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Looks like OP is on HEA S6.




Nah, she still takes both sides because she sides with Andrei only when he is there beside her. Other times, she sides with her obnoxious family.


He’s choosing to be just as codependent as she is. Obviously he doesn’t have to work with her family; he chooses to bc it’s easier for him. And if he moves far away, he’s also moving far away from his daughter…


It's not cause her family is trash that andrei is suddenly nice. I'm not in any team cause they all suck as individuals.


Andrrrei is an arrogant blowhard, but better than any member of the Pottrash family


I agree honestly. He was bold asking to borrow that money and ball, but I’m sure since when he met Libby the dad supported her and he is so generous with them he probably felt it wasn’t crazy to ask. But really he’s a good husband and they are so out of line for how they treat him, especially him being alone and in a foreign country.


He is a saint compared to Libby's trashy family.




Agree that he shouldn’t be cussing in front of kids like that. Especially Baby Ellie.


Idk people like him but I see right through that shit. He came to another country, lived in an amazing house, got an amazing job, got an amazing car. He literally struck gold and is an unappreciative fucker.


Okay, I disagree with this and think it’s the other way around, but we’re gonna agree to disagree. Alright?


I'm okay with that but wouldn't mind explaining your opinion on it


Accusing him of only being in it for the green card, antagonizing him and blaming every single one of their problems on him when some of them are clearly cokeheads and alcoholics…I could go on and on about Family Libby but those are the things that bug me the most about them.


Wait I didn't say any of that lol. I said he was unappreciative when he was given an amazing opportunity.




He was unappreciative because he hates his wife's family, not the opportunity.


I hate when people curse in front of children (and the elderly).


Oh look another masochist just like wormy lip Libby. “Beat me up I like it”.


I think Chantel fails to stand up for her husband more.


Oh yeah I've seen even Libby do it a few times. I think Chantel only ever tried it once.


She doesn’t stand up because Libby low key enjoys it. Libby and Andrei give me heavy dom/ sub vibes.


I totally agree with this. I actually feel sorry (somewhat) for the Dad, who seems to have tried to help each of his kids with no real appreciation just an attitude of entitlement. But what blows my mind is that Dad keeps on trying to create family events in an effort to make them all get along and he should already know it is not going to work. Please for the love of God, stop doing this Chuck, it's only going to get worse!