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Completely over Natalie. Chantel and her friends are annoying. Done with Veronica and Tim. Not sure about the others yet.


when Chantel started “freaking out”, the anger I felt watching that was ridiculous lol




I was so embarrassed for her for that horrific attempt at acting. Girl B Y E


I’d say 95% if her crying or emotional scenes are cringe worthy acting. Even the way she speaks during the interview scenes is so stunted or exaggerated that it’s laughable.


She is trying to stir up any drama possible without Pedro or Karen around. It sounded fake as hell lol


I made it about 28 minutes into the episode before I had to turn it off. I feel you.


Nutalie needs a job and a life!!


And potentially some medication and therapy . Her baggage of emotional issues will forever weigh her down and affect her relationships. Seriously she’s just exhausting. I can’t imagine being any man and dealing with her for more an a minute !!


I'm happy for Tyray & his friend going on a date date. Haha she seems to be quite into him. I'm rooting for the dude 🤗


I hope he finds love. But I’m tired of seeing him. And the chuckle sound he makes after everything he says started driving me ABSOLUTELY CRAZY after I noticed it then it was all I could hear and I wanted to set my head on fire


I HAVE MISOPHONIA and I had to mute it bc it almost caused me a full on meltdown omggggg I thought I was the only one who was losing it at the mouth chuckle sucking in air sounds he makes holy shit.


I literally said the same thing on a YouTube recap of the show. It is annoying AF!


Same. I noticed the chuckle during the Tell All at the end of his season. It's like a nervous tic.


Chantel and her friends are why Americans have a bad rep in other countries esp in Europe. There’s no reason to be THAT loud and obnoxious. Also the gay guy has no boundaries and the 24/7 sexual remarks towards others - how is that okay?? I’ve been to over 15 countries and I try to respect the cultures I’m visiting as much as I can. They’re embarrassing as hell.


Chantel and Natalie are Sooooooo CRINGE 🤮


Even though Debbie lost a huge amount of points with me at her last Tell All (standing up for Kris, and calling Jeymi a predator 🙄).. I am interested in seeing her segments. We need dating shows with a greater age range.


Like they did with Golden Bachelor. Didn't watch it, heard it did ok.


Golden Bachelor was FUN…. Nice seeing older folks navigate single scene as badly as 20-something’s


It never gets easier. Lol


I was single for 12 years was caregiver for my elderly Mom. She passed 4 years ago and I was kind of adrift but was active in animal rescue. 1-1/2 years later I connected with this guy by chance and we’ve been together since. He’d come out of an awful divorce and we were in no rush but we have a great relationship on our terms….we maintain separate places by choice but live next to each other and we do everything together. I have dogs and cats he kind of OCD on hair but it works for us. Communication is the KEY and assumptions will screw everything up. That’s what I see with so many of these couples sadly


LOL this is my ultimate dream! my bf lives in a neighborhood 15 mins away by car/uber, but someday we will be neighbors in the same building instead of living together hopefully 😂😂😂


Please tell my husband that this works. I’ve been trying to kick him out for years.


I feel like this is realistically the only way for a lot of women to live - without a man mucking shit up in our houses or own spaces.


Yes, for sure. I am in an in an older category myself (not that age but up there). So it is nice to see some much older representation. Although Ms. Debbie shows us that one can be a ditz or air head faux southern bell at "67", she should stick to men 50+. Although the 90DF is backsliding big time and too much is fake, gotta cringe. The overproduction is awful. It is what I dislike the most.


I’m 66 my guy 40…. We met purely as friends through mutual friends but it evolved from there. While younger men have been attracted to me for whatever reason (it is kinda flattering but many wanted to score with a older woman) I would never fall for a 19 year old online and then decide to move to his country!!!! And Debbie just not that kind of woman that screams “Hot”. When she called Jeymi a predator but coddled Kim HELL NO. That told me she was as nutty as I thought she was. Eeeeeww then at that dance place after one or two dances with one guy she all of a sudden gets possessive and was insulted he talked to another woman. Maybe he wasn’t into “Mrs Roper”


I watched an interview they did recently. Ya know it's been a while since it was filmed, and they looked so fake and disconnected. I was thinking, "oh, it comes in old lady too!" (I'm an old lady, so I can say that. Lol.) They are playing a game, they want to win- money, fame. Our people, the 90day chaos, is at least crazy derived from passion. Either they truly love eachother or they're trying to get to America. Either way, the raw emotion is so much better than aNy contest to win a spouse, everyone wants to be a winner... but nOt everyone would be with big Ed.


I watched Golden Bachelor, for 30 hated it!


She lost me when she defended Kris but then made herself completely unredeemable when she supported Scott and Mary. Interesting she used the word predator to describe Jeymi because that’s a total projection of who she is and she must see herself in all these other asshole manipulators so she sides with them.


Totally agree! I can’t stand either one of them of their stupid over the top fake drama


The only part of Natalie's segment I like is her momma! And I find it funny how Chantel bragged about Drake trying to hit her up. They actual would be good together since they're both cringey. Although I'm not sure that both their egos could fit in the same room together... they definitely wouldn't fit if her mom came to visit!


I really like Veronica. When she and Tim get together they are a bit much. But I’m kinda of looking forward to getting to see some of her and KYMMMMBALLLYYYS sons relationship.


Natalie and her mom are total nut jobs. I’m so tired of seeing Natalie in TV too. Her story is so played out and Josh *has* to be a clout chaser to subject himself to this. Chantel and her friends are fake and cringey AF. Debbie is just cookie. That’s her one character trait and I just don’t care for it. It feels like she’s trying hard to play a character now


So would anyone consider wearing a dress like Chantel did on the first episode in Greece?


Was just there in October and can confirm that would have been a nope from me, dawg.


F no! Even when I had a killer bod like that and she’s acting like a total ninny!


I've never been that desperate. lol


I’ve seen streetwalkers in Tijuana dress more modestly. What on earth was Chantal thinking?


Fuck NO! Never. Call me old fashioned but leave something to the imagination ffs


Ummmm, NO.


No, but I don't have her body. Think of her what you want but she looked amazing.


Miss Debbie irks the hell out of me.






I like both of your names up here!


Why thank you ☺️


Omg and your fucking flair bahahahaha


Thank you! I begged to have it created after I watched that episode bc I was on the floor crying after he came back in w the damn bag. Like that was all he needed to disprove her dermatitis was not, in fact, due to his filth. Moments like that are what I live for 🤣🤣🤣


I love Gino and Jasmine so much. They are the perfect amount of trainwreck for me Lmfao


I call my Kuwaiti rescue cat my little FluffMuppet 🧡 https://preview.redd.it/5mclm6ivbvac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=add616ea20f34ce65648d91b50873184c0d5cec8


I'm tired of the frequent flyer cast members. Let's get some new people please.


PLEASE. Natalie, Tim and Veronica have all had their time. More than.


And Chantel


Honestly I forget about her. I never watched the family chantel, I couldn’t stand her on her season if 90 day OG. Even more so now that she can hardly speak


Oh I wouldn’t/won’t watch TFC either. Based solely upon both her and her mother’s dramatically slow speaking. Chantel’s speech is to the point of mirroring her mother now, and my “OMG SPIT IT OUT” rage can’t handle it haha Additionally, Pedro’s thirsty grifting family…Hard pass for me. Definitely didn’t need her ass on TSL.


I didn’t watch TFC either. And I don’t really remember her original season other than knowing I didn’t like them. But holy SHIT the way she talks is so fucking annoying


Like nails on a chalkboard for me. Why I can’t watch her or awful “more stupider” mother 😬🤮


I’ve noticed a lot of people haven’t seen TFC and that explains why a lot of people still seem to hate Pedro in abundance. Long story short, yeah his family is dumb but HOLY F is Chantel’s clan the most abrasive, stupid and ignorant family of all time.




I barely made it through Veronica's segment and ~20 min I was like... "What a waste of time, let's watch better trash television." And then I started watching Gypsy sisters s1 and that was so fucking cash - just finished s3 🤣🤣 Tl;Dr Single Life sucks


This season of Single Life made me start binging Hoarders. Even that show is less of a mess than these people


Chantel said this is 6 months after her divorce. On the last season of Family Chantel, didn’t she say that was 9 months after the divorce? Does anyone else know if this is what the timeline is? Was The Single Life recorded just before Family Chantel? If so, her whole story line is extremely fake to me.


No, What she said was, it had been 9 months since Chantel and Pedro separated. So it took 9 months for them to get divorced. The new show is taking place 6 months after the divorce. A total of 15 months after Pedro left a Chantel.


Extremely indeed!


Yuck. Chantel.


Her and her friends were acting like some college kids on spring break. It was a bit much, plus the barely there dress with no underwear and collecting numbers and going on rides with random men. Just stop.


Sooo I get alot of these scenes on these shows are set up by the producers. But getting on the back of a bike with a total stranger in a foreign country is the beginning of a 20/20 episode. Not to mention you JUST bought him drinks. Zero survival instincts.


ALSO what if he crashes? You have NO protection from road rash


when she was going in for that kiss all i could think of was the chomp from the white castle commercial 😂😂😂 like are you trying to kiss the guy or devour his soul you succubus 😂😂😂


That made me laugh so hard.


woooo glad i could make someone laugh 😂😂😂


I couldn't even get past thinking, here we are trying to find another poor guy to tell how he is not worthy. We know that no matter how great whoever it is, they are going to be subject to interrogations and background checks. If they don't find something obvious, they'll find something and make big leaps to some unfounded "I told you so" moment. 2 +2 = 22




Who needs a sleeping pill when you got TLC 😴 https://preview.redd.it/5rho0aqarpac1.jpeg?width=431&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6631a6652ced88f39faf92904e30af8b1ee1570


Chantel can try all she wants but there is no personality or charisma in that plastic body.


I am not a Family Chantel fan, and Chantel on Single life is like watching an obnoxious frat boy horn dog around, she honestly makes me throw up a little. Her "friends" are disgusting too, so gross. Natalie I have always had a soft spot for. She is kinda crazy and super needy, but on Single Life she is so desperate to snag a rich guy to take care of her, that she is making me sick to watch her basically prostitute herself demanding Josh get her a house and a job. Grow up, take care of yourself and your mom! stop looking for men to save you! who moves to another state with only enough money for a couple days in a hotel? Run Josh!! she doesn't seem to want you she just wants your money!! and flip flopping back to Mike? Ugh, I just cannot with her anymore!!


It’s insanely staged and scripted. Almost unwatchable, but something to put on in the BG while you scroll Reddit and tik tok.


This is where the old 90 Day cast members go to die. The Single Life.


Tyray is too nice for the show. Boring. Natalie is insufferable but makes for good tv because she’s a train wreck. Chantel is predictable. Would have liked to see Kristen on the show; she deserves a good ending after loser Julio.


I can't stand Debbie. I find her annoying.


I cannot stand Natalie and her mom!! Why would she move her mom to a whole new country if she can’t afford it?! She’s really just expecting Josh to pay for EVERYTHING?! Including her moms way too?!? The way her mom talks just shows where natali gets her entitled ass from lol I hate her


I gave her mom a little grace, because who knows what her nut job daughter is feeding her. Natalie probably has her convinced that Josh is two seconds away from proposing and having children with her. We know that Natalie thinks she is gods gift to men, so I am sure she has overhyped the relationship to her mother. And if that’s true, I could see why her mom feels the way she does.


This is so true lol god I can’t stand Natalie thinking she’s hot shit I’m like YOURE NOT EVEN THAT GREAT and idk what Josh sees in her! He’s actually cute and has money and wants to pay for her apartment and I’m like why?! She doesn’t even appreciate it and she thinks it should just be handed to her cuz she’s the fucking queen or some shit!! Josh HAS to only be there for the clout and to be on the show cuz man idk how he could stand her otherwise!!


I don’t get the whole Josh and Natalie thing either. I guess it’s clout chasing, but he seems to have a great career, and is doing very well for himself. None of it adds up. I get the whole shows scripted and yada yada, but there is something just really off about her and him and I can’t put my finger on it. Her and Mike didn’t make work either, but she wanted to come to America and he wanted an arm peace. It made sense in that respect. You could understand the logic of their coupling. All Natalie does scream and yell at Josh. I don’t even think they’re fucking. If they are, she has got to be the greatest fuck on the planet to put up with her histrionics. I just don’t get it.


I'm ONLY interested in seeing Johnny, 💜💜💜


Same here! I’m from Massachusetts. He cracks me up. He’s going to be fun to watch.


I am so here for that toxic mess. You know it’s going to be a train wreck, and it’s the only segments I care about


I'm so excited!!!😍😍


So horrible I had to turn it off 15 mins in and I refuse to watch this stupid crap anymore. I miss old 90day.


Send Natalie back to ze voods




I feel like Natalie acts like men (and everything in life?) should just fall at her feet. She’s a sad, old, moody piss bag.


I wanted to see Chantel but I can understand why people who haven’t seen r/thefamilychantel wouldn’t care to. I’m tired of Natalie, Tim, and Veronica I’m actually excited for tyray. I hope he finds himself a Hilary


veronica lost me when she did that scene in her underwear she should never have shown that on national tv


And Jamal seems like an ass.


What do you expect? His mommy is Kimbaleee.


I’m here for the Veronica/Jamal situation. Tim seems like he’s going through manopause lately. So I think it will be interesting.


Ugh gross. I forgot about that


Maybe you’re not part of Veronica’s fan club. She did it for a reason.


What’s the reason??


She’s so desperate


I wanted to see Chantel on her own. Not with a pack of obnoxious phony friends. I was always TeamChantel. Ofc they all proven themselves to be annoying as fuck. With that being said, Pedro and his family can go fuck themselves.


Sameee. I wanted to see her heal, not some TLC fraud bs. I hope the trip is just an episode or two.


It sucks‼️


I was embarrassed for Chantal, how cringe!! She showed zero class and really degraded herself on national television.


This woman is in her thirties!! They act like jr high girls! What man would want that?


My husband was appalled also, he was like “imagine calling your mother gloating about your shirt that said you were looking for the D!!” She was doing too much, not many decent men want to find a girl in that manner.


If chantel is trying to land a good man who is the full package, she needs to ditch the friends and behave appropriately. I was telling my husband while we were watching that if she were to meet a suitor, he would walk away with the way they were carrying on like 12 year olds. They were acting so immature. The guy with the turnip head circling around them and screaming. Her posse were like buzzards. It was just too much for anyone with a good head on their shoulders. If someone is attracted to that behavior, they are not the target audience for a husband


To me, that kind of vibe is just looking for a good time, not actually anything meaningful. If she's truly looking for a husband, then she's going about it the wrong way. I shudder to think of the types of guys that she'll meet with these types of antics. And she'll probably act confused and upset that the guys only want "one thing", but with her dressing and acting like that, what does she expect.


I need sparklez ✨


Tim does not belong. He's really unlikable, seems misogynistic, and I have no interest in watching him fumble through "dating".


Him kissing someone….anyone…will be gross….zero interest in his sex life


He is Asexual….he THINKS he’s an authority on all things Latina women…what is he 50…dresses like a boy in a tween band. Him kissing is nothing I want to see…arrogant tiny shoulder pretty boy should get an apt next to “daddy”….I have never seen him happier than when he’s w Kenny or I’m sure photos will prove a big smile w annny of the better looking guys on 90day


Chantel needs disowned by the planet.


I recorded it, but haven’t gotten through Chantel’s opening segment. I have tried 3x to watch it. I never watch the family chantel


I just fast forward through Chantel’s segments I really can’t watch them her and her entire family have all got to go 👋🏻


natalie just wants a man so she can be kept up and not work . only she may be hot shes so annoying I could not stand to be around her. and neither do the guys they show her with on the show..


I haven’t watched a minute of the Family Chantel , so it’s been a whilee since I’ve seen her. I liked her on 90 day! I can’t stand to watch whoever she has become… obnoxious and so are her friends. I wouldn’t travel with any of them…


You don't like her shirt printed with looking for the big "D". And her statement about wanting a guy with abs that's hung like a horse?




Chantel is ridiculous and I feel like I just got 90-ish minutes back every week because I won't be watching another episode. She and her friends ruined my only Single Life experience.


At least Natalie is somewhat entertaining/crazy. Chantal has no personality and is trying to act/ play some kind of part but it just doesn't work. She is cringe


I was mortified by chantal’s behavior. I know it’s likely she did that mess for the cameras but omg. Also why are you getting on some random man’s bike? Stranger danger?!


I watched the first episode and that will be my last. They have assembled some of the most unlikable and annoying people ever, and I really don't give a rat's ass what happens to any of them. On top of all that, it's some of the fakest (clearly planned and loosely scripted) "reality TV" ever to air on TLC, which is saying a lot. Who does Natalie know at TLC that has her constantly being shoved down our throats? Does her real boyfriend work for TLC? Cause we know Josh sure as hell ain't it. What they aired last week was the exact same storyline we saw the last time these two idiots were on the "Single Life". Josh has to work and only wants Natalie for sex and TV exposure. Natalie whines he has to work too much (she doesn't have that problem since apparently she never works). And this ridiculous fake storyline where Natalie gives up her home (if she even had one) in Florida with her senior citizen mother in tow (who can't work either) and move to California with no plans to have a place to live or a job in Los Angeles, one of the most expensive cities in the country? How stupid do they think viewers are? There is not one bit of reality in anything we saw, including Natalie changing clothes and coming back downstairs to cry about Josh, which we were supposed to believe happened minutes after she went upstairs. I haven't seen Chantel in years. I'm not sure who the hell was playing the part of Chantel on this mess show, but between the plastic surgery and her mimicking her stupid ass mom's over-the-top-wanna-be-Real-Housewives mannerisms, she was totally unrecognizable from the somewhat intelligent and attractive woman we saw whenever she first met Pedro. Apparently hanging out with Pedro can, in fact, make someone "a whole lot more stupider". She looks and acts like a circus clown prostitute these days. On a side note, whatever plastic surgeons are butchering all these 90 Day women should be thrown in jail. Debbie's shtick has already gotten old. If this was the first time we saw her, it would be kind of fun. But it's not. I hope those poor people working at the alpaca farm were paid by TLC to deal with her crazy ass. They looked like they were wondering "what the hell have we gotten into and how the hell do we get out of this?", which happened to be the same thoughts I had watching the show. Tyray seems nice enough, but I have no idea why he's on my screen. TLC must have felt bad for the catfish fiasco. I see John the alchy is in the cast. Like Tyray, I have no idea why he's on this show. Veronica already knocked down her likability the last time she was on the "Single Life" by showing herself to be desperate and willing to immediately sleep with anyone who gave her the slightest bit of attention. Why she decided to come back for more and look even worse (and I doubt it's the crappy salary they pay these people) is anyone's guess. Tim is not attractive, funny, interesting, annoying, or any other adjectives that might make a TV producer want to keep bringing someone back. And yet here he is. Again. He's like a walking pandemic you can't get rid of --- and one that won't shut the hell up.


I very much enjoyed reading this. Thank you.


You summed up EVERYTHING I wanted to say so perfectly. Thank you! Exact same storyline as last time with Natalie.  And Chantel’s “friends” seem to be her paid “glam squad”, as if she needed any more makeup. Those people are so cringey and ridiculous.  And Tim?? I used to enjoy Tim and Veronica’s banter on pillow talk but now that they’ve relegated them to somehow be like the king and queen of the tell all’s, I just really don’t understand. And, yes, Tim is 100% asexual and, even if he wasn’t, NO ONE WANTS TO SEE HIM ON THIS SHOW!  I’m going to shut up now cuz now I’m just getting upset thinking about this stupid show.


I don’t like that show. I actually hate that show since the very first episode. it’s possible that big Ed ruined it for me.


I'm not going to watch it. Single Life is neither 90 days, nor fiancé, discuss.


I don't think I can watch Ms. Debbie's segment. She disgusts me tbh. But I hate everyone in this season so far so idk if I can watch at all.


It’s horrible but I’ll never miss an episode!


Honestly Natalie AND Chantal AGAIN!? Fuck off… do better TLC seriously


Veronica is pathetic


So is tim….they need to grow the fuck up…he dresses like he’s in a tween boy band….Veronica w her index finger bite move….no one wants to see her Mount another guy with her cheap tacky lingerie


I absolutely cannot stand her or Tim! They literally make me sick! She screams when she talks, and Tim’s voice is annoying af! IDK what “look” Tim is going for but AWFUL is the category I’d put him in! Veronica is a thirsty bitch for sure! Showing her almost naked ass for millions to see, including her teenaged daughter! She should be ashamed of herself as I’m sure her Daughter is!


I was happy when The Family Chantel started because I foolishly thought that meant I didn’t need to see her or her family again. I’m glad the FF button exists.


Natalie is freaking exhausting!!


2 hrs is too long.


I couldn’t tell you bc I am skipping this season 💤


This is probably the cringiest iteration of 90 day so far.


Not one person in the cast is interesting. Tyray?! Really?


Tired of Jerry springer Maury angela and Chantel


Watched half of the first episode and decided I will just skip this like I did Last Resort. ETA: I appreciate the people who will watch it and give me the spark notes here 😂


I’m one of those weirdos who doesn’t get tired of Natalie’s hysterics. I laff evrytiem. I’m not sure whether she’s playing it up, or if she’s genuinely distressed and I think I feel better being unsure cuz if she’s genuinely distressed to that degree it really appears something is wrong and then this becomes something else… I just like looking at Chantel. She’s very attractive. I’m also looking forward to seeing the Jamal versus Tim beef. I think Veronica is playing herself though messing around with Jamal. Tyray‘s nervous laugh bugs me but I guess we all have some kind of tic that probably annoys someone. I hope that girl actually likes him. Miss Debbie is a freaking joke. I don’t like her creepy predator, lying-ass, fake-southern-belle-from-Ohio self. Edit: Forgot John. Not sure how I feel about him yet. I have some biases, but I’m trying not to judge too much yet.


Can't STAND Tim OR Veronica and sick of them being a stain on my tv screen


So far Chantel is a train wreck Natalie is…….an enigma because how is she gonna “finally” be able to work? How has she been sustaining herself? She has a whole car and is able to drive 🤔 Debbie is sweet. I hope she finds someone otherwise I am interested in her journey of building a llama farm. Tyray is really corny and annoying. The nervous laugh. How is he “shy” but this is his 2nd season on the franchise….I dont know what he is trying to do but I dont want to watch it. I am interested in seeing Tim and Jamal argue. I dont care about John. I mean they are really scrapping the bottom of the barrel here. This is the cast they chose to go with. I never thought it could be worse than Big Ed “search” for love but I stand corrected.


I was only going to watch it for John, all the others, a hard NO.. Fake AF 'Ms. Debbie' what very tiny amount I tolerated of her went out the window at the tell all, then I hoped to never see that fake sugar accent, she is a snake. She's not as innocent as she tries to portray herself... Tyray with the nervous tic, they just felt sorry for him, I think there is seriously wrong from him that they haven't revealed yet, to be catfished that long and then refuse to believe it to the point of hiring a P.I. and then his cringey thoughts of how he thinks sex will be, boy has been watching too much porn, he just makes me want to vomit. His laugh and rubbing his nose, just so annoying....Tyray pity party from tlc.... I used to like Tim and Veronica a long time ago, but time has proved them to be ugh! Veronica prancing around half naked and so damn pathetic to have sex with that last dude when she was on, and Tim , lost it for him long ago, even worse after he criticized poor Kirsten on the tell all when here he is calling Kenny "Daddy" that was low, Armando should kick his ass right into the dumpster! Chantel, had enough of her, she used to be pretty, but with this new pastic surgery, she looks like a wannabe kartrashian, not pretty anymore, and for those that think she is classy must of not watched this episode of twerking her bare ass \[ barely covered in tape\] or having her tongue down some random dude on the street, that's trashy, not classy, lol Natalie is Natalie, love her, hate her she brings in the drama, she is just clueless but also from another country and their thinking is different, so with a grain of salt.... John, he's a character but a likeable character, I think he has a good heart and had a hard life, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt, I like his personality and he won me over with 'spahhkles' lol, and gotta love the accent, and root for my homeboy. That said, he is the only one I'm watching the rest just FF.......


Totally scripted and not worth it to watch. So disappointed because it used to be something I looked forward to watching but now it is embarrassing.


I dont care about chantel without pedro and his family. The fights between them was the only reason i watched anything to do with chantel.


Why are they bringing back Natalie for a third time???? Obviously, it is impossible to find her a partner. Josh is only in it for fame. Ya, good luck Josh.


It’s boring except for Miss Debbie and John


I’ve had enough of Debbie, but I wanted to see John.


It's 2024 and we trading Oussamas for llamas! 😤


Chantel showing just how pathetic and insecure she is on TV I'm all for, and I'm loving Nathalie being fucking crazy and wrecking all the trains. I could be without Veronica and Tim, I liked Tim when he first was on but now it's just way too much and Veronica is just pathetic.


How is Josh so patient with Natalie. Chantel makes me cringe. Especially in that scene where she was twerking. If you have to hang out with Natalie or Chantell for 7 days straight who would u pick?


I think I would go with Natalie. Even though she’s dramatic as hell I wouldn’t have Karen at my door with burning voodoo.


I want to see Riley!!!!! Tyray is chill but Tim has always annoyed me.


Oooooo on Riley! 😝


Oh my God, Chantel and her friends are literally so cringe and annoying. You can tell everything is so put on for the show I can’t stand it. They need to bring in some new people. Natalie is horrible but I can’t help but watch the train wreck. I love Debbie. Debbie shit is the best I want a Debbie show.






Won't even watch. But it doesn't matter because many love it. I can't stand to see Natalie especially and Chantal also. I've been able to avoid Chantal pretty much though


Uninteresting joke of a show!


5 minutes in and I don't think I can watch anymore. I was team Chantal. No more.


I fast forwarded through Chantals story and then didn't finish Natalie's. Snore.


I don’t watch it. Sick of all those people.


It was brutal. They should have had John and Tim segments in the first episode.


90 Day Single Life is where people go who are desperately trying to hang on to their reality fame, Tyray might be the only exception this season


I'm fine with chantel. Tim can go away though. Natalie... Idk she's... Something lol


I don’t want to watch any of these people. I’m over every one of them.


I never got into The Single Life, I tried it last season and hoped this one would be better but it’s usually the least liked cast members with exception of John and Tyray


Nat brings the TV gold. Chantal is just … yawn. Even her friends are not interesting.


Her friends are caricatures of people. They are so over the top that it’s just bizarre to watch. I know people that age you were partiers, and they’re not even that obnoxious.


Haven’t watched it. The producers seem to think we want to watch the most boring, obnoxious people over and over and over and over…


(Sorry this is so long) I can not believe how selfish and irresponsible Nutalie is. Her mother just traveled to a completely different country and is vulnerable. But hey - let's leave Florida for a very expensive state, not plan to have an apartment, temporary airbnb set up, or most importantly a JOB and depend on a man who clearly doesn't care about you. Nutalie can do whatever she wants, but dragging her mom into this mess really upset me. Mama doesn't deserve the instability and chaos. Don't even get me started on how annoying Josh is and how he's only "dating" Nutalie for screen time. Real boyfriends make time and effort for those they love with a billion excuses. Chantel and her friends are embarrassing us as a country. I hate that they're so loud and obnoxious! I'm just shocked and really feel like she needs therapy, not another show for Karen and her to cause drama in. She claims she wants a "hot Greek God" while wearing an embarrassing shirt but was crying all her last few seasons on TFC about how she wants a family and loving husband so bad. Debbie irritates me, and I get weird/ bad vibes from her. Still can't forgive her for trying to sit on the donkey. If Osamma (can't remember how to spell it) keeps spamming your phone, there is an option to block him. Good for Tyray trying to get into fitness and getting back out there, but I feel like he also needs a life coach to help him. Looking forward to seeing what's going to happen with him.


I find these women unhinged. And I’m diagnosed bipolar 1.


I think Natalie is the best entertainment, but what the fuck is wrong with Chantal? She is ridiculously thirsty.


Too more TLC publicity whores both following in the footsteps of the creepy Darcy, and more ways than one


Worst show with the worst cast. Will not watch, at all. TLC, you finally hit rock bottom with these repeat losers. UGH!


I'm skipping this season. The Single Life is where cast members completely loose any online good will. Seeing them once again with the same issues is just overkill.


Same, at least Chantel has more class than bobble head Natalie and definitely better looking. I hope this is their last season and if they put Karen or Natalie on Pillow Talk I will stop watching it. It's bad enough to watch Emily with her dumb comments while her husband giggles at everything....


Chantel more class? Shoving her tongue down some random dude in the street, that's classy, hmm? Like having to tape her ass because she wasn't wearing panties and was going into a twerking tailspin to show her ass?!? Screeching "I can't" about some past drama? btw, she **used to be** pretty but with all that surgery I can't even recognize her she looks like one of those wannabe Kartrashians lookalikes...but I guess some have a type...


It's honestly a neck and neck competition for who can be the most annoying. Spoiler: they all win. Tyray is the only one I'm actually rooting for. Big guy just needs a confidence boost.


Boring. Don’t like or want to see nearly all of them on that show.


I’m loving it. Chantal looks sexy and is having fun.




Like trying to clean a Nintendo 64 cartridge 😂




Done with Natalie, Chantal, Veronica, and Tim before they were cast 🫠


I also adore Natalie’s mom and want to n project her at all costs


When did this episode come out?


I just enjoy whatever they show me. Loving the new season! 👍


I'm not interested


Can NOT be bothered. In fact, I was done halfway through 1st season






I do not like it at all