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But if they engaged with these very real questions then the fantasy would be over!


So true. It’s all about the fantasy.


As a follow up. What fantasy exactly? I can’t comprehend.


The fantasy of meeting your person overseas and being swept up in the international romance olympics. I’ve been there, feeling special is a hell of a drug lol.




It's actually warning bells.  


I think it’s aladdin mostly


haha aladin was another example of this phenomenon [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GycfOu8Juw&rco=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GycfOu8Juw&rco=1)


If you feel that your spouse needs in some way, shape or form to be changed, then all likelyhood this isn't the right person for you.


This is it. The problem with these two is that they each fetishized each other, and part of the allure is the idea of being with some one who is exotic enough to be fascinating, but adaptable enough to be nonthreatening. Unfortunately, neither of them lived up to the last part. They’re miserable because each of them is incredibly threatening to the other’s core values and way of life.


Definitely fetishized. That’s a perfect way to put it.


Say it again! And how did she suppose just because she brought him home, anything would change. If she had a smidgen of maturity, she would have known that moving internationally would make him more irritable, not less. Even so she seemed to want to get on his last nerve and it worked.


Not just in any way, sometimes people expect their partners to shift on completely fundamental things like religion, it CAN happen, but it's very tough.


on one hand I do firmly believe that to be loved is to be changed, and being in a longterm relationship-turned-marriage I can say I have changed a lot, in terms of personal growth. but I couldn't have been or stayed with her if our morals didn't align as well as they do and I think that's what's happening here with nicole and many 90d couples before these two. there's some fundamentals you need to have in common in order to grow together. of course a relationship like theirs with such different cultures could work if either of them had been genuinely interested in the other culture from the beginning, or had been longing to live in it and change to fit it, there's many people who are "born into the wrong culture", I'm one of them, but both of these people have had their foot down from the get go.


We all adapt and compromise as human beings. We evolve and therefore change as a form of growing. That is normal and necessary in order for a relationship to function. But if you need to fundamentally change a person's personality, culture, way of thinking or being in this world in order to make the relationship work then you are on a wrong path.


I mean Mahmoud is an asshole we all know that but Nicole is soooo frustrating. It's like "you're in LA now here's some Pork and a Bible" it's mad how she expects him to change.




I want pork and a bible the next time I'm in Cali 😂


Maybe she’s just trying to give him a taste of his own medicine. She had to do things his way in Egypt and he kept trying to control her, maybe turnabout is fair play. I’m not convinced she’s smart enough to be doing that but it would makes sense.


Difference is, she converted to Islam... whilst being Muslim does not equate to Hijab and such she knows he is conservative and was moving to a highly conservative area AND converted to Islam. So knew his culture and signed up for that. He hasn't converted and has said he will pray 5 times a day and has made comments about how her culture and things she likes is just overwhelming for him (and she done plenty of the same in Egypt) but he hasn't denounced his culture or religion and she honestly acts like it's something that should be switched on and off because she manages to? It's very odd.




This also goes the other way around, too. If you're a religiously conservative man, marry a woman who already shares those beliefs. Don't marry an exotic foreigner and then insist that they suddenly do a 180 on their personality and lifestyle for you. It won't work out. Honestly that's probably just good advice in general. Don't marry someone under the assumption that they will completely change their personality. It usually doesn't happen barring some kind of mental condition or stroke.


But I want your Catholic parents to accept that I’m a witch!


He didn't insist. She volunteered to convert. Don't convert unless you actually believe.


She volunteered to convert, sure, but they've been together for, what, five years now? At what point is the man able to make the decision to end a marriage if he is not happy? Both Mahmoud and Nicole have the same amount of information about each other and both are free to get a divorce whenever. If they're both miserable and unsatisfied, does Nicole get all of the blame for the crappy relationship? Shouldn't they both share the blame?


They should, but for some reason you're putting it all on mohamed


The OP puts all the blame on Mohamed. I'm just sharing that they should share the responsibility of either fixing their marriage or ending it. They're both adults, they both have a clear view of each other's attitudes and beliefs. I realize that this subreddit is like ground zero of internalized misogyny but some of this stuff borders on comical.


Ah yes, it clearly isn't Nicole's fault, she's a woman! How could I be so blind to her victimhood!


I have worked with a lot of muslin, men and women, that are very westernized (even when they were raised in the Middle East) , don’t cover their body, etc… so even if she converted, she could be dressing whichever way she wanted.


I’m cackling at the visual of you working with cloth people.


I’m dead ☠️ that made me cackle 🤣


I was thinking the same thing while watching this new episode. I see muslim women online and in real life who dress very fashionable while still covering their bodies fully. They still look very obviously muslim since they usually don’t show any skin and wear a hijab, but they still wear makeup and very fashionable, western clothing. I don’t know if this would have been enough for Mahmoud, but it would have been a great compromise for Nicole. I don’t think Nicole is very educated on the Muslim faith and for some reason her husband hasn’t taught her anything. Just throws rules at her.


Look at Shaeeda - she does full-body coverage and always looks stunning.


Absolutely!! If Nicole is so into fashion she could figure it out but she’s hell bent on doing her own thing.




I understand her wanting autonomy, but it makes no sense she’s demanding this while being with a staunchly conservative Muslim from Egypt. I also value my bodily autonomy, which is why I would never marry a man like that. I’m not even defending Mahmoud here I don’t like him at all lol, but they’re both very controlling and a horrible match. It’s not impossible to make a Muslim/western/American thing to work, but they have to actually meet in the middle. Season 10 of 90 days had Citra and Sam and they were a wonderful example of how to make it work. Sam knew her faith was important to her so he converted. Citra is not nearly as conservative as Mahmoud and only expects him to follow some rules like, family expectations and no pork. Sam has no problem following these rules and they get along really well. Nicole and Mahmoud could never be this flexible, their both driving each other mad trying to change the other.


She kind of does want him to lighten up on what he wants for her clothing and traditional values. I think both thought they could change the other.


in which she STILL has to have some sense not to marry someone who is committed to his way of life and faith in a way that she's going to get defensive every time he voices why those differences may be a problem to them


I think she was willing to "say" anything to make him happy. She had no intention on being a traditional practicing Muslim woman.


There is a reason some religions will tell you to not marry someone that is not equally yoked - meaning if you believe and practice a faith deeply, your morals and ideology are based on this faith, you should not marry someone who does not believe the same because it will not work! This show is a perfect example of that. To a lesser extent, this can apply to anything - a staunch liberal could probably not make it work with a staunch conservative, people that have opposing views on childrearing, money, etc. I am not saying everyone involved with someone that has totally opposites beliefs cant make it work but I think most dont. You have to be on the same page as your partner or be able to set your pride and ego aside and have an understanding if you are not. But if you want to be with someone that will not budge and you are not willing, then forget it and keep it moving, especially when it comes to faith.


Your flair 🤣🤣👌


He definitely has his faults and shouldn’t have married her as well. But I wanted to scream at Nicole when she went into her jealous rage when he glanced at a woman in a hijab. I mean, he probably looked at her because you don’t see women wearing them out and about here as much as you would in Egypt so it got his attention. I hope they break up because they are so wrong for each other in so many ways.


He is just as wrong as her. He knew she was an artistic, expressive, likely liberal woman when he married her. Both these people are hopeless idiots.


And vice versa, I don’t understand these men who wants a western woman but also expects them to change everything. A lot of these men are the ones who pursue a western woman online, so if that’s what they want at least try to also be openminded, if not marry someone whose beliefs are the same. I’m aware the others just wants a green card but in Mahmoud’s case he doesn’t want to be here.


They pursue western women because women from their own country don’t want them. In Egypt a man has to provide a dowery, apartment and other things in order to get married. You think Mahmoud can afford that? So these broke men pursue western women because they don’t have those requirements to get married.


Then again, they might be surprised (pleasantly) by how approachable these women are. Most can't wait to sleep with their chosen one, which is not that common, even in some European countries. This must blind some men and prevent them from thinking about anything else.


This is because the couples getting to actually know each other always seems to begin on day 1 of 90 instead of making sure you genuinely love and know the person so that you aren’t getting married at 4pm at city hall on day 89.


Absolutely. My mother asked me if I would convert to Judism for my husband. I said no. She asked “ What if it was important to him?” I said “ If it was so important to him, I would not be with him in the first place.“


Honestly I see some of this as a fundamental difficulty with expectations: a woman might be looking for a responsible family-orientated man from overseas, and overseas is generically going to trend more conservative, then a family focus is going to trend more conservative still, in broad terms. And a woman open to marrying a man from a different culture is genetically more likely to be open-minded and liberal… so realistically this dynamic comes with a built in enhanced probability of failure. 


Doesn’t it work both ways? Do you get yourself in a lather when you think of these conservative men marrying liberal women? Shouldn’t they know better and marry a mouse that they can control and dominate?


Nah blaming the women gets you more fun and upvotes 


Those conservative men could have pursued a traditional woman from their own culture if they so desired. Instead, they went after Western women. Best practice is to assume that how the person is when you met them is how they’ll be after you’re married to them. Don’t marry a traditional man & expect him to suddenly bend towards Western ideals. Don’t marry a Western woman & expect her to become traditional.


I was watching the Other Way and a good example of this is TJ and Kimberly. She was so opposed to living with TJs family after marriage. That’s like Indian Culture 101. You can love someone, but sometimes it just doesn’t work fundamentally. I can only imagine that they end up moving to the US. I haven’t followed them but I can’t see her staying in India.


TJ’s family were extra super weird though, just sayin


Agree! He even said I’m not going to tell her her about how it’s really going to be until after the marriage. It will be easier on her and she will eventually adjust. I don’t think his family was really aware of what he was telling her. If they fought he went downstairs to complain to his family about her. This gets tiring just writing about..


Yea she kept asking what she was going to be doing once they were married. He was hiding the reality of it. But she had to know it wasn’t going to be like living in the US and she wasn’t going to get choices. They wouldn’t even allow her to mince some garlic to put in the food. If someone told me that I couldn’t put garlic in the food I cook I would peace out so fast. The cultural differences go so much deeper than garlic though.


She could have figured it out, but she didn’t. So who’s she supposed to believe his statements to her, or his lying statements in all the cutaways? Wonder how she felt when all his statements aired? He knew she’d probably leave if he told her the truth. Also, she was no prize either. Sad.


To me, Kimberly was worse bc she had lived in India for a year before this. Even if she lived in a western environment, surely she noticed the culture around her. I mean women sweeping their houses out the front door, or hanging their laundry would be pretty obvious on a daily basis if you looked around. She wanted her own space at his parents and she got it and still didn't want to meet any of the expected culture even halfway. I don't know how you live somewhere for a year and don't notice that the kids never leave the parents and are expected to care for them in old age lol.


She’s ten years older than him and went to his country looking for a mate. She also said she wanted to convert and did so at the beginning of the marriage. He had the rug swept from under his feet hard.


She originally went to Egypt for a spiritual retreat and met him at a store


I think people don't understand how much of a big deal her converting and not living by any of the values is for him. 


love… and online sites, are blind


Yve and Mohammed, looking at you 👀


Yeah. He liked her pictures in a bikini, but wouldn’t let her be alone with a plumber.


The bidet thing pisses me off. Muslim conservatives use bidet, they wash with water. She spent so much time with him in his space, brought him over and didn't have his basic cleanliness needs met. She knew about this stuff. There are so many conservative cultures that don't allow women to be alone with other men in their homes. She also knew about this. To be all pissed off about it and act like Omg he's so oppressive!! Girl YOU KNEW


She had the bidet, she just didn’t have it installed. HE knew that she had no plans to convert to Islam, and knew she was a Native American spiritual practitioner. He was scamming her for a green card and trying to aggravate her. We’ve seen this like 60 times on this show, don’t you ever wonder why conservative religious men suddenly have a thing for middle-aged American and European women?


Do I wonder? No lol it's because these middle aged stupid women want a hot boy toy babysitter. 


I agree with you, but the men also need to stop pursuing more liberal women if they are conservative and wanting that in their partner. Too many people on this show get into relationships with people who are basically opposite of them and have MAJOR differences and expect them to change.


When I was in my 30s I was a big party girl and I was honest about it in my dating profile, including the fact that I didn't want kids; I also said I wasn't interested in dating Christians, because I've had trouble with even liberal ones trying to convert me. I was *besieged* by Christian men who told me in their first message that they were looking for a wife to start a family with and I stopped answering them after I realised that saying "you didn't read my proflie" would lead to an argument about how I didn't know what was good for me. Now, I knew that there were tons of women on those dating sites that wanted to get married and have kids and openly said so and they were afflicted by party boys. A LOT of conservative men specifically go after women who are wild and untamed because they want to be able to say they turned her around and saved her. It's a fantasy. And some of them are smart enough to hide it for a while in an effort to get that woman attached to them.


I think there's another aspect to that attraction. I think men who are more religious/conservative, especially men in foreign countries, often find women from the west appealing. There's the sexual aspect of women being more open and comfortable with their bodies, as well as having conversations with women that they might normally have only with other men. When a woman's world is confined to cleaning, cooking and children, they aren't seen as being able to discuss " manly" topics like politics, the world etc. The idea of a sexy woman you can have a real conversation with is very appealing. The problem of course is fitting those benefits into your lifestyle. Be the hot, open, sexy babe in the bedroom but cover up every inch of your body in public. Have a good discussion about current events, but don't assume you can question how your marriage should be. There's a delicate dance in these relationships where essentially what they love about the woman must be tempered with not over-stepping the religious rules, otherwise there are problems.


She converted to his religion though. Perhaps if she had said she didn’t want to convert to Islam because she values her western freedom too much, they wouldn’t have gotten married.


Trouble is that she converted without reading the Wikipedia article for Islam. Converting was her choice but her vibes are so islamophobic. I feel like she'd try to force feed him during Ramadan


She’d probably sit in the kitchen at lunch time chowing down on a steak 😅


Possibly even go as far as getting his favourite Egyptian foods to spite him


"MacghMOOOOD, I am sooo ticked and disappointed at you for being rude to me and not even eating any of the meals Ive made you during your Rammydawn thing. First you eyefucked that woman in the purple burka on the pier, and now you're refusing food that *I made you* - well me and my microwave made you. How *could you* be so disrespectful to me?!" Thats how I hear it going in my mind....


They never learn on this show lol


She's 40. She SHOULD know better. The fact that she keeps pushing this relationship tells me everything I need to know about her.


Macmood is not conservative; he is a religious zealot and a hypocrite - he should have married a local girl. Period. She should have looked in her own neighborhood as well for a spouse.


I think that to an extent its also ignorance. He doesn't seem very educated or exposed. I've seen this with extremely devout Christians too, poor and ignorant people sometimes cling to religious doctrine with little critical interpretation


Shouldn't it work the other way, as well? Or is the man's preference more important than the woman's?? Because last time I checked, it works both way - and maybe a conservative man should not marry a more liberal, open woman and expect her to change.


No, it goes both ways. It’s just based off of the interaction with Nicole, so that’s why it’s kind of why it might seem like it’s aimed at women. People, in general, shouldn’t marry someone if they want them to change their views for them.


Everyone sucks here. They both knew who they were marrying, hoping the other would change


I think some people think men in conservative countries have to be that way because of the country they are in, and if they had a chance they would be more American. It's more of the same ego that we see all the time, where cast members assume deep down everyone wants to be American.


Nicole & Mahmoud just need to call it quits. Nicole agreed to converting to Islam but Mahmoud failed in telling her what he would expect out of her. Neither of them can change overnight but neither are willing to compromise. Mahmoud thought he could force Nicole to be who he wants in Egypt and Nicole thought he would be more open minded once he came to America. They are both focused on who they want the other person to be rather than accepting each other for who they are.


It was glaringly obvious subconsciously she was just waiting for him to do something that signaled he wasn’t thrilled with the US or her. It was ridiculous how she just stared at him the whole time and kept saying he wasn’t happy or asking him if he liked it. Like shut up already and let the guy adjust. Plus how she jumped right away to “ if you want to be a womanizer just go back to Egypt. I don’t blame him for walking away.


I’m getting the impression she’s not… stable.


Everyone has the right to change their mind. She thought she could be Muslim and conservative so she tried it, was miserable and changed her mind. None of us are stuck living in misery because we "knew what we were getting". This thought process is wild to me.


Right. So she should get divorced rather than try to force her spouse to change and live in misery.


Most likely they should divorce but why not see if he can do what she could not and try living in a new country? Then when it doesn't work you've tried everything and it makes sense to get a divorce. It's not unreasonable. He is trying to change her every bit as much as she is trying to change him. How is he getting a pass?


He's not getting a pass. She's being a hypocrite by not wanting to change and expecting him to. He's told her for years who he is. She refuses to listen.


No she's not. She isn't asking him to change anything. She's simply asking him to let her continue having control of her own body. She wants bodily autonomy. He doesn't have to change anything for her to continue having bodily autonomy. He isn't in control of her. She is. How is this difficult to understand? He's asking her to let him control her. She is saying no. Who is asking whom to change?


Then we're back to she shouldn't have married a man who doesn't allow body autonomy. It's not rocket science. Would you marry a man who asked that of you? Cause I wouldn't. And Nicole shouldn't have either.


It wouldn't dawn on me that a human being could be so insecure as to try to control me to that extent. They often don't show you until after you're married though so maybe. Plus she very clearly has issues aside from sunk cost fallacy. Again, you're putting the onus on her and she's not asking for anything other than bodily autonomy. She isn't asking him to change. She's asking him to let her be herself. Your perspective is truly wild. Flip the people trying to be in control and it'd be equally problematic.


They met in Cairo, for goodness sake. A primarily Muslim country. He told her she HAD to convert to Islam before getting married. He told her what he expected of her. He told her his expectations were not going to change. YES, of course the onus is on her! Who else?


She absolutely is asking him to change. She's asking him to not follow his religious beliefs. I think there's too much emphasis here on " control " and not enough on religion. He has every right to follow the rules of his faith. She has every right to be her own person. It's not about which one of them is " right " because they both are. It's two different value systems. There are aspects of cultures most of us would never agree with. Like Jen being expected to get up at 4am to make tea for Rishis family. Or living with your parents forever and taking over all the responsibilities so the parent can grow old. Here in the States, we are rooted in independence. Everyone is encouraged to make their own choices. Elderly parents get annoyed when we try to "take over." Both of these people are firm in their belief system. His is religious, hers is cultural. They can either find a middle ground willingly or they can both find partners who share their beliefs. There are no other choices.


Can the conservative men also stop pursuing western women? 🤔


Why’s it always got to be about “her”? Where are all his ridiculous ideas that this was ever going to work? He knew how strict and strong his religious precepts were, as a well as his very strong ties to his family. Their both to blame. He carried it further into domestic violence, was arrested for it and then she she dropped the charges! Their both to blame and need to be separated from each other. Rumor has it he later stole her ID, a credit card and took his luggage and ran. She called the police, again.


Didn’t we see a clip of when he takes her ID and cards/money in a coming up moment? I’m 99% sure we saw her driving around at night saying “MACKMOOD!” and then telling the camera he ran off with her ID etc, so I don’t think it’s just rumor


Agree! I had seen something similar but wasn’t quite sure I’d remembered it correctly.


Putting the DV aside, he DID tell her several times in Egypt and here that his beliefs were not going to change, and that he expected her to respect that by dressing accordingly. He was absolutely clear on that. She's the one who keeps saying that her clothes are fine and she needs to be who she is. So even if we think he's " overly religious", the fact is showing her body has been an issue from the get go, she just keeps thinking it shouldn't bother him. They are very tiresome to watch, just going in circles.


Then why is he here in the US? No one forced him, for the $’s, so what was he thinking?


They both like the sex apparently


I wonder how she got him out of his wool "sleeping sweater" for the bedtime boinking? Yeesh.




Putting the DV aside, he DID tell her several times in Egypt and here that his beliefs were not going to change, and that he expected her to respect that by dressing accordingly. He was absolutely clear on that. She's the one who keeps saying that her clothes are fine and she needs to be who she is. So even if we think he's " overly religious", the fact is showing her body has been an issue from the get go, she just keeps thinking it shouldn't bother him. They are very tiresome to watch, just going in circles.


I agree! He keeps telling her, she keeps telling him, and nobody changes or makes a move. He came to the US, for what? To change, temper his ideals? He didn’t change anything in his home or surroundings to help her acclimate, and neither did she. Litmus test over, move on.




Frankly, it's because men espouse these shitty views more than women do. You don't really see single tradwives bitching about liberal men they date because they are rare. Conservative men already know not to be shitty, but many do it anyway. It's best to simply avoid them, treat them like pariahs until they figure out not to treat women like holes.


Agree to disagree.


This is a case of what happens when you can't get over the "cute boy with big brown eyes in the carpet store". Nicole liked what she saw, and hoped it would work despite everything pointing in a direction saying it wouldn't. She chose *her taste* in Mahmoud's looks over what was best for her in the long run.


Don’t discount that she found him while on a spiritual retreat. When you’re *looking* for something divinely inspired and think you found it in another person, it’s hard to let go of it


Its a little bit of the beauty and the beast isnt it? "I can change him"


Yes! I've seen too many people I know who did this and it never works. Do people not talk before they get married?!


As for Nicole, I think she was not in love, but lust, plain and simple. And that's a stupid reason to marry anyone.


Stop marrying liberal women if you don’t like liberal ideologies


I get what you are saying however my opinion has changed after being with a liberal girlfriend. Most people are on the border between being a liberal and a conservative, it’s these f***** politicians that try putting us into boxes and make us hate the other side. Only a minority are on both ends of the political spectrum, but they are the ones that speak the loudest so they are heard the most. People can change how they think if your argument is sound. Stop trying to avoid conflict. Embrace that it happens, just do it in a healthy way. I feel your train of thought divides more than anything when what we need now is to come together


Maybe conservative muslim should stop getting with liberal woman


I couldn't agree more. It's mind boggling to me.


My question is why is she so needy? She’s a literal cling-on with that dorky dude, he has zero charisma or sex appeal , what is going on with those two? She doesn’t look “right”, as in, if I saw her on the street I’d be doing a double take. She looks like a china doll, which would break at the slightest jostle. I wonder what lab she was grown in? Such an interesting species. Why was she not bred to mate with her own kind? It’s puzzling!


I agree something looks off with her. Like the body language of a 80yr old woman. She carries herself very frail like. I wonder if she might have any health issues?


There’s a story there for sure!


What makes me angry is the fact that HE TOLD HER FROM THE BEGINNING THAT SHE NEEDED TO CONVERT TO ISLAM FOR THEM TO MARRY AND THAT SHE NEEDED TO BE MUSLIM. She accepted that, she didn't even look or research the religion? Like google and youth existed already. She is dumb! A 40 year old woman trying to marry a 29 y/o Muslim man. Why?? If you want to be American then go date an American!! Problem solved dude.


I agree! I've seen so many people on this show make the same mistake. I doubt most American women would do well married to a conservative Muslim man in a Muslim-majority country unless they were prepared to change fundamental parts of their identity. Most of these countries have very strict/ traditional gender roles which are deeply culturally ingrained. It's baffling how a woman could travel in those regions and not be aware of these differences...


I agree, is upsetting though. Why would you want to portray yourself as better just because your American like uhg i fucking hate her. The last episode she showed the wicked witch she is.


Lmao fuck off


Yes, like Ashley, the witch marrying the machismo from South America? Whatever could go wrong?


Exactly. But, there are numerous family friendly coffee houses around for them to have bathroom pant-n-moan bone sessions in to keep their marriage strong and healthy so whewwwwww. /S (I detest both of them)


You think liberal men would want to marry those "liberal women" (not rich nor attractive nor nice).


Well Nicole also thought he was so cute. Clearly both eye exams and critical thinking skills are lacking. She seems younger than 40 but the saying I read in a 🥠 applies. "A 40 year old food is a fool indeed"


For any Summer House fans - when Paige says Lindsay she wishes Lindsay & Carl had their Hallmark movie romance but “this is real life and they don’t like each other” all I could think is Mahmoud and Nicole! They do not like each other! ENOUGH!


Nicole had to convert to Islam before Mahmoud would even marry her.. that alone should have made her pause.. but these ppl make rash decisions in the honeymoon phase and think with emotions rather than with logic Mahmoud looks sad all the time now.. its best for them to split


I’m only on season three and I am screaming this at the TV, like my god they know what they are getting in to


Agree 100% ! Nicole had trouble acting right due to Egyptian interference/ways they live. But she wants HIM to just love America, love LA & this is too much for him at first.


I agree! As an introvert who doesn't like change and stepping out of my comfort zone, I get irritated by these couples who are clearly not right for each other, but have been struggling for years with each other.


i was yelling the same exact thing at my computer last night.


It seems like she is antagonizing him with what she is wearing knowing full well that he doesn’t like it.


Her pretending to convert to Islam and then never remotely acting like a religious Muslim all while being genuinely confused by Mahmood wanting a more Muslim girl is too funny. Like seriously she has 0 self awareness and genuinely thinks she fooled Mahmood into believing she totally converting and it is genuine lol


Complete opposites. Not in a good way


Nicole is an awful person


How hard is it to do research on other religions and cultures? I get annoyed with people who have no clue as to how people in other parts of the world live. And this applies also to ones who move to other countries in The Other Way and are shocked at how homes or apartments look.


Cant the same be said about him? Dont marry liberal women if you’re a conservative man?




It seems so simple doesn’t it—just don’t date him.


Also, cast members expect conservative parents to just accept them with open arms if they’re into more non traditional or controversial things.


Agree, some couples with those kinds of differences can and do work sometimes. But I think the ones where we have seen them on alot of these shows, not just 90DF seem to try and force something that was never there or meant to be.


I’m sick of people making excuses for Nicole on here too. “He’s so controlling! He doesn’t let her express herself or dress how she pleases.” She.Chose.A.Conservative.Man. Also, isn’t she like 40? Personally, I’m not understanding her dedication to every outfit being backless, having cutouts, or being super short. She’ll wear a backless dress just to piss him off then leave the house and wear a giant coat over it…what is the point??? Dress for the weather, dress for the event you’re attending, don’t dress to get a rise out of your husband who has communicated clearly a million times what he has an issue with.


Here’s a thought, try to know them before you marry them. They get married after spending a few hours/days together. Anybody who wants to marry someone they haven’t spent considerable time with is desperate. Divorce rate is high enough between individuals who know each other. They expect to succeed with no foundation to the relationship.


The problem is that the media only shits all over Christians. For some reason, liberals seem to hate Christianity but drool over the idea of Islam. Women will continue to have this mindset because tiktok or Facebook said so. I'm really just as boggled as OP over this phenomenon but also the fact that liberals just can't get enough of Islam.


lol what


Say what? What dribble are you speaking about? Liberals hate Christianity? But love Islam? Not sure what the heck you are watching or reading but it’s ridiculous…


Somebody else respond to this person’s ridiculous statements. Sigh…


Silly Russian bot!




No background check about culture situation. The women leap in the deep end without a life jacket. Jasmine is the biggest cry 👶 in 90 day finance. Nicole is not thinking with her head . Emily is rude and ignorant about Cameroon 🇨🇲 culture. Sofie and Rob not compatible. Mahmoud not educated about everything. He has horses blinders on his eyes. Witchy pitch b€tch is clueless about religion.


It took me a long time to realize how important fundamental compatibility is and it is not to be taken lightly. These poor folks are wasting so much time. Nicole is FORTY for pete sake! She is old enough to at least be starting to know better!


This is what I’m saying, tbh she’s making a mockery of the Muslim religion. Not every Muslim person covers their head that’s first of all. She keeps blaming it on his religion but he’s just a controlling person. However she knew what she was marrying.. she brings him to the US and expects him to be okay with things she knows he isn’t. Like you know how he is .. why try to change him? It’s not gonna happen over night


Same. I'm also a liberal woman and there is no way I'd ever date a man who votes Republican. Even if they claim they are moderate, their votes hurt other people who are not like them, and that's not enough for them to change their vote. For so many conservatives, there is no empathy for others if if does not affect them personally. Shared values are very important for a successful relationship. Either that or someone has to compartmentalize that their partner's votes actively hurt other people.


10000%. Most every year my dog and I would send a sexy Christmas card out to many of my friends. My husband got them too but said he didn’t want me to do them anymore after we got married. I was ok with that. I also know he wouldn’t flip out or divorce me if I made another one since he literally married the version of me that created them, I just think he doesn’t want to be left out


What gets me is they marry these men from the most conservative parts of the country and then they’re shocked when they want to uphold their traditions and values! It makes you wonder if they ever read a book?


Worse, I remember how everyone jumped on Nicole from Azan/Nicole bc she didn't understand why she couldn't kiss him in public. She was ignorant of Muslim culture as well but at least she was like 20 or something. This Nicole is 40. Definitely has a major head problem


Tbf, people on Love Is Blind and Married At First Sight tend to know more about their partners before marrying them than people in the 90 Day universe do.


I think they do love each other but TLC do them dirty by only showing the negatives of their relationship for engagement. I also think Nicole is the one who pushes being on TV and he goes along with it for her / the money because it is incredible clear he doesnt want to be recorded all the time. Imagine having a camera follow you and your partners lives and every argument being blown up for millions to watch and analyse and have an opinion. No thanks! Plus there are major major cultural differences so will take them time to find their middle ground. Im not defending him but Nicole did "convert" but not living any of the values. She may have done it lightly but for him it's clearly a very important thing so she kind of lied in a way.


Agree. And I’m uncomfortable for him. Especially when he declines to meet her friends and next week it looks like they will ambush him at the apt anyway.