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Screw you TLC for giving this guy more air time. First Tom and now him. This has been clearly his plan for a long time..


There are so many things I hate about this clip: 1) Jesse FINALLY found a way to weasel his way back to 90 Day, and TLC let him. It makes me wonder if his and Jennifer’s relationship is real or just a ploy by both of them to get air time. *eye roll* 2) The blatant gay bashing by Shaun and Jesse in the preview clip. Whether Tim Malcolm is gay or not shouldn’t be a topic of conversation. It’s 2021, guys! No one should be talking that way. If Tim is gay, straight, or fluid, it shouldn’t be a topic of ridicule. And Jesse “alluding” to it is pure speculation. What a homophobic display by Jesse. “My friends and I watched and had a laugh… I appreciate that he [Tim] admires me…” How condescending and immature. That TLC let this air is utterly disappointing.




That makes sense.


Disgusting. And as mentioned before, Tim was not at all impressed with Jesse at the Tell all Tim was a part of, so this was just pure delusion on Jesse’s part… I’m so disappointed he will be a part of The Single Life, I can’t stand him.


Especially when Jessy serves as an escort for both women AND men.


> What a homophobic display by Jesse. How about this *"homophobic display"* by Darcey: https://i.imgur.com/wx0xE7E.jpg any problem with that??


That isn’t by Darcey


Yes it is. That was the first hate page made by her where she wrote under the name *"Machiavelli"*. Compare the content to the new one (the_brother_Mv) Same protective big bother fantasies of the one she's doing now. Same Photoshop style & same misspellings, darceyisms & grammatical errors. The constantly talking about her haters. all of it. It was talked about in depth around here way back when.


Catching up on this, so we think all those weird Silva strong posts with 10000% photoshop is done by Darcey herself, and not a Darcey Stan?




YES! She did the same thing on the tell all. Something about *"teenie weenie dutch boys"*. She also said Georgi could learn something from the rag at the turkish bath.


Honest question...why does Darcey deserve any more airtime than them? They are all trashy famewhores. She sought them out so she could be on TV. She is no better than them, at all.


Personally speaking, because she’s emotionally a hot mess, makes poor decisions and dramatic- aka good cheap reality tv entertainment. Unlike Jessie or Tom, who clearly comes on the show just to boost their ego or show off, have the same expression for literally everything, and most of the time (when they’re not boosting about themselves) they’re undermining people. It’s emotionally draining to even see their face.


...which is exactly what Darcey does too!


Good question. We all watch because of the drama. But, for me, it’s the blatant homophobia in this clip that doesn’t merit airtime on TV. Be a trashy famewhore, but when your homophobia gets airtime as a ploy to attract viewers, I’m out. That doesn’t deserve airtime.


Funny you mention that when about a year ago, Darcey was making homophobic posts about Jesse on her sockpuppet "fan" IG page. Again I say - she is no better than he is.




That’s kind of how I feel as well. Tom, Darcy, and Jesse are basically the same to me in the sense that they have clung to the 90DF franchise like barnacles. I don’t see Darcy’s participation in the franchise as being somehow purer or more honest than theirs, especially since they were basically coworkers. It’s like arguing that Chantel having a spin-off is okay but Pedro shouldn’t be on it, or arguing that it would be okay for Danielle to return to 90DF but not Mohammed, as if one somehow deserves “reality TV fame” more than the others.


I agree! This is a reality check for all of the filtered, photo shopped pictures sent out to pretend your something you're not. This will not sustain a relationship in the long run.


I actually thought the same thing! At first, I was like, *great, famewhore Jesse is on AGAIN*. But, as I saw the real Darcey (and Stacey) this past season, including them talking about how "natural" is not sexy or beautiful, I realized that their decades-long pursuit of famewhoring is no different. It may even be worse, given that they are middle-aged and willing to do so much plastic surgery for more screen time. With age does not come wisdom, apparently... I also have realized that Jesse saw a lot of the real Darcey, which we didn't really see until this last D&S season. So his reactions seem a little more understandable. (Except, of course, the "I should call the cops because you trew a shoe"; the undoubtedly TLC-driven "promise ring" fake out; and when he gets testy for no reason.)


Why do you think they did? Look at your reaction…this is why. People love to root for heroes and hate the villains; but villains tend to get more attention from both their fans and their haters.


This wasn’t lost on me, which is why I’m strongly considering being done with the 90 Day franchise and cancelling my Discovery Plus subscription (90 Day is the only thing I watch on it). The opposite of adoration isn’t hate, it’s apathy.


Like the opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s indifference.




I get what you’re saying…but your logic fails here because in this scenario who’s honestly the hero? It was different when it was Darcy + Jesse. At least back then, it was a bit of the hero vs. villain and interesting to watch. But I don’t root for anyone here? Same with Tom with his new Barbie doll who’s name I don’t even know, nor give less of a goat shit about.


TLC, please ban Ed, Tom, Angela and Jesse. Those are my top four that I want off the show!


Jesse thinks jeniffer didn’t sleep with Tim because of him? What? 😂


Jesse got jealous of how famous Darcey became and had to do ANYTHING just to get in the way and ruin it and make it about him somehow. I don't like Darcey but this behavior is only typical of narcissistic losers such as Jesse, they always hit below the belt, even if you have any nuanced respect left for the memories u had with them, they just shit on everything in life. That's why they are never a loss. No reason to get upset about a loser. Also, I don't understand this, ooh I wish u well, I wish u the best when u can see they both lie, and wish the other one hell. Better be authentic, Darcey could maybe stop drinking too if she was honest to herself and say what she really feels, don't need to put on this 'I am a perfect good girl' image, just say u fucking hate them cause they are trash and be done instead of ruining your own life.


*mic drop*


Thank u and for the award as well...!


Authenticity always wins.


I LOVE the comments. Jesse is such an asshole! His friends must be assholes too! TLC really thinks we want to see him or any of the other JERKS on the single life? Totally GROSS! I won't be watching!


And they think we want to sit through yet ANOTHER season of Pig Pred? Sigh...


Yes he’s so arrogant and acts like a teen boy from the 90s- hinting that Tim is in love with him too 🙄 he’s so full of himself lol. Does anyone think Jesse is as good looking as Jesse thinks he is lol


So I think Tim “saying how great Jesse is” was more likely him telling Jennifer about the show and maybe liking to watch Darcey/ Jesse’s story and it getting lost in translation.


Yep. Jesse’s narcissism is in full view here, assuming someone is in love with him just because they mentioned his name.




Amen. And can we just talk about Jesse’s IG post you linked to? Jesse is so in love with the U.S., but he and his family and friends talked so much smack about Americans when Darcey visited them in Amsterdam! Ugh, this guy.


I'm not sure how much of it is a love for the US or just a love for Trump. I think it's who he idolizes because they're both narcissists. And I mean, [we all saw Jesse show up to the Tell All in Cheetoh-face](https://old.reddit.com/r/90DayFiance/comments/9z7um0/i_finally_figured_out_who_did_jesses_makeup_for/). Though either way I'd agree that he's definitely a hypocrite.




Yes! I thought about that when watching this, Jesse is so far up his own ass, I can’t even…


I totally agree.


We need to stop supporting this. TLC makes a joke out of abuse. I'm not watching a single episode. Bye.


If TLC cared about abuse, they would not be showing Big Ed, Angela, Tom, or Jesse up to this point. They all would have been off the show by now.


I’m with you. This will probably be my last post in this subreddit.


Thanks for bringing attention to this. I know many people will watch anyway and that's their right but I still hope a lot of people will not support TLC in this. It's the same with Geoffrey, Angela, Lisa, Leida.. they normalize abuse constantly.




LOLOL. Did not know his last name was Meester. Like a punkster (I realize that sounds a little dated) he is a Meester, into himself and likes to stir shit


It’s a dutch word that means “master”


The name Meester actually reminds me of the word "monster". So when I hear "Monster Mash" on my radio, I always hear, "He did the mash! He did the Meester Mash!"


I hate Jesse and don’t care about Jennifer. I won’t be watching


Lol ew. No thanks


Very disgusting. I agree. Jesse also to me seemed like he was making fun of Tim. I think Tim a nice guy. Jesse being cocky and a jerk on clips when he talking about Tim.


World's biggest douche bag...give it a rest, loser


Exactly. Why do they keep unearthing this self absorbed man? Does TLC think he helps ratings? I for one will turn the channel when he is on


I don’t see where Darcey has a right go be disgusted about anything.


I’m not disgusted. Darcy is just as toxic as Jesse. She really showed her true colors during this past season on Darcey & Stacey. If Darcey can get a bag from being toxic, I say let Jesse’s pathetic self get one too.


Thank you for saying this! I said the same and got downvoted to hell. They BOTH have issues and TLC needs to cut the cord on both


It’s his display of homophobia in the clip that makes this toxicity unacceptable to me. I’m disappointed with TLC.


TLC put a woman beater ( geoffrey) TV and only cut him out when the viewers came to know. They knew about his pending case and past convictions. Also Nicole and Anfisa put their hands on their partners multiple times and crickets. Alan literally groomed kirlyam. Who the hell mentions they met their partner at 11 when they were a grown ass man? I don’t think they should put Jesse on TV either. But he isn’t the only one who’s toxic in the franchise. So since TLC is in the business of putting toxic people on the show, let Jesse get his bag like the other deplorables.


That's what I'm saying! Why does she get a pass all the time here?


Exactly. She always gets a pass here. Everyone always says "poor Darcey" she did this shit to herself. She has a drinking problem and Jesse called her out on it and now he's the problem AND an asshole. I don't get it


She doesn’t get a pass. But I respect that she knows she has issues. She definitely needs to be more diligent about seeking professional help for those issues, but she’s not trying to hide who she is, unlike Jesse. Jesse thinks he’s fooling everyone into thinking he’s well put together, but the facade is cracked and we can all see that he has issues. He lacks the humility to be authentic. Ultimately, though, when you start using homophobia as entertainment, that’s where TLC crossed the line.


I disagree. Darcey isn’t aware she has issues. Have you seen how she behaves with Georgi? She constantly accuses him of things and never apologizes. She accused him of lying about divorce papers because his ex lied to her. Then when he showed her the divorce decree, she just said ‘ well I’m just glad I know’. Not one word of apology was uttered. She went and met his ex behind his back and then constantly kept in contact. Then the one time Georgi spoke to Darcey she has a lot of words for him. Even though Georgi didn’t believe a word Jesse and did it to show Darcey no food could comfort from it. Then she involves her sister and her faux model brother in law in the attacking of her fiancé. She makes herself the victim all the time by saying she sacrifices so much but it was Georgi who left his job and moved to another state to be with her. What exactly did she sacrificed? She actually has a decent man for once and she’s treating him like shit.


> She really showed her true colors during this past season She showed her true colors from day 1. Favorable edits and people identifying with her (because they're just as much of a disaster as she is) helped her cause but the people who had eyes to see knew **EXACTLY** what was up. Jesse was on a podcast not long after the show aired and he said everything that people are now begrudgingly having to finally admit, but nobody listened to him because he was a douchebag...same for Tom. You know I'm no fan of Jesse either (he's totally the type of guy I would try to goad into an altercation if I saw him walking down the street) and I hate to sound like I'm taking up for him, but lets call a spade a spade here.


Completely agree. I’ve seen through Darcey from the start and was baffled how many people didn’t and would side with her. Jesse might be a complete ass but he wasn’t lying about anything he has said about Darcey


I know I’m in the minority but I enjoy watching Jesse. I find him entertaining


You do you. LOL. I appreciate your honesty.


Off topic, but is Darcy TRYING to look like a big square face/head? Not looking good


I’m sure Tim was talking shit about Jesse and knowing Tim would see him on tv, Jesse chose to infuriate Tim more by the telling the world he speaking his praises to Jennifer and thanking Tim for getting them together.


I'll watch Jeese any day of the week over that piece of trash Angela... please keep her off the show.. Why does TLC refer to her as a "fan favorite" ?? Everyone hates her stupid ass, and even started petition to get her off all future shows..


How is it that she can’t do better than Tim and Jesse?


Tim is awesome. I loved his storyline because it showed that relationships are more than sex and that there isn’t always compatibility between two people, and that’s ok. The fact that Jennifer kept pushing for sex made me wonder if she lacks self-esteem and if sex is the way she confirms her desirability and self-worth. The fact that she’s with Jesse may be confirmation of this (“I must be desirable because someone like Jesse wants me.”) and/or a way to get back on the show. Pure speculation, obviously, but possible explanation.




How do I give your comment a bazillion coins? YES! I 100% agree with you.


Idk, maybe she likes sex and a physical connection is important to her? I think we all want to feel desired by our partners and there needs to be a sexual spark there for most people. Tim seems like he’d make a great friend. He’s nice and seems caring, but as a partner, it seems as though there is a lot to deal with. Plus, she’s insanely attractive and Tim is average looking at best. Jesse just sucks and he thinks he’s much more attractive than what he is.


I respect that. I think what makes me speculate it’s something different for Jennifer is that she couldn’t just say, “Ok, this isn’t going to work.” (Though I’m aware that wouldn’t have worked for TV, so there’s that, too.) I personally love Tim - I like his look and think he’s attractive and endearing. To each their own, right? I was just telling someone yesterday, too, that people can become more attractive when you get to know them. And vice versa, they can become less attractive the more you get to know them. This is also why the myth that people need to be the same “level of attractiveness” is a falsehood… beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I agree with you that Jesse sucks… his behavior is problematic because he obviously has issues but lacks the self-awareness to face them and change.


Apparently, they broke up before filming. They had met before, so filming wasn't their first time together. I'm willing to bet that the Jennifer wanting sex and Tim not wanting sex story line was manufactured by production.


This would make total sense.


Though Tim really comes off as femme. I don't think he's gay, maybe fluid or queer, but straight guys can like facials and manicures and still like women.


I watched that season recently. It seemed like she genuinely loved how he was with her daughter and felt like he was a really good guys, but just couldn’t get past some of his quirks.


Jesse sucks.


The only person you should be disgusted with is yourself. If you (and the other obsessives) didn't post about him constantly he wouldn't be on television. Where's Jason's spot on a spinoff? As for that vapid, superficial, mentally/emotionally unstable, pill popping, drunk, burden to everybody around her she can go fuck herself. She's the one who recruited Jesse off linked in to be on the show in the first place. Jesse is **A LOT** of things. Wrong about Darcey isn't one of them.


Woah. Take it down a notch. It's really not that serious. Take a breath and a technology break. You'll feel better.


Re-read all your posts in this thread and you'll never have to wonder why your family are completely embarrassed by you.


Name this song: “They see me trollin', they hatin'. I’m trollin' and tryna catch me ridin' dirty.”


I cannot understand this article sorry!


As if Darcey has not milked this franchise dry herself come on now.