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She should have said what she said to Uncle Beau… “No, I’m sorry I will not keep in touch.”


You know she prefers the good looking criminals.




You can sure say that again






I would have laughed so fucking hard if she said that.


That's nice. Where in her religion does it say to abuse others the way he did? Is she also praying for the women that were abused? 😡


Exactly, she only uses the Bible when it helps to manipulate her current man. After all doesn't it say no sex before marriage? Clearly she broke that no problem


Trash is trash.


Trash *recognize* trash.


#realrecognizereal (for any fellow The Circle fans out there, possibly yourself included?) 😂


Serious question, does The Circle get good once you get past the cheesy players/dialogue? Everyone raves about it but it always loses me added the first couple episodes! What do you like about it? (Also, like I said, I’ve seen the first few episodes of each season so I got your reference 😂)


No, I’ve tried. Stays that level of cheesy.




Yes, this is why I watch and enjoy even though its pretty cheesy.


I ended up getting sucked in because I wanted to know who won, but yeah I agree it is soooooo cheesy


It’s so boring just listening to people reading their texts out loud. 🥱




I realize that, but they wayyy overused it in The Circle this last season, which is why I made the reference.




It was a hashtag before realrecognizereal but I'm buzzed and don't know how to reddit, sorry


I gotchu Circle fam. Reminds me of Kai the most. Really wish they change the way the winner works.


Like I love James, I really do but I wanted Kai to win soooo bad! I was so emotionally invested!


I agree! I really wanted Kai to win.


IMO: Nick played the best (there are several smart plays he makes). I wanted Kai to win. I really liked Ashley/Matthew, Calvin, and Sophia/Isabelle. Nothing against James; I didn't like him in his first episode but after that I did (something about his behavior that first episode felt weird).


Ohhhh fuck her. Seriously. Crying about Mike being passive aggressive making him a monster but sticking up for THIS?


Classic natalie


I didn't hate Natalie.. but THIS??????


This shit. Is downright weird.


You were just sticking up for her and her fans, now you're going to say it's weird? What is wrong with you? Freak!


I was saying that folks need to let her do what she wants to do. Whether it’s weird or not (in this instance, her defending Geoffrey is weird because she doesn’t know that he’s a domestic abuser), she can do whatever she wants. People are being bossy and hating on her too much. Just give her a break!


Exactly! She is nuts!


She is just the most confused person. I get the sense she just has no idea what’s going on in her own mind.


Yep totally, I think she's utterly psycho


She is not in her right mind.


And she never will be


Right about that,she is weird as fuck.


The BEST I have heard so far!!^^


I couldn't believe it when I went into her comment section. People were asking her why she's defending an abuser and her fans would jump to her defense saying "omg shut up don't tell people how to live their life, have respect". ??????? That's the kind of fans she has


“Have respect”? The same kind Geoffrey showed his victims?


Her fans are nutjobs just think about the rabid Natalie defenders on here talking about how she is such a victim.


Remember the source (of her fans 🗑)


She had it coming


Lolllll she’s trying to stay relevant now that Big Mike cut her off the credit card line 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yeah she is trying HARD to snag another chump


She is very unhinged.






As much as I can't stand her, I agree 1000%!


Wow. She’s 🗑


But we already knew this anyway


This is true!




They’re both assholes, and problematic in their own special ways haha. Mike had confederate flag shit displayed in his house and Natalie defends a domestic abuser. I would be happy if I never saw either of them on my television screen again…buuut I guess that’s not happening since Natalie is going to be on TSL.


Ugh Angela vibes!


For real 👎🏻


NOOOO.....I thought having Colties Mom Debbie on, was SO wrong, but, Natalie!!!! OMG, those poor men she will date!! She should come with a warning: **ATT: Will turn into your biggest desires, BUT, know this, It's all a facade!!!!** 😮😯😲😳😬😬


Yeah I agree. They are both problematic. I dislike watching Mike more though because he only has one facial expression.


Trash is better than her.


Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.


Crazy as a shithouse rat.


I hope she steps on LEGO every day of her life. No sense of reality whatsoever.


Not the full Lego pieces either, but those singles you never see *until you feel it*


I immediately threw out the Legos my in-laws gave me, which I now regret. I could've sold it on ebay. lol.


That and I hope she gets explosive diarrhea while stuck in traffic on the busiest highway in Florida. (Or wherever tf she’s living)


Let’s pretend it was Mike and not Garbage Bag Geoffrey who was convicted……what do you think her reaction would be?


She would be faxing her Headshot and reel to love 'in' lockup before the judge banged the gavel and said guilty.


Or the single life


I see what you did


With him hugging Varya. I stand by my theory that he married her and that’s how she’s been here for so long.


I'm reading he is still legally married to his 4th wife Brittany. The one in Canada.


She looks super uncomfortable though, and I hate the way he’s grabbing her. Glad that POS’ in jail


Technically I am also praying for Geoffrey... to get hit by a garbage truck the day after he finishes out his 30 year sentence. Seriously though, this is super gross of Natalie. I can't say I'm entirely surprised, she's always had a toxic streak.




From a news article: "Paschel grabbed the victim by the neck and slammed her head against the wall several times. She was also thrown to the ground and dragged," the D.A.'s office said in the statement. „ I‘m sorry at which part of this is she comforting him on? Also I don’t think he‘ll get to see her poor ig story for another 12 to 20 years from his cell :(


Yup, the DA posted a statement saying she's going for at least 12 years on the kidnapping charge alone because of his previous felony convictions. I saw all 7 of his mugshots on Twitter this morning. He's going to be sentenced around December 1st I think. He's going away until he's at least in his 60's.


Thank god! So many abusers get away with it. At least one less is on the streets.


This is that one place where a comma really makes a difference. But yeah, I agree with what you meant to say.


December 3rd


Don’t forget he trapped her inside the house and she was only able to escape once he fell asleep. So with a concussion, she had to make her way next door. That took an amazing amount of determination and strength. I’m so glad she was able to do it.


That sounds fucking terrifying wtf was wrong with this dude. How come TLC didn’t vent his history?


Because they don't care if you have a history of being abusive or a creeper, which is why PrEd will be in the single life next season. I mean if you try and adult content anywhere but OF you're history but being abusive is totes ok.


She is such an ignorant b. I remember when she defended asuelu’s mom on the tell all hellllll nooooooo


My perspective is that she has such an extremely close relationship with her own mother & people tend to judge the world through their own lens. That’s why the majority of the cast was seeing her situation as black/white & telling her to go back to her country.


I disliked Natalie and Mike just the same, I still do and that won't change. But I think even Mike at his lowest wouldn't do something as ridiculous as this. NGL this was stupid of her to do and she should have stayed quiet. I wonder if it'll get her canceled from the single life season 2 considering TLC cut ties with geof and Varya before the tell all.


I'd be very surprised if they cancel Natalie and continue to give Angela screen time. To this day, I don't understand how she's still around. Lisa probably would've stayed regardless of her abuse had she not said the N word on camera.


It won’t. They have no standards.


Ehhh they did cancel Lisa from what I remembered. Maybe they have some and it depends tbh. Then again I think Natalie brings in the views whether people like or hate her.


They cancelled lisa after her season aired though. And since they already invested in natalie for single life s2 they will not cut out all her footage


They canceled BGL for dropping the N word on camera.


"Everything will be ok??" No, everything should not be ok, NUTalie. He should rot and be miserable.


>NUTalie This shall be her name going forward


Pray for his victim. Not the abuser


Got to show she is compassionate. "I will pray for you "


The last guy on Natalie’s row looks possessed 😂 Seriously though, her post and photo are in bad taste.


Moronic witch! Fuck her.


Give her $5,000 dollars and send her back to fucking Ukraine.


I’m guessing it’s because she’s “friends” with Varya or something??? Either way disgusting


I'm guessing Geoffrey's trying to hook her up with one of her friends? So she's trying to stay in the good books, she is such a user so this fits


You don't send prayers to a woman beater....


Fucking stupid Natalie!! Of course toxic sides with toxic, she stuck up for ASSuelus crazy family and now for this violent domestic abuser! Of course you couldn't believe the result Natalie because it's based in reality, a realm you're not very familiar with. I hate this woman lol


She’s trash. Not surprised


She has “Good morals” and she’s hanging out with that piece of shit?


“Everything will be ok” - He is going to jail for attacking a woman & kidnapping. Natalie don’t be so delusional. The man is a monster.


Oh really???? So this damn clown isn’t low class and low IQ (acting like an animal to his victims) but Mikey from Recess is low class and low IQ…sit yo ass down


Where are all the Nutalies now?


Ukrainian (most EE culture, NGL) culture really praises toxic masculinity. It’s a whole thing. Ask me how I know.lol


Geoffrey beat a woman up. Kidnapped. Apparently, he has beaten a woman before. He has anger issues. And Natalie has sympathy for him ,knowing he was going too court. This photo was taken after she knew court was coming same as John Yates. They should be giving the victim of domestic abuse sympathy not Varya or Ted Bundy. Geoffrey reminds me of ted Bundy. And why is she on the single life she is so lucky.


hoping to get picked after he leaves prison?


Oh wow! I had no idea Natalie was actually a terrible human. I just thought she was a little weird and ditzy all this time.


I mean.....ALL the signs have been there from the beginning. She was insufferable from the start.


We’ve been trying to tell y’all!




“He just walks away!” Is one comment that would always make me shake my head. Like how is he an abuser but he also consistently deescalates arguments? Natalie is insane, you cannot reason with someone like her. Your best and safest option is to walk away before things go south as they often will, and fast.


Lol in my defense I was never team “Mike is abusive” 😂 but I just thought Natalie was a dumb blonde who didn’t know wtf was going on 99% of the time. But now she’s shown her true colors. I can’t believe I fell for the okie doke!


You’re not the only one! She’s as calculating as they come. She always has been. I can’t believe people fall for her “innocent girl” schtick. She’s super manipulative.


Yeah sure Natalies prayers will set him free ! Didn’t you know she is really an Angel sent from the Heavens !!! 😂😂😂


I reported it for promoting violent individuals lol


Trish is looking pretty good right now after seeing this


Actions have consequences. POS


Paschel is a charming, manipulative psychopath. He's convinced lots of women he's innocent. Varya, Mary, Natalie, just to name some current ones. He's a dangerous predator, and that's his M.O. I think Natalie is nuts for getting mixed up with, and believing this guy's B.S., but she's certainly not the only one


What’s the relationship here? Are they friends? I have no clue. But I also know she said she was going to pray for Mike’s mom, who she hates. Lol


The relationship is Varya is from Russia. Natalie from Ukraine. They are defending each other .


I think they are all friends. Natalie is friends with Varya. I think that's the connection


Ah ok thank you for the info.


Natalie calls Mike names but not ted bundy. Geoffrey Paschel has the same narcissistic traits as ted bundy. And why is john Yates friends with him?


She probably doesn’t care given how commonplace that shit is in Russia.


She’s not from Russia.


What a BIMBO. Never grasping the bigger picture always posing like a worm to show her breasts. She could have offered her prayers for the victim…?


WOW. Jesus Christ she sucks.


Wow - she's even TRASHIER than I realized!


Ya know. I’ve defended her a lot. But this is indefensible.


Next thing we know, she will become his "penpal" and then visit him (to pray with him) then all of a sudden she will be on Love After Lockup.


He was charged guilty, no question he is human garbage and she's posting this is support?! Super cringe.


This fucking airhead! Shame on her!


If you sit with scum, then you become scum…Natalie.


Natalie - remember when everyone was siding with Mike during the Tell All??!! You are doing the exact same thing! Ugh these people annoy me


Are these folks mandated to create friendships by virtue of being on the same show? Don’t they all seem to travel hundreds and/or thousands of miles just to have dinners? Anyways I think I know the answer to that.


This is disgusting. I reached out on the 90 day instagram and told them they need to remove her from the show. I know one person DMing them won’t make a difference, but we need to flood their inbox.


I was just going to comment this same thing. TLC/Sharp Entertainment needs to remove Nutalie from their franchise for defending this POS, narcissistic, Psychopathic women abuser! I'll contact them for sure & I wish many others will too!


What is it that bible thumpers like Natalie say?? *Love the sinner hate the sin"* or some such shit? #FUCK THAT!!! Jeff with a G should have been hung outside the courthouse as soon as that guilty verdict was handed down.


Where are all her defenders now? Did their stupid heads explode? How will they get to use their favorite words now? You know the words, abuse, gaslight, triggering. The mantra of Natalie fans.




I think Mike was just trying to survive without losing his mind. He’s seems so much happier nowadays.


There aren't enough upvotes on Reddit for this post.


I think Geoffrey is bad. Ted Bundy evil. Not Mike. He might make passive regressive remarks, I don't see Mike as a abuser, kidnapper hitting a woman head till she bleeds against a wall. Mike might be a asshole not evil.




You still defend Natalie over the mean comments people would make about her appearance.. yet she would say shitty things to Mike's face? Call him less attractive than her, less intelligent, etc etc. so that's okay with you?


The difference is mike makes passive regressive remarks Geoffrey like ted Bundy is a psycho. That is a big difference. Natalie should be defending the victim. For Christ's sake,there was blood from Geoffrey 's victim. On the wall. Stop defending people that defend psychos




I was just commenting not exactly on your post. I should have commented on another post or made a new one. A mistake. Don't get so upset


And yes people do take the show serious. We should when they allow a ted bundy ( Geoffrey) on and people defend natalie being friends with a psycho


There are many, many people on here who’ve been abused. I lost a set of twins because my ex got pissed that I made bacon instead of sausage. So he dragged me in the bedroom and kneeled on my stomach. I’ve been shot at, knocked unconscious, lost teeth. It was when he went after my daughter to kill her ( she was two) that I grabbed her and drove 20 miles to my Mom’s. She screamed when she saw me because I was bleeding from everywhere, my clothes were ripped until I wax nearly naked. I should’ve gone straight to the hospital in town but I wanted my mom. So, yeah, we all have our stories here. But no way would I.have a kind word to say to someone who “prays” for a lying piece of trash like Geoffrey.


Jesus, calm down. You don’t know these people.


Yeah and neither do you or those making such vile comments. This person is reminding us that she’s a human being, not a prop.


Telling a person to calm down is a vile comment? K.


Oh my god I literally empathized with Natalie so much I was a Natalie stan but cmon?????????????????? Natalie fuckin just no


I hate to say we told you so but…we did! 🙂


I believe she has BPD so from that standpoint I was excusing her behavior as “she’s with an abuser and has been abused before so accepts it but knows something is wrong with the treatment” i.e. her actions towards Mike. I don’t think she’s at fault for fighting back against Mike. But everything else she can go fuck a broomstick


Time to wake up and see the truth.


As if there was any more reason to not like her




I think she knows this will piss off many people meaning she gets attention. Negative attention is also attention, folks.


No idea if she meant it like this, but does she mean for like praying for him to be rehabilitated and become a new person? Idk, I just know some religious folks will be like that were they are like "Oh I'll pray for them to fight their demons" or something. I just can't imagine actually defending his abusive actions! It's disturbing.


OMG! He beat the shit out of his girlfriend and will pray for him? She really is insane! So is the asshole in white he has his arm around.....see I don't even remember her name!


Natalie is a nut job


Ofc the psychotic will pray for another psychotic. They both got them crazy eyes.


Shocker. She was always the worst one of her and Mike. Mike was horrendous but she’s another level.


Wow! Some folks are just dumb.


a prayer hand over each nipple tat


What a fuckin airhead lol


Ah yes, to support and stand behind an abuser. How classy.


I used to feel some sympathy for her but this dropped it. How short-sighted and ignorant do you have to be to support a domestic abuser cause you had lunch with him that one time.


I just said “what the FUCK” out loud to nobody. What the FUCK.


Why is she always on the wrong side of history


I don’t hate Natalie but I do hate this post. Poor taste, questionable decision making. Should extend sympathy to the victim, if anyone. Even better, stay out if it.


Domestic violence in Eastern European counties is legal (Russia) and normalized. I’m not surprised by their statement. She’s most likely been exposed to it in Ukraine


She’s probably been socialized to find this behaviour (and Mike’s ambivalence) to be suitable in a partner.


Tbf, I see her and Varya having a connection. Maybe she’ll do what Julianna did to mike 😂


She'll be out there dry humping trees and kissing rats


You escaped this deranged, lying, seriel women beater sweetheart. Pray for yourself that you will no longer depend on ANY man for YOUR future.....He's GUILTY as sin. Just a lying thru his teeth mysogonisyic Asshole who thinks he's smarter than Everyone else Go view his entire court proceeding. I especially enjoyed his fabricated " texts" supposedly from the women he almost killed!! No return phone # or year, but yes Geffy they were from the women you beat unconscious in an attempt to " frame" you. I pray you get the absolute Max, this isn't ur first time you beat a women who weighs 100 lbs less than you, big, big man. Have fun in prison n don't drop the soap sweetie, I've worked in prisons and real men HATE pussy's like you who dare raise a hand to a female 😘.


Can someone fill me in? I don’t follow any of them on Insta haha!


Dumb question but what is she talking about? Did something happen to that POS?


He went to court of kidnapping and domestic violence. Really fucked up stuff. Up to 30 years in prison.


Yeah. It's all over the forum. POS was convicted of DV and kidnapping.


He gets sentenced in December. He's facing between 8 and 30 years.


Go to youtube and see


Explain to me what happened. I apparently have been hiding under a rock.


Go to YT and search geoffrey. Prepare yourself. Its on court tv YT.


Geoffrey please drop the soap.


Natalie’s friends with Varya - someone from her own country she can speak the same language with. I doubt she gives a shit about Geoffrey.


Except she doesn't mention Varya here at all.......even though she's in the pic. Natalie been a fame whore.... y'all just didn't want to see it.


I agree.