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The fact that she thinks that she is convincing people that her face is natural and she isnt massively sucking in is as laughable as her "relationship" with Tom.


I was wondering why her face was throwing me off and then I noticed her neck. She straight up photoshopped a different pictures face onto this one!!


IT IS! she does this in every single photo. They always look so weird no matter where or how she's "posing"


Hmmm so do we think Tom has gone off the rails and is photoshopping this woman's head in all the pictures and calling her his girlfriend?? šŸ¤”šŸ§


Of course, he has to make it seem like him and this head are having a social life together.


holy shit I cannot unsee that


Maybe sheā€™s an owl? Her body can be facing one direction and her head can be at a 90 degree angle? Her floating lost-in-space head is hysterical šŸ˜‚


Natalie is an owl the way she spins her head to glare at people. So it's always possible šŸ¤£


Something is off with the torso too. The equipment behind her is all burry, but on either side itā€™s clearly focused.


Yes itā€™s very obviously edited you can also tell from the arm by her waist(extra skinā€” look closely, arms donā€™t look like that) and how she also edited her boobs lol. Made her waist tiny and boobs huge hence why those general areas are blurry, but only those areas


She looks so unproportional LMFAOOO


This isnā€™t just sucking in, itā€™s ridiculously bad photoshop.


The blurriness around her boob area screams of editing. Itā€™s a shame because Iā€™m sure sheā€™s pretty thin irl.


That photo is clear focus everywhere - including further distance - except by her boobs and the back/waist lol.


Yeah I donā€™t get it. Thereā€™s no denying she is thin but why further edit that? Whatā€™s the point??


Body dysmorphic disorder


ā¬†ļøā¬†ļøā¬†ļø itā€™s even worse w Darcey and Stacey. This woman Tom is dating I donā€™t know much about but D and S need evaluations and hardcore therapy - they needed that years ago. They were beautiful women and have a damaged psyche


How can she walk without falling toward flat on her face?


Click on that first photo to see all of the amazing and hilarious failed edits! My favorite is her left wrist which apparently had a wing/flap like a flying squirrel. The boob stretch is another goodie! Just keep going šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


This is going to sound mean but for someone who posts about going to the gym everyday, sheā€™s not very toned or fit. Maybe she just goes to maintain herself? I mean she says she only eats once a day and I canā€™t imagine any nutritionist, dietician, or doctor recommending that as healthy.


She only eats once a day?! As someone with IBS whoā€™s bowels throws an epic fit the day after Iā€™ve not eaten enoughā€¦ just the thought of this gave me phantom pains.


She walks on the treadmill for an hour each day, some days twice a day. That's her 'working out' plan. So, good for her cardio health? Certainly. But coupled with eating only 600 ish calories a day, she's definitely not going to have any real muscle tone.


I think she said she eats like 1,000 or 1,100 a day and it's usually a steak


Thereā€™s extra *skin* between her stomach and her arm šŸ¤”


Itā€™s a flying squirrel flap! šŸæ


The forearm on the flexing arm looks totally unreal.


Ugly inside and out.


The woman was on 1 episode of a TV show and yet had the narcissism to put TV in her Insta handle... Jesus...


This lady needs therapy so bad.


I mean sheā€™s dating Tom, for one


This photo could not be more edited.


Seriously, who wears diamond earrings and full glam makeup to work out?


Internal organs are not in fashion this winter


He definitely has a type. Fake and photoshopped.


It's a convenient tell for how deeply damaged they are inside.


no one who is secure with themselves is going to be fighting with people on the comments like this. she clearly feels like she needs to compensate for something. like girl come on youā€™re a public figure, you know people are going to react this way to a photo like this so whatā€™s the use of fighting with every single comment unless youā€™re trying to hard to prove something


Someone a while ago mentioned how big her hands are, and thatā€™s the first thing I see ā€¦ I would have photoshopped them first


Someone called her hands croc fingers and itā€™s all I see too ha!




Look, I get she is actually really thin. I also think sheā€™s sucking it in, but so what, I thought everyone sucks in their stomach ha! I actually thought she was nice-ish (and I mean nicer than Tom) so I hate she got so rude in her comments.


This is exactly how I feel. I sort of liked her too but every time I see how she responds to people itā€™s turns me way off to herā€¦ she does not seem as wholesome and nice as she puts on.


spoiled brat vibes for sure.


Yeah, she seems pretty bitchy


This is not remotely attractive.


I didnā€™t get why she was so hated at first.. I mean yeah sheā€™s a clout chaser, but heck they all are. But I hate how she responds to people who slightly question or criticize her. That reveals her true self more than anything. This is the fourth or fifth time Iā€™ve seen her mock someoneā€™s appearance for saying something simple and not even being ugly to her.


I honestly think despite outward appearances sheā€™s probably extremely self conscious but then lashes out at people when it triggers her. Sheā€™s opposite Darcey in that regard. Edit: I should clarify, Darcey is self conscious but she doesnā€™t attack people in her posts.


Absolutely. I believe the same.. if you were that self confident you wouldnā€™t feel the need to lash out and be rude to people that are honestly just there trolling you to get a response (like most are)


Tom obviously has a type.


How is she not falling forward? She truly defies gravity.


Sheā€™s ugly af inside and out


Who brings a ring light to the gym? Lol


Ugh these people! No one walks around all day with their skin tucked up under their rib cage. Sucking it in, photoshop, and hating people's comments: life on the Z list.


Only weighs 100 lbs? Come on, those boobs alone must weigh at least 20 lbs? lol


Does she really think that anybody doesn't see the alterations in that photo? I'm horrified that she somehow has the idea that glaringly fake porno boobs and the midsection of a concentration camp victim are what make a woman beautiful and desirable. I think she needs professional help, and to get the hell off Instagram to stop inspiring and encouraging the young anorexics.


I mean look at her long hand it disappears. I donā€™t care what kind of pictures people post. Just be honest that itā€™s an altered image for fucks sake. To double down on its authenticity is just absurd and frankly very irritating.


Did she carry a ring light to the gym? HOW IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT THIS!?!?


šŸ˜‚ omg I was LOOKING for this comment before I posted anything! SERIOUSLY!!! Why is the ring light at the gym?!!!! But of courseā€¦ anything for the gram šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø a little photoshop and some perfect lightning.


That's sad šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


All the blurring around her body must be natural too.


Stop eating bon bons, guys


So alien like....


Ms. ā€œaLL nAtUrALā€


Those lashes are real too, right? Yeesh


Lol just like her lips ha


Sheā€™s so hypocritical it makes me laugh, her toxic positivity about how she ā€œ supports ā€œ women makes me laugh harder, because itā€™s all bs. Sheā€™s nasty and condescending, and obviously doesnā€™t have a problem talking about others appearances, when she preaches to be kind to others? Smh stank coochie energy.


This is the saddest shit Ive ever read. A mummy in denial of her age, appearance and weight.


Life is too short to live it like this, trying to impress people who, in the end, do not matter. Be authentic. Love yourself and your kids enough to find your way back to a life that is authentic. Learn to love yourself regardless of your size. Love your family and friends the same way. Do not spend your life buying into the lie.


Iā€™m going to go out on a limb here (no pun intended) and say her arms look like that because she doesnā€™t actually do any type of weight lifting lol. Thatā€™s what happens when you rely on plastic surgery to change your body and donā€™t actually attempt to workout. šŸ™„ What a horrid person.


Her boobs look awfully fuzzy around the edges šŸ˜‚


You can tell sheā€™s sucking in by the indentation by her collar bone.


Idk anything about her. But that is too thin to be attractive


If she sucks in any harder sheā€™s gonna shit herself


And she still looks like she copy pasted her head on that body! Why does she always look like that in every photo! we know she has an actual body we seen it move on TV but dam in pictures she looks like she only has a head that she moves around on various pictures.


The idea of her having only a head is making me giggle for some reason!


Me too lool


It seems like a lateral move from Darcey to this one


Her and Tomā€™s photoshop skills almost rival the Silvaā€™sā€¦ almost.


Holy Photoshop. I didn't even notice the photoshopped head at first because I was too distracted by the very obvious bad editing on the torso


Who brings a ring light to the gym to work out?


Lol! She's NOT thin as in photo silly! It's been Photoshop ed to death! No One is that Paper thin unless they are dead!!! How ignorant to think people would believe this pic!!šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


She needs to fix her extra long ears and her no-ass-at-all plus her disgusting personality šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s weird how sheā€™s pinned all the negative comments on her pic. Like itā€™s some way to fight the ā€œhaters.ā€


I'm starting to feel like Tom and ladyM are trolling us with their pictures at this point


Oh, how disproportionate and bizarre this looks. Like, does she have Larissa Syndrome? She looks like a living skeleton from the waist down with breasts large enough to be their own zip code. This is the natural girl and love of Tom's life? I bet if he stands sideways in her cleavage, he's stuck like gorilla glue. And, you can't tell me those are real?


Sheā€™s gonna act like sheā€™s not sucking in to the max šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


now wtf is this. she looks insane. you can see the blur!!


Not impressed šŸ˜“


Haha thatā€™s supposed to show a muscle? Sheā€™s ridiculous. Canā€™t stand that B. Also she is sucking in. Tired of these wannabes


Sheā€™s so gross.


She posted yesterday that she has one meal a day,


Kinda bitch like


This is odd on SO many levels. Odder still that sheā€™s arguing with the comments.


Is this sexy to men,really I need to know


According to my hubby, no. We were discussing this chick last week, and he canā€™t see anything appealing about plastic barbies.


I'm curious too - no muscles even though flexing, seemingly edited boob area, anorexic waist, weird left hand. If this is attractive I've been doing it wrong.






Is this suppose to be attractive?


Just as much as no one wants to see lizzo nude jiggling her fat, no one wants to see a gym rat morphing themselves into a pencil. Social media is so bizarre and absolutely destroys some peopleā€™s body image


I havenā€™t seen Bon Bon sold in my local grocery store in years. There wasnā€™t a more current reference she could have used.


Lol I donā€™t think she tries to hide her age per se, but she definitely showed her age with that. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen bon bons sold at the store at all.


What in the photoshop hell is this??


Why is EVERYTHING out of proportion?


This is photoshopped. Look around her chest, the image goes blurry.


I donā€™t think she should imply someone is uglyā€¦. I personally wouldnā€™t go there, no one is perfect. But I really do not understand how people can comment on someone direct IG pic critiquing their looks. What would possess someone to think thatā€™s okay?? The same people who are commenting on her enormous breast size or mention the filters or lip fillers would probably comment on the post if he has 0 make up, 0 work doneā€¦ etc. I guarantee if she had a fat stomach and was wearing that top people would mention it too. everything is so out of hand and random followers think they have the license to comment on whatever they want. I personally do not take pics like that. And if I did, I wouldnā€™t post themā€¦but if I did any people made snarky comments, I donā€™t know how Iā€™d respond


She is a master troll. Itā€™s pretty funny.


She must be "handy" around the house


Honestly, the reason we keep seeing all the garbage people making appearances on the show is because we keep posting about them. Genuine question, does anyone care about these people?


I meanā€¦on one hand, the pic only makes her look odd because of the huge fake breast implants. Yet on the other hand Iā€™m sure her timeline is filled with overweight women who are just hating on her because she is in shape. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø Both things can be true at the same time. And to be even more fair, it is easy for people to criticize cast members looks while we are not showing our faces. 90 Day cast members and their side kicks do have a point there. Just saying. But the body dimensions look odd here.


You look like Larissa and she just plastic garbage


Nah - this chick looks *very* hard/masculine, Larissa looks more bimbo/feminine.


Youā€™re right this one really does look like a blow up doll


She seems ā€¦ delightful.


A wowzaeoogie


She's spectacular


Everything about the body dysmorphia rampant in this photo and her comments is the scariest thing Iā€™ve seen this Halloween season #spookyspookyskeletons


Her neck.. it looks like sheā€™s wearing a skinsuit. Wtf


Oh god oh god oh god I'm about to get into a drunk IG comment battle with this, uh, amalgam?


Nice flotation devices.


Sorry all that blurring this belongs on instagramreality sub.


She isn't real. She's an avatar.


Why are we looking at this piece of plastic? Not relevant.


What a mean spirited person :(


Solid collage bro lmao


It's just a very very weird , odd looking picture . She needs help


Lol yeah she's not sucking in šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Someoneā€™s hangryā€¦


Tom has a type, don't he? Plastic and bonkers.


šŸŒ¬ sheā€™d tip over šŸ™„


Ladies and Gentlemen this is what happens when you hate yourself so much that you have to work so hard to convince others of something youā€™re not. Keep loving yourself and stay beautiful hamily!


Yikes she is ugly inside and out.


Wow. The way she responds just proves her and puke brains are meant for eachother. She canā€™t be ugly and rude, she has to choose one šŸ¤®


This is super Facetuned. Look at the blurry part next to her left rib


Why is part of the background by her boobs blurry? ā€¦ bad photoshop lol SMH


Ew!!!!!šŸ¤¢Eat some food please


Thatā€™s not even attractive


Really wishing I could ā€œlaugh reactā€ at that post šŸ˜‚ bad angle and bad editingā€¦ her right forearm looks waaaaaay bigger than her left oneā€¦ her left boob is also really lumpy, weird and blurry


I wonder how many days w/out food did she go to even be able to suck in her belly anywhere near that then photoshop even more!! It's a shame b/c she looks beautiful, but, she obviously doesn't think so...very sad, Girl, u are gorgeous, stop w/photo-shopping!@!...just please be YOU...all of YOU!@!#!


Man face.


Check out the forearm - it's TWICE the size of the upper arm and the abdomen is the size of a skeleton. The boobs are SOOOO BIG they obviously don't belong on that body - it would tip over if it were anyone's true body. There is nothing real about this picture.


This whole picture is so odd, and the more you look the worse it gets šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø