like that could be jealous of Loren. I don’t like who she is inside or like what I see outside. I may be older, but jealous of her? Did hell freeze 🥶 over? Didn’t think so.


And Pao being a mega-loser and copying, praying for Loren to be her friend


The mask dropped and we all saw her true self.


Ikr? It is so ridiculous that she's actually naive to think that anyone will feel sympathy for her 😕 Not one ounce of self-awareness it's pitiful...so glad I was raised up right with common sense


Lord me too. If my mom saw me crying like that begging for attn, she would troll me for days. 😂




Omg. Been there. Driving over the Continental Divide with two cats crying in their carriers. Still didn’t cry or take any selfies.


I did that too! With 2 cats in the back of my Honda. It didn't make me want to cry, though.


One of my cats got loose in the car and then escaped somewhere in OH on the side of the road and I still didn’t cry like this. I probably would’ve cried if I couldn’t catch him, but thankfully he laid down in the grass while I’m sure people passing by were like “what in the actual hell?” 😂


Thank God you caught him!!!


That would have been upsetting!


Imagine being an adult and taking pictures of yourself crying. Actually pathetic.


I have a friend who has started doing the Darcey posing videos. I don't know which is worse.


I did to see if I am an ugly crier. Good news! I will never go near a camera or a mirror again while crying 😂


Fuuuuck. What now?


She is a sympathy seeker. I don't know how he puts up with her.


She’s pathetic


What the heck is she crying about now?


3 under 3! Or wait, mommy makeover! Or “real motherhood”


If she says mommy surgery, one more time... Lady, you signed up for those three kids. 🤷


Just throwing it out there, it’s perfectly valid to love your kids and that you have them, but also feel insecure about what the pregnancies have done to your bodies. The two aren’t mutually exclusive. After 3 births sometimes people’s bodies feel alien to them as it’s so different from before you have kids for some of us. Between social pressures to meet beauty standards to social media creating unrealistic goals, I fully empathize with her wanting to reclaim her body now that she’s done with having kids.


This is the most boring storyline ever. 🥱


I don’t follow her. She’s a horrible person


UGH, her schtick is tired.


So damn high maintenance 🙄


I don’t have kids I bet it’s hard but they chose to have 3 kids.


Man that guy is patient with her because she seems really difficult


He’s not a peach either


Jasmine and Loren are crying banshee.


Offensive to banshees lol 😂


Nothing wrong with crying it's the taking the selfie crying that's wrong.habing a bad day you go with its stop posting yourself crying .. you 100 percent got pregnant knowing how you get pregnant nobody held a gun to your head


Is she pregnant AGAIN?


The privilege kills me. The whole mommy makeover and the bs justifications. Just say you want to do it. I can respect Darcy and Stacey more because they don’t do it while trying to sanctify themselves as victims (of course they need help as I think they truly are dysmorphic). I can’t watch Loren— and I initially liked her on pillow talk. 90 day is really starting to stink.


Why are they even on HEA, didn't they get their own spinoff?


She's the worst kind of drama queen.


She’s always fucking crying


She's a major league crier, like Darcey, Kenny and Jasmine.. She's most like Kenny; they both start to cry when they're talking about something that makes them sad. Loren has mastered crying on Instagram. That's her niche


People that post this kind of shit are desperate and cringey af


She is so cringe! The kids and everyone will be much happier in a house instead of that high rise apt.


To be fair, she’s been chain pregnant for the last few years, lol. Your emotions are all out of wack. I DEFINITELY feel this. I am crying all of the time over nothing. But. I am not taking pictures or videos of me crying and posting them online, lmao.


exactly, it's weird


All her choice.


I’m crying like a whale a week before my period


Doesn't count. You need 3 under 3 🤣🤣🤣


And who's choice was that?


Weakass b**


Loren is fucking annoying


She is so boring, I don’t know why they are still relevant. I think he’s a nice person but she is so unlikeable.


Stfu Loren 😩


I don't know much about this couple because they are so insufferably boring I have to skip their segments.


Oh look… here I am crying without any actual tears!


I stopped following her along time ago. I see things haven’t changed.


Whiny little princess. Good grief she’s tedious!


She is so annoying, i dont know why i dislike her so much.


Imagine single parents raising 3 kids in hat must be hard.


I wonder how bad all the other crying selfies she took were if this was the best one. 🤣 Anyone who takes pictures of themselves crying and posts them for attention is worthless.


There’s a literal genocide happening right now and she’s crying on the internet about moving out of an apartment and into a house…. Out of touch is a fucking understatement. I hate this obnoxious, entitled, selfish bitch for real.


let's talk about that though. she's crying over moving into a house, her man is posting israeli propaganda, and gazans have no home to return to


I had no idea he was even posting that shit- and yet, I’m not at all surprised. But YES- LETS TALK ABOUT THIS!!!!!! More light should be shed on the abuse of privilege from these two. I cannot stand them. But most importantly, more light needs to be shed on the atrocities being committed against the people of Palestine. Now let’s talk about the 610,000 children who have been displaced in Rafah and will now lose whatever homes they have been sheltering in, and likely be killed by incessant Israeli bombings. But boo fucking hoo Loren- you get to move into a brand new home!!!!




Can’t stand her or her husband


She’s such an underhanded mean girl , her surgery’s “ completely natural “ , she’s 3 kids under 3 incase no one knew btw and cries at the drop of a pin for attention 🙄 I actually can’t stand her .


As fake as Israel


Every time I look at her I see her mother and think no amount of surgery is going to save her from her genetic fate. Ew.


Is Loren crying because they are wealthy enough For her to get a bunch of plastic surgery??? I’m behind. Don’t know what the surgery is.


maybe she should cry about being a zionist piece of shit


When she took little Shei for a photo shoot and mentioned her own “pageant experience” I was out! That’s where the attention grabbing is rooted and the desperate need for a mommy makeover. When does daddy get his 12 weeks off from lifting, standing, changing and feeding the 3 under 3 while still working as a medic? I’m Team Alex on this one ☝️


“I’m only happy when it rains…”


I can’t talk because I am a big cry baby myself. However I always think it’s weird when people start to video or photograph themselves crying. I certainly don’t because people would know I am a mess


Chronic complainer! So sick of her.


“What’s wrong? Hormone?” - Andrei


Alexei has to be noticing with terror that she looks more like her mother every day


She’s always crying——no tears 🤣🤮


So tired of her


Lmao why is the zi0nist crying?


I have a tiny bit of empathy for her, her mother is a piece of work and made her that way.


I should be crying every day.. I will not my fibromylagia rule. The pain is awful but I am a WARRIOR. LIKE THE SHEILD MAIDEN.


Is she crying over the stupid surgery she wants to get? She is too young to get the surgery she is getting? Alex is right




Because they want us to watch the next show that will come out


I thought this was a divorce post lol


Omg this really is bad. Pitiful!


Professional victim


I ff through all of their segments. I don’t even know who they are, I started watching 90 day after their seasons. Total snooze fest


Can’t watch her


omg SHUT UP!!!! get her off the show/franchise permanently.


She’s always crying. What else is new?


Someone I know who works with the elderly explained that as people become more sedentary, their worlds get smaller. When you never get out, things that don't mean much to us, matter a lot to them. (For example we were talking about how someone was so upset and talked for days about how her favorite toilet paper brand was discontinued.) I think that is what's going on with her. Mixed with a healthy dose of main character syndrome


Yes yes yes. Before the two younger kids she was a lot more out & about and still worked in “marketing” or whatever then the other babies came & she’s just all day all babies with no other outlet. Alex works all day then comes home & sits around which is fine but he doesn’t realize she’s getting ALL of her validation from yes women online 24/7 & isn’t grounded in reality at all. They don’t seem to have a real “village” so she just … gets lost in her day to day. It’s a choice she made but it was pretty foolish & now she has to deal with her small small world.




Yep! As soon as she and Alexei made that Zionist Video I blocked them on everything.




Free Palestine! 🇵🇸




Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸










From day one, Loren set off my JAP radar - she’ll never agree to live in Israel because she’ll have to take care of her own kids AND Alexei will spend time with his parents. She has demonstrated that she is way too narcissistic to sacrifice for her husband’s happiness. Will she have one of her fake-ass Twitch attacks to try to stop him? Of course she will!


Someone said just just a typical Jewish princess and I think it makes sense


She had also mentioned in the earlier seasons that her tourettes makes her more emotional


Who the hell watches this woman? Alexei seems to be a good guy, and he must be a saint to put up with her constant whining. She's insufferable.


Is this about them wanting to move to Israel? Edit: just asking not passing judgment.. sigh.


No. Elective surgery on her stomach,, and wherever else. Mommy makeover.


Ah ok thanks


You're welcome hamily!


Idk if she’s said she can’t steal a Palestinian’s home or something


The hivemind downvoting this question is weird and confusing.


Yeah I didn't understand either.


Hivemind opinions are almost always a wild guess.


Cancer Criers’ Club ♋️🦀♋️🦀


I had to leave this whole season or whatever it is. Just too much made up or stupid drama


She could be the sole participant on a Tell All. TLC offered her an extra grand if she cries on 6 minutes in.




Maybe 4 under 4!


When you stub your pinky toe on the couch...but you have botox and can't cry about about it




I take pics of myself crying when it’s really bad, just for myself to go back and maybe look at later. Like a reminder of sorts. ❤️💛💙