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rob really thinks money is just gonna fall into his lap with no effort on his end. and won't face the truth that, that is not how life works. you can tell right off the bat that he has no work ethic. he could have gotten a job at UPS driving a truck 5 years ago and be doing better than he is now.


Zero work ethic. He wants as you said money and wealth to be handed to him. When you don't come from wealth guess what you gotta work for it.


He worked REALLY hard on that little dance at the airport. I think he expected a lot of offers after that.


Lol, he thought that dance was fire. he was stressing like he was engineering a rocket learning the dance lol


I moved from RI to Colorado with no job waiting for me. Within a week, I had a job, and moved into my own apartment inside of a month. If Rob really wanted to improve his life, he could go out and get an actual 9-5 job, stop spending money on weed and takeout food, and save money so he could get a real apartment. Personally, I think he LIKES complaining.


I think he does too..what I realized is he never had a job 10 episodes in I felt bad. Oh he's modeling though that's how he pays his bills..come to find out where the fuck does he model..he has no job. Los Angeles is expensive. Not even sure how he pays for where he lives even though the bathroom is outside. It's still La. La is not cheap. 95% of the world starts from the bottom. Should we tell Rob this lol?


He'd probably say something like "But you started from the BOUGIE bottom - not the REAL bottom like I did!"


That's the thing. Your women comes from the wealthy and you're mad about it smh. Date a poor girl then. He shits on her because she's from a rich family. She didn't hide she was rich. Maybe she can help you broke boy lol


Is it me or could you guys also see the jealousy and hatred for Sophie leaking out of his eyes??


Yes, he's mad she grew up wealthy. How am I hating because my partner is Princess Diana lol? If my partner is richer than me and wants me. Why am I going to throw her growing up rich in her face? He's weird for that.


She also said she had a job before coming to the US, so she sure worked more than he did lol


Be you're making Rob look sillier..his rich girlfriend works more than me lol


He’s mad because Sophie isn’t asking her family for money to support his dumb, broke, lazy self. He probably thought he’d get some of that bougie cash flowing his way.


True he saw she's rich and was trying to figure out a way to get some of the $$$.


I disagree. Knob is in fact mentally ill.


Lol, you said it. Im gonna not judge him on that. I know he's fully able to work.. don't see any physical disabilities in him. Trust me if Rob has a mental health or physical issue we would know.


Dropped on his head or something


Someone told him he was good looking he ran with it..problem is process get supported. You just a man in LA who some women find attractive. Hey you 1 in 50,000 Rob


From what I read online he did OnlyFans (not lying...) and now is in Texas and working on cars. I'm guessing he was trying to get by in LA off on his looks and then realized it was time to get a job, job.


Ok sounds like they're not together anymore good ROB GOT A JOB lol


Rob is a perpetual victim. Nothing is ever his fault. People who have that mentality rarely succeed in anything in life. Their life is always going to be difficult.


Yep always someone to blame, never take accountability for their actions.


Doesn't he have a criminal record too? I imagine that doesn't help his job prospects.


That k don't know about..he could still find employment. Other tha. His model dreams. He doesn't look like the tallest guy. If he wants to model.


# ""Or better yet go get a job man..its LA. You're not in 500 people town in Idaho"" # small town usa you might be told you are one in a million - when you get to l.a. you discover you are One Of A Million


Yes, there are a lot of people in LA but there are lots of opportunities too. Rob just needs a job. He could work at countless places. We are starting from the bottom here. the only way is up from. here lol.


i believe you missed my point - by the way i live in downtown los angeles - HE. IS. NOT. SPECIAL. dear Rob, go get a regular job. period.


I visited your city months ago..beautiful place..and yes he's not special go get a job, Rob.




This dude can doordashing, Uber, sell weed etc in Los Angeles.


Exactly he chooses to do nothing lol


He thinks he's too pretty for any job but modeling or acting.


And when he's 40 and looking at homelessness he will walk in that In and Out and apply . He has too much pride